[22:55] <Zaphod> german request for mapexchange
[22:55] <MartinGuehmann> For me too
[22:55] <MartinGuehmann> So let's agree
[22:55] <Zaphod> i'd say yes
[22:55] <Tamerlin> Yep, in mine also, agreed
[22:55] <MartinGuehmann> SO, exchange maps
[22:55] <Pedrunn> end turn. Am i late

[22:56] <Zaphod> germans begin pyramids
[22:56] <Tamerlin> Map exchange with Germany, wonder for my game also...
[22:56] <MartinGuehmann> In my game, too.
[22:56] <MartinGuehmann> Germans are building the Pyramid
[22:57] <Tamerlin> Austrian stack did not moved...
[22:57] <Pedrunn> Aceept of course, isnt?
[22:57] <Tamerlin> yes
[22:57] <Zaphod> neither in my game
[22:57] <Pedrunn> So here is the ghoust barb smurai
[22:58] <MartinGuehmann> The Austrians moved in my game
[22:58] <Pedrunn> Lets revenge the death of our not-dead archer!!!!
[22:58] <Tamerlin>

We should expell the german settler NOW...
[22:58] <Zaphod> yes
[22:58] <Zaphod> to expell
[22:58] <MartinGuehmann> Yes expell it before they grap our land again
[22:58] <Zaphod> where did the stack move in the official game?
[22:58] <Pedrunn> ORDER: expell settler indeed
[22:59] <Pedrunn> In mine it moved too
[22:59] <Pedrunn> 2 tiles South of Lemuforce!
[22:59] <MartinGuehmann> Settler expelled with the new archer in mapfipolis
[22:59] <Pedrunn> Bye bye settler
[22:59] <Zaphod> he'll be back
[22:59] <Pedrunn>

[23:00] <MartinGuehmann> Well the Austrians are two tiles South of our 8 size stack
[23:00] <Pedrunn> Move units back to CL?
[23:00] <Pedrunn> Or keep them one turn away from both cities?
[23:00] <Zaphod> on the roadriverforrest? so lemuforce should crush them
[23:01] <Pedrunn> The Austrian stack is dead already

[23:01] <Pedrunn> just a matter of time
[23:01] <Zaphod> i'd keep them in the middle, and we can even make a bigger stack out of it now that we have new units in both towns
[23:01] <MartinGuehmann> I would move the units between CL and MP indeed back to CL
[23:01] <Tamerlin> IMO, MP is well defended that which CL is not, lets move them back to CL
[23:01] <MartinGuehmann> Yeah move them back
[23:02] <Pedrunn> What about the size 7 stack
[23:02] <Zaphod> did we have any losses?
[23:02] <Pedrunn> Should we give a look with the archer
[23:02] <Pedrunn> Moving it back and forth
[23:02] <Tamerlin> Nor Order to attack yet!
[23:02] <Zaphod> dÄaccord
[23:02] <MartinGuehmann> No German on my screen
[23:02] <Pedrunn> We cant see any german unit
[23:02] <Pedrunn>

[23:03] <Tamerlin> No Germans on mine except Zaphod and Martin...
[23:03] <Pedrunn> The exchange map does only work for their turn
[23:04] <Zaphod> lol
[23:04] <MartinGuehmann> So move an archer NE and then back to MP?
[23:04] <Pedrunn> ORDER: Move Archer NE
[23:04] <Pedrunn> of mapfipolis
[23:04] <Zaphod> its ne-ne-ne of mp
[23:05] <MartinGuehmann> done
[23:05] <Tamerlin> Yes
[23:05] <MartinGuehmann> NE E German size 7 stack
[23:05] <Zaphod> just inside their borders, seems they are really heading south and trying not to step on our soil
[23:05] <Pedrunn> i say keep the CL stack 1 turn away from both cities!
[23:05] <Tamerlin> It seems so!
[23:05] <Pedrunn> just for this turn!
[23:05] <MartinGuehmann> So fortify it were it is?
[23:06] <Pedrunn> ORDER: Fortify 2-sized stack from CL
[23:06] <Tamerlin> done
[23:06] <Zaphod> move the archer back, don't tease the germans ;.)
[23:06] <MartinGuehmann> Done, Goodsight?
[23:07] <Tamerlin> done... SW
[23:07] <Pedrunn> ORDER: Goodsight SW
[23:07] <Tamerlin> done
[23:07] <MartinGuehmann> Done
[23:07] <MartinGuehmann> Move Archer back?
[23:08] <Pedrunn> ORDER: Bait North
[23:08] <Tamerlin> done
[23:08] <MartinGuehmann> Bait moved North
[23:08] <Pedrunn> ORDER: Move Archer from mapfipolis back!
[23:08] <Tamerlin> done
[23:08] <MartinGuehmann> Done
[23:09] <Pedrunn> Lets kill som Austrian?
[23:09] <MartinGuehmann> Yes!
[23:09] <Tamerlin>

