April 5, 2001, 15:25
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Guys, you're fighing over thing like are WE all dead on Earth! Might I remind you that nothing is final here, yet, and that everything could be mix 'n' matched  . Now Paul, your ideas are excellent aswell but I do not quite find it plausible that the world governments, that were on a breach of a total catastrophe, would risk 'wasting' money onto sending another space ship to AC. Maybe they would but, by judging from today's model governments of the future, they probably would try to save themselves to a more cheaper soultion, Mars perhaps? Just a thought...
Anyways, you asked me about faction names, maybe following, if you want my storyline, if not they need modification:
The Seed of Unity (humans from AC)
UNDECIDED NAME (terran mutants/new intelligent lifeforms)
UNDECIDED NAME (terran humans)
UNDECIDED NAME (terran humans)
The Usurper Empire (progenitors)
United Tribes of Zo’or (alien creatures similar to insects)
Maybe "The Epsilon Matrix" for robots? Or a name like "Laila Yasmine" for the leader of the Seed?
Edit: Anoying mestakes...
[This message has been edited by Cybergod (edited April 05, 2001).]
April 8, 2001, 21:33
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April 8, 2001, 21:46
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Originally posted by Cybergod on 04-05-2001 03:25 PM
Now Paul, your ideas are excellent aswell but I do not quite find it plausible that the world governments, that were on a breach of a total catastrophe, would risk 'wasting' money onto sending another space ship to AC. Maybe they would but, by judging from today's model governments of the future, they probably would try to save themselves to a more cheaper soultion, Mars perhaps? Just a thought...
[This message has been edited by Cybergod (edited April 05, 2001).]
Hang on, lets say that the Earth is so polluted that life cannot exist on it, which is why the UNS Unity was sent, to find a new homeworld for humanity. Ok? Now, not all the humans would go some would stay behind and build an International Space Station in secrery from Governments cause there all at war with each other. The UN then send as many people as they can on board before humanity is wiped out. Then no life can exist on Earth cause of pollution but people are still around the planet on the ISS. Then your bits come in, the aliens (the Zo'or as you called them) have planted experiments around the galaxy and Earth was one of them and then, all your story follows on, and the people on board the ISS need to find somewhere else cause of the aliens, I dunno yet.
If Mars was the easy option, why didn't the Unity go there? We know that the Mars has a temperature range of something like 242 C to -132 C in various areas, and Earth has 55 C to -40 something C. Humans on Mars would either cook or freeze like ice cubes on Mars but on Chiron, which is the next nearest habitable planet, the temperatures are ok. So that's why Mars is out-of-the-question.
And I also thought of a wacky idea. Those robots you mentioned? What if they spring up in-way through the game as a result of AI rebellion of human use of tech? They would be an unplayable faction, but it would put a twist in the mist!
April 8, 2001, 21:52
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Originally posted by Jokka das Trevas on 04-03-2001 08:24 PM
I dunno if someone agree with me, but I think that probe teams shouldn't expose it's factions either on success or failure(even if lost). That spoils the "covert ops" part of the game, since they're not covert(you're exposed when your probe team is lost)
I mean, enemies can see your probe team but can't tell it's YOUR probe team, unless they capture it with a combat unit or another probe team(THEN you should be exposed, because the enemy DID made something to discover who was).
But when you stealthly approaches the enemy city and he can't see you until it's too late(i.e: the probe team attacked), he shouldn't be "rewarded" by my exposure if he didn't took any preventive measures to keep my probe teams off, even if the team fail...
I mean this because when you try to take advantage of the Data Angels traits of probing, if you afford to land your probe unit in a enemy city, if you do anything else than infiltrating you risk being exposed and bring war to yourself(talking about single player transcend levels here).
Sure, I agree that biological contamination should expose the faction who did it, but other than that I don't think it's either realistic nor fair.
What do you think of it? After all, the means you have of protecting yourself from probe teams are many, it is just fair that your faction don't get exposed that easily and for free.
Yes, I agree with this. Probe teams need to be alot better cause we know who a probe team belongs to when we see them and we can attack the emeny before they even have stolen anything! And one other thing:
April 8, 2001, 23:19
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This is probably a Small Thing, but I would very much like to see the Weapon and Armor Modes enabled.
The way it is now, it makes no difference at all which weapon you use against which armor -- if the armor has a higher rating, it will (most likely) defeat your weapon (depending on the modifying factors like morale, location, terrain, etc.).
But, with the Modes (Projectile, Energy, Binary) enabled, you will have to be more careful what units you send out. You will also have to maintain more of a mixed army (combined arms), instead of just upgrading everything each time a higher-valued Weapon or Armor becomes available.Edit: Re Cybergod's reply which follows.
