February 21, 2001, 22:29
Local Time: 16:54
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2000
Location: United States of America
Posts: 2,306
My Most Recent Game Log: No Need for Speed
Just what the subject line indicates. This particular game was played on a customized Large Earth Map, King Level, Seven Civilizations, No Barbarians.
4000 BC EGYPT founded with establishment of THEBES.
1550 BC Settlers establish MEMPHIS.
1250 BC Monarchy rises to power in EGYPT.
850 BC Golden Age of Philosophy begins in VIKING capital of TRONDHEIM.
150 BC EGYPT builds Colossus in THEBES.
140 AD Settlers establish HELIOPOLIS.
500 AD EGYPT establishes contact with ENGLISH.
...EGYPT pays 100 gold tribute to ENGLISH in order to obtain peace treaty.
...EGYPT trades technology with ENGLISH as well.
540 AD VIKINGS build Hanging Gardens in TRONDHEIM.
660 AD AMERICA builds Pyramids in BOSTON.
800 AD VIKINGS build Great Library in TRONDHEIM.
880 AD Settlers establish ELEPHANTINE.
920 AD EGYPT establishes contact with RUSSIA.
...RUSSIA declares war on EGYPT after the latter refuses to pay 150 gold tribute.
980 AD ENGLISH build Copernicus' Observatory in LONDON.
1010 AD JAPAN builds Sun Tzu's War Academy in KARAKORUM.
1050 AD EGYPT, RUSSIA sign cease-fire.
...EGYPT receives 25 gold tribute from RUSSIA.
1140 AD JAPAN builds Lighthouse in KYOTO.
1150 AD EGYPT builds Marco Polo's Embassy in THEBES.
1150 AD VIKINGS, JAPAN declare war on each other.
1210 AD ENGLISH, VIKINGS secretly ALLY against JAPAN.
1220 AD EGYPT, RUSSIA sign peace treaty.
...RUSSIA pays 250 gold in tribute.
1300 AD Settlers establish ALEXANDRIA.
1320 AD VIKINGS build Leonardo's Workship in UPPSALA.
1340 AD EGYPT builds Michelangelo's Chapel in THEBES.
1380 AD ENGLISH build Great Wall in LONDON.
1400 AD JAPAN, VIKINGS sign cease-fire.
...JAPAN, ENGLISH sign cease-fire.
1410 AD Settlers establish PI-RAMESSES.
1430 AD JAPAN, ENGLISH sign peace treaty.
1480 AD ENGLISH, VIKINGS declare war on each other.
1515 AD Republic ascends to power in EGYPT.
1515 AD VIKINGS build King Richard's Crusade in TRONDHEIM.
1525 AD EGYPT builds Magellan's Expedition in THEBES.
1545 AD AMERICA builds Shakespeare's Theatre in WASHINGTON.
...VIKINGS, ENGLISH sign peace treaty.
1580 AD VIKINGS, JAPAN declare war on each other.
1600 AD AMERICA, ENGLISH sign peace treaty.
1610 AD VIKINGS, RUSSIA sign peace treaty.
1635 AD JAPAN, AMERICA declare war on each other.
1670 AD JAPAN builds Oracle in KYOTO.
...VIKINGS, RUSSIA secretly ALLY against JAPAN.
1675 AD Settlers establish GIZA.
...RUSSIA, ENGLISH sign peace treaty.
1680 AD AMERICA, JAPAN sign peace treaty.
1695 AD EGYPT builds Adam Smith's Trading Co. in HELIOPOLIS.
1700 AD AMERICA builds Isaac Newton's College in PHILADELPHIA.
1766 AD ENGLISH declare war on EGYPT.
...EGYPT told the ENGLISH to **** off over 550 gold tribute demand.
...VIKINGS declare war on EGYPT after we refuse to pay 300 gold tribute.
...Sack of MOSCOW ends RUSSIA's independence. Subsequent wars JAPAN has
with VIKINGS obliterates MOSCOW from existence; time indeterminate.
1772 AD EGYPT, AMERICA make contact; AMERICA declares war on EGYPT.
...EGYPT refuses to pay 250 gold tribute to imperalistic bastards in AMERICA.
1776 AD EGYPT, JAPAN make contact; peace treaty signed.
...EGYPT trades technology with JAPAN.
1788 AD AMERICA builds J.S. Bach's Cathedral in BOSTON.
1790 AD ENGLISH, VIKINGS declare war on each other.
1806 AD JAPAN, ENGLISH declare war on each other.
1808 AD EGYPT, VIKINGS sign peace treaty.
...VIKINGS throw in 100 gold to sweeten the deal.