[23:09] <Zaphod> i though yuo did already
[23:09] <MartinGuehmann> No, just in his mind.
[23:09] <Zaphod> go lemurians, go!
[23:10] <Pedrunn> ORDER: Kill austrians with Lemuforce!
[23:10] <Tamerlin> I will have to use the cheat menu, just tell me the casualties...
[23:10] <Tamerlin> With which stack?
[23:11] <MartinGuehmann> No casulties, just to half damaged hopelites.
[23:11] <Tamerlin> Which stack?
[23:11] <Zaphod> the big one
[23:11] <MartinGuehmann> The big one is called Lemuforce the small one is not named.
[23:12] <Tamerlin> OK
[23:12] <MartinGuehmann> So let's call the small one Small Lemuforce.
[23:12] <Zaphod> nay
[23:12] <Zaphod> too confusing
[23:12] <Pedrunn> too big
[23:12] <MartinGuehmann> ok
[23:12] <Pedrunn> call it 'SmallOne'?
[23:12] <Pedrunn>

[23:13] <Zaphod> its not small
[23:13] <Tamerlin> Lemuforce is now S-S of the 8 stack? Tango?
[23:13] <MartinGuehmann> LinsTaker
[23:13] <Pedrunn> Lets kill some barbs now?

[23:13] <Pedrunn> dont know if its is a good idea
[23:13] <Tamerlin> Barbs? Where?
[23:14] <MartinGuehmann> Barbs? Where?
[23:14] <Zaphod> why not a simple "2nd Army" ?
[23:14] <Pedrunn> Didnt the Samurai appeared near Graz?
[23:14] <Zaphod> no, it was killed by the artillery i had to cheat in ;-)
[23:14] <MartinGuehmann> No Samurai near Graz.
[23:15] <Pedrunn> good
[23:15] <MartinGuehmann> So, let's continue
[23:16] <MartinGuehmann> We have the 8 size stack left
[23:16] <Tamerlin> South
[23:16] <Zaphod> s-sw
[23:16] <MartinGuehmann> S SW?
[23:16] <Pedrunn> W-SE
[23:16] <MartinGuehmann> Was that an order Pedrunn?
[23:17] <Pedrunn> no a question
[23:17] <Zaphod> in the west there's no river pedrunn, could only go w
[23:17] <MartinGuehmann> I agree with the suggestion
[23:17] <Tamerlin> So S-SW?
[23:17] <Pedrunn> there is Graz
[23:17] <MartinGuehmann> No, I meant with my szggestion
[23:18] <Zaphod> graz is e
[23:18] <MartinGuehmann> So S and SW?
[23:18] <Pedrunn> sorry i meant E-SE
[23:18] <Tamerlin> ??
[23:19] <Tamerlin> To the East is Graz Pedrunn...
[23:19] <Pedrunn> h no forget it
[23:19] <Pedrunn> I did some bad calculation
[23:19] <Zaphod> is that an order? ;-)
[23:20] <Tamerlin>

S or S-SW Pedrunn?
[23:20] <MartinGuehmann> ok, so S and SW?
[23:20] <Pedrunn> ORDER: Move SmallOne south!
[23:20] <Tamerlin> done
[23:21] <MartinGuehmann> Done, half movement point left.
[23:21] <MartinGuehmann> Now SW on the river, or stand still or ...?
[23:21] <Tamerlin> I think he should stay here, we could reach Graz in one turn in case of an emergency...
[23:22] <Tamerlin> it...

