seeing talk about big projects and upgrades, I just caught the opportunity to report the best pure theory about that, not considering real field conditions and other variables... (and you can't say I wasn't clear in my disclaimers, of course I know that it's a mistake to not consider all the available legal mechanisms in real play, including one-way SE switches)
I know that on the path to transcendence you don't need to get to Quantum and Gravships, and I too personally strive to keep on the striclty required path, hey, but who knows... (I trusted that elite players would have spotted that).
More Important, I have to amend here about the Chassis (and you fell in my mistake too):
there is NO DIFFERENCE between Jet and Gravship Chassis in terms of production and upgrade costs!
So, what I said applied to a Q
JS too, in the same way (I have an old chart reporting just 0-1-8*3, and posting Gravship came to my mind, don't know why).
Thus, I agree: my initial post stood valid even if "Gravships have absolutely *no* part to play in it

About Quantum, I think that you might end to obtain it somehow on your path to Transcendence, after all it's just two more techs astray, or eventually a theft...
Some real Figures now tho.
First, my example costs 2110 *without* the NanoFactory.
With it (and I report you that I transcended in games where I let an ally build it...), the "purely mental exercise" QGS upgrade would cost 1055.
At Transcend (would we talk about any less?), one SE switch costs 40ec, two in the same turn cost 135ec, three in the same turn cost 320ec (and four, not needed here, 625).
More could be said, that you were already running FM (or Green)/Know/Cyber. That is quite possible in the end game, so you wouldn't need to count the 40(or 135)ec to switch to a 0 industry the turn before in case you were not there. Some players might have to apply that too tho.
The cheapest jets supply is the quantum one costing 5 rows, but as Quantum is not on the Transcendence path, we'll use Fusion costing 6 rows to build.
The Fission one costs 11 rows thus it's out of the question to build that one out of your factories when you have the Fusion.
As you can't switch SE, cash, and switch SE again (SE quickies, is there anyone accepting them, since the game got out?), you must be already at 0 Industry on the turn when you cash it in, so that you're allowed to switch to +4 Industry, 200 rows of Ascent = 1200 minerals.
This means that you'r producing at 0 industry if you produce just on time, not optimal for cheapest production. Of course at that point in game your production capacity would be so high that a dozen minerals more in the starting unit's production cost are indeed negligible (or did you say that you're not mineral-rich?), I give you that.
As the Jet chassis makes many abilities unavailable, as so does the Supply equipment, a Jet Supply will only have 4 abilities to pick from:
Clean - Cost 2
Secure - Cost 1
Radar - Cost 0
Trance - Cost depending on armor: 2 up to 4, 1 up to 8, 0 for 10 & 12
Beware, the less experienced might have overlooked that, while usually a Fusion unit costs less than a Fission one, in particular cases this is not true.
A Jet chassis (movement increased with Reactor) with heavy armor is one of such cases).
So I'll take by default that we keep the Fusion Reactor in this upgrade, unless otherwise stated.
Well, JetSupply (JS) with armor 10 and the TWO most expensive SA (Special Abilities) which are then Clean Secure, is worth 138 rows!! At Industry Zero it will be cashed in for 1380 minerals, which is a waste if you then switch to Industry 4 where you only need 1200 for the Ascent.
As with armor 10 Trance is *declared* to be a zero cost SA, one might presume that your example was made with Clean only.
Here there's another sneaky glitch in the unit cost formula:
JS10 Clean Secure: 138 rows
JS10 Clean Radar (SA cost0) or JS10 Clean nothing: 108 rows
JS10 Clean Trance: 121 rows! despite Trance too is declared at 0 cost!
So, you have to produce a 60min JS0, upgrade it to a CleanTrance JS10 worht 121 rows; this costs 1210 (10 per target row) plus 90 (9 armor levels added) that is 1300, 650 with NF as you correctly said.
Add 320 for the SE switch and you get 970 ec against my 1055.
In my case, not having to care for SE switches, I could have already been at Industry 4 and my starting unit would only have required 30 minerals to build, to slightly balance the higher cost of my approach.
Your upgrade costed 0.5 ec more than mine per gained mineral row, talking upgrade pure theory.
But in practice, it's yours the one useful, I know this.
With a triple SE switch you can indeed spare 800 minerals with 320 ec, and I have no problem in recognizing that in practical gaming this is much more effective! 0.4ec per mineral!

