Driving in the (new york) city with cab drivers can be much more annoying than ohio people, but at least they are good at driving and are intentionally using that to be a *****.

(EDIT: word that rhymes with trick is censored in poly?

But Driving in the suburbs is not too bad. You'll encounter few teenagers with their fancy-ass-cars-given-to-them-by-their-parent-for-their-18th-birthday-now-zooming-past-you-and-few-month-later-see-their-face-on-the-paper once in awhile, but thats not too bad. Their parents are much more annoying with their Mercedes-Benz-I-have-right-of-way-at-any-time-even-when-Im-making-a-left-turn-Im-going-to-assume-you-are-going-to-yield-and-pop-out-and-give-you-dirty-look-cause-I-drive-Mercedes
And old retired people... well they are everywhere and I cant really blame them... even if it infuriates me to see some of them be allowed to drive, You'd expect that from a old dude.