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Old March 1, 2003, 13:27   #1
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I will give MOO3 another chance if...
I will give Master of Orion 3 a chance if the following two little things are done to it via a patch...


2) Science slider LOCKS stay LOCKED!

As long as I have to guess what technologies do, and the AI unlocks my science sliders and resets them, it's no good.
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Old March 1, 2003, 13:36   #2
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1: a less fancy interface, no animated 'windows', no 4 screens to get to important info, common sense please.

2: a complete encyclopedia, no-one needs a broken one, a working SEARCH, context-sensitive help
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Old March 1, 2003, 15:15   #3
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Just give them a little time... though I did check the website just to see if they'd set a new speed record for the fastest game patch release. lol
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Old March 2, 2003, 02:07   #4
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I've been playing for two days (well, nights ) now. I really like the macromanagement, even though there are issues with not knowing what slider does what etc.
What kills the game for me is the UI. It makes too many things way too hard to do.
Anyway, after getting more and more annoyed with it tonight, I decided to went a bit. So this is, in no particular order, why I will not be keeping MoO3:

* No system search function.
* No autocomplete battle option when battle has been joined.
* When pressing the hyperlink from the SitRep to a system, there is no way to find out where that system is located.
* All production quecues are WAY to deep into the interface.
* Double-clicking to get OUT of submenus is NOT GOOD.
*Zooming on the galaxy map is useless, since all info disappears when not max zoomed in.
*No way to merge/split taskforces without returning them to the reserves, waiting, and then re-forming them.
* AFAIK there's no way to make an existing infantry unit (division, corps, etc.) embark on transports above. Both transports and army have to be formed when they're to be assigned.
* No way to make taskforces move through starlanes with lowest common speed, ensuring they arrive together.
* The limitations in taskforce formation are IMO idiotic, and completely ruin the point of having them in the first place.
* NUMEROUS issues with the shipyard:
- Having to completely redesign every ship every ten turns because there's no "update design" option.
- Naming, missions, type, size options don't 'stick' - if I change one option the others might flip as well.
- Names are too short - There's no fun killing Ithkul with a 'StrFriLR'.
* Making contact with other civs/races seems to me to be completly random and arbitrary - I fought battles against the Meklar and Klackons, yet I could not contact them(!).

Well, that's the stuff that keeps getting me very frustrated, and why I probably will end up taking the game back. I may well try it again in a few months or so, if the patches seem good, but for now, I'll hold on to my hard-earned.
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Old March 2, 2003, 02:20   #5
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Originally posted by Khab
* When pressing the hyperlink from the SitRep to a system, there is no way to find out where that system is located.
Man that one is a real bugger. I had an event that was about a system and I could not find that system to save my soul. I can not recall, but I suspect it was a deal where my scout got hit by a guardian and as you know it will not show that system or the Guardian.
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Old March 2, 2003, 02:23   #6
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Just give them a little time...
Isn't this game already nearly a year past their originally announced ship date?

* NUMEROUS issues with the shipyard:
- Having to completely redesign every ship every ten turns because there's no "update design" option.
- Naming, missions, type, size options don't 'stick' - if I change one option the others might flip as well.
- Names are too short - There's no fun killing Ithkul with a 'StrFriLR'.
LOL - Here Here! At some points in the game when Energy Tech is just streaming in - I have to redesign ships every 2 Turns!?! There's an AI for every other function of micromanagement!
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Old March 2, 2003, 02:25   #7
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I should have added that your points are all valid.
And a lot more, such as the way the AI builds items, lack of info to make decissions on what I should be doing.
The AI will starve me to death if I let it.
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