Good question, mapfi. Unfortunatly I wasn't able to reach Apolyton after the chat even if the I was able to ping Apolyton, so it has to be posted now:
<MartinGuehmann> 11TH TURN CHAT STARTED
<MartinGuehmann> OK what is our first thing to do, I think we should do the diplomacy first
<MartinGuehmann> So what about Israel?
<Tamerlin> OK, I think we should first ask a map
<MartinGuehmann> A map exange, and if necessary threat them?
<Tamerlin> Yes, do you want an order?
<MartinGuehmann> I guess I have an order.


<MartinGuehmann> So I am doing it.
<MartinGuehmann> I forgot what should be the tone?
<Tamerlin> Friendly/Equal
<MartinGuehmann> OK
<Tamerlin> It has been rejected on my comp
<MartinGuehmann> Well first the offer, then the request and after the threat they accepted.
<Tamerlin> Threaten... accepted also
<Tamerlin> I think we should now expell the Settler
<MartinGuehmann> Yes


<MartinGuehmann> Yeah doing it.
<Tamerlin> Done!
<MartinGuehmann> Yeah, done, too!
<Tamerlin> India?
<MartinGuehmann> Yeah, Indea, the same procedure as Israel?
<MartinGuehmann> Or some gold first as they are closer?
<Tamerlin> We should first offer them 100 gold as it was suggested by Locutus, they are not very friendly.
<MartinGuehmann> OK some gold first, and then next turn the map exchange?
<Tamerlin> Yes
<MartinGuehmann> ok, giving them 100 gold
<MartinGuehmann> Same tone as Israel?
<Tamerlin> Yes
<MartinGuehmann> OK, India got 100 gold.
<MartinGuehmann> So that should be the diplomatic part of that turn.
<Tamerlin> Done, btw, how to get rid off the CtP2 chat windows...

