Originally posted by Frogger
"Soliciting murder" is when you tell people it's okay to commit murder. Free speech is when you tell people anything except that committing crimes is okay.
Free speech in the area goes even further in the USA. Unless in pursuit of your onw crimminal conspiracy, you can advocate crimes here as long as the is not an immanenti n time (basicaly that they would go immdediately forth to commit it) danger that the audience will currently commint the crime. If they can get around to it until tommorow, or they have no reasonable capity for carrying out the crime at that time, or there is no reasonable expectation that the mebers of the audience would be willing to commit the crime, even that speech is protected in the USA. A bad rule in my opinion, but the SCOTUS never asked my opinion about it.
Gaius Mucius Scaevola Sinistra
Japher: "crap, did I just post in this thread?"
"Bloody hell, Lefty.....number one in my list of persons I have no intention of annoying, ever." Bugs ****ing Bunny
From a 6th grader who readily adpated to internet culture: "Pay attention now, because your opinions suck"