Yes, the modes mean absolutely nothing in the current version. It was abandoned before the final release. I wonder if maybe the AI couldn't figure out how to take advantage of them?
The thing to remember here is that there are various bonuses applied, but still no guarantee that opposite weapon/armor battles will come out one way all the time. All the other factors would, of course, also apply (morale, location, terrain, etc.). I would like to have to think a little more about which units I send out into a fight, instead of just sallying forth with my BFG's.
[This message has been edited by gwillybj (edited April 09, 2001).]
April 9, 2001, 14:18
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Originally posted by gwillybj on 04-08-2001 11:19 PM
This is probably a Small Thing, but I would very much like to see the Weapon and Armor Modes enabled.
The way it is now, it makes no difference at all which weapon you use against which armor -- if the armor has a higher rating, it will (most likely) defeat your weapon (depending on the modifying factors like morale, location, terrain, etc.).
But, with the Modes (Projectile, Energy, Binary) enabled, you will have to be more careful what units you send out. You will also have to maintain more of a mixed army (combined arms), instead of just upgrading everything each time a higher-valued Weapon or Armor becomes available.
I agree with you. This thing about the modes is only mentioned in the manual but it doesn't seem to have much (if any) effect in the game. I calculated the power ratings in a battle before and it was the same no matter what shield/weapon I used.
April 9, 2001, 15:13
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Paul I think we should incorporate our ideas together but I would really like to see mutant factions in the game, because I've just developed some new things, see if you guys like it!
New Techs and their things (I couldn't put preqs or 'leads to' since I think the whole tech tree should be redesigned):
Cryogenics - DISCOVER
(a tech based on cryogenics - d'uh!  )
FACILITIES: Cryochamber (robots can't build this)
SP: Cryosleep Paradigm (robots can't build this either)
Xeno Psychology - EXPLORE
(a tech based on studying alien species and their communication)
Allows non-aliens to contact aliens
FACILITIES: Aquafarm (same as before, all can build it)
Replicator Algorythm - BUILD
(a self-replicating robotic algorythm)
Gives robotis factions who discover it +1 GROWTH
FACILITIES: Replika Sector (only robots build this)
Nano Engineering - CONQUER
(a powerful military combination of Nanominiaturization and Retroviral Eng.)
WEAPONS: Nano Cannon (A15)
ABILITIES: Self-replicator
Quantum Computing - DISCOVER
(new superfast computers using quantum technology)
Universal Mutagen - EXPLORE
(finding a universal gene for any species that allows genetically engineered mutation, or something like that)
CHASSIS: M-Drone (mutant special chassis - only mutants can build this)
SP: Code of the Brood (only mutants build this)
Mega Robotics - BUILD
(developments in massive robot building)
CHASSIS: Ultrabot
Fractal Organisms - CONQUER
(discovering about organisms that exist on fractal level and behave by the fractal theory)
ARMOUR: Fractal Armour (D4) (+25% against infantry)
Secrets of the Afterlife - DISCOVER
("Is there life after death?")
Human infantry gain +25% in both attack and defence in everything
SP: Spiritual World (only humans build this)
Weather Control - EXPLORE
(a study of how to control the wrecked weather systems - include the suggested ideas on the first page)
SP: Th Weather Paradigm (same as before - all can build it)
Ambition Algorythm - BUILD
(discovers the true robotic mind's wishes - unfortunately, they too want to control)
Robotic factions that discover this tech become more agressive
SP: Ultimate Conversion (Robotic Special Victory)
Will of Creation/Destruction - CONQUER
(just what drove the zo'or and progenitor to do the vast galactic experiments and then try to seize control over them or otherwise destroy them)
Alien infantry gain +25% in both attack and defence in everything
SP: Conqueror's Philosophy (only aliens can build this)
Crychamber - +1 research and +1 talent at this base, robots can'r build it (a facility where cryosleep is studied)
Replika Sector - robot special fac, +1 growth and industry at this base (a sector for self-replication)
Cryosleep Paradigm - -2 drones everywhere plus cryochambers at each base, robots can't build it (an unorthodox way to control drones by letting them go to sleep and wake the up when necessary  )
Code of the Brood - free brood pit at each base and +1 police, only mutants can build it (a mutant similar project to Ascentic Virtues)
Spiritual World - free paradise garden at each base, eliminates negative effects of Democratic and Eudaimonic, only humans can build it (a deep study of millenia-old human belief in 'another plane' and possible spiritual contact)
Ultimate Conversion - robotic victory (involves releasing billions of nano probes onto Earth and on planets where enemy faction colonies are to comstruct a massive robotic empire and using everything that stands in its way as a raw material)
Conqueror's Philosophy - gives the faction +25% attack to non-psi attacks, eliminates negative effects of Police State, Planned and Thought Control (if not previously by Cloning Vats), only aliens can build it (a new alien virtue that supports the belief of the species superiority over all)
Nano Cannon - attack of 15, gets +10% against projectile shields (weapon mainly uses nano-probes to penetrate enemy armour)
Fractal Armour - defence of 4, +25% defence against infantry (defence consists of hard and rigid fractal organisms, attacker needs to be fast to penetrate this), there should be further development of this armour in later game, like the pulse or resonance armour in SMAX
Self-Replicator - unit repairs quickly and may do so to the full (uses nanotech to repair the unit both biologically and technically)
Chassis (when taken over cannot be retro-engineered, or should it? to be discused):
M-Drone - mutant special, infantry that can go through shellf water aswell, 3 movement, uses forests and fungus as roads (a genetically engineered mutant warrior)
Ultrabot - robot special, air unit, 6 movement (or should it be 5?), doesn't need refuel, can capture bases, built in self replicator and dissoactive wave
I think I should rest my brain now...