<Tamerlin> And yes to your answer.
<MartinGuehmann> press enter while it is empty
<Tamerlin> Thanks
* mrbaggins has joined #lemuria
<mrbaggins> hi
<Tamerlin> Hi MrBaggins!
<mrbaggins> how are you, Tamerlin?
<MartinGuehmann> Hi MrB, fine you are here.
<Tamerlin> Fine and you?
<mrbaggins> hi Martin
<mrbaggins> very well
<mrbaggins> yep... pleased I could make it too
<mrbaggins> I finished reinstalling and actually have CTP2 running all the necessary mods... and loading the game
<mrbaggins> which is kinda necessary
<Tamerlin> We have just started a few minutes ago, map exchange accepted by Israel after threat, Israelian Settler expelled and 100 gold given to India...
<MartinGuehmann> So we already started, as the constitutions says: "The President shall physically play the game on a regular and scheduled basis whenever possible and post the save and a complete report of the game events to the forum." as I think we have all necessary orders we can continue.
<MartinGuehmann> So MrB what are your orders for the build queue of mapfipolis, alternative build order like suggested in the 10th turn chat thread?
<mrbaggins> yes
<mrbaggins> just a second and let me confirm that
<MartinGuehmann> OK I filled it with three more units, so it contains now A H A H
<Tamerlin> Have you already changed the build queue, I would have to update my game
<MartinGuehmann> I already did it but wait for MrBaggins reply
<Tamerlin> What are the changes?
<mrbaggins> alternate at both Colonia Locuta and Mapfipolis
<Tamerlin> Replacing current build queue or added to them?
<mrbaggins> ensure that Graz has 3 hoplites at the head of the queue
<mrbaggins> replacing
<MartinGuehmann> added a Hopelite an Archer and a Hoplite
<MartinGuehmann> For Graz that should be true I check it...
<Tamerlin> OK, A H A H is the final build queue...
<MartinGuehmann> Three Hoplites in Graz' build queue
<MartinGuehmann> Yes Tamerlin
<MartinGuehmann> So MrBaggins...
<mrbaggins> go on
<MartinGuehmann> OK, the unit moves...
<Tamerlin> I already have 3 H in Graz, does it mean I add three new ones for a total of 6?
<mrbaggins> no
<Tamerlin> OK
<mrbaggins> just ensure there are 3
<Tamerlin> Done!
<MartinGuehmann> One warrior from mapfipolis should be taken to explore the South
<MartinGuehmann> I already seperated it from the other units and called it Goodsight
<mrbaggins> hang on one sec.. just catching up
<MartinGuehmann> Pedrunn's order for it is one quare South
<MartinGuehmann> Ok, ...
<Tamerlin> The separated unit is a H it should be a warrior...
<MartinGuehmann> Yes, but that uit was build last turn, so I didn't done it last turn chat, I did it before this turn chat
<MartinGuehmann> But you can leave the Hopelite seperated
<Tamerlin> OK, I do it!
<Tamerlin> OK
<Tamerlin> Unit moved
<MartinGuehmann> Not yet, but it goes to the South
<mrbaggins> so CL and mapfipolis Archer/Hoplite/Archer/Hoplite ok?
<Tamerlin> Yes
<MartinGuehmann> Changed the build queue of CL
<mrbaggins> hmmm
<MartinGuehmann> so any other build queue to change?
<mrbaggins> maybe that should be archer/archer/hoplite/archer/hoplite
<mrbaggins> for CL
<mrbaggins> it has a bunch of hoplites
<mrbaggins> that will even it out
<Tamerlin> OK
<MartinGuehmann> as first item another archer, so ok
<mrbaggins> no changes to other build queues
<mrbaggins> just another archer at the head of CL
<Tamerlin> Done!
<mrbaggins> cool
<mrbaggins> ok
<mrbaggins> anything else we need to do this turn?
<MartinGuehmann> However we should them move two Hopelites to Pedrunnia according Pedrunn's orders anyway
<MartinGuehmann> Well, let's move all units first and see then again
<Tamerlin> OK
<MartinGuehmann> I disabled the automated turn cycle already
<mrbaggins> right
<MartinGuehmann> So the warrior of mapfipolis: one South
<mrbaggins> done here
<Tamerlin> done
<mrbaggins> do you want me to do screencaps, btw?
<mrbaggins> i'll just save them as we do and post them later
<MartinGuehmann> Yes, if you like
<Tamerlin> It would be great
<MartinGuehmann> The next unit to move is a hopelite from mapfipois to CL
<Tamerlin> Done
<MartinGuehmann> Done, and now two Hopelites from CL to Pedrunnia
<MartinGuehmann> Done
<mrbaggins> done
<Tamerlin> done
<MartinGuehmann> So two hopelites from Pedrunnia to Graz
<mrbaggins> so question for you guys
<MartinGuehmann> Ok
<mrbaggins> forget it... its ok
<Tamerlin> ok
<MartinGuehmann> OK let's move the two Hopelites from Pedrunnia to Graz
<Tamerlin> done
<MartinGuehmann> OK done, I used the river route
<Tamerlin> So do I, default route proposed
<MartinGuehmann> Shouldn't be a big difference
<mrbaggins> fine by me
<mrbaggins> done
<MartinGuehmann> So the next army to move or not to move is the size nine stack near H Town
<mrbaggins> i'll screencap
<MartinGuehmann> Yup
<mrbaggins> ahh...
<MartinGuehmann> from now on it is called Lemuforce, and the units inside Graz: Graz defence
<mrbaggins> ok
<Tamerlin> OK, our next target should be Wels so I guess the Lemuforce should move to the south I am correct about Wels location
<mrbaggins> no
<mrbaggins> Wels is to the north
<mrbaggins> on the river
<MartinGuehmann> The Lemuforce should stand still for two turns I think

<mrbaggins> directly NE of Pressburg
<mrbaggins> thats ok by me
<MartinGuehmann> Two units the wounded ones of it should be moved to H Town for restoration
<mrbaggins> I am in favor of moving it earlier
<mrbaggins> do you think we need 9 units for Wels?
<mrbaggins> if not... why not move one of the wounded units to Graz instead
<Tamerlin> The only town I have to the North is Linz

