March 5, 2003, 20:21
Local Time: 15:35
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Posts: 114
Why can't I tell my ships to target fighters/missiles? I don't see why I can't have a LR task force in point-defense duty when it is necessary in certain situations, such as when the enemy has lots of fighters.
Even better, when I have lots of fighters, I want to be able to tell the fighters what to do. Maybe I want the fighters to defend my SR task force. If I have enough fighters, this would actually make a SR task force useful. Or if I only have carriers, I'd love to tell the first wave of fighters I launch to attack the enemy, but the second task force to defend me from incoming enemy fighters.
I don't mind taking losses because of intellegent enemy tactics, superior enemy technology, or superior enemy numbers. However, it does frost my shorts when I lost ships because I can't perform the best tactics for the situation.
MOO2 let the player tell fighters to intercept missiles or other fighters. Why can't MOO3?
March 5, 2003, 20:26
Local Time: 20:35
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Posts: 9
My sitrep says "Congrats, you've just reached level 3 in these tech fields", but when I look at the levels on the Technology->Matrix screen, it says Current Level = 4.  And speaking of Tech Levels, it sure would be nice to have the levels listed next to the sliders on the Technology->Research screen instead of having to look them up one at a time.
March 7, 2003, 20:11
Local Time: 15:35
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Most of what I would like as already been mentioned by others... but to recap:
1. Reduce the effect of spies (or frequency of their attacks)... Playing the Evon with a high O-meter, the higest tech & 12+ defending spies, I still get HAMMERED every turn. Defending spies should be a lot more effective.
Also, I think that the New Orions should not use spies unless you're at war.
If I don't have contact with a race, I shouldn't be able to spy on them or have their spies infiltrate my empire.
Assasinations of Leader should become a lot more difficult, and should make it very hard for that spy to escape. Leaders at the moment are practically useless as they rarely last more than 5 turns (if you're in the senate).
BTW, someone asked about info on how long a spy will last until they die/retire/etc.. Every spy looses 1 luck per turn (perhaps more if on a mission), when their luck runs out they are no longer available.
2. The ability to give direction to what military vessels to produce and in what percentages.
3. Selectable colors... I thought the reason we were not going to be able to do this was that colors were hardcoded to specific species (An Idea that I like), but instead they're totaly random.
4. Allow Task Force replacements (i.e., replace lost ships) and Ship upgrade.
5. Allow us to control all phases of combat even is you cede control to AI or choose to watch.
6. Better documentation, Encylopedia & Tool Tips.
7. In diplomacy, when a race threatens me (or has relations improved/reduced), I'd like to know why.
8. The ability to adjust the "Survey System View" to different race types. The ability to see what the planet's type is before you colonize. And in the planetary view & planetary list, the ability to not only select "View by" for the playable races, but also for magnates.
9. When a colony ship is created, there should be some sort of note to show what race of colonists are onboard.
10. When building a Ground Force, I would like to be able to sort by Type, Race & Experience, and the slider should allow you to go through your ENTIRE list (or atleast show 1 of each available Type/Race/Experience). I would also appreciate being able to create more than 1 Division/Corps/Army at a time before I load them on to a Transport (i.e., Load 3 Armies into a Transport Wave, etc.).
11. If I have more than 1 troop TF during an invasion, allow me to choose which ones/How many to use... On my first game I didn't relize it used ALL of your transports, and I attacked a small world with 12 28-unit armies. At least I won.
12. The "Hold Position" combat option should always be present if the "Defend Planet" option isn't legal.
Last edited by Trachmyr; March 7, 2003 at 20:27.
March 7, 2003, 20:55
Local Time: 16:35
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I want to be able to let the AI assault a planet but, still have the OPTION of gonig to the bombarbment screen so I don't have to waste time personally controlling a combat that's a forgone conclusion just so I can depopulate/ Stellar Convert a planet with a bombardmant. This option would also fix the requests/complaints of others wanting to control assaulting troops after an Ai controlled planetary assault, since that is also determined from the bombardment screen.