*1 hour later  *
Ah, much better  ! What do you guys think (WAY... above)?????
"I hate this storm. The others all pretend they're not afraid but I know better. They're as scared as I am, but they won't admit it. They look at me and smile and make brave faces and they can see how frightened I am. The wind howls out there and they all pretend they don't hear it. And when I turn my back to them, when they think I can't see them, they laugh at me. I can hear them laughing at me even over the noise of the wind."
Extract from
"Return to Mars"
by Ben Bova
April 9, 2001, 18:59
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Hey, Cyberdude... I think those too overpowered...
Aliens are true powerhouses by now, and you want to give'em +25% attack/defense bonus free w/ tech? Robots that can outgrow humans?
You are imabalancing the game by removing each factions weaknesses. Lie. NON-human factions. Humans will continue to have their disadvantages and'll wither with the alien and robot tech bonuses to attack, growth, etc...
Imbalancing techs or SP should be given only at the end of the game, as already is.
It remembers me.... another thing I missed in SMAC was a decent finale video and the CITY VIEWS!
I loved to see my grown-out cities landscape in Civ and Civ2! Maybe in SMAC2, hopefully... but Civ3 will come out way earlier I guess...
Long live THE HIVE!
April 9, 2001, 21:23
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Originally posted by Cybergod on 04-09-2001 03:13 PM
New Techs and their things (I couldn't put preqs or 'leads to' since I think the whole tech tree should be redesigned):
Cryogenics - DISCOVER
(a tech based on cryogenics - d'uh! )
FACILITIES: Cryochamber (robots can't build this)
SP: Cryosleep Paradigm (robots can't build this either)
Xeno Psychology - EXPLORE
(a tech based on studying alien species and their communication)
Allows non-aliens to contact aliens
FACILITIES: Aquafarm (same as before, all can build it)
Replicator Algorythm - BUILD
(a self-replicating robotic algorythm)
Gives robotis factions who discover it +1 GROWTH
FACILITIES: Replika Sector (only robots build this)
Nano Engineering - CONQUER
(a powerful military combination of Nanominiaturization and Retroviral Eng.)
WEAPONS: Nano Cannon (A15)
ABILITIES: Self-replicator
Quantum Computing - DISCOVER
(new superfast computers using quantum technology)
Universal Mutagen - EXPLORE
(finding a universal gene for any species that allows genetically engineered mutation, or something like that)
CHASSIS: M-Drone (mutant special chassis - only mutants can build this)
SP: Code of the Brood (only mutants build this)
Mega Robotics - BUILD
(developments in massive robot building)
CHASSIS: Ultrabot
Fractal Organisms - CONQUER
(discovering about organisms that exist on fractal level and behave by the fractal theory)
ARMOUR: Fractal Armour (D4) (+25% against infantry)
Secrets of the Afterlife - DISCOVER
("Is there life after death?")
