I was just looking through xscripts.txt, working away on a mod, then suddenly I stumbled upon various parts of AI speech which I never hear. Did any one see this before:
#xs 400
#caption Operations Director
Hyperstimulants activated! Unit's movement rate doubled until end of
turn. Unit can opt to use "skip" (space bar) command to expend
hyperstimulants and repair all damage.
#xs 400
#caption Operations Director
Polymer adhesives placed! Movement into/through this area impeded.
#xs 400
#caption Operations Director
Subliminal Coercion activated! Select action:
Force target to attack.
Force target to retreat.
#caption Operations Director
Subliminal Coercion attempt fails.
#xs 440
#caption Communications Officer
I have $TITLE0 $NAME1 of the $FACTION2 on Channel $NUM0.
Shall I put $HIMHER3 through?
Yes, switch to main viewscreen.
No, close the channel.
No, but I will call $HIMHER3 back later.
No, and do not accept further message from $TITLE0 $NAME1.
Display faction leader profile.
#xs 440
#caption $CAPTION7
"It cost me a pretty penny to develop the $LASERCRAWLERPROTOTYPE0.
Are you willing to part with $NUM0 energy credits for the plans?"
"Never mind."
Pay $NUM0 energy credits.
#xs 440
#caption $CAPTION7
"A fine exchange; we shall trade you map for map."
#xs 440
#caption $CAPTION7
"I am pleased to report that my engineers have completed
the new $UNITTYPE0 prototype ($STATS1)! The first units are entering service
now. Would you care to share prototype data?"
"No. My prototype data is too sensitive."
"Yes, let us combine our prototyping efforts!"
#xs 440
#caption $CAPTION7
"Perhaps you should look to your defenses, $NAME0, for
you tread on dangerous ground."