It is also true that in practical gaming, you said that you would produce few cheap crawlers and upgrade them instead of producing many.
I agree, but I don't agree that if you *already* have many available they're just chaff.
As here we both are (now) talking about the most *practically* convenient way to builds Ascent, and are talking about less than 100ec difference (on a single Ascent I know, I'll address that below).
So I figure that if you have a "couple" of Fusion Speeder Crawlers around (maybe since long time), you're NOT using the cheapest way to achieve your goal if you don't consider throwing them in too somehow (as you won't need them "after"...)
And you overlooked one possibilty:
to use Power SE!!!
That would allow you to start NOT from Industry 10, BUT from Industry 12.
Or to make only two switches, keeping Demo/Eud, and passing from Green/Power (Industry 0) to Plan/Wealth, spending 195ec instead of 320.
You'd say that you don't use Power usually. Well, that's your problem, but then you can't boast that you're using the cheapest way

With Power, you'd just need to obtain a unit worth 100 rows, cashed in for 1200 minerals at Industry -2.
What would it change? Unfortunatley, there's no single-unit sharp-100 rows combination:
SecureTrance JPS10 is worth 104 rows, upg.1130/565ec and you waste 4 rows (cheaper than yours anyway)
CleanTrance JS8 worth 94 rows, you provide the missing 6 rows with two basic crawlers (considering you've plenty), upgrade cost 1010 (505 NF). That's 145 (!) ec cheaper than your approch, although you have to provide 2 extra basic crawlers.
If you happen to have Quantum around, the CleanTrance QJS8 is worth 98 rows. Upgrade cost 1050/525 but you have only 12 minerals to make up for then.
take 4 Fusion Speeder Crawlers (you should have them around even if you're energy and not mineral rich; anyway, they cost 3 rows each).
Upgrade them to CleanDropFission, 2 of them armor2, the other 2 armor3.
100 rows at the cost of 1060/530ec.
JS4 FissionCleanTrance 41rows upg.440ec +
JS6 CleanTrance 60rows upg.650ec
101 rows for 1090/545ec, 2 units for 6+6=12 rows to build initially (10 if you have Quantum)
build 3 Fusion Hover Supply 4 rows each =12
upgrade to FissionCleanDrop, armors 3, 3 & 4
100 rows cost 1070/535ec
same with 3 0-1-2*2 but upgrade to 1 extra armor level than above (4+4+5)
100 rows, cost lifts to 1100/550ec, but the initial crawlers cost 3 rows each not 4 (9 rows overall, less than 2 jets, and cheaper to hurry).
With Quantum, consider
3 0-4-2*3 (yes you build them with silksteel)
upgrade to usual FissionCleanDrop, armor 4+4+5
100rows cost 1010/505ec (!) but you have to produce units for 5+5+5=15 rows initially .
Identical figures starting with 3 0-3-3*3 upgraded to armor 3+3+4
If you use multiple units solution, this means that either you have them around, or if you want to produce, upgrade, cash'em in and complete the Ascent(s) in the same turn, you can't have one every base!
So, your solution is the cheapest straightforward
single-unit, NO-Power, sharp-minerals (you waste one row actually) one.
After all this nitpicking, I have tho to say
16 Ascents in a sinlge turn!!!! THAT is an achievement. And had you thought to use Power and a varied crawlers approach, you would have even spared over 2000ec!
OK, that way the impact of the SE Switches fixed cost becomes negligible, having to divide it by the number of ascents you build.
I am rather puzzled about tho the tactical reason forcing you to do that.
I understand that building a single Ascent is a risk in a PBEM.
In one where I transcended, the Spartan enemy managed to conquer a border base only 10 tiles away from my single Ascent one. I KNEW tho that he couldn't do more than that, also because I relied on the huge defensive contribution of my iron-ally the Hive. True, I had no safety against a Hive backstab, but that was a (very slim) risk I took.
And I had just the money to build that one on that turn, having strived to get to it asap.
I mean.
You surely would have ALL your territory covered from drops by Aerocomplexes and interceptors.
I know that Treaty makes that umbrella uneffective, but then it's up to you to manage your diplomatic status in the crucial last turns.
As you're about to transcend, your opponents must also be very advanced and powerful to make you fear like that.
For instance, either they have the Space Elevator, or they have Graviton Theory. Otherwise, without the possibility of Insertions, you should be able to guard your borders enough!!!
OK, you might think careful to build 3 or 4 ascents, but 16!!!! I can only see in it an impressive display of power and skill, barely a game conduct dictated by real necessity!
16 Ascents (I presume that this is the same example where you built an ascent in every base) at 650ec each, mean that you must have an income of over 10'000ec in a turn, or that you have accumulated that sum in the last ones.
My only doubt would be:
if your enemies are so close to you to make you fear and take such exceptional countermeasures,
could it be possible that you might had then allocated MORE towards research in the previous turns, renouncing to some money but getting earlier to the end?
I expound: wouldn't you had the occasion to build 2-3 Ascents 2 turns earlier, rather than 16 two turns later? Wouldn't have also those (eventual) two turns difference helped to keep the danger from your so advanced and close enemies lower?
BTW, did you Transcend alone, or did you share the victory with some Pactmate?
In conclusion:
you're one of my favourite posters here, and also from hints such as the issue here I've no problems in recognizing that you must also be one of the best players, much better than I can hope to be.
The techniques you use are surely effective and suited to the way you play.
But no one's perfect!!!
With great admiration anyway

yours MoSe
[This message has been edited by MariOne (edited May 19, 2001).]