Human infantry gain +25% in both attack and defence in everything
SP: Spiritual World (only humans build this)
Weather Control - EXPLORE
(a study of how to control the wrecked weather systems - include the suggested ideas on the first page)
SP: Th Weather Paradigm (same as before - all can build it)
Ambition Algorythm - BUILD
(discovers the true robotic mind's wishes - unfortunately, they too want to control)
Robotic factions that discover this tech become more agressive
SP: Ultimate Conversion (Robotic Special Victory)
Will of Creation/Destruction - CONQUER
(just what drove the zo'or and progenitor to do the vast galactic experiments and then try to seize control over them or otherwise destroy them)
Alien infantry gain +25% in both attack and defence in everything
SP: Conqueror's Philosophy (only aliens can build this)
Crychamber - +1 research and +1 talent at this base, robots can'r build it (a facility where cryosleep is studied)
Replika Sector - robot special fac, +1 growth and industry at this base (a sector for self-replication)
Cryosleep Paradigm - -2 drones everywhere plus cryochambers at each base, robots can't build it (an unorthodox way to control drones by letting them go to sleep and wake the up when necessary )
Code of the Brood - free brood pit at each base and +1 police, only mutants can build it (a mutant similar project to Ascentic Virtues)
Spiritual World - free paradise garden at each base, eliminates negative effects of Democratic and Eudaimonic, only humans can build it (a deep study of millenia-old human belief in 'another plane' and possible spiritual contact)
Ultimate Conversion - robotic victory (involves releasing billions of nano probes onto Earth and on planets where enemy faction colonies are to comstruct a massive robotic empire and using everything that stands in its way as a raw material)
Conqueror's Philosophy - gives the faction +25% attack to non-psi attacks, eliminates negative effects of Police State, Planned and Thought Control (if not previously by Cloning Vats), only aliens can build it (a new alien virtue that supports the belief of the species superiority over all)
Nano Cannon - attack of 15, gets +10% against projectile shields (weapon mainly uses nano-probes to penetrate enemy armour)
Fractal Armour - defence of 4, +25% defence against infantry (defence consists of hard and rigid fractal organisms, attacker needs to be fast to penetrate this), there should be further development of this armour in later game, like the pulse or resonance armour in SMAX
Self-Replicator - unit repairs quickly and may do so to the full (uses nanotech to repair the unit both biologically and technically)
Chassis (when taken over cannot be retro-engineered, or should it? to be discused):
M-Drone - mutant special, infantry that can go through shellf water aswell, 3 movement, uses forests and fungus as roads (a genetically engineered mutant warrior)
Ultrabot - robot special, air unit, 6 movement (or should it be 5?), doesn't need refuel, can capture bases, built in self replicator and dissoactive wave
I think I should rest my brain now...
Now all this sounds cool! I agree with that SMAC2 should have tons and tons of new technologies because with Alien Crossfire you only get a few new ones which make very little difference, if any.
I have some techs as well but I'm still finalising everything:
One idea I want to expand upon is Chemical Emotions.
The belief that the brain is a real object. Hence, everything inside the brain is real too, then emotions are in the brain so emotions must be real things, i.e chemicals called 'hormones'? Then with this discovery, factions could create Confusion Bombs and drop them on cities that disable troops or probes teams as the whole city gets confused and may even fall to the other faction without even realising it! Hey, factions may even build Emotional weapons that convince troops from another faction to fight with them against another faction! this is all psychology stuff for my psychological faction I'm working on.
I like the idea of a mutant faction too. My Genetic faction could be mixed with that. Lets say that a human faction, on the second mission to Chiron believes the only way to surive on the planet is to mix his/her genes with the organisms on planet (I know it sounds like the transendence at the end of the game) but something goes wrong, or may right, and the human faction becomes mutated and is now regarded non-human, non-alien, non-robotic a mutant side!
If everyone came up with new techs and put them here then we'd have a new tech tree to mix into the existing tech tree in no time!
April 9, 2001, 22:21
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Paul Vella,
Do you really have to quote Cybergods entire post?
April 10, 2001, 14:20
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April 11, 2001, 01:55
Beyond the Sword AI Programmer
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I got really bored a couple of days a go and played a game of CTP2 (once again trying to find something good about the game...)
I actually realised that a few features are good, reduce MM without making it seem like you are out of control. Also some concepts are quite good, but ruined by the lack of balance and testing. In general CTP2 is horrible, but I think the following features were done quite well.
Population: Cities grow by X people per year, rather than having a nutrient bar full up, then grow by 1. I can't see a problem with having cities grow in the CTP2 style, it is a lot more realistic after all.
City Radius: The expanding city radius, I must admit this is quite cool, and counters ICS quite well, however the horrid worker allocation (or lackof) meant that the expanding city radius frustated a bean counter such as myself. But if workers and specialists could be allocated in a sensible way, automatically and/or manually then expanding city radius would be cool.