Biggest goof in the game IMO
"Power doesn't corrupt; it merely attracts the corruptable"
March 7, 2003, 22:06
Local Time: 16:35
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A means of aquiring tech other than trade/steal. In Moo2 you could get a tech when you busted a planet. I could be either capture or kill off all pop or both, I don't care.
Also maybe a means to get the plans to learn a missing tech, so spending extra for it. It can be very painful to miss a bunch of tech that you would like to have.
If you are a non trading race, you have few options.
March 8, 2003, 02:33
Local Time: 20:35
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Posts: 15
I've seen a lot of people complain about spy activity and and I agree it needs to be toned down a bit or at least give you the ability to tweak it. Can you turn down the frequency of spy attacks with that moo3 editor? Open up the spread sheets mob and look for spymissions.txt the 2nd to last column is NumTurn or something like that. There's no comments so I can't quite figure out if that's how long an effect lasts or how long it takes to execute that mission. Anyhow I doubled everything so I'll see if that helps to reduce spy activity frequency.
March 8, 2003, 04:20
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Duplicate system names
When generating the universe, make sure no two systems have the same name. In my current game, I have two systems with the same name, fairly close to each other.
None, Sedentary, Roving, Restless, Raging ... damn, is that all? Where's the "massive waves of barbarians that can wipe out your civilisation" setting?
March 8, 2003, 06:51
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Originally posted by vmxa1
I would like to see something done to the wing tab for Military Queues. It is so easy to click on the Econ frame and get that one instead of the build queue. It is not as if I do not get enough clicks in, now I have to close this one and try again.
(Ok, my bad, you do not have to click on the far end, any place on the bar will open it.)
One more that I am sure has been mentioned before, but I would at least like to see the new design to load the current values for a given design. So if I swing to new and select say a cutter, pop up the layout form my last cutter design, not the last ship I edited, say Cruiser.
The problem is that forces me to remember what exactly is in each design or bounce back and forth or write it down. I hope that was clear.
I'm not sure what you are after here, but I always start from my current design (not from scratch) when designing. That wasy I always have my last cutter design.
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March 8, 2003, 06:56
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Re: More features in need of a fix
Originally posted by matohl
1. Why cant I make the choice to NOT invade? If I have transports in the system, select assault planet with the fleet because I want to wipe out the fleet of the enemy, then my troops autmatically assaults the planet, I can only make the choice to control the battle or let the AI handle it. Perhaps I want the re-inforcements that will arrive the next turn with me in the assault.
2. Sorting on Industry in the Planets screen is not quite up to the task. It seems it does not take into account production modifiers, like mineral richness.
3. I want to access the production queues directly from the Planets screen, like I could in MOO2 from the Colonies screen.
4. In the sitrep, the checkbox for showing tech breakthroughs seems to be not working.
5. In the sitrep, I want to chose to see produced ships, ground troops, DEAs, planetary facilities, spy events.
6. In the sitrep, when it tells my XYZ has been produced I want to see what is next in the build queue and a shortcut to the production queue so I can change it froom Troop Transport or Magazine to something more useful like a Destroyer or a Marine.
2. There are two sorts available. Maybe I'm stupid, but I thought that mineral richness was only mining related??
6. This one freaked me out. I set up all my planets military production queues initially then use the sitrep to make sure the ai is on track with what I want. If you click on the sitrep report that says you've built x, it takes you right to the build queue (one click my friend). The freaky part is that it quickly goes through all the screens.
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March 8, 2003, 15:11
Local Time: 20:35
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1 Ability to upgrade ground troop equipment for existing units.