1810 AD EGYPT, ENGLISH sign peace treaty.
1814 AD Settlers establish BYBLOS.
1824 AD AMERICA builds Statue of Liberty in NEW YORK.
1828 AD VIKINGS, ENGLISH sign peace treaty; secretly ALLY against JAPAN.
1858 AD EGYPT, AMERICA sign peace treaty.
1870 AD ENGLISH build Eiffel Tower in LONDON.
1872 AD Settlers establish EL-AMARNA.
1876 AD EGYPT builds United Nations in ELEPHANTINE.
1877 AD AMERICA builds Women's Suffrage in ST. LOUIS.
...EGYPT signs peace treaty with JAPAN.
...AMERICA, EGYPT exchange maps.
1886 AD EGYPT builds Darwin's Voyage in ALEXANDRIA.
1887 AD EGYPT builds Hoover Dam in HELIOPOLIS.
1893 AD AMERICA discovers Cure for Cancer in CHICAGO.
...AMERICA discovers Flight, ending benefits derived from Colossus in THEBES.
1899 AD JAPAN, VIKINGS sign peace treaty.
1900 AD JAPAN, ENGLISH sign peace treaty.
1902 AD Settlers establish HIERACONPOLIS.
1912 AD Settlers establish ABYDOS.
1915 AD VIKINGS, JAPAN declare war on each other.
...VIKINGS, AMERICA sign peace treaty.
1917 AD AMERICA builds SETI Program in WASHINGTON.
1919 AD Settlers establish ASYUT.
...VIKINGS, ENGLISH declare war on each other.
1922 AD ENGLISH, AMERICA declare war on each other.
1923 AD JAPAN, VIKINGS sign peace treaty.
1935 AD VIKINGS, ENGLISH sign pece treaty.
1943 AD VIKINGS, ENGLISH declare war on each other.
1944 AD Engineers establish AVARIS.
1945 AD Settlers establish LISHT.
1949 AD AMERICA, ENGLISH sign cease-fire.
1950 AD EGYPT, AMERICA exchange maps.
1951 AD VIKINGS, ENGLISH sign peace treaty.
1953 AD AMERICA, ENGLISH sign peace treaty.
1956 AD EGYPT, JAPAN exchange maps.
1959 AD VIKINGS, ENGLISH declare war on each other.
1960 AD Engineers establish BUTO.
...ENGLISH, VIKINGS sign peace treaty.
...No warning received; attack came out of the blue.
...EGYPT pays JAPAN 50 gold to join counterstrike against ENGLISH.
...AMERICA builds Manhatten Project in PHILADELPHIA.
...AMERICA, JAPAN declare war on each other.
...ENGLISH, AMERICA declare war on each other.
1965 AD ENGLISH, EGYPT sign peace treaty.
...EGYPT sacked four ENGLISH cities; plans to reduce citizens of CAMBRIDGE to
slave engineer status.
...Another surprise attack.
...Engineers establish EDFU.
...EGYPT sacks ENGLISH capital of LONDON, wresting control of the Eiffel Tower
and Copernicus' Observatory from enemy hands.
...ENGLISH leaders reestablish capital at NEWCASTLE.
...ENGLISH beg for cease-fire, which EGYPT grants after ENGLISH sweeten offer
with 800 gold in tribute. Peace treaty concluded shortly thereafter.
1969 AD EGYPT builds Apollo Program in THEBES.
1970 AD AMERICA strips JAPAN of its North and Central American cities.
1972 AD JAPAN, VIKINGS declare war on each other.
1975 AD VIKINGS, ENGLISH ally against JAPAN.
1979 AD JAPAN, VIKINGS sign peace treaty.
1980 AD Engineers establish PITHOM.
...JAPAN, ENGLISH sign peace treaty.
1987 AD JAPAN, VIKINGS declare war on each other.
1989 AD Fundamentalists seize power in EGYPT.
...Oh yeah, baby, now we're gonna party. Eventually. Must indoctrinate our own
people first, then we'll conquer the rest of the planet!
1990 AD AMERICA, ENGLISH sign peace treaty.
1992 AD EGYPT receives 1125 gold tribute from ENGLISH.
1996 AD JAPAN, ENGLISH declare war on each other.
1998 AD EGYPT receives 1325 gold tribute from ENGLISH.
1999 AD Engineers establish BUSIRIS.
...ENGLISH activate alliance with VIKINGS.