"Overcrowding": Again this models real life, growth slows as a city becomes overcrowded, rather than hitting a hab-limit. Overcrowding rather than hablimit works well. For anyone who hasn't had the displeasure of playing CTP1 or 2 you might build an aqeduct which reduces overcrowding by 8, allowing more rapid population growth.
Drone Contol: CTP2 had happy/unhappy cities, but to be honest I could never work out what exactly the difference was. Also it had sliders for "workday" and "wages", setting a long workday made the people unhappy, but the balance was so non-existant that you could make everyone work all day for half a cent and minimum food, while being a democracy, and the people tolerate this on account of a couple of stone-age wonders. The pros of CTP2 happy system is:
Happiness penalty for distance from capital
No happiness penalty for large cities (counter for ICS)
Happiness penalty from going to war (never saw it though)
Happiness bonus for
The big con being:
Horrible balance. - basically it's not a bad system, just poorly balanced.
By removing unhappiness caused by population you remove a BIG chunk of MM, and also strike a blow against the ICS'ers. To be honest I don't enjoy the constant MM from a growing population.
A must have, being able to group units reduces MM a lot. Also army combat is much more realistic and should also be included. There was nothing much wrong with CTP2's army system, but in a giant step backwards you couldn't have units in the same tile as your allies.
Public Works
Love it or hate it, personally moving around hoardes of formers is something I really enjoy doing. One big PIA about the CTP2 PW system is you can't build outside your territory, meaning that you can't connect two distance cities with a road, without first building another city in between. Considering that cities can grow to fill there entire borders this is rather annoying. Also you can't build bunkers in enemy territory, or roads to facilate quick movement of troops.
The pro is low MM, you don't need to bother building formers or moving them. A comprimise I may be able to live with is having a system where you say "Build a Borehole here" and your formers then gather and do it, personally I think formers should be kept, but automation should work a lot better and be customisable. So you can move formers manually (possibly grouped), put them on "auto terraform" or give terraforming tasks, but not to a specific former "Build a borehole here, build a road from A to B", and automated formers would then complete that task. And the possibilities of a global terraforming task such as "every city should have atleast one tile producing 2 nutrients, and as many forest tiles as population" or "a bunkers sensor combo should be built every 3 tiles around the border with the Mutants" In order to do that a powerfull scripting system would be required. PW is just too lacking, and too much like building facilities.
In short:
Realistic population model, expanding city radius
No unhappiness from large populations, less "discrete" unhappiness.
More powerfull former automation.
That's enough for now
April 11, 2001, 07:08
Beyond the Sword AI Programmer
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Just gotta post this before I forget (again)...
If SMAC2 does not have the ability for all factions to upgrade obsolete units I will brutally beat someone to death with a spoon, erm, or something.
By upgrade I mean with one click of a mouse button or key you pay $$$'s and that obsolete unit turns into an up to date one.
The process of going to each base, interupting it's build schedule, inserting the new military unit, selecting the obsolete unit and disbanding it (making sure to change production and disband in the right order!!) is the most major PIA in Civ2 for me (suprise, CTP2 has no upgrade ability). And I'll get quite violent (or just rant) if a unit upgrade feature is not in SMAC2, or CIV3 for that matter. It's okay if you can only upgrade in bases, and it takes several turns to happen, just as long as it can be done. (bonus points for an "upgrade all units of this type" ability)
April 11, 2001, 16:44
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Originally posted by Blake on 04-11-2001 07:08 AM...By upgrade I mean with one click of a mouse button or key you pay $$$'s and that obsolete unit turns into an up to date one...(bonus points for an "upgrade all units of this type" ability)
Umm... It already is in SMAC 
Press "U" to bring up the Unit Workshop, locate the unit-type you want to upgrade in the bar at the bottom, click it, click the Upgrade button, and, voila! All of them are upgraded! (You do have to confirm or reject the upgrade depending on if you want to spend the money. If there is not a higher unit designed, it will tell you.) The only thing missing is the giant sucking sound as the cash drains out of your coffers 
If you don't have enough money to do a blanket upgrade this way, you can upgrade each individual unit, no matter where it is on the map, by pressing Ctrl+U, again confirming or rejecting the upgrade.The first example I described has caused some lively discussions here because it lets you upgrade and move the units in the same turn, whereas with the second option you can upgrade or move, not both, in one turn.
[This message has been edited by gwillybj (edited April 11, 2001).]
April 11, 2001, 16:57
Beyond the Sword AI Programmer
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Ofcourse I know you can do it in SMAC. However some game developers seem to believe in "if it aint broken, break it". Just play CTP2
April 11, 2001, 17:42
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I kinda thought, after I posted it, that I missed what you meant. At risk of chewing up to my ankle and earning Dunce of the Day honors, may I assume you're hoping unit upgrading stays in SMAC2?