2 Some level techs marked as always being visible for research ie things like space port.
March 8, 2003, 15:38
Local Time: 16:35
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RPMisCOOL you can go to the shipyard and to new design. It will have some layout, if you are at cutter and the layout is the one for a cutter, fine. Now if you decide you really want to do a cruiser, you have the layout that was there already and have to take it apart or do autobuild and work from that one. IOW if you select any hull in new design you will have the same components for all selections. Now you will need to recall what you had for that design.
March 8, 2003, 16:36
Local Time: 20:35
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Posts: 2
I've managed to log about 10 hours of game play so far , and I'm still not sure If I'm impressed. I think this game could be a winner, but it is missing something. I've compiled a list of my must-see features for a patch... On the whole I concur with everything stated in this forum (beef up that AI!), but figured a few things should be repeated or added. There are some UI design issues, (okay - game design issues) that should be looked at before this thing is truly "gold".
General Game Functions
1. Context Menus - Right Click... There are whole buttons on my mouse going to waste here. The inclusion of a simple pop-up menu could allow a lot of navigation short-cuts and additional UI features. For example:
-Modify contents of production queues from system summary
-Modify contents of production queues from planet's screen
-Red-Flag in SetRep when complete
-Set WayPoints and Actions in ship combat and galaxy map
2. Remember my choices and settings. It would be nice if I didn't have to change the planets screen to "industry, shipyard capacity, owned" every time I restore a "saved" game. Same with turning off "Masters Notes"
3. Allow player control of sitrep priorities
4. I've seen a "Military Priorities" panel suggested on this forum... This is an absolute necessity - Marking transports obsolete is a work-around for a suboptimal AI.
Ship Design Screen
1. I'm going to agree to any requested improvements on this thread - just about any change could be made to make ship design better.
2. A minor point - Things such as the "X-Ray warhead" running out of the bounds of the weapon combo box. This may not be a crash bug, not even a show stopper, but this is the sort of bug developers should fix... Makes the whole product look like "amateur hour".
Ship Combat
1. Start combat at minimum zoom - I'm not interested in seeing my task forces, I'm interested in seeing their position relative to everything else on the map.
2. Would it be too much to have the whole map visible at on screen at minimum zoom? Rotating the map doesn't really help matters, although I can get a fairly good view of the whole situation.
3. What about pause?
4. Bring back scanning assuming one's empire has appropriate technology. So many space games/science fiction settings have some kind of detailed scan technology - let's have the same in this game. I would even be happy with Military spies stealing or reporting on enemy ship designs - where is the Naval Intelligence?
5. The "Task Force Orders and Information" panel is a complete waste of screen real-estate. Half of it contains giant icons for attack, move, etc. We've got hotkeys... Why not use the right-mouse/command-click for a context-menu for orders? The command button space on the panel could then be used for something useful, like scanning, or:
6. Combat event log. Combat events should be logged in a message window. That way I can find out what my task force is doing while I'm looking somewhere else... For example:
Task force 1 reports contact with enemy at (x,y)
Task force 1 reports contact lost/enemy destroyed, etc.
N Fighters approaching
Task force 1 fires on Enemy Task force 2 for N damage
7. A final futile complaint about that panel... Every other screen in this game seems to be filled with a flood of information - usually poorly organized... Why does this panel seem to convey no information at all? (oops... bitterness level rising)
8. Perhaps an optional starry background?
Combat Scheduler
1. Another interface nightmare. Even with the view system button, I'm never really sure what planet I'm attacking. I think something more than a picture and name of the star is in order. The dark blue selection highlight and general twitchiness means I'm never sure if I'll get a chance to bombard the world I want to...
2. Bombardment scheduler should allow me to specify the task forces and targets I want to bomb. I've wasted too many turns by not getting to bomb the worlds I want to bomb.
1. Give us something to do here. Research is very much a set priorities and forget about it matter. In the other two games tech meant something, in this game it's just more clutter. The ability to rush a research project would go a long way to improving the strategic elements of research. It might be nice to allocate funds to rush a given project As a penalty for overuse, have some unscrupulous scientists take advantage of your generous donations, and not actually rush the project.
