[09:42] GT^Commish> Starting now.
[09:42] Evangelion-Freak> All we are looking for is a way to block the DIA if it's deemed necessary.
There was also my proposal of a citizen action that would allow a large portion of the people to
veto the DIA.
[09:42] Evangelion-Freak> That way, we'd kinda "banana" him beforehand. A proactive impeachment sort
of thing.
[09:43] AdamTG^DoS> It's true enough that thje DIA's veto is only a negative. He can't force the
Governors to do anything specific which they object to. The most that could happen is for no orders
to be okayed, and either the Commissioner plays without orders or the game grinds to a halt.
[09:43] Maniac-AT> Voilą.
[09:43] AdamTG^DoS> Well, we do have impeachment for that.
[09:43] Maniac-AT>

[09:43] Evangelion-Freak> *shrug*
[09:43] Evangelion-Freak> Of course all wrongdoings of officials will come back to them in elections,
but by then the damage will be done.
[09:43] Maniac-AT> Indeed: impeach the DIA!

[09:43] GT^Commish> IF that scenario plays out, we'd have a situation like the one we had here in
[09:43] Evangelion-Freak> And impeachments take time too. Last time, Herc wanted 47 hours to think
over it when we had a 48 hour limit...
[09:44] AdamTG^DoS> True enough.
[09:44] Evangelion-Freak> Luckily Drogue resigned himself and we avoided some mess...
[09:44] AdamTG^DoS> Well, I'mnot trying to shoot the idea down, just proposing arguments.
[09:44] Maniac-AT> Of course we could also give the AT the power to veto any order, including the
DIA's veto. But that proposal was shot down last time.

[09:44] GT^Commish> Have we ever impeached an official who was actually still active?
[09:45] AdamTG^DoS> It's been proposed (Archaic), but never carried out. And at the time of
impeachment he wasn't very active; became more active after that.
[09:47] AdamTG^DoS> To my knowledge, the justification for every proposed impeachment has been
inactivity. In Archaic's case, it wasn't clear at the time whether he was unwilling to post polls
or unable; turned out he had been busy and after that he made an effort to be more active.
[09:47] Maniac-AT> Anyway, if I get it the only difference between letting the court have the last
word over a DIA veto, or the Commish+AT having the last word, is that the court needs 3 judges, and
the Commish+AT only two. Not much of an advantage. The only thing it does is giving the judges even
less power.
[09:47] GT^Commish> Maniac: Is it ok with you if I upgrade the obsolete designs that still have units
active, to free up some slots?
[09:47] Maniac-AT> Such as?
[09:47] GT^Commish> Plenty.
[09:48] Maniac-AT> We're kind of short of cash. I wouldn't want to upgrade every military unit rihgt
[09:48] AdamTG^DoS> Do the judges have the right to overturn a veto? After all, the Constitution
gives the DIA the power to veto -- do Judges have the power to overturn an order made according to
the Constitution?
[09:48] Maniac-AT> We need to save for the former upgrades?
[09:48] Evangelion-Freak> I'm not as aware of the rights of the Justices as I should be *cough*
[09:48] Evangelion-Freak> Time to do some homework I guess