 I have never played any of the Civ series  Should I, even though I am completely engrossed in SMAC? I ask because, other than SMAC, the only other games I play are categorically WAR games.
[This message has been edited by gwillybj (edited April 11, 2001).]
April 11, 2001, 20:42
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Here's a question, in my workshop I put a colony pod on a aircraft.
What will happen? Will I be able to make an airbase?
April 12, 2001, 00:55
Beyond the Sword AI Programmer
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Originally posted by gwillybj on 04-11-2001 05:42 PM

I kinda thought, after I posted it, that I missed what you meant. At risk of chewing up to my ankle and earning Dunce of the Day honors, may I assume you're hoping unit upgrading stays in SMAC2?
I have never played any of the Civ series Should I, even though I am completely engrossed in SMAC? I ask because, other than SMAC, the only other games I play are categorically WAR games.
[This message has been edited by gwillybj (edited April 11, 2001).]
It is safe to assume that I meant the upgrading stays in SMAC2, and I hope it is included in Civ3. While on the topic of upgrading there should probably be some restrictions on upgrading, in SMAC you are pretty free to upgrade whenever you want.
How I think it should work is:
You order a unit to upgrade, this could be done on a single unit "ctrl-U", all units "upgrade all". You can order a unit to upgrade even if it has already moved, and it can be moved after being ordered to upgrade. The actual upgrade doesn't take effect until the next turn, the unit starts the turn with the upgraded stats, and 0 movement points. The exception is units in base squares - assuming they havn't moved the upgrade is instant.
On borders - It would be nice if borders were a bit more rigid, at a minimum so the enemy can NEVER steal resources from an existing base (ie older base gets the full use of all tiles in it's radius). Also some sort of minimum distance from the HQ. But the main thing is the enemy should never be able to steal the terraforming of an established base.
April 12, 2001, 15:38
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Posts: 3
ok, if we're evolving constantly dont you think future humans would look different. play areound with that. And also I think SMAC2 should have more space stuff. like theres three different windows and one is planet and one is space and one is earth or mars or whatnot. and the space one would be like, have you ever played simant, its the yard screen. you know its got the squares that you can move to to start a new colonie. well, that same idea exept make it all 3D and spiffy. i think that'd make the game so much better. thanx.
April 12, 2001, 17:10
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Originally posted by Paul Vella on 04-11-2001 08:42 PM
Here's a question, in my workshop I put a colony pod on a aircraft.
What will happen? Will I be able to make an airbase?
No you can just make another land base with it...
April 13, 2001, 03:59
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or a seabase if it's over the ocean.. rright?
April 13, 2001, 14:36
Local Time: 06:12
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 543

Originally posted by Iskandar Reza on 04-13-2001 03:59 AM
or a seabase if it's over the ocean.. rright?
Nope, tryed that already  .
April 16, 2001, 13:34
Local Time: 06:12
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Wünderland
Posts: 543
Idea  :
"Hormone Bomb"
built like a Planet-buster. An atrocity but not a major one. Destroys non-shielded ground units in its range (which is affected by the bombs reactor). Unshielded air units get -50% damage because they are in-the-air  .
How do you like my development of your ideas? Your additions/changes?
April 16, 2001, 17:51
Local Time: 00:12
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 721
I agree that improving AI is #1 concern and improving AI terraforming is tops within that #1. Also improving the AI's use of air and drop units.
I like Cybergod's suggestions for new techs and groupings of factions (human, robot, mutant).
But here's a practical suggestion for Fireaxis: Buy the Deadlock II engine from Accolade. I'll bet you could get it cheap. The perfect game would be a melding of Deadlock II with SMAC. Deadlock II has:
1. The 7 factions are separate species. They are animated head shots rather than static portraits.
2. Diplomacy can be non-aggression, share intelligence, share tech advances, or victory pact
3. You can present the order of your tech advances from screen that lays out the whole tech tree.
4. Resources are not per base but can be shared between bases. Moving food or metals between bases costs you money (which is not the same as energy). Transportation costs can be lowered by researching hoverway technology and later transporter technology.
5. You get two views: empire view and colony view. You select location for each base facility on the local map. These include 4 different defensive facilities.
6. Morale runs from 0 to 100 and drone riots are only one of the consequences of low morale.
7. There are more resources: iron can be refined into steel in factories (which can't be making weapons in that case), endurium to triderium, wood is needed for buildings, farms can make food or wood in any mix you choose. As technology advances, you need fewer workers to make resources and the buildings take less space. But it takes labor to do upgrades.