2. Increase the detail of descriptions - drop the out-of-place attempts at humour. "Penetrates armour faster than sound through space"... ROTFL - really... very droll...
1. Sometimes the diplomacy messages are just too incoherent... While I'm willing to believe that aliens may have different untranslatable methods of communicating, the first "Angry/Demanding-Praise" message received is a confusing experience... Too hard to parse some of those diplomacy sentences
March 8, 2003, 19:26
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Not sure if it's been mentioned before so I'll either state or reiterate that planetary missle bases are too powerful. I just sent a fleet of LR superdreads with PD and recon and a second fleet of LR/IF with PD and recon up against a planet and I lasted less than two minutes. Two volleys to kill 24 level 27+ ships. I used the PD workaround and have the best beam and armor around.
Very, very frustrating.
March 9, 2003, 02:27
Local Time: 20:35
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Posts: 16
aside from bug fixes, this game is simply missing a few things:
1. Refitting of ships. Perhaps refitting an existing ship should be VERY expensive, but it should be there.
2. Choices for hull style of ships. A frigate is a frigate, and battleship is a battleship... how boring. In fact wouldn't it be cool to be able to load your own models? Those that love tweaking games (like me) would be delighted.
3. Mini-map in combat. Much needed, others have said it better.
4. Mini-map on galaxy view. I know I can zoom out, but what a pain.
5. Ability to take over control from the AI when you are watching.
6. Ability to have AI take over a battle you started.
7. Ability to Pause a battle
8. Ability to speed up a battle... (perhaps your watching, and your non-combat ships are all that is left, and are cowering in the corner).
9. The game needs to have a last-used custom race option. Or does 'Quick Game' actually do this? I am afraid that it just uses the default race for the race that is pictured.
thats all I can think of right now
March 9, 2003, 15:55
Local Time: 20:35
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And fix the planetary AI's military queue. I don't need two hundred system ships in a system, or one hundred magazines, or six hundred thousand troop ships. I'm having to drill down and MM every five turns or so to make sure this isn't happening.
March 9, 2003, 16:45
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Ship Refit Suggestion
1. Add checkbox to Fleet screen, "Allow Reserve Refits"
2. Restrict ship designs to allow only one design for each combination of hull size and mission.
3. Set maintenance cost for ships eligible for upgrade to be X% (higher than standard maintenance cost).
4. Any ship in the reserves that is of a design marked 'obsolete' is automatically upgraded to the current design of the same mission and hull size at the one-turn cost spec'd in #3.
5. Have budget reflect costs in Maintenance, and show difference in costs if checkbox for "Allow Reserve Refits" is selected or not.
Some issues -
How does production capacity and mineral availability play into this? Should it, or do we give a miss to strict realism (which is OK since it's just a game)?
Should a budget deficit prevent refits or allow the player go into the red?
March 9, 2003, 20:11
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Posts: 53
1. The ability to rename a star system if your the first to colonize it.
2. The same homeworld name for each race every game, i.e., the Humans always start in Sol, the Psilons always start in Mentar, etc. Or at least the ability to name your home system at the begining of every game.
3. The ability to choose the color of my emipre flag, as well as its symbol.
4. Fix the AI so it doesn't send multiple colony ships to the same planet.
I'm starting to repeat things already in the thread, so let me say that I agree with practically everything mentioned above, and PLEASE add the following...
A Hall of Fame or Top Ten Scores list. Make it selectable so you can see the top scores for each race and the top scores overall.
March 10, 2003, 13:14
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Originally posted by Hokiemon
4. Fix the AI so it doesn't send multiple colony ships to the same planet.
Agreed with one limitation. Allow the AI to send 2 colony ships (or one ship with two colony pods) to a Yellow planet, or 4 to a Red one.
March 10, 2003, 22:01
Local Time: 07:35
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Originally posted by Hokiemon
2. The same homeworld name for each race every game, i.e., the Humans always start in Sol, the Psilons always start in Mentar, etc. Or at least the ability to name your home system at the begining of every game.