[23:22] <Pedrunn> stand still
[23:22] <Pedrunn> ORDER: Stand Still
[23:22] <MartinGuehmann> OK
[23:22] <Pedrunn> Send two units from Graz to replace wounded hops. It wont delay the attack but can be very risky
[23:22] <Pedrunn> Thats a question
[23:23] <Zaphod> that would leave only one unit in graz
[23:23] <Zaphod> i''d prefer to exchange the wounded units between the two stacks
[23:23] <Zaphod> next turn
[23:24] <MartinGuehmann> And one more entertainer is needed.
[23:24] <Tamerlin> I think the exchanges can be done next turn.
[23:24] <Tamerlin> Yes, in H Town this is what I was checking.
[23:24] <Zaphod> yep., its down to 72
[23:24] <MartinGuehmann> Still have 73
[23:25] <Pedrunn> I will have to go very soon

[23:25] <MartinGuehmann> 4 kg food is given to the people.
[23:25] <Pedrunn> So send two hops from Graz? Yes or no?
[23:26] <Zaphod> btw, what does 4 kg mean? 4 kg a turn? so that would be 20 years? ;-)
[23:26] <MartinGuehmann> Yes
[23:26] <Tamerlin> done
[23:26] <Pedrunn> done what?
[23:26] <MartinGuehmann> kilogramm of food per turn
[23:26] <Tamerlin> Food setting
[23:26] <Pedrunn> yes or no? Tamerlin and Zaphod!
[23:27] <Zaphod> yep, i just think that might be toofew for 20 years ;-)
[23:27] <Zaphod> no, not this turn
[23:27] <Tamerlin> Unit Exchange, next turn IMO
[23:27] <Pedrunn> 2 x 2
[23:27] <Pedrunn> What about now?
[23:28] <MartinGuehmann> Well I think the MoD can now decide.
[23:28] <Pedrunn> I think we should do it. Any barb can reach us in the next turn
[23:28] <Zaphod> we can't exchange them now, they moved already
[23:28] <Pedrunn> We have everything covered up
[23:28] <Tamerlin> Should we ask for a map exchange with the neutral nations?
[23:29] <MartinGuehmann> No
[23:29] <Tamerlin> OK

[23:29] <MartinGuehmann> They won't give one without threatening.
[23:29] <Pedrunn> I have to go now!
[23:29] <Pedrunn>

[23:29] <Pedrunn> Sorry
[23:29] <Pedrunn> already late
[23:29] <Pedrunn> you guys decide
[23:29] <MartinGuehmann> Bye, Pedrunn
[23:29] <Zaphod> no problem
[23:29] <Pedrunn> Bye!
[23:29] <Tamerlin> Bye Pedrunn... beware of the bugs
[23:29] <Zaphod> cu
[23:29] * Pedrunn has left #Lemuria
[23:30] <Tamerlin> So end turn?
[23:30] <MartinGuehmann> Yes, end turn, Zaphod?
[23:30] <Zaphod> if theres no problem with h.twon id say yes
[23:30] <Tamerlin> Problem solved
[23:30] <Zaphod> ok
[23:30] <Tamerlin> Bread and games...
[23:30] <MartinGuehmann> So end turn?
[23:31] <Tamerlin> yes
[23:31] <MartinGuehmann> END TURN 97
[23:31] <Zaphod> map exchange from the turks
[23:31] <Zaphod> thai
[23:31] <Zaphod> turks began appian way
[23:31] <Zaphod> and a size 7 stack from austria
[23:31] <MartinGuehmann> Yes to both
[23:32] <Tamerlin> map exchange from the Thai
[23:32] <MartinGuehmann> So accept map exange?
[23:32] <Zaphod> accept
[23:33] <Tamerlin> No map exchange from the turks and the stack is from Scotland in my game
[23:33] <MartinGuehmann> Yes the stack in my game is also from Scottland
[23:34] <Zaphod> youre right, confused the colors
[23:34] <Tamerlin> ok
[23:34] <Zaphod> do you have that barb near pedrunnia?
[23:34] <MartinGuehmann> And it looks we did not take care enough on H Town.