[09:48] Maniac-AT> I think they can give a ruling abouyt anything presented to the court.
[09:49] AdamTG^DoS> As I see it, the job of the Justices is to interpret the Constitution and say
when something conflicts with it. That's my understanding, at least.
[09:49] Maniac-AT> Or when there are conflicts between officials no? Such as between a DIA and
[09:50] GT^Commish> Maniac, we have to get rid of some of the active designs, or else we'll be unable
to clean the workshop out.
[09:50] AdamTG^DoS> Hmm. After reading the section of the Constitution, I find that it reads closer
to Maniac's interpretation.
[09:50] AdamTG^DoS> "violations of the Constitution, or any other legal dispute involving the game.
[09:50] Maniac-AT> Really? When I checked last time a few hours ago, there were *tens* of active and
obsolete designs we have no unit of.
[09:50] Evangelion-Freak> I see.
[09:51] Maniac-AT> I'll start the game up myself to check, GeneralTacticus.
[09:52] * herc2 has joined #smacdg
[09:52] AdamTG^DoS> Greetings, Hercules.
[09:52] herc2> Hi guys
[09:53] Maniac-AT> GeneralTacticus, there are 14 obsolete designs we have no units from. Upgrading of
existing units (except formers in a while) is not necessary.
[09:53] AdamTG^DoS> We're discussing getting rid of some of the unused unit designs, to free up
space. As DPO, would you approve of that?
[09:53] Evangelion-Freak> Hey herc
[09:53] herc2> absolutely
[09:54] GT^Commish> Maniac, it doesn't seem to make any difference.
[09:54] GT^Commish> I've tried to get rid of them, but the number of slots stays the same.
[09:54] * MrWhereItsAt has joined #smacdg
[09:54] Maniac-AT> There are also *17* active unit designs we have no units of or are producing any
[09:54] Maniac-AT> Gt ??????????
[09:55] MrWhereItsAt> Snoogins.
[09:55] GT^Commish> I don't know what the problem is.
[09:55] GT^Commish> Probably something I'm doing worng.
[09:55] GT^Commish> * wrong
[09:55] Maniac-AT> You do know you have yo press "Retire" not "Obsolete".
[09:55] GT^Commish> No, I didn't, actually.
[09:55] GT^Commish> I've never had to do that before.
[09:55] Maniac-AT> Ah that explains it.

[09:55] MrWhereItsAt> You could upgrade those old designs to better ones - then they disappear.
[09:55] GT^Commish> We've already rejected that.
[09:56] GT^Commish> On the grounds that we need the money.
[09:56] Maniac-AT> We need former upgrades first.

[09:56] Maniac-AT> Or not? Poll it?
[09:56] Maniac-AT> Quickpoll
[09:56] MrWhereItsAt> No - for the designs there are no models of - it automatically upgrades any
build orders. You don't have to pay of course if there are no units of that type
[09:57] herc2> confused
[09:57] MrWhereItsAt> OK - we have 17 designs for which we have no units, right?
[09:57] GT^Commish> Ah, I see.
[09:57] AdamTG^DoS> What's the cost for the upgrade(s) under consideration?
[09:57] GT^Commish> Zero.
[09:57] GT^Commish> That's the point.
[09:57] Maniac-AT> And 14 other obsolete ones, together making 31 if I didn't miscount.
[09:57] MrWhereItsAt> (Yes.
[09:58] Maniac-AT> That should give us enough room for a while?
[09:58] MrWhereItsAt> The 17 unused ones can be upgraded to better designs at a cost of zero if there
are better designs we have made.
[09:58] Maniac-AT> ?->.
[09:58] AdamTG^DoS> Thought Maniac was proposing making some other upgrades. Well, if it's without
cost, I say by all means go ahead with it.
[09:58] Maniac-AT> MWIA: why do so if we can just retire them?
[09:58] herc2> yeah me too
[09:59] GT^Commish> Either way works.
[09:59] MrWhereItsAt> I guess it's the same thing, but it shows you if you have designed an
equivalent unit using better technology, and if there are any units being produced, they upgrade to
the newer design without cost.
[09:59] GT^Commish> Anyway, we now have plenty of empty slots in the design workshop.
[10:00] Maniac-AT>

[10:00] MrWhereItsAt> In our case it is mostly just an alternative to retiring.
[10:04] MrWhereItsAt> All quiet...
[10:04] GT^Commish> I'm doing the build queue orders.
[10:04] GT^Commish> Such as there are.
[10:05] Maniac-AT> That's the routine here. Seas of silence with outbursts of heavy discussion.
[10:05] MrWhereItsAt> Has it really got this quiet in here when the Commish is working?
[10:05] GT^Commish> ?
[10:05] Evangelion-Freak> I have other things to do besides cracking bad jokes...
[10:05] GT^Commish> You're free to chat about what you like if want to.
[10:05] MrWhereItsAt> Kass - don't say that!
[10:06] Evangelion-Freak> Read my earlier response GT

[10:06] Maniac-AT> Yeah, most of us do something else these days while attending the turnchat.
[10:06] GT^Commish> I was talking to MWIA.
[10:06] Evangelion-Freak> I'm using wget to archive
[10:06] Maniac-AT> For example training for the smacdg pbem.
[10:06] Maniac-AT>

[10:06] Evangelion-Freak> I can't play while doing this, not enough RAM... :\
[10:07] Evangelion-Freak> But,

, a new Computer with 512MB of RAM is in the works

[10:07] herc2> same thing happened to me
[10:07] GT^Commish> Find a book to read, then.
[10:07] Maniac-AT> Or we could of course always start a Directplay game while the Commish is doing
all the hard work.

