March 7, 2003, 21:08
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Alecrast announces peaceful annexation of former Sheepsta islands
Following the recent dissolution of the parliment of United States of Sheepsta in the face of numerous rebal uprisings from those loyal to Cardinal Ew, successor to Lord Protector Liam of Sheep, Alecrast Ranger units, in conjunction with Rocket, Aqua and Magma units from the Federation of Bulbagarden from the BMGf region, have moved in to restore order to a nation where rule by Biker Gangs would seem a happy dream. At the request of the citizens council and following a free referendum on the issue, the Commonwealth of Alecrast has absorbed the northern half of the former Sheepsta nation as a regional protectorate, with the Federation of Bulbagarden taking over administration of the southern regions.
In other news, there will be a public execution today of Cardinal Ew in the Northern Sheepsta capital of Lambston following the passing of new capital punishment laws in the nation following the Alecrast takeover.
Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos
March 7, 2003, 22:18
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Alecrast would like to know exactly what the problem is with the execution of a known war criminal responsible for a large number of massacres of Alecrast and Sheepstan citizens.
Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos
March 7, 2003, 22:45
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Why is this necessary?? United States of Sheepsta are our allies and why have we not been aprised of this stituation?? Your action concern us a great deal. We request that you and your friends from other regions to withdraw from Sheepsta at once. We do not buy into this so called dissorder as you call it.
March 7, 2003, 22:48
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[Out Of Character] Check the Nationstates page and do a search for Sheepsta. They ceased to exist just under a week ago. I'm trying to represent this in an RP sense that would make some logical sense.[/OOC]
Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos
March 7, 2003, 22:56
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OH i see. SHeep most have gotten rid of his nation and did not say anything.
March 7, 2003, 22:59
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OOC: No, he must have just abandoned it. He's been in hospital (with a tumour, IIRC), and I imagine he didn't have time to log in and keep it running.
March 7, 2003, 23:02
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The Foreign Minister of Iguana Fire condemns this annexation as a crime against the people of sheepsta who are entitled their own democratic/ or otherwise, governemnt as they see fit.
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March 7, 2003, 23:03
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In case the representative from Iguana Fire has not noticed, the annexation was conducted after the dissolution of the Sheepstan democracy, and was ratified democratically by the Sheepstan people.
March 7, 2003, 23:06
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Both Alecrast and Bulbagarden consider these regions to be a protectorate of their nations. We will of course give the nation the right to leave the Commonwealth and Federation if they should wish to do so after the current chaos has been resolved.
Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos
March 7, 2003, 23:08
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We must futher consult our allies and intelligence before we commit any forces to peacekeeping in SHeepsta
March 7, 2003, 23:21
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In case the representative from Iguana Fire has not noticed, the annexation was conducted after the dissolution of the Sheepstan democracy, and was ratified democratically by the Sheepstan people.
The Foreign Minister of Iguana Fire wishes for a second, internationally monitored election, having right to believe that the previous election was rigged since it was rushed into the space of a week.
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March 7, 2003, 23:25
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A computerized ballot system was used for the referendum, with instantaneous tallying of results. The system has already been in development in Alecrast for some time, and was intended to be first used in our parlimentary elections. It was the use of this that allowed for such a quick poll.
Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos
March 8, 2003, 02:48
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More news just at hand.
Fernando Bou, former Deputy Prime Minister of the United States of Sheepsta and current head of the North Sheepsta Citizen's Council and of the combined Sheepsta Citizen's Council has been knighted by his Majesty Monarch Archaic as His Lordship the Knight-Protector of North Sheepsta, and has been inducted into the Council of 15 as Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, representing the Athar faction.
Given that the Ministery for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry is the only Athar seat on the council at this point in time, this represents a significant level of power being granted towards the new Sheepsta protectorate.
The Athar's were recently left without a corperate sponsor after the Pascal Wager, President of the Alecrast Society of Freethinkers and Secular Humanists, left the Organisation to join the Guvnors, taking his society and its sponsorship with him. Following this appointment, the North Sheepsta Citizen's Council has become the Athar's new corperate sponsor.
