May 27, 2000, 17:01
Local Time: 05:15
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Signed, Sealed, and Delivered.....
I'm going to bed. Oh, but....before I do, please allow me to introduce you to a friend of mine....the SMAX (version 3.0) Guide....
I hope you enjoy it, folks...I had a good time putting it together, although I have a bit of a headache at present....nothing that a nap, followed by some Mexican food and a pitcher of margaritas won't cure...::grin::
I'll keep the guide where it is, in my forum, until June 9th, and we'll consider this a "Beta Period" for the guide, so if you've got sugesstions or changes to recommend, I've got a separate thread for that on my site, and on June 9th, I'll take the HTML pages I'm currently wrestling with, and give the guide a permanant home, complete with cross-linked sections and so forth.
There are three things absent from this, the Beta version.
1) No cross-linking
2) No index of "How-To" notes (14 in all...ummm...I think)
3) No "build table" (displaying the "build point" for every facility in the game.
Those will be added when the guide finds its permanant home....:-)
To get to my little corner of the web, follow the link below. From the main page, click into the forums, and from there, into the SMAC Strategy're all set!
Oh, and one final thing....the forum software I'm using has two "modes": Standard and Detailed. It defaults to Detailed mode, which is somewhat annoying, and you'll want to click the link (near the top of the page) to convert to Standard's all there, and I'm looking forward to comments!
(goin' to bed)
May 27, 2000, 18:11
Local Time: 05:15
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 2
I thought your last guide was complete. An excellent peice of work. I can't believe you don't get paid for putin as much work that incredible guide.
You truely are a SMAC(X) Genius.
May 27, 2000, 18:59
yay vel!
May 27, 2000, 19:01
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I've only had time to skim trhough it but I must say that I'm damn impressed! I especially like the additions to the combat chapter.
Vel, once again you have done a most impressive job at a hard task that is covering all the aspects of a game such complex as SMAC. My congratulations!!!
PS. And have a good night's sleep while you're at it  !
May 27, 2000, 19:13
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You da man!
May 28, 2000, 08:46
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Excellent Vel, excellent. My printer's humming as we speak.
May 28, 2000, 19:58
i like the part about the aliens
May 28, 2000, 23:46
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Well, I read the first 24 pages so far which is only about 20% of it I think. Very good. Really it's a shame if you can't find a way to get paid for doing it. It looks like a lot of work. Thanks a lot for doing it. I know every player will appreciate what you have done for the community and the game.
May 29, 2000, 00:33
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May 29, 2000, 21:54
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Adam, meant to reply to you earlier....  Thank means a lot to me to hear words like that....I love this game, and the people here have been nothing but gracious to me....I came here early last year as a complete newbie, but was warmly welcomed, got informative, patient answers to all my various questions (and there were a bunch!), and this is my way of repaying that kindness....
May 30, 2000, 01:38
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I've only skimmed the new guide, but it's great. Time to replace my dogeared printout of version 2.
Thanks a million, Vel.
May 30, 2000, 04:09
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Just another post to thank you for version 3.0. Its amaizing. I loved version 2, and this is more and better!!!
Thanks again and keep the good work
May 30, 2000, 08:55
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Kudos yet again Vel.
I had a sneaking suspicion that the Guide would be put out this weekend, but wouldn't you know it, on thursday night my computer decided to start misbehaving.
So guess I will have to find some time to give an in-depth reading, whilst at work!!
Seriously though Vel, you really are to be congradulated on putting forth such an effort.
Now, can you all imagine if Vel put such a mind to work for an actual useful purpose!!
May 30, 2000, 22:19
Local Time: 05:15
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Master Vel,
Vel's Guide (V3.0) to SMAC/X is a work of art. Truly excellent!
Your devoted slave,
P.S. - for those of you who haven't delved into Vel's accumulated wisdom, do it now! I can guarantee you won't regret it!
May 31, 2000, 06:18
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Thanks again guys....there are some bugs, problems, errors, oversights, and omissions, but that's to be expected in a guide almost 75,000 words long, and why I wanted it to go through a beta period to shake all the kinks out....after a while, it just plain does me no good to re-re-read it (again! LOL) cos by the time I finished it, my eyes were crossing and bloodshot, but I knew that if I put it out there for review, the weakspots in the work would quickly come to light.
Yeah, I'm the one who sat down and wrote it, but it's you guys, with your comments and guys are the ones who are gonna make it rock!
PS: Last week, my little web site was getting an average of 40-odd hits a's more than doubled (almost tripled, actually) over the last three days!
[This message has been edited by Velociryx (edited May 31, 2000).]
May 31, 2000, 07:27
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It's only few months since I have been appreciating AC complexity and immense game depth (altough I bought it more than an years ago): this thanks to your guide release 2.0. Now you provide us with another masterpiece: release 3.0 . Awesome ! A true masterpiece !
June 3, 2000, 23:51
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June 3, 2000, 23:53
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| works. Ok, how the hell are you Vel?!?!?!
I thought you had given up SMAC! Now i have to read more of your stuff....when I am sober. Did that game of ours continue?
June 4, 2000, 09:13
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I am having trouble finding version 3.0 for SMAC(X). please help. thx
June 4, 2000, 14:53
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Go to Vel's site --> Discussion Forums --> SMAC - Strategy and Tactics --> SMAX Guide (version 3.0)
June 4, 2000, 20:26
Local Time: 05:15
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 Sorry guys....was out of pocket this weekend....just getting back, and thanks for the assist, Meisman!