[10:07] Maniac-AT> MP
[10:07] MrWhereItsAt> Hmm... it seems that formers cost the same with up to and including plasma
armour, but any higher and they start to cost. Or is that just 3Pulse and 3Res armour??
[10:07] Evangelion-Freak> I haven't felt like reading lately...
[10:08] MrWhereItsAt> I don't have Silksteel in my latest game
[10:08] Evangelion-Freak> I could of course always try to watch anime :cutE:
[10:08] Evangelion-Freak> *

[10:09] Evangelion-Freak> I've got the first two episodes of Gunbuster, I could check them out...
[10:09] Evangelion-Freak> (Gunbuster == GAiNAX & Anno Hideaki == excellent)
[10:10] Maniac-AT> I used to watch movies while attending the turnchat, but the problem is I can't
see the TV screen while sitting before the computer. I always had to run back and forth.

[10:10] GT^Commish> Maniac: given that you're filling in for TKG, can we rush the Rec Commons in Twin
Peaks for54 ECs?
[10:10] Evangelion-Freak> Save for FLCL. Too obscure, that one. (Yes, even moreso than Eva. Or, well,
I haven't watched FLCL for seven times...)
[10:10] AdamTG^DoS> MWIA: Probably Plasma too. I know that Plasma is just as cheap as Synthmetal.
[10:10] Maniac-AT> Sure
[10:10] AdamTG^DoS> FLCL... does it make any sense whatsoever? I admit, I've only seen the tail end
of one episode...
[10:10] GT^Commish> Build queue orders done.
[10:11] Evangelion-Freak> The middle ones make as little sense as the first and last ones...
[10:11] AdamTG^DoS> About what I expected.
[10:11] Evangelion-Freak> There's a plot, but, well, it's missing something I can't really put my
finger on.
[10:11] Evangelion-Freak> The whole series, not the plot, that is.
[10:11] Maniac-AT> GT, how many cash have we left after all the rushes?
[10:11] herc2> Is that Voltaire I see before me
[10:12] Voltaire> yes it is
[10:12] GT^Commish> Maniac: I haven't started the rushes yet.
[10:12] Maniac-AT> oh ok
[10:12] GT^Commish> We 1076 ECs left right now.
[10:12] GT^Commish> And we'll get another 481 ECs next turn.
[10:13] Maniac-AT>

[10:13] herc2> The first turns always the longest ( feels song coming on)
[10:18] * Maniac-AT is now known as Maniac
[10:18] herc2> So hows the weather where you are
[10:18] GT^Commish> Cloudy.
[10:19] GT^Commish> We had some thunderstorms last night.
[10:19] Maniac> Dark.
[10:19] Maniac>

[10:22] * MrWhereItsAt has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[10:22] GT^Commish>

[10:22] GT^Commish> Just popped a pod containing 200 ECs.
[10:22] Evangelion-Freak>

[10:23] AdamTG^DoS> Excellent.
[10:23] * MrWhereItsAt has joined #smacdg
[10:23] Maniac> welcom
[10:23] MrWhereItsAt> The HORRORs of dialup
[10:23] GT^Commish> wb.
[10:23] GT^Commish> We just popped a pod containing 200 ECs.
[10:24] MrWhereItsAt> Nice
[10:24] herc2> where on land or sea
[10:24] MrWhereItsAt> Vewry timely
[10:24] GT^Commish> Sea.
[10:24] GT^Commish> In the Great Marine Rift.
[10:26] herc2> yeah got it and there's a nother pod not that far away for next time.
[10:26] GT^Commish> Yup.
[10:29] herc2> so turnwise where are we at, still first?
[10:30] herc2> My2157 or MY 2158
[10:31] GT^Commish> 2257 complete.
[10:31] GT^Commish> CEO Morgan is now working on the Maritime Control Centre.
[10:31] Maniac> Aha. Let the disaster reports come!
[10:31] MrWhereItsAt> Poor herc's living in the past...

