When gets the Host starting techs?
You know, in a multiplayer game gets the host sometimes starting techs, for the other players is this function suppressed.
Now I worked it out, how it works. I explain it only for the host.
There are 2 Factors which were added:
1. Land size
Civilization2 counts the squares of land that every player has on his continent.
The program classifies 7 classes of land size:
Class 1: less than 50 Squares
Class 2: 50-99 Squares
Class 3: 100-149 Squares
Class 4: 150-199 Squares
Class 5: 200-249 Squares
Class 6: 250-299 Squares
Class 7: at least 300 Squares
Host gets one starting tech for every class he is below his opponent after the first.
An example: hosts land has 125 squares, he is in class 3. His opponent has a land with 256 squares, class 6. The first class difference is free, host gets 2 starting techs for the land size.
Host can get a maximum of 5 techs for the land size (if he is in class 1 and the opponent in class 7)!
Btw: if opponents land is smaller than hosts land, the opponent would get techs, too, but this function is suppressed. Internally it counts for the addition with the second factor:
2. Quality of the starting screen in combination with land size
No matter how the rest of the land is, only the 21 squares of the starting screen of each player count.
Civ2 differentiates only 2 factors for the quality and so for starting techs:
At least 4 squares of grassland or not
At least 4 Squares of river or not.
(in the consequence,river means at least 4 squares of river, grassland means a least 4 squares of grassland)
Op. has grassland, the host not and no river gives 2 techs additional to the techs for land size
Op. has river, the host grassland gives 2 techs additional to the techs for land size
Op. has river, the host no river and no grassland gives 4 techs additional to the techs for land size
This counts, if hosts class of land size is below his opponents.
If host and opponent are in the same class of land size, everything is reduced by 1
If host is in a higher class of land size, everything is reduced by 1 for each class (plus 1 for even)
A) host has a small island class 3 with grassland, his opponent has a continent class 5 with river
host gets 1 starting techs for the landsize plus 2 techs for Quality = 3 starting techs
B) host has land class 5 with grassland, op. on the same continent has river = 1 starting tech
C) host has large continent size 7 with 3 whales, 1wine, 3 grassland and 3 riversquares in starting screen , op has land size 5, dessert with a river, host gets 1 starting tech.
What does this for your duells on 39*49? Both are in the same landsize, if thereīs only one continent. If host has less grassland or no river, his op. has, host gets 1 or 3 starting techs.
Hereīs an overview, how many starting techs were given in duells. For more player itīs nearly the same. Host will be compared with the best opponent.
edit: I canīt attach my .jpg file