Official Poll: Back to the Future 1. War or Peace with Yang
This is a simple poll . Do we want War or Peace with Yang at this time. The people's answer will help the Justices to arrive at a decision on which save to play.
There will be two choices War or Peace.( I don't propose to offer write in or abstain).
If we choose war, we can:-
a) go to save 1 ( no communication initiated) and no contact with Yang or anyone. Vendetta will continue.
b) go to save 2 (after contact) and decide how best to implement peoples wishes. ( provoke, wait, demand base, probe, (which we intended anyway to steal SSA)
c) other eg send Lemmy as ambassador.
If we choose peace, we can:-
a) go to save 1 (as above and initiate contact) with a view to seeking peace but not with conditions attached
b) Go to save 2 (as above) and continue with truce.
"Four things come not back: the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life and the neglected opportunity."