[10:31] GT^Commish> As is sister Miriam.
[10:32] herc2> ooops but it was also a good year
[10:32] GT^Commish> 'Couse, they don't have even the slightest chance of beating us.
[10:33] GT^Commish> And the riots at the Hive are continuing.
[10:35] MrWhereItsAt> Herc - the golden age....
[10:35] GT^Commish>

@ Herc.
[10:35] herc2> ok ok calm down
[10:36] Maniac> GT, is there a golden age in Concordia now the hybrid forest is rushed?
[10:36] GT^Commish> btw, our income has now reach 496 per turn.
[10:36] GT^Commish> And we have 1285 ECs in the bank.
[10:36] MrWhereItsAt> Don't worry Herc - I have been in stasis the last hundred years!
[10:37] GT^Commish> got that article written up yet?
[10:40] Maniac> GT, is there a golden age in Concordia now the hybrid forest is rushed?
[10:40] GT^Commish> Yes.
[10:41] Maniac> ok thanks
[10:43] herc2> very quiet, whats happening
[10:43] GT^Commish> Doing this turn's former orders.
[10:50] herc2> well MWIA what afction are you going to choose in the SMACdgpbem
[10:50] herc2> faction
[10:50] GT^Commish> Okay, just picked up a sonar pod in the GMR.
[10:50] herc2> bit of a waste
[10:51] AdamTG^DoS> Did it locate any Hive naval units? If not, agreed, a waste.
[10:52] GT^Commish> Nope.
[10:52] * AdamTG^DoS nods glumly.
[10:52] GT^Commish> No Hive naval units on this side of our continent.
[10:52] GT^Commish> 2258 complete.
[10:53] AdamTG^DoS> Well, that's a good thing, I suppose.

[10:53] GT^Commish> amazingly, no calamities occurred this time.
[10:54] herc2> yeah I know we miss the 'eeek, f***, s**t, comments
[10:54] GT^Commish>

[10:54] GT^Commish> You know that Morgan is currently trying to build a road to Xanadu?
[10:55] herc2> saves us doing it I suppose
[10:55] Maniac> Friendly.
[10:56] AdamTG^DoS> Hmm. Is it worth stationing a few probe teams in our eastern bases?
[10:56] GT^Commish> Funny thing is, we aleady ahve one.
[10:56] AdamTG^DoS> Works fine, then.
[10:57] GT^Commish> I doubt it.
[10:57] GT^Commish> On second thoguhts, no.
[10:57] GT^Commish> We have the HSA, remember.
[10:57] GT^Commish> ?
[10:57] AdamTG^DoS> Okay...
[10:57] * AdamTG^DoS thwaps himself over the head with a trout for stupidity.
[10:58] herc2> Brings out an even bigger trout
[10:58] AdamTG^DoS> ?
[10:58] GT^Commish> Herc: given that there are two unity pods near Capricorn, can I use the formers
to pop them??
[10:59] herc2> I thought about that how about a poll
[10:59] GT^Commish> Quickpoll: 1 = Yes, 2 = no, 3 = abstain.
[10:59] herc2> formers are not exactly military units
[11:00] herc2> 1
[11:00] * Voltaire 3
[11:00] * Maniac 4 Yes if ther are active interceptors which can kill possible mind worms. No if all
interceptors have already used their movement points.
[11:00] herc2> good point
[11:00] GT^Commish> That'll be a yes, then.
[11:00] * GT^Commish 3
[11:01] * AdamTG^DoS 1
[11:01] -> *Voltaire* still awake?
[11:01] * Maniac in that case 1
[11:01] GT^Commish> Carried.
[11:02] GT^Commish> Opened one pod, and we got enough minerals to finish the capricorn Rec commons.
[11:02] herc2> nice one
[11:02] * AdamTG^DoS celebrates.
[11:07] GT^Commish> Our income has now hit 521.
[11:08] Voltaire> ouch\
[11:08] GT^Commish> ?
[11:08] GT^Commish> It's up.
[11:09] Voltaire> opps, i must have missed the part when it was lower
[11:09] Voltaire> How much are we bringing in per turn?
[11:09] GT^Commish> 521.
[11:09] GT^Commish> That's what I just said.
[11:09] Voltaire> oh
[11:09] Maniac> Please tell me when we have 2600 in reserve. Then we can upgrade formers.
[11:09] Voltaire> Never mind, I thought you were reffring to our reserves.
[11:09] AdamTG^DoS> Last turn it was 481, according to GT's earlier comment.
[11:10] GT^Commish> UN Slippery Ground founded off the hive coast.
[11:11] AdamTG^DoS> One step closer to when complete naval superiority is achieved.
[11:11] GT^Commish> Can I start shelling Hive improvements?
[11:11] herc2> Well done
[11:11] herc2> with what
[11:12] Voltaire> Have we completed the Maratime Control Centre???
[11:12] herc2> next
[11:12] AdamTG^DoS> Not yet -- I said one step closer.
[11:13] GT^Commish> Herc: with the missile foil that escorted the CP.
[11:13] GT^Commish> Well?
[11:13] herc2> ah missed that.
[11:14] herc2> he'll know we're thre so why not
[11:14] GT^Commish> Hello?
[11:14] GT^Commish> Failed.
[11:14] Maniac> I'll be away for five minutes. I have to restart my computer due to some problems
with Windows media player. It doesn't start anymore.
[11:15] * Maniac has quit IRC (Quit: )
[11:15] Voltaire> brb need to restart
[11:15] * Voltaire has quit IRC (Quit: )
[11:15] GT^Commish> MCC built.
[11:15] herc2> great
[11:16] herc2> what did you mean failed
[11:16] GT^Commish> Bombardment failed.
[11:16] GT^Commish> It missed.
[11:16] herc2> ah
[11:16] GT^Commish> the Hive has signed a Treaty of Friendship with the Believers.
[11:16] GT^Commish> Just got Bio-engieering.
[11:16] Evangelion-Freak> Crap.
[11:16] Evangelion-Freak>