[23:35] <MartinGuehmann> No Barbs near Pedrunnia
[23:35] <Tamerlin> Riots?
[23:35] <MartinGuehmann> Yes riots in H Town.
[23:35] <Tamerlin> Neither in mine
[23:35] <Zaphod> well, it seems the problem has only been solved in your game
[23:35] <Zaphod> i had riots as well
[23:36] <MartinGuehmann> I would say give them an entertainer
[23:36] <Zaphod> i'd say so too
[23:36] <Tamerlin> I still have a 73 happiness rating... ORDER: one entertainer in H Town
[23:36] <Zaphod> but lets move units
[23:36] <Zaphod> do you see that thai stack of five near goodsight?
[23:37] <Tamerlin> yes
[23:37] <MartinGuehmann> One entertainer for H Town added.
[23:37] <Tamerlin> OK, Goodsight should go to the SW
[23:37] <MartinGuehmann> Yes a Thai stack near Goodsight
[23:38] <MartinGuehmann> I agree
[23:38] <MartinGuehmann> Zaphod?
[23:38] <Zaphod> already did so
[23:38] <MartinGuehmann> So Goodsight goes now SW.
[23:38] <Tamerlin> done
[23:39] <MartinGuehmann> Done
[23:39] <MartinGuehmann> Bait should now go North, actual I think the best choice.
[23:39] <Zaphod> agreed
[23:39] <Tamerlin> North
[23:39] <MartinGuehmann> Tamerlin?
[23:39] <Tamerlin> done
[23:40] <Zaphod> archer from mp scouting aling the river
[23:40] <MartinGuehmann> You mean one NE and then back?
[23:41] * Disconnected
Session Close: Sun Mar 09 23:41:23 2003
Session Start: Sun Mar 09 23:43:49 2003
Session Ident: #Lemuria
[23:43] * Now talking in #Lemuria
[23:43] * Topic is 'CtP2 Democracy Game'
[23:43] * Set by Locutus on Wed Feb 26 00:58:10
[23:43] <Zaphod> i'd suggest 1.) to move the healthy units from lemuforce se and fill up with hoplites from the 2nd force
[23:44] <Zaphod> moin martin 2nd
[23:44] <Tamerlin> Hi MartinG
[23:44] <MartinG> Well, I lost the connection to Apolyton.
[23:44] <Tamerlin> OK
[23:44] * MartinGuehmann has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[23:44] <Zaphod> there you go
[23:44] <MartinG> Last think I have: <MartinGuehmann> You mean one NE and then back?
[23:44] <Tamerlin> yep
[23:45] <Zaphod> yep
[23:45] <MartinG> OK, doing it.
[23:46] <Tamerlin> Why not pushing a bit further since there is nothing in view?
[23:46] <MartinG> No germans discovered.
[23:46] <Tamerlin> in sight...
[23:46] <MartinG> OK, replacing the wounded units in Lemuforce
[23:46] <Tamerlin> Forget it
[23:47] <MartinG> I would move the damaged ones from Lemuforce to SmallOne
[23:47] <Tamerlin> OK
[23:47] <Zaphod> me too
[23:47] <MartinG> And use healthy ones from SmallOne for the LemuForce.
[23:47] <Tamerlin> OK
[23:48] <Zaphod> and then move lemuforce se
[23:48] <MartinG> OK now we have to replace the units from SmallOne
[23:49] <MartinG> We coul move units from Graz.
[23:49] <Tamerlin> Yes, one turn later to have fully replaced units...
[23:50] <MartinG> Actual we could replace the units now in SmallOne.
[23:50] <MartinG> So what to do?
[23:50] <Zaphod> that would leave only 1 unit in graz
[23:50] <Tamerlin> Yes but we will have wounded units in SmallOne
[23:50] <Tamerlin> I don't like the idea of a single unit in Graz.
[23:50] <Zaphod> me neither
[23:51] <Zaphod> and the citizens wont like it neither and cry for entertainers
[23:52] <MartinG> OK leave the units there now, but that means the Lemuforce has to stand still as I think it is better that both armies arrive only with a delay of one turn in Lins.
[23:52] <Tamerlin> Yes
[23:52] <Zaphod> ok
[23:53] <MartinG> So that should be then everything this turn, so end turn?
[23:53] <Zaphod> end
[23:54] <Tamerlin> End
[23:54] <MartinG> END TURN 98
[23:55] <Zaphod> turks began chichen itza
[23:55] <Zaphod> goodsight cornered by thai stack on the indian border
[23:55] <Tamerlin>