...EGYPT sacks ENGLISH capital of NEWCASTLE and executes enemy leadership.
...EGYPT, ENGLISH sign peace treaty after fall of several other ENGLISH cities.
...VIKINGS, EGYPT sign peace treaty.
...Covert campaign initiated by EGYPT leads to subversion of remaining ENGLISH
cities. With their national leaders executed, it didn't take much to change the
allegiances of the three ENGLISH cities that were left after the 1999 AD war.
2012 AD VIKINGS, AMERICA declare war on each other.
...Sensing weakness as both JAPAN and AMERICA assault VIKINGS, EGYPT joins the
fray and begins to roll across what's left of the independent VIKING nation.
...EGYPT sacks VIKING capital of TRONDHEIM and executes VIKING leadership.
...EGYPT, VIKINGS sign peace treaty. VIKINGS are left with only three cities.
...Fall of HOLMGARD ends VIKING independence.
2036 AD Engineers establish KAHUN.
...War opens with tremendous sea battle off the coast of SAN FRANCISCO and on
the city itself. EGYPTIAN battleships and AEGIS cruisers successful in breaching
SAN FRANCISCO's defenses, but victory comes at loss of all offensive ships.
...EGYPT sacks NEW YORK and gains control over the Statue of Liberty.
...EGYPT sacks AMERICA's capital of WASHINGTON, seizing control of the SETI
Program and Shakespeare's Theatre.
...AMERICA's leaders reestablish capital in PHILADELPHIA.
...BOSTON falls to EGYPTIAN forces; EGYPT gains control of the Pyramids and
J.S. Bach's Cathedral.
...EGYPT captures ST. LOUIS and control of Women's Suffrage.
...Intelligence update: EGYPT has occupied the eastern seaboard of AMERICA. Our
remaining forces are now going to turn westward.
...EGYPT sacks AMERICA's new capital in PHILADELPHIA, wresting control of Issac
Newton's College and the Manhatten Project away from AMERICA.
...AMERICA's leaders regroup in BUFFALO.
...EGYPTIAN operatives detonate nuclear warhead in AMERICA's capital of
BUFFALO. Devastated city remains unoccupied at this point in time.
...EGYPT's initial drive into AMERICA's heartland comes to an end; we now await
the counterstrike, knowing it will be hard.
2051 AD AMERICA's counterattack against EGYPT leaves much to be desired, at
least by EGYPTIAN standards. EGYPT shall now resume rolling across what's left
AMERICA with pleasure. AMERICA's shell has been busted wide-open.
...EGYPT sacks CHICAGO and gains control of Cure for Cancer.
...EGYPT sacks AMERICA's capital BUFFALO.
...AMERICA's leaders seek refuge in DENVER.
...EGYPT sacks DENVER.
...AMERICAN government escapes to NIIGATA; intelligence thinks that has to be
the ultimate irony. AMERICA's government is now seated in a city it conquered
from JAPAN back in the 1960s. JAPAN and AMERICA, by the way, continue to
fight each other.
2053 AD EGYPT sacks NIIGATA and executes AMERICA's leaders.
...Mopping up operations continue as EGYPT's forces continue to take out some
partisan groups and move against far-flung AMERICAN colonies.
2055 AD It's official: EGYPT controls all of North, Central and South America.
All that remains of AMERICA are scattered colonies in Greenland and an outpost
in New Zealand. The four cities will be taken care of shortly.
...Sacking of PITTSBURGH marks end to a once-proud AMERICA. No longer shall
their ships and submarines traverse the oceans. No longer shall their troops
make landfall in foreign lands. For AMERICA is now a crushed and occupied land
no longer with a voice in world affairs, let alone its own. These lands will make
fine provinces for EGYPT!
...EGYPT prepares for eventual conflict with JAPAN, the sole power still free of
rule from EGYPT.
2078 AD EGYPT sends invasion force toward JAPAN's capital of KYOTO.
...The seaborne invasion is part of a one-two punch; armored and howitzer troops
will be moving against the common Eurasian land border EGYPT shares w/JAPAN.
...EGYPT immediately sacks JAPAN's capital of KYOTO.
...JAPAN's leadership escapes to SHIMONOSEKI.
...SHIMONOSEKI sacked by EGYPTIAN forces.
...JAPAN's leaders regroup in KANAZAWA.
...EGYPT occupies KANAZAWA.
...JAPAN's leaders retreat to reestablish capital at CRETE.
...EGYPT awaits JAPAN's counterstrike after taking huge bites out of JAPAN's
Eurasian empire.
