February 23, 2003, 21:50
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Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 176
how to change settler abilities
is there a way, when making units, to tell if the unit will have settler or engeneer abilites?
fer instance, suppose you want to make a unit, like an überengineer(w/improved attk, def, etc.) in addition to the regular engineer, you would put "5" for the role, but would it have settler abilities or engineeer abilities? can you change that? how? same for diplo/spy
February 23, 2003, 23:26
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Any unit with the "5" role will have settling abilities. Only the unit in the engineer slot can transform terrain, however. IIRC same goes with dips and spies, and fanatics and fundamentalist governments (wrt support and production).
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February 24, 2003, 23:10
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well, there is a flag that allows free supports for fundementalism, but i suppose not nessecarily only built by fundy?
February 25, 2003, 11:09
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The Engineer/Settler, Spy/Diplomat, and Caravan/Freight ability is slot dependent.
Engineer has to be in slot no. 2 only
Freight in slot no. 50
Spy is in slot no. 48
and there are other slot dependent features as well:
the unit in slot no.9 can only be built by fundy govts
when the unit in slot no. 16 becomes available you get the "can now paradrop" pop-up
Civs with the unit in slot no. 46 will now say "our words are now backed by NUCLEAR WEAPONS"
Partisans in slot no. 10 (you knew that, right?)
The airlift intercept pop-up always uses the graphics of the unit in slot no. 28
Is that what you meant?
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February 25, 2003, 13:01
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You could do it in ToT
March 10, 2003, 21:20
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Posts: 176
Originally posted by Andrew Livings
when the unit in slot no. 16 becomes available you get the "can now paradrop" pop-up
Civs with the unit in slot no. 46 will now say "our words are now backed by NUCLEAR WEAPONS"
That doesn't seem right (or at least not logical), as there is a flag for paradropping, and for nuclear-ness (attack=99, IIRC)
March 10, 2003, 22:53
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Not exactly...
99 AP makes the unit cause a nuclear shockwave when it attacks and prevents it from being built before the Manhattan Project is completed. The slot itself is what determines the threat message. And, logical or no, the same holds true for paratroops. The game's programmers planned to have that spot ALWAYS be the paratrooper's space, so they just hardwired it in. If you put a non-para in there, you can just rewrite the message in game.txt to say, "The new Dingo unit eats babies," or whatever you want. No real biggie.
"May I be forgiven for the ills that I have done/Friends I have forsaken and strangers I have shunned/Sins I have committed, for which others had to pay/And I haven't met the whiskey that can wash those stains away."
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March 22, 2003, 14:56
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Posts: 176
A couple more...
- Philosophy-Is the free tech slot-dependant?
- Partisians-Can you prevent them popping up? How?
- In certain scenarios(i.e. WWI that comes w/MGE) there are units(B cav, G cav, F cav, etc.) that all require the same tech. However, you can only build a certain kind, depending on which civ you are(B for British, G for German...). There are no techs like "British", "German", etc. How can you do this?
March 22, 2003, 18:52
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Re: A couple more...
Originally posted by Bob_Smurf42 - Philosophy-Is the free tech slot-dependant?
- Partisians-Can you prevent them popping up? How?
- In certain scenarios(i.e. WWI that comes w/MGE) there are units(B cav, G cav, F cav, etc.) that all require the same tech. However, you can only build a certain kind, depending on which civ you are(B for British, G for German...). There are no techs like "British", "German", etc. How can you do this?
2.Do not give the civ "communism" or "guerilla warfare". If they get one of those techs only a few appear, but if the civ has both a horde makes it to the mountains each time a city falls. and do not forget that cities that are "liberated"(i.e occupied at least once) do not produce partizans.
3.The trick lies with the obsolence tech. B.infantry f.e is made obsolete by the "Special tech 1" which all but the Brits have.
March 22, 2003, 21:28
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3.The trick lies with the obsolence tech. B.infantry f.e is made obsolete by the "Special tech 1" which all but the Brits have.
If you are not going to have a tech tree, don't use this technique. The AI considers obsolete units while selecting what it wants to build and might end up settling on nothing. Hand out prerequisites instead.
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