8. Best of all, combat model is far more complex. Accuracy counts as well as weapon and armor. Speed is also important, and is the major advantage of air power. Really cool is the fact that you get to see battles in real time, although the set up for the battles is trun based. In other words, you send you air and land movements to an opponents base, hit end turn, and then see a re-enactment of the battle at the beginning of your turn. How many times in PBEWM games have you wished you could see what was happening to your precious units?
9. Online multiplayer that really works.
By rebuilding SMAC on the Deadlock II engine, all of this could be ours! Cheap!!
Creator of the Ultimate Builder Map, based on the Huge Map of Planet, available at The Chironian Guild:
April 16, 2001, 17:53
Local Time: 00:12
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Ohio
Posts: 721
Another nice feature: you can transfer resources to any other human or AI faction for an agreed upon price.
April 17, 2001, 16:14
Local Time: 07:12
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Prahova, Romania
Posts: 365
The toop movement, the blinking units, the unnatural movement of the map, no units animations... all this stufff gives me VERTIGO!
Try to polish that stuff a little...
Ah... and maybe less mind worms!
/me is a newbie, anyway ;-)
April 19, 2001, 00:25
Local Time: 06:12
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 49
One thing I would like to see in regards to combat is a different take on weapon and armor. If the weapon has lower power than armor, the attacker shouldn't be able to hurt the defender. If the weapon is as high, or higher than armor, the battle should be resolved by comparing weapon vs weapon.
Because this seems to be the way everything is heading in modern warfare. Armor is good for protecting against shrapnel and small arms, but it's not used for actual defense when attacked by similar machines as the one you're using. Although, maybe accuracy and speed is more important once it's been established that you can't afford to let your armor take the hit, just as long as your own weapon is able to penetrate your opponent's armor.
The way I see it, the weapon and armor values are leftovers from Civ, where it was indeed true that some ancient units were better at defense, while others excelled in offense. But in SMAC, everyone is shooting stuff at each other, and to me it makes more sense to defend a base by taking cover and aim your big Chaosgun at the invaders rather than standing there claiming that your personal bodyarmor will be so effective that the enemies will exhaust their energy supplies trying to get through it. "And then I'll just walk right up to them and shoot them with this handgun." Really? Come on...
Just look at the Riflemen and Alpine Troops from Civ. They have close to the best defense out there, and it doesn't come from bullet-proof vests. Sure, Mech. Inf have even better defense, but that's basically riflemen in armoured cars. They get their good defense from being able to get quickly and safely to the right position for shooting at their enemies. The best defense is a good offense, and that applies on the tactical level as well as on the strategic level.
But maybe SMAC's ancient view on this issue is an attempt to create that special sci-fi feeling, like the WW2 style dogfights and battlestations in Star Wars? Still, even in Star Wars a good offense was a better defense than personal body armor. Ask any stormtrooper!
April 19, 2001, 10:46
Local Time: 05:12
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 10
I would like to see much more comprehensive customization of combat units - what's with this two abilities thing? We should be able to add as many abilities as we think is financially reasonable, especially since only one item can be produced at one time. Also, unit icons should better represent their abilities.
On that note, the ability to add "production lines" to cities is something to explore. Maybe for each "factory" you build, you can produce one thing. Then, perhaps facilities like the genejack could be specific to each "factory," so they had variability in high-end output, low-end output, pollution output, and worker unrest.
This would have to go along with a modification to the mineral-to-ecodamage system or relationship, with perhaps pollution-mitigating enhancements also specific to production lines. X minerals in a base = X pollution = X chance of negative consequence is overly simple coding.
I'd also like combat to play out in a separate, turn-based, animated action format, perhaps like Heroes of Might and Magic 3. That way, how you guided troops on the battlefield and used their abilities could affect how successful you are in war.
I would like to see terrain improvements proceed by upgrades - no building a forest only to replace it with a borehole later, even if you do get some minerals for chopping it down. For example, I'd like to see primitive farms go first, then get successively upgraded by say, crop rotation, fertilizer, greenhouses, etc., so the food count goes up. I'd also like to lay that farm anywhere, say, on rocky terrain, even if it won't effectively produce food at that time. I could then use a terraformer to level the terrain (pull out rocks), later. This would mean people could lay out their basic improvements in the proper patchwork within the base's production radius with more attention to how it needs to look by the late game (boreholes can't go next to each other, two condensers next to each other can be redundant, etc.) It would help save time. You could plan for the desired number of citizens and lay down the appropriate farms more easily. The same goes for industrial/energy output planning.