[11:16] herc2> At last
[11:17] GT^Commish> Adam: What was the next ech again?
[11:17] AdamTG^DoS> Somewhat troubling, but the Believers aren't strong enough to hurt Yang
signifficantly anyway.
[11:17] AdamTG^DoS> Superstring Theory
[11:17] Evangelion-Freak> Adam: yes, but two frontiers is always one frontier more than, eh, one.
[11:17] AdamTG^DoS> I broke a tie between that and Organic Superlube.
[11:17] GT^Commish> Any particular reason why?
[11:17] * Maniac has joined #smacdg
[11:18] GT^Commish> OS would get us a better weapon and a tech wwe could research immediately.
[11:18] GT^Commish> wb
[11:18] Maniac> thanks

[11:18] Maniac> OS?
[11:18] GT^Commish> Organic Superlube.
[11:18] AdamTG^DoS> Because Superstring Theory is needed for Unified Field Theory.
[11:18] Maniac> I see.
[11:18] AdamTG^DoS> Okay... since this is somewhat ambiguous, I'll quickpoll it.
[11:18] GT^Commish> It's several techs away.
[11:19] AdamTG^DoS> What are the choices given?
[11:19] GT^Commish> Silksteel Alloys, Superstring Theory, Mind-Machine Interface, Organic
Superlubricant, Retroviral Engineering.
[11:20] * nerv_111 has joined #smacdg
[11:20] * nerv_111 is now known as Voltaire
[11:20] GT^Commish> wb
[11:20] Voltaire> back
[11:20] AdamTG^DoS> Everything we can research, then.
[11:20] herc2> some nerv
[11:20] Maniac> MMI! :dointnow!:
[11:20] herc2> Os
[11:20] * GT^Commish votes OS
[11:21] AdamTG^DoS> Quickpoll: What should we research? 1) Silksteel Alloys 2) Superstring Theory
3) Mind-Machine Interface 4) Organic Superlubricant 5) Retroviral Engieering
[11:21] * AdamTG^DoS 2
[11:21] * GT^Commish 4
[11:21] herc2> 4
[11:21] * Voltaire 2
[11:22] Maniac> Do I get to decide?

[11:22] GT^Commish> So it would seem.
[11:22] Maniac> I'll choose 2, since that is AdamTG, our DoS, his choice.
[11:22] AdamTG^DoS> Unless MWIA or Kass decide to make their presence known.
[11:22] * GT^Commish slaps MrWhereItsAt around a bit with a large trout