I think the change where the home system name is now random is a good one. In multiplayer, it means the name of your home system is no longer obvious, so they have to find your home world the hard way.
None, Sedentary, Roving, Restless, Raging ... damn, is that all? Where's the "massive waves of barbarians that can wipe out your civilisation" setting?
March 10, 2003, 22:58
Local Time: 20:35
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Posts: 59
Originally posted by star mouse
I think the change where the home system name is now random is a good one. In multiplayer, it means the name of your home system is no longer obvious, so they have to find your home world the hard way.
I see your point, but if there's a senate and trade, the homeworld of any race would probably be common knowledge. If you're after subterfuge in multi player, just move your seat of government to another system. Still, with spys able to do so much so well so often, figuring out where your seat of government is should be child's play. And if you could rename the system, problem solved any way. I wonder if the system rename was removed because the data would have had to be sent to other machines in multi?
In fact now that I'm thinking about it, I wonder how much of the suckiness of the SP game was brought about to accommodate multi? You wouldn't have a fast paced multi game if you were redesigning ships comfortably, ships would be expected to just be auto-designed, auto-named and then sent to die, like so many respawning bots, aggressive enemy AI would be a distraction, good AI Diplomacy would take a back seat, wizzing through the tech tree with nary a second thought to wonder at the achievement would promote a fast-paced game... Sad to see a quake 3 brain sewn into a thinking-man's game's body, like some horrible psilon experiment gone terribly, terribly wrong. I can hear those fathead scientists running (floating?) around now and yelling -"We need 6000 lines of patch code NOW - STAT!!!", as their beautiful creation slowly fades off into that bargain bin in the sky. Will the monster ever know true love? Is it too late too save it from itself? Will the those who the monster stole $50 from have to fix it themselves? Will Rantz and the boys from QS collectively ask you if you want fries with that as they'll never work in the game industry again if they manage to destroy this profitable and established franchise? - tune in in a few Earth-Months to find out the answers to these and many other suspenseful questions!
March 10, 2003, 23:56
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Let me preface by saying that I have really enjoyed my brief time with this game, I think it's very good as is, and could be great with help. If I didn't like it, I wouldn't bother with this list...
And now my list...
1. If I have two Task Force detachments at one star, and I want to condense them into one, PLEASE let me do so! Even if I have to bring them back to a star with a mobilization center... Why should they go to the delay box so I can replace the one ship lost in the last combat?
2. Give me long ship and taskforce names. 256 characters
3. Give the player the ability to add DEA buildings and DEAs such as Space Ports... the Viceroy should still do it, but we should be able to intervene as in other areas.
4. The mouse wheel zoom in the combat screen steps the zoom in HUGE increments. I can't zoom with it, I have to use + and - keys... just step this down so using the wheel is an option.
5. If I am going to define a PlayerDef 1 development plan, let me rename it to something meaningful.
6. Let me design Taskforces even if the ships aren't built. Any ships I add from my design list will appear grayed out in the TF box, and when I finish my viceroys will all try to figure out where to build the missing ships. (the manual seems to imply this on p.125... and it seems to work for Antaren X fleets... MAKE IT WORK FOR TFs!!!)
7. Ship refits. Building a new navy from scratch to incorporate a new laser isnt' macromanaging. It's micromanaging to the nth degree.
I think that this should be handled as follows:
In the ship design screen, I want to select a current design (Phantom I) and click on "Upgrade." Then, I tinker with the design until I'm happy (not changing hull type or mission type). While I am doing this, there will be interface panels with the old specs, and the currently proposed specs, with changes highlighted. WHen I'm happy, I call the new design Phantom II (or "Grand Phantom Redesign, with new and improved CONTINUOUS Mass Drivers" since we'll have long names).
