February 25, 2003, 00:21
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Peacekeeping Operations Requirements
At long last the chiefs of staff have sent in their military requirements.
Some may require a poll but most will not as they are requests to the DIA and Governors.
For aircraft maintenance reasons but also as defence facilities the air chiefs have requested 3 new Aerospace facilities to be built at bases on our Eastern coast.
Particular attention should be given to re enforcing our defence capability on our south east flank. Transcendance Academy or Crystalis.
They have also noted our western coast could benefit from two Aerospace complexes in the near future. Happily with our ventures into space these centres will benefit from the extra nutrient and energy resources transmitted planetwards.
It was also noticed we have a lack of sensors. we request Gov to attend to this but it is not a high priority at present.
The air chiefs believe we need two new sea bases in the western ocean, effectively to act as staging posts but also for patrolling activity. Nobody wants a surprise attack from the west.
With the discovery of NG already and BE in 3 turns we will have the wherewithal to build clean units.
What we are missing is Silksteel for a formidable defence from air and missle attack espcially when combined with AAA capability.
The chiefs of staff ask for the immediate commission of two foil probe units or other probe team possibility. Both these units for the Eastern Sea.
Also as Yang is starting a missle skimship we may need one ourselves or an IOD.
A further sea going pod buster for the western ocean patrol would not go amiss.
A key question is should we build chaos attack units ( infantry, sea and air or wait for fusion). Currently Yang is introducing Silksteel garrisons and if he acquires AMA then chaos would have limited impact.
However the chiefs of staff did not think they should wait for Shard ( still to be researched and developed ) before we commenced building our liberation force.
The view would be to start the build up and upgrade when possible.
For the invasion force we need 3 cruiser transports maybe 4 in case of casulties. It will be great to have the Maritime Control Centre in 3 turns without rushing,(though New Suez may wish to build one of the probe units).
So what infantry, rover and marines troop complement are we thinking of.
Well that depends on how much airpower we use and if we commission missles. It also depends on how many bases we feel we need to liberate to obtain a 'no threat from the HIVE situation'. Our expeditionary force will probably require at least 12 garrison and 10 rovers and perhaps some advance probes.
From where we are now MY2257 we should aim to have capable liberation force ready by MY2277.
The force will comprise, clean, fusion powered units with fusion gun capability,at least (perhaps with some Shard). Our key home bases will have silksteel AAA defenders.
Finally there are some other points to note.
Do I need to poll regarding the building of fission or fusion conventional missiles.
I would like discussion on this, and then I' ll poll. The weapons are aggressive and may not be viewed by the wider planet citizens as 'peaceful' defensive armour.
If no missiles policy then we will need to beef up are airpower. We probably need at least 15 - 20 best attack aircraft for a blitzkrieg approach (Assuming choppers will not be in production yet. (But that can be reviewed, nearer the time)
In deed it may be viewed as a declaration of warlike intent.
I imagine, even with clean military units a decision will have to be taken re changing to 'Green' SE setting.
"Four things come not back: the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life and the neglected opportunity."
February 25, 2003, 03:17
Local Time: 07:20
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I imagine, even with clean military units a decision will have to be taken re changing to 'Green' SE setting.
That will not be encessary, as I plan on using Maniac's suggestion that Eregion be used as a military specialist base once we get Clean Reactors.
February 25, 2003, 04:08
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Hmm, support imperialist war in order to get Green Econ. What a descision to have to make...
February 25, 2003, 04:16
Local Time: 07:20
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'Imperialist War'? Have you forgotten who started it, and who here is the one that insists upon all factions everywhere abrogating all civil liberties?
February 25, 2003, 05:16
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What do you mean with building extra aerospace complexes on our eastern and western coasts? Those range from Capricorn to Transcendence Academy, and from Sheathed Sword to Deus Ex Machina.
Please note I'll object to the building of any further bases if we can't even find governors for the regions we have now.
What do you mean when saying we need 12 garrisons? Are those best-best-1 troops or 1-best-x troops? Are the rovers best-1-2?
Personally I think 10 attack needlejets would be sufficient. I hope we'll have choppers soon, so it would be kind of a waste to focus all of our energy on needlejets now.
I would recommend command centres to be built first in the bases that will train our troops.