I would love the AI to stop building bases with production zones that overlap yours. Those bases aren't even worth conquering and holding if too many squares overlap.
On that note, it would also be nice if there was an alternative to the current way of destroying a base - say forcing the population to migrate into your cities. That way, you aren't always staring down the barrel of an atrocity just for not wanting to holding an underdeveloped enemy base. They could show up as unhappy drones in that city (or those cities) until they assimilate, and the conqueror would need enough food to support them. That way, you could demolish the base itself without committing genocide.
The AI seems to be able to declare vendetta from a truce state without losing reputation. Maybe I'm wrong about that, but it would be nice to not have to choose a truce in negotiations. When asked to sign a treaty, the player should be able to say no without committing to an armistice.
Also, the AI can threaten you specifically when you try to build a base in their territory. Players should be able to do that too, not just when the AI sends any unit into a player's territorial boundary.
Military units should be supported by a combination of resources (food, minerals and energy for eating, repairs and fuel). Support costs should increase with distance and be mitigated by transports. Maybe a military supply crawler unit could be devised. Maybe morale should also be affected by deep penetrations into enemy territory. Essentially, a logistics train should be more realistic and integral to a military campaign.
Redundant facilities should be allowed and be arithmatically effective. Three network nodes or energy banks in one base should increase research or the economy by triple the appropriate factor. Maintenance costs should increase to reflect that and be the major incentive to build more sophisticated facilities. Perhaps each "level one" facility could have a "level 2" upgrade.
That's my $.02 + $.02 + $.02 ....
April 19, 2001, 11:37
Local Time: 05:12
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 10
I have about $.06 more. (Preface: I realize these next ideas are probably beyond the ability of current computer systems to handle - too hardware intensive. They would make for a great game, however.)
No more mandatory retirements. Players should be able to continue for an infinite number of game turns. If the computer's hardware gets overtaxed, the game could give a warning every few turns and the player could decide to quit or go on.
The city views shouldn't be single screens; they should be views of cities. A different toolbar should pop up with the new map after you click a city's icon on the main planet map. That way, you open a Sim City-ish view (like the game by Maxis) and plop down an improvement based on available resources or give an order to a factory to construct it. The first method would make production more like Sim City, the second more like Masters of Orion 2. This goes along with the production radius of a base being inviolate (and base production zones should be a full square, not the cross-shape they are now). You could see farms, boreholes and other enhancements only when you clicked the city icon. Within the city map, perhaps, maybe the production radius could be handled with zones, like they are in Sim City. You could zone for a farm, mine, or what have you in the city map, then set citizens to work within your city. They would prepare the terrain, build the improvement, then work it. Perhaps terraformers, as they are now, could work only outside of cities on projects like roads between cities, sensor arrays, bunkers, airfields, military refueling and repair stops, automated defenses, offensive minefields and so on. A separate zone would be available for placing factories and research centers. Maybe a space limit could be an incentive to force the construction of more sophisticated facilities - research hospital vs. network node, for example.
My final $.02 is to have the war on Chiron, with the discovery of space travel technology, extend to colonization and conflicts on other moons and planets in the galaxy or even other galaxies. You could have a universe map where the factions move to planets all over the Milky Way in the quest for resources and dominance. This would make the game much more open-ended (and a little more like the concept behind MOO2). Of course, the computer would have to handle the individual city maps, universe maps, a whole set of starship units, planet maps and combat maps (if all these ideas were implemented). It's probably too much for current computers. Therefore, players should have the option to restrict the game to one planet to save on hardware demands if they want. However, imagine intercepting a hovertank assault with star-destroyer type orbital bombardments. How cool would that be?
April 19, 2001, 17:16
Local Time: 05:12
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 10
Ok here I go again.
I don't think secret projects should be restricted to the first faction that builds them. It makes no sense that only one faction per planet can construct cloning vats, a cyborg factory, empath guild or a Xenoempathy dome. In fact, it makes more sense to have the building cost reduced for each successive faction that builds it, since the technology is more common. Perhaps the ability to build a project for the second time would depend on a successful probe team action against the base containing the project (to steal the plans).
It also seems absurd to assume a project can't be rebuilt once destroyed. Oops - our cloning vats broke, and now no one remembers how to build another one? Come on.
Another way to handle projects is to perhaps treat them as high-powered, expensive base facilities. A weather paradigm helps formers from that base, etc. Some would have to be redesigned, but most would still make sense to build.
I'd also like to see the ability to switch a unit's home base with a right click and something like the Go-to-base menu, without having to drive the unit into the base in question. This would save a lot of time, especially when reassigning crawler production.
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