Chironian News Network Issue 12
Demonstrations in Centralis, Archaic Involved
Former DoSE, and current candidate for DoSE and Centralis Governor Archaic (Pictured bottom right, two people behind the man in the grey hat), known to many as the de-facto leader of the DLP, was recently captured in this picture of Drone Riots sparked by Anti-War sentiments.
Market Economics Challenged by DSE
Outgoing DSE Pandemoniak recently
posted a new social engineering poll, asking for the abandonment of current economic policies in favour of a Green economy oriented towards research. At the time of writing, the status quo is winning out, with 11 out of 20 votes and one abstention.
The projected effects of the adoption of the proposed policy seem to be largely negative, as it would entail the abolition of most of the welfare funds that keep the population happy and provide a good living standard to the less-well-off, thus resulting in a massive increase in poverty and social tension, while also more than halving the annual funds available to the UN government. The only positive side of the proposal appears to be a fairly minor increase in labs production.
Faction-wide Elections Open, Missing One Candidate
The faction-wide elections for the Term VII UN government opened yesterday, unfortunately without the post of DPO being filled, although the returned political veteran Mr Where It’s At offered to fill in after the elections began. A run-down of the different elections and the candidates on offer follows:
For the Office of
High Commissioner, the sole candidate is incumbent and CNN Editor
GeneralTacticus, currently winning by a wide margin.
Alpha Talent, we have incumbent
Maniac running against former DIA
TKG; although Maniac is currently in the lead, it’s too close to make any real prediction on who will win.
Director of Internal Affairs, we have
Cedayon running against
Voltaire, in one of the more interesting elections, dominated by a discussion over ‘fiscal responsibility’, as Voltaire advocated the withholding of funds for rush-builds from more industrialized bases in favour of maintaining a much larger energy reserve and spending more on the less developed ones. At the time of writing, Cedayon is winning over Voltaire by a large margin.
Director of Social Engineering, we see
Archaic running against
Lemmy, with the results at present overwhelmingly in favour of Lemmy. The main reason fort his appears to be a general dislike of Archaic and a willingness to accept Lemmy instead of him irrespective of his political views, although several voters, upon being interviewed by the CNN, stated that they voted Lemmy in the hope that he would raise up armies of undead, in a repetition of the events leading up to his public trial decades ago.
Director of Science, the sole candidate is relative newcomer and CCCP member
War of Art, who (despite a few protest votes) is at present winning easily, although he expressed great alarm upon learning of this fact. He cited his lack of Turnchat attendance and aversion to opening the save as the reasons for this.
The election for
Director of Foreign Affairs is another uncontested one, with former DPO and STEP leader Hercules currently winning almost unanimously.
Meanwhile, the elections for
Governors have been largely uneventful, with no elections contested and the only candidate in any danger of being bananaed being Archaic, who is at present winning by a safe margin. There was brief alarm when it became known that there was no candidate to govern the new
Solaris region, but this subsided when lucky22 announced that he would stand as a write-in candidate.
Justice Elections have been equally uneventful, with the only one of the six candidates in serious difficulty being
Archaic, continuing the tradition of strong opposition to him.
Finally, the elections for
Director of Peacekeeping Operations have been the most uneventful of all, having (at the time of writing) not opened at all, due to the absence of a candidate, although MWIA and possibly AdamTG may well be able to stand later.
New Secret Projects Approved
Owing to the recent passage of the Maniac Reforms, which required that all secret projects be polled before construction, rather than simply ordered by Governors, there have been several recent polls on current and planned Secret Projects to be built, all of which passed. The first of these was a request from outgoing Akiria Governor
Cedayon to build the Xenoempathy Dome in New Tassagrad, which passed with the only opposition being from the CCCP, in response to High Commissioner GT’s approval of the project. The second was Jedinican Governor
Maniac’s poll on whether to construct a massive Supercollider in Concordia, in order to increase research output, which passed without much opposition. The last was apparently the most divisive and also the least discussed; Centralis Governor
GeneralTacticus’s poll on whether to develop a Longevity Vaccine in New Apolyton, which passed by a single vote.
More Boreholes for the UN
Finally, several more polls have passed in recent days on the subject of boreholes. Aurillion Governor
TKG posted a two-part poll seeking approval for his massive program of borehole construction for Aurillion, which resulted in an unprecedented number of ties, which were broken when exercised his power as DIA and Governor.
The second borehole poll was posted by
GT, seeking approval for his own plan to build another 4 boreholes in Centralis, mainly along the eastern coast. All of these passed fairly easily, causing the number of authorized borehole sites in Centralis to double.