May 19, 2001, 00:42
Local Time: 05:15
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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My War Mongering "From Pacifist to Facist"
Maybye some have you who wacth my post cosely notice that war for me is second nature in fact i see it more so as survival in that "He maybye a good friend and peaceful but hes close i need techs troops and more bases hes in my way" but i wasn't always as such I used to question the usefulness of war (I.E WAR???????? What is it good for) BTW can someone dig up that post because it reallay needs to be disscussed with some of the new SMACERS it had some interesting points.
Tyler Messer
"Peace be damed!"
May 19, 2001, 01:15
Local Time: 05:15
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 24
actually the only cause for me to go to war with an AI faction is when they start building bases too close to mine, say, 2 or three squares away. Not only that would take the control zones away, it would also disrupt production and lots of problems. If that happens, I usually drive the AI mad and make it declare war on me. The instant Vendatta is declared, my forces rush in and destroy them all.
May 19, 2001, 01:17
Local Time: 06:15
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Well, in the early game the AI is a source of commerce income, techs and various other peaceful benefits  Later of course, they may represent new bases or a submissive research faction, depends on how they can best be used. But in SP, war is a perfectly reasonable strategy. Steal the techs you want, take the bases you want. Nothing wrong with that
May 19, 2001, 16:40
Local Time: 05:15
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: looking for a saviour in these dirty streets
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I try to be as pacifistic as possible. I like to sit back and enjoy all the functions that SMAC/X have to offer, not just beat the crap out of the closest AI!
However, there are some cases when I do go to war. Obviously if the AI declares Vendetta I will fight, but only until the first offer of Truce with an incentive. Then I'll take that.
However, I stand by the idea that knowledge equals power. If someone (usually Deirdre...grrr...backstabbing Gaians) probes tech out of me, I will first cancel pact, then go to war until a submissive Truce offer.
Also, the same applies to any faction with the Planetary Datalinks - war until I capture the base containing the PD and then peace.
If anyone atrocities me, automatic war-till-submissive.
And I get really annoyed when someone declares war on me just because of my SE choices. This is usually Santiago, who doesn't like anyone running Knowledge cos she thinks people are developing weapons behind her high-and-mighty back, so I usually beat her till she subs.
Actually, all things considered, I'm not that pacifistic after all, am I?
May 19, 2001, 19:11
Local Time: 02:15
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 4,783
i usually never go to war except when the damn beleivers come sending transports full of units over wipe out my pactmate and kill all my sea formers and boats(since when does the particle impactor beat probability stealth?) or when someone gets a SP i want (hunter-seeker) 2 turns b4 i would get it and the computer doesn't give me the warning. or when santiago is... uh alive. or i just get everyone to submit because i'm bored by parking a handy little singularity paratroopers 24^-12-1 next to their HQ(hey it worked on yang and santiago in the same turn!)
May 21, 2001, 11:49
Local Time: 00:15
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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I avoid vendetta when I can, preferring to engage in peaceful commerce with the AI. It rarely matters -- sooner or later, Miriam or Yang will come looking for a fight. For that eventuality I keep ships (early) and jets (later) around to sink transports and wandering foil attackers.
Retribution is usually slow. Drain energy and kill researchers with probe foils. Destroy any invaders. Convince others to fight, splitting a front. Mind-control a base and units when economical. When the time comes, switch out of FM and attack en masse until submission. Return most of their bases (for commerce) and get back to business.
Like many others here, I do not tolerate territorial violation (especially too-close seabases) but will not immediately attack. I value a Noble reputation. Just insult AI factions until they declare vendetta, then pounce on the offending bases. Occasionally it serves my interests to accept truce but not usually -- only if there's a good chance of a Treaty t go along with it.
May 21, 2001, 13:39
Local Time: 06:15
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 543
Whenever I tryed a proper peaceful game, Igot attacked by the annoying Aliens or another conqueror. So this is why I rarely reach tech level 7 before I finish a game. I usualy kill off anyone on my continent. Then, usually, a Spartan Impact Skimship comes over from the sea and declares Vendetta. I send my units in an Isle of the Deep since they don't have the -50% penalty and most of the time I build the Neural Amplifier first (moi's favourite project - a lifesaver sometimes  ).
This is not to say that I fight with mindworms, I use the latest tech weapon choppers and probe teams for my favourite strategy! Then a Drop Best Armour Garrison.
Most of the time, when I bore of the game, I just call the Unite Me As A Supreme Leader council proposal and win trhe game. Now I'm playing with that switched off, hoping to ever trascend... if I ever do...
May 23, 2001, 08:05
Local Time: 00:15
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Posts: 20
I ususally attemp to play peaceful throughout the game, attacking only in retaliation, my major exception is if I start out on the same continent as the hive or believers than i usually just wipe them out early and move on.
June 2, 2001, 06:18
Local Time: 05:15
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Location: Bergen, Norway
Posts: 16
Re: My War Mongering "From Pacifist to Facist"
Originally posted by tyler666
"Peace be damed!"
Yeah, I'm no agressor either. originally ...
But whilst playing the Pirates, my allied Deidre , who were almost crushed by the Morganites, asked for assistance, I naturally respond by attacking the threat who were getting closer and closer to ME.
After conquering most of Morgans cities, and giving back a few lousy bases to Deidre, he continues to embarrass me with demands.
Even when he should be submissive , he then demands 600 energy, when my drop-chaos-troopers have captured all his bunkers, and hes got only 3 bases left !!!
Of course he must be interrorgated!
This was even on Thinker-level with ironman rulez ...
So was it AI-crash or is it supposed to be so???
June 2, 2001, 08:08
Local Time: 00:15
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: of the peace and coexistance movement
Posts: 443
I usually force anyone starting out on the same continent as me into a submissive pact, at which point I sit back and enjoy a game of commerce and research. Or try to, at least. As it usually turns out, the evil (insert faction name here) are capturing the bases of my trade partners who, even though they have high tech weaponry still seem to just sit in their base waiting to be destroyed. At that point, global peacekeeper that I am, I immediately destroy them (and my allies, sometimes, as I need their bases as launching points and when I change my SE preferences to a wartime footing they always cancel the pact).
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