<mrbaggins> it will get the (more vulnerable) city up to speed quicker
<mrbaggins> you see the gap in the borders?
<MartinGuehmann> Well we could reach Wels quicker
<mrbaggins> if we don't need the 9th in the stack, why not just leave him in Graz, ASAP?
<MartinGuehmann> In Pedrunns plan we need 8 units the two Hopelites should be healed in Graz
<MartinGuehmann> So we could replace it
<mrbaggins> fine by me
<MartinGuehmann> Of course it should be healed in H Town
<Tamerlin> ok
<mrbaggins> so move the 2 units to HTown
<MartinGuehmann> So I move the wounded units to H Town
<Tamerlin> Sorry to bother you again with you but I don't see Wels on my map
<mrbaggins> its not shown
<mrbaggins> but you can see it by the abscence of the border
<MartinGuehmann> Yup move the cursor over the orange square
<mrbaggins> walk 5 squares ne from Pressburg and one square N
<mrbaggins> thats where Wels is
<Tamerlin> Move done... ok for wels
<Tamerlin> OK I confounded North with South for a while, sorry... so does we move Lemuforce along the river to reach Wels?
<MartinGuehmann> By the way MrBaggins do you see also the Hebrew settler near Wels?
<mrbaggins> yes
<mrbaggins> thats affirmative
<Tamerlin> Yes
<MartinGuehmann> Yes
<MartinGuehmann> So move Lemuforce two North West, that should it be
<Tamerlin> OK
<MartinGuehmann> and add the hopelite from H Town then to the stack
<Tamerlin> Done
<MartinGuehmann> OK done a size 8 stack goes to Wels
<MartinGuehmann> So let's take a look on the build queue of CL
<MartinGuehmann> I think we should now remove the Archer from the front of the build queue
<Tamerlin> A-A-H-A-H
<mrbaggins> let me check
<mrbaggins> i'll refresh the orders
<mrbaggins> i think they'll be a couple of changes
<mrbaggins> based on what we are doing
<mrbaggins> ok
<mrbaggins> remove a hoplite from Graz queue
<Tamerlin> unchanged?
<mrbaggins> remove an archer from CL queue
<mrbaggins> add an archer to HTown queue
<mrbaggins> (not replace, insert at the front)
<mrbaggins> that should even everything out, based on the orders we are going for
<mrbaggins> (or remove from the front of the queue
<MartinGuehmann> Ok H Town queue now: A A H A
<mrbaggins> yes
<mrbaggins> Graz queue
<mrbaggins> H H
<mrbaggins> and CL queue A H A H
<MartinGuehmann> Both queues are identic
<MartinGuehmann> so any additions ro Graz' queue?
<Tamerlin> OK for me
<MartinGuehmann> ro -> to
<mrbaggins> not for now
<Tamerlin> I suppose the units in Graz should be grouped and fortified
<mrbaggins> we have a few turns to go... then i'll add based on the situation
<MartinGuehmann> OK that should be all, end turn now?
<Tamerlin> Yes
<MartinGuehmann> Of course fortify them
<Tamerlin> done, end turn?
<MartinGuehmann> So, END TURN 85
<Tamerlin> Race for a wonder and India proposing a map we should of course accept...
Session Start: Sun Mar 02 23:20:50 2003
Session Ident: #Lemuria
* Now talking in #Lemuria
* Topic is 'CtP2 Democracy Game'
* Set by Locutus on Wed Feb 26 00:58:10
<mrbaggins> wb MartinGuehmann
<MartinGuehmann> Well I am back
<mrbaggins> did you crash?
<Tamerlin> I didn't noticed MrB
<MartinGuehmann> Once I hit the end turn button my computer hang
<mrbaggins> ack...
<mrbaggins> no save?

<MartinGuehmann> The only solution was to hit the restet button on my computer
<mrbaggins> ok
<MartinGuehmann> No save but that shouldn't be a problem
<mrbaggins> not really
<mrbaggins> you do need to replay 2300BC I guess
<MartinGuehmann> Yes but that shouldn't be such a huge problem, evrything should be clear
<MartinGuehmann> so I start CTP2 now and quicksave before I it the end turn button
<Tamerlin> OK
<mrbaggins> ok...
<mrbaggins> sounds wise
<Tamerlin> I do it every turn
<mrbaggins> so... Tamerlin
<mrbaggins> question for you as MoD
<mrbaggins> I want to found a city using a settler
<Tamerlin> About the Wels attack?
<Tamerlin> Oh!
<MartinGuehmann> So I moved now every unit
<MartinGuehmann> Now I have to get the build queue right
<Tamerlin> Do we have a settler ready?
<mrbaggins> we will
<MartinGuehmann> Build order of CL was A H A H right?
<mrbaggins> yes
<MartinGuehmann> Same for mapfipolis?
<MartinGuehmann> And for H Town: A A H A
<Tamerlin> yes
<mrbaggins> yes
<MartinGuehmann> And two hopelites in Graz
<mrbaggins> yes
<MartinGuehmann> How much do you have in your game?
<MartinGuehmann> I need to know if I already gave the gold to India
<Tamerlin> 1302
<MartinGuehmann> So I must have give them the gold
<MartinGuehmann> So I can end turn again
<MartinGuehmann> Well in a case of a map exange offer I will accept it
<Tamerlin> yes
<MartinGuehmann> OK END TURN 85 (again)
<MartinGuehmann> OK we know now the map of India
<MartinGuehmann> OK moving the warrior of mapfipolis (called now Goodsight) to the South
<Tamerlin> OK
<MartinGuehmann> Done, units arrived in CL and Pedrunnia
<Tamerlin> done
<MartinGuehmann> Next issure is the Lemurforce, I think it should be moved along the river to Wels
<Tamerlin> Yes
<mrbaggins> yes
<MartinGuehmann> Moved the stack
<Tamerlin> Done
<MartinGuehmann> And grouped the new Archer in H Town into the defender army
<Tamerlin> Done
<MartinGuehmann> The two Hopelites from Pedrunnia were moved automaticly along the river and encountered a Barbarian warrior
<MartinGuehmann> they can't be moved anymore
<mrbaggins> where?
<Tamerlin> No barbs for me
<Tamerlin> My Hoplites are on the crops tile though, this was the automatic move proposed.