All in all, I agree with the overall plan and am willing to make a fair contribution to the war's effort, just like the other regions will have to do.
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February 25, 2003, 05:20
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Anyway, regarding the rest of the policy review - it looks pretty good to me, but I would say that choppers are essential if we want to wage war effectively. Think about it for a moment - given that we will be able to attack Hive territory from 2-3 squares away once we get our next seabase built, this means that even fi we have to bring the chopper back to refuel, we get at least 6(!) strikes on Hive troops - from one chopper. If we equip them with Shard and Fusion Reactors, we'll be able to destroy entire abse garrisons with one or two choppers for each one.
And as to the Centralian contribution to the war effort - we have more Missile Interceptors being built in TA, and once we get Clean Reactors and have converted Egregion into a military base, we can produce air units pretty much ad infinitum.
February 25, 2003, 05:40
Local Time: 22:20
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I'm wondering, how will you turn Egregion into a military specialist base? Build an aerospace complex and bring in the nutrients solely by sky hydroponics, or convoy some nutrients from some condenser tile?
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February 25, 2003, 05:41
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A combination of both, most likely. Rec tanks, some crawled farms nearby, and nutrients from hydro sats 9even without an Aerospace Complex) should be easily enough to keep the base going.
February 25, 2003, 08:54
Local Time: 21:20
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Re Aerospace complexes: The request is for 2 along the whole western seaboard and 2 possibly 3 ( of which 1 will be in Egregion I assume. That new sea base near the Hive shore will need air cover also and AAA units shipped in.
Re garrison and rovers . As per discussion in Command Nexus years ago: garrison will be 1-best-1 and rovers best -1- 2.
Also don't forget the timescale and with all those HFs under construction we will have considerable resources. We don't have to start everything just yet.
"Four things come not back: the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life and the neglected opportunity."
February 25, 2003, 08:58
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Originally posted by GeneralTacticus
A combination of both, most likely. Rec tanks, some crawled farms nearby, and nutrients from hydro sats 9even without an Aerospace Complex) should be easily enough to keep the base going.
Some of those 3 crawlers going up from Aurillion could be diverted to Egregion... btw, we still need to form a road to there through the fungus, no?
February 25, 2003, 08:59
Local Time: 15:20
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oh and  in general to the requests Herc, I'll see about what spcecifically can be done by Akiria.
February 26, 2003, 03:16
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Some of those 3 crawlers going up from Aurillion could be diverted to Egregion...
That would be nice.
btw, we still need to form a road to there through the fungus, no?
Yes. There's a former in the queue right now, IIRC, and I can divert another former or two from their positions around Antioch.
March 1, 2003, 11:38
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This discussion has fallen silent. When will we start constructing units? Now, or after we have researched the Chaos Gun/Fusion Laser/Shard Whatever?
Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
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March 1, 2003, 11:41
Local Time: 15:20
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Originally posted by Maniac
This discussion has fallen silent. When will we start constructing units? Now, or after we have researched the Chaos Gun/Fusion Laser/Shard Whatever?
Don't bother till we get the singularity laser  ... j/k, I think now isn't so bad a time to build them, since we'll have BE iminently to give them a clean upgrade and we can upgrade troops to higher weapons as possible and needed.
March 1, 2003, 13:57
Local Time: 21:20
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As DPO (just), as I understand it the DPO submits the requests and the DIA and Governors decide who builds what and where and in keeping with the timetable.
As DPO I request new design orders for the workshop. So we need some ( 10-12) 1 -3AAA -1 garrison units ( clean), some clean best - 1- 2 Rovers ( clean), some attack aircraft (clean and with a view to future upgrade). 3 or 4 cruiser transport with AAA defence. Additional foil probes (1 urgent to steal silksteel), An sea going trance pod buster and 1 maybe 2 sea bases in the western ocean. Also some aerospaces bases as mentioned earlier.
As we acquire new technology so we will be asked about upgrades so we also need to keep a good eye on the energy reserves.
So I expect the machinery to start rolling from next turnchat.
"Four things come not back: the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life and the neglected opportunity."
March 1, 2003, 17:31
Local Time: 15:20
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 1,173
Well, since Lemmy got elected DoSE, I think we can count on having some 1-3-1*2 (Undead, Evil) units available shortly
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