[23:56] <Zaphod> scot stack moved se towards linz
[23:56] <Zaphod> we might need to hurry up before they take it
[23:56] <MartinG> The Germans nearly finished the Ramajana, more then 9000 gold to buy it
[23:56] <Tamerlin> I didn't had this message...
[23:57] <Zaphod> me neither
[23:57] <MartinG> Unfortunatly I got this message.
[23:57] <Tamerlin>

[23:57] <Zaphod> damn
[23:58] <Zaphod> how long does that mean? 3 turns or 5?
[23:58] <MartinG> I could put the Chinchen Itza as next wonder into the build queue and if the Germans finish it we would save the production.
[23:58] <MartinG> I think it means if we don't buy it now they will build it.
[23:58] <Tamerlin> There is nothing we can do and the disbanded units would have not been enough... 1 or 2, we only have Pyramids available, go on.
[23:59] <MartinG> I have the Chinchen Itza in addition
[23:59] <Tamerlin> You are right, I am loosing my concentration
[23:59] <Zaphod> and the pyramids, you can place in both to be sure
[00:00] <Tamerlin> We should perhaps end the Turn Chat now...
[00:00] <Zaphod> i think so
[00:00] <MartinG> So I insert Chinchen Itza and the Pyramid just after the Ramajana to make shure.
[00:00] <Tamerlin> Yes
[00:00] <Zaphod> yep
[00:02] <MartinG> Insereted both wonderes after the Ramajana.
[00:02] <Zaphod> save, post game and end gamechat i suggest
[00:02] <Tamerlin> Agreed
[00:03] <MartinG> I think we should end this turn before.
[00:03] <Zaphod> i don't think so, we could still try to run for the wonder by disbanding units
[00:03] <Zaphod> but that should be decided by the people
[00:03] <Zaphod> not just us 3
[00:04] <MartinG> OK, then at least move the remaining units.
[00:04] <Tamerlin> Unfortunately we don't have the time, the Germans will have finished the wonder in 1, 2 or 3 turns and we don't have enough money.
[00:04] <MartinG> So let's go for Bait
[00:04] <MartinG> I would say North
[00:04] <Tamerlin> Yes
[00:04] <Zaphod> i still say lets not move at all
[00:05] <MartinG> We can still move the explorers
[00:05] <Zaphod> it could be 4 or 5 turns as well, we don't know
[00:05] <Zaphod> ok, that will only be bait
[00:05] <MartinG> If we don't rush buy it this turn then the Germans will build it.
[00:05] <Zaphod> north is fine
[00:06] <MartinG> Then we have Goodsight, he should go SW
[00:06] <MartinG> along the Indian border
[00:07] <Tamerlin> Mine is cornered by the Thais, if yours is not go!
[00:07] <Zaphod> same as tamerlin
[00:07] <MartinG> No Thais there, so I go SW
[00:07] <Tamerlin> ok
[00:08] <MartinG> Done
[00:08] <MartinG> I grouped all the new defenders into the Defending forces.
[00:08] <Tamerlin> ok
[00:09] <MartinG> So, I would say that should it be now.
[00:09] <Tamerlin> I am sorry to leave you so abruptly but I must go now... is it OK?
[00:09] <Zaphod> of course, we are at the end anyways
[00:09] <MartinG> Yes, I want now to end the chat.
[00:09] <Zaphod> cu
[00:09] <MartinG> bye
[00:09] <Tamerlin> Thanks, bye...
[00:09] * Tamerlin has quit IRC (Quit: )
[00:09] <MartinG> Ok, let's end the chat.
[00:10] <MartinG> END OF 13th TURN CHAT