Then, Phantom I automatically becomes obsolete, all Phantom I ships in any build queues get replaced with the Phantom II version, and I get a message asking me to confirm spending X number of AUs to upgrade the reserves over Y amount of time.
Phantom I ships in TFs need to be brought to a star with the facilities to build that hull size for a refitting.
8. Better ship design anyway, just like everyone else said.
9. Espionage is broken... most of the suggestions here are good, I'll add my own.
--I might have three military spies in one empire... tell me which one just set their fleet on fire.
--various ways of sorting spy list.
--let me tell my spies what I want them to do... I have no way of knowing if my spy is going to just annoy somebody or blow up a planet's region.
--COUNTER ESPIONAGE... make this work, and show me that it is... "Our spy ArmHair has recently protected your forth and final great leader from being assassinated!" The way it is now, your own spies don't do anything, and with the Oppresometer it's either lose your imperial seat every three turns, or your planets revolt. Either way, the spies don't get caught.
--Consequences for espionage. The game treats it as "everyone's doing it, and that's great." It should be "everyone's doing it, but if you're caught, watch out!"
--I'm pressuring captured enemy spies? Why? What am I learning from this?
10. Ability to rename systems, yes. But also individual planets within systems. I have trouble remembering if it's Trod VI or IV where I have the capacity to build Battleships...
11. I agree with the whole Planet bombardment, troops to invade with issue others have mentioned.
12. Feedback on various tax levels. What does adjusting System Tax do? What will changing Imperial or planet tax do for me text turn in terms of money AND contentedness... Projections are fine, we just need some sort of indication. ALso... please give us information about where grant money is going and how much it's helping.
13. Diplomacy.
--Threats should say "You do/stop this or else I'll do that to you."
--Why can't I offer trade and reserach deals in the same turn?
--If I have a trade deal already, why are you asking me for another one (I'm not talking about Improved deals here). If the one we currently have is going to expire, SAY SO!
--The manual implies that trade and research deals have considerable overhead... give us this feedback! Show us how much implementing a deal will cost right there in the diplomacy screen.
--A way for non-Senate members to appeal for voting rights.
--Observer senate status... And let the New Orions be more likely to grant this one. Observers get to see records.
--Nonvoting senate status... can propose bills, must abide by senate rules, no vote. New Orions can be willing to give this one out, too.
--some votes should be 1 civ, 1 vote. Especially the Galactic Citizens stuff... for much of the games votes are really just New Orion decisions.
--SitRep reminders about bills I've yet to vote on. Often, if I second a bill I'll forget by next turn, and never get to vote on it.
--Buy/Sell senate votes. I'll give you these techs, if you vote Yea on this bill.
--all diplo. options in exchange offers, all the time. Sometimes I have the option to trade embargoes against one civ, sometimes. Why not all civs, all the time?
--The conditional/unconditional surernder options... am I offering or asking? clarify this, then give the other option. I should be able to demand surrender if winning, or offer it if losing.
14. Let me save and load my development plans from one game to the next.
15. I want to fight off AI invasions! Make the AI try to take my planets. I'm ready!
16. Ability to ignore Senate victory. Like in Alpha Centauri.. If I'm not a senate member (or I am in it but someone else gets elected) I should be able to tell them "fat yeah," then the whole senate becomes allied against me. The senate victory will be complete when oppossition is surrendered to any loyal senate members. Civilizations shouldn't always do this, as it would basically work out to signing your own death certificate... but it would be nice to have the option, and should not be unheard of.
17. Fix the encyclopedia. Fix the various in-game descritions. No excuse for not doing so in a game with this many layers and rules.
18. The in-game alarms don't work. I asked for half-hourly reminders (mostly just because I could), played for two hours, and got nothing. Then, I went and got a sandwich talked on the phone, came back and saw "Half of an hour has passed!" It should be alarms, not psedo-screen savers! The "tell me it's 1:00" works only sporadically.
