trying to get back into civ3... what's the current mod situation?
i'm posting this here on advice from #apolyton. while i realize the danger in basing any decision on the word of an irc channel... i didn't have any better ideas.
what are the popular mods for civ3, if any? i don't really want to serially exhaust the choices available, as there seem to be a lot of them.
i'm sort of looking for something like there was for ctp - that is, a recommended set of mods to install to improve and round out the game. when last i played civ3, i was greatly enjoying plutarck's lwc mod, but that seems to have died last april. it fleshed out the game quite nicely, but... oh well.
can someone recommend some mods to check out?
also, how does ptw affect the situation? i don't have it yet, but if i do get back into civ3 (and get a friend back into it), i'll quite possibly want to play multiplayer, and i'd like to know how that affects decisions wrt to mods.
it's just my opinion. can you dig it?