<MartinGuehmann> Well, we have to ignore the Barb this turn anyway.
<MartinGuehmann> Well I moved them along the river, so that is the difference
* mapfi has joined #lemuria
<MartinGuehmann> OK, nothing left so far I can see
<MartinGuehmann> Hi mapfi
<Tamerlin> Let see what happens, I would use the cheat menu if something is wrong, hi Mapfi
<mrbaggins> i moved them along the river and dont see them
<mapfi> hi everyone
<MartinGuehmann> No cheating here
<Tamerlin> But I am not playing the official game, you are, it is a matter of consistency for my game...

<MartinGuehmann> Well, I would now end the turn, or should I do a screenie, before
<mapfi> just stopping by to see if anything was going on since the forum doesn't tell - haven't really got time - pity you're only three
<Tamerlin> I am sure mapfi would appreciate a screenshot...
<MartinGuehmann> OK, doing it
<Tamerlin> About a settler and a place to settle, I think our southern warrior will tell us if there is something to settle anymore MrBaggins.

<mrbaggins> i can still see a spot
<Tamerlin> Near the potato SE of Graz?
<MartinGuehmann> Screenshot posted
<Tamerlin> Cities would be too close.
* Zaphod has joined #lemuria
<MartinGuehmann> Hi Zaphod
<Zaphod> hi folks
<Zaphod> am i too late?
<MartinGuehmann> No
<Zaphod> too early? ;-)
<Tamerlin> Hi Zaphod
<Tamerlin> Nor too early nor too late...

<MartinGuehmann> OK, I think we should continue
<Tamerlin> End turn?
<MartinGuehmann> Turn 86 every unit is mobved
<MartinGuehmann> so any new proposal
<MartinGuehmann> any build queue changes?
<Zaphod> any major event so far?
<MartinGuehmann> Well we got the map of India and of Israel
<Zaphod> :-) is there a screen somewhere?
<MartinGuehmann> We threatened Israel and India offered it
<Tamerlin> We are moving to attack Wels, maps, barbs between Pedrunnia and Graz... Martin has just posted a screenshot.
<MartinGuehmann> Screenies about the new maps not yet, MrBaggins wanted to post some.
<MartinGuehmann> So end turn now?
<Zaphod> ic
<Zaphod> who's doing which job at the moment?
<Tamerlin> I am Locutus delegate though now mapfi is here he should be delegate as he is first in the list as far as I remember...
<mrbaggins> hi
<mrbaggins> no queue changes
<mrbaggins> i could do screen caps but where are these barbarians?
<mrbaggins> on the river?
<MartinGuehmann> OK, I posted the minimap
<Tamerlin> south of the river I suppose
<MartinGuehmann> Tamerlin, you should read Locutus post about delegates in the Government announcement thread again
<Zaphod> hm, still a lot of lands (or seas?) unknown to the south
<Tamerlin> I have just read it again, it's all right
<MartinGuehmann> OK, I think we should now end the turn, so any objection?
<Tamerlin> no
<mrbaggins> fine by me
<MartinGuehmann> OK, END TURN 86 and this time I save before