Okay... I think that's enough for me. Need to cool it before I hit twenty. Lord knows I'll think of more. I'd like to reiterate that I'm not trying to complain, just help make the game better. I enjoy it as-is... but as-is it isn't going to hook me. Now with some tweaking, I'll hook up an I.V. and sit down for a week of one more turns.
Last edited by Fosse; March 11, 2003 at 03:27.
March 11, 2003, 12:22
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Originally posted by star mouse
I think the change where the home system name is now random is a good one. In multiplayer, it means the name of your home system is no longer obvious, so they have to find your home world the hard way.
Can't be the reason they did it. Why? Hit the 'B' button on the galactic map, and you'll see the imperial seat of every civ that you have diplomatic contact with. It would have been silly to drop a feature to keep the seat from being found, then add a different feature that makes it even easier to find the seat than ever before.
March 16, 2003, 15:05
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I've got a couple more things for patching. First, if I bomb a planet to under colony limits, I should be able to continue bombing them until it's totally gone. Instead I have fleets sitting over enemy planets not doing anything while the colonies repopulate.
Why can I not gain tech through conquest?!? If I take a planet and it has buildings ON the planet I CONTROL that I don't have, why can I not build them in other parts of my empire?
Something has to be done about spying. I love the idea of spying but I'm down to two races that own a combined sixteen planets and I'm getting pounded. My o-meter is almost as high as I can put it and maintain order. I've changed my stance to total war with both civs, and I'm bombing four of the sixteen planets. How in the world am I getting 20+ spy attacks per turn? Are they somehow cranking out a spy every turn, because the fastest I can do it is one in five. I have about twelve defensive spies.
I've mentioned this before but I want to reiterate: fix my finances. I'm posting a 147,000AU loss or more a turn but I'm actually gaining money. When my loss drops to under 75,000AU I suddenly find my empire with a negative balance. I've even manually stopped most of my production queues and ramped back my grants but it does no good.
March 16, 2003, 22:26
Local Time: 16:35
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Oviedo, Fl
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Repeating we must hav a means to stop these troop builds and disband them. I was late in the game and obsoleted all ships and of course you get more troops.
I have to go turn off the AI to stop it, but them I have a problem in that any new planet improvements will not be queued up unless I do it by hand (ai is off remember).
This is a real pain.
March 16, 2003, 22:28
Local Time: 16:35
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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What the heck is the deal with Loknar dying? I can handle that other leaders die after awhile, but not Loknar, I mean how long has he live till I find him?
Not nice.....
March 16, 2003, 22:30
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I put these on seperate post so they could be seen easily.
Why does not all of my fleets head back after I discover and return the last X? I did not play much past that point, but I have no idea how long or if ever they will come back.
March 16, 2003, 22:33
Local Time: 16:35
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Location: Oviedo, Fl
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Leader Effect....
Could we get a clue as to why? I had no colony leaders at that point, not at war, running as Peace and such.
Many times a planet gave this. I presumed that they did not like something about how I ran things, but what?
Not to mention I would at times see Unrest in teh sitrep and go to the planets and see nothing for a cause??
This makes people unhappy. The game has enough things to annoy players as it stands.
March 17, 2003, 01:36
Local Time: 20:35
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 20
I got "leader effect" as a reason for unrest but it was obvious. My leader is causing +5% unrest. Sounds like a bug if you still see it...
March 17, 2003, 02:19
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Location: Oviedo, Fl
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I dismissed any that wanted to join if they had unrest.
March 17, 2003, 09:28
Local Time: 20:35
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Birmingham, AL
Posts: 1,595
Some of the better leaders bring unrest. I found that an enormous IF fleet in-system does wonders for quieting unrest.
I'm at turn 500 and it's taking around three minutes to complete a turn. I'm hanging at the ground combat screen. Now, I'm assuming that this is because I have a boatload of planets, but it's been happening for the last hundred turns and it's sucking my will to continue. Maybe QS can look into that.
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