2086 AD JAPAN uses nuclear weapons against occupied cities of OSAKA and
SHIMONOSEKI. Shocked at the use of weapons against its own citizens - instead of
trying to liberate the cities w/conventional means first - EGYPT resolves to
obliterate the JAPANESE nation.
...Intelligence update: EGYPT now controls 96 percent of the lands which once
belonged to JAPAN. Only four cities remain to be subdued, including CRETE.
2087 AD EGYPT sacks CRETE.
...JAPAN's leaders retreat to last holdout in TURIN.
...EGYPT overruns TURIN and executes JAPAN's leadership.
...Sacking of HOLMGARD smashes last of JAPANESE resistance.
...The former lands of JAPAN will make fine provinces after reconstructive work
begins, particularly in terms of improved food production and infrastructure.
...EGYPT now rules the all of EARTH!
Edit: I added in some details I forgot to include in my haste to post the first time around.
[This message has been edited by CYBERAmazon (edited February 21, 2001).]
February 24, 2001, 22:22
Local Time: 15:54
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2000
Location: My head stuck permanently in my civ
Posts: 1,703
I love the story! although, my first reaction on seeing your settings was "no barbarians, the wimp!" Looking how things turned out, I think some barbarians on the map might have kept your neighbors from getting so uppity. actually paid tribute to some of them? in 500 a.d.? Ouch!!!
I don't begrudge you the time spent to conquer the earth (or whatever world that be). I often think on the higher difficulty levels it turns AD before I can turn and wipe my nose.
a tribute to the power of fundamentalism, if there ever was one. I'm guessing you got all the tech you wanted before going fundy. up till that point, you were doing peaceful expansion, doing hardly any conquering. once you became the great fundamentalist war machine, you went and conquered the world.
you probably didn't put it in, or I can't find it... did you really stay a monarcy until 1989??
February 25, 2001, 03:19
Local Time: 16:54
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2000
Location: United States of America
Posts: 2,306

Originally posted by Father Beast on 02-24-2001 09:22 PM
I love the story! although, my first reaction on seeing your settings was "no barbarians, the wimp!" Looking how things turned out, I think some barbarians on the map might have kept your neighbors from getting so uppity.
Thanks for the compliment. I've started keeping logs of all my games on my computer's notebook program.
As for barbarians, I've played too many games with them in the mix. I don't mind them from 4000 BC until around 1500 AD, but after that point they're nothing more than obstacles to slow the game down. I mean, do 24 (or more) units of barbarian artillery, partisans and cavalry really stand a chance of occupying a modern city defended by armor, howitzers, aircraft, spies and whatnot? No. And the AI has a habit of popping up barbarians nearly every turn towards the end of the record-keeping game (and after). It just grew annoying to me ... so, for the most part, I disable barbarians.

actually paid tribute to some of them? in 500 a.d.? Ouch!!!
**LOL** Well, I usually follow the perfectionist approach. Which means a maximum of 12 to 15 cities and a minimal military. So sometimes I swallow my pride and fork over the cash to AI players if I survive to later, though, and they're still around, they usually become my numero uno target. Gotta get my money back, ya know?

I don't begrudge you the time spent to conquer the earth (or whatever world that be). I often think on the higher difficulty levels it turns AD before I can turn and wipe my nose.
Oh, my map is that of Earth. I've just made the place more habitable, especially in Asia, Greenland (which really lives up to its name on my map) and parts of the Americas, Africa, Australia and Europe.
Yes, time does fly at the higher difficulty levels.

a tribute to the power of fundamentalism, if there ever was one. I'm guessing you got all the tech you wanted before going fundy. up till that point, you were doing peaceful expansion, doing hardly any conquering. once you became the great fundamentalist war machine, you went and conquered the world.
Yes. I'm pretty predictable in that department. I like to throw my civilization against the massive AI civilizations that usually predominate later in the game. I usually do pretty good, though it really is a pain to lose the tech race, then have your cities nuked and occupied. Russia is good at that.

you probably didn't put it in, or I can't find it... did you really stay a monarcy until 1989??
I forgot to add it in. I usually don't switch to Republic or Democracy until I have one of the major happiness wonders, like Michaelangelo's Chapel. Otherwise, I end up having to shovel a good deal of my revenue pie into luxuries.
Thanks for stopping by, Father Beast.
February 26, 2001, 18:13
Local Time: 15:54
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2000
Location: My head stuck permanently in my civ
Posts: 1,703
I'll try to stop by more often. I love these stories
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