JT! Long time no see, bud! How are you? I'm great....just busy with a gazillion different projects, but then, that's how I like it....
Write to me man, and come, join me on my site!
June 4, 2000, 20:47
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Vel: some people on alt.firaxis...alphacentauri have asked me for a Word copy of your guide. Do you mind if I give it to them?
My sorry excuse for a website
June 6, 2000, 02:48
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jimmytrick and Vel,
Whenever you two are ready to continue our game, I am more than eager to do so. AnnC disappeared after one, or two, turns leaving us high and dry. I've tried to get a replacement for her, but nobody seems to have enough faith in Vel's strategy to take up the banner against cousLee and I.
There is nothing I enjoy more than casting down false gods!
I think cousLee would like to see the game moving again, as well.
June 6, 2000, 03:31
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Hi Jami.
If you need a replacement for a pbem, I wouldn't mind taking up another one. My speed is reasonable (checking in at least in the morning and eve each day, usually more often). And I don't even mind losing a lost battle, as long as it's fun. 
June 6, 2000, 06:15
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False gods? LOL....he must be talkin' 'bout you, JT....::chuckling::
To be honest, I'd almost forgotten we HAD a game....LOL...we could pick it back up if you want to, but in light of the fact that we really weren't all that far along, and considering how much time has fallen away, it might just be best to start fresh if we're gonna do it....
June 6, 2000, 06:18
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Waynehead: For the moment, if you could just refer them to the site, I'd appreciate present, I'm shopping the guide around to see if there's any corporate interest in having it professionally produced....been looking for a way to officially break into the publication field for ages, and this might be the very thing....
June 6, 2000, 09:37
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Originally posted by Velociryx on 06-06-2000 06:15 AM
False gods? LOL....he must be talkin' 'bout you, JT....::chuckling::
To be honest, I'd almost forgotten we HAD a game....LOL...we could pick it back up if you want to, but in light of the fact that we really weren't all that far along, and considering how much time has fallen away, it might just be best to start fresh if we're gonna do it....
We are on MY2174 to jimmytrick/AnnC/whoever you wish to have fill in. It has been two months since the turn has moved, since AnnC has dropped from the face of Terra.
I rather think that your wanting to start afresh is a disingenious way of avoiding the defeat that you are heading toward. Being that you are third of four on the power graph, ahead only of cousLee's Believers.
Get back into the game, with a replacement for your team mate. Or, play both of the factions (that way you'll have no excuses  ).
The gauntlet has been thrown. Will you meet the challenge? Or will you slink back into the false security of your reputation, engendered through an enviable talent for prose, rather than action?
June 6, 2000, 09:55
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You neglected a critical game option --Time Warp! Feel free to use my commentary:
"Most players despise the Time Warp option. It's like taking over from an utterly incompetent governor. Time Warp accelerates you anywhere betweeen 30 and 80 years into the game. Faction might is scrupulously balanced, and each faction has exactly one secret project. But some players swear by Time Warp, and the only single-player games they play are using this option. (Time Warp can also be used in Multiplayer, but it is far, far better to use the Scenario Editor to accelerate each player's starting position.) This option can make the game very challenging. If you have gotten used to grabbing almost all of those critical early Secret projects, Time Warp will humble you, because you will have only one of the first seven. This option makes the AI very strong, because you can't use your special tricks during those critical first 50 moves that puts you leagues ahead of the pitiful AI. Deirdre usually completes the Empath Guild soon after your start, and she or Lal will become Plaetary Governor. On your first move, you will likely find yourself with rioting and starving bases, useless units, and sloppy terraforming. You will be behind in tech, and the tech you do have will be low-priority, making the usual beelines impossible. In many ways, Time Warp is much closer to Multiplayer than the usualy single-player game, because the opposing factions are more equal to you and the secret projects are spread evenly."
Creator of the Ultimate Builder Map, based on the Huge Map of Planet
June 6, 2000, 10:13
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 Jam, you DO have a good way of throwing down the gauntlet, and put that way, of course I'll pick it up....but as to our differences in the power chart, while it's true (as best I recall) that I'm third, it's not by a wide margin....
My main reasons though, for recommending starting a new one are two-fold: First, becuase I know how "odd" it is to walk in and take over someone else's game in progress....takes time to get the feel for it....get stuff working the way you want. Second, because (and this is nothing I've not said many times before) the Builder game is at a disadvantage under these settings (lots of pods, average world size, lots of naturally good terrain).
I'd be honored to finish the current game though, and feel pretty good about our position at present, with either joer or JT....and as a side challenge, perhaps you two would be interested in starting another game with the same teams on a larger world, no pods...make ya work a bit for the tech?  (tossing down another gauntlet...::grin : : )
[This message has been edited by Velociryx (edited June 06, 2000).]
June 6, 2000, 11:11
Local Time: 21:15
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I would like to play an additional game with you, but not another team play game. To me, the diplomacy, and tension of guarding against the backstabs, are crucially important elements, and missing in the team play format.
I will play any setting you choose, and will adopt the faction that I believe best suited for the particular occasion. I only ask that "cooperative victory" be disabled. All victory types are fine, but when the fat lady sings, only one hero is to be the "winner".
See if you can scare up some RELIABLE players for such a game. We might be able to talk Bingmann into making another map.
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