It is unknown at this point in time how much co-operation the new Minister will give towards the plans of the Minister for Environment and Heritage, His Lordship the Duke of Raiden, Nelson Wetherington (Dustmen) and the Minister for Industry, Tourism and Resources, Her Ladyship the Duchess of Sonii, Nabiki Tendo (Sensates) in their thusfar consistant approval for logging of many old growth forests. Thusfar, the previous Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, George Braken, head of the Animal Liberation Society's political wing, Shin Grein, allowed this for forests hopelessly contaminated by the various attacks both recently and during the Chaos Wars, but obviously this cannot continue for much longer, with most of those forests having already been cleared.
Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos
March 8, 2003, 10:18
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The Kingdom of Wine agrees with the positions of the United States of Jackson and of Iguana Fire, the Free nation of Sheepsta was an ally to the Kingdom, after that we helped the democratic factions take the power against the Catholic Fundamentalists.
We ask for a second election to be held, and internationally monitorized as we believe that the previous one was done too fast, and as we don't believe in those new methods as they are unsafe to a possible attack from hackers.
We also would like to know why did Alecrast invited a nation from outside Apolyton to mess around in our regional affaires, we believe Alecrast should have, before intervening, consulted the Regional court, and should have asked for permission in order to call an external ally to intervene in that matter
(In other words: we want no stinking non-Apolytoners in Apolyton  )
King Giovanni Bennati da Moncalieri
Prime Minister: GrandDuke Francesco Morelli da Pinerolo
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
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March 8, 2003, 11:06
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As I said in the ODSN Thread.....
Alecrast and Bulbagarden both invite any international inspectors in as the other nations of the Apolyton Region deem necessary. Quite frankly, we wouldn't mind a little help with the peacekeeping. We may have become the new legitimate government of the isles through free referendum, but there are still forces loyal to the soon to be executed Cardinal Ew out there, and we do expect there to be some sort of rescue attempt before the execution takes place.
As for getting another region involved, the Federation of Bulbagarden and the BMGf region are a small region to our south, across the Sea of Schoolgirls. The nation is already involved in free trade and military agreements with the Alecrast government, and co-operated with us on this partly out of our alliance, and partly out of concern for their own safety should the Sheepsta Rebals somehow gain control of the former nation's few remaining nuclear weapons.
Also, on the issue of our new methods being vulnerable to hackers......I think you gravely underestimate the HSA that Alecrast implimented back just before we were attacked, to prevent any potential takeover from the Akira AI. In any case, as to the speed, while it was true that the referendum campaign was short, necessarily so in our opinion due to the rebels of Cardinal Ew, preperations for these elections have been ongoing for quite sometime.
[OOC]If it's not obvious enough, the Federation of Bulbagarden is my other nation (And one that's made it to the world top 10 a total of 3 times. Whoo~!). So it technically *is* an Apolytoner in Apolyton.  And anyway, that's just Xenophobia. If we adopted that kind of attitude in everything, where would we get our Japanese Schoolgirls?[/OOC]
Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos
March 8, 2003, 11:50
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LOL.. No It's not xenophobia, is just a "Monroe Doctrine" similar to the US one.
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The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
March 8, 2003, 14:02
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Forgive my stupid question but what the hell are you talking about
I will never understand why some people on Apolyton find you so clever. You're predictable, mundane, and a google-whore and the most observant of us all know this. Your battles of "wits" rely on obscurity and whenever you fail to find something sufficiently obscure, like this, you just act like a 5 year old. Congratulations, molly.
Asher on molly bloom
March 8, 2003, 19:13
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The government of Centralis is apalled that theKingdom of Wine would consider transplanting anything even vaugely resembling the Monroe Doctrine into Apolyton. If Bulbagarden is allied with Alecrast, what should it matter if it is within or without Apolyton?
March 9, 2003, 16:44
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The nation of Upper Riis would like to express our support of the Kingdom of Wine in the matter of regional hegemony.
Apolyton is for the Apolytoners, and Upper Riis feels that any other nation should not act within our sphere.
For this reason, Upper Riis has chosen to support the Kingdom of Wine as a new UN Delegate. With the added regional prestige this would bring, Upper Riis hopes to show that Wine is our leader in this region.
In other news, the closed Autocracy of Lower Riis continues to build up her weapons in anticipation of a "reunification war."
"You are, what you do, when it counts."
President of the nation of Riis in W3's SimCountry.
March 9, 2003, 20:57
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A computerized ballot system was used for the referendum, with instantaneous tallying of results. The system has already been in development in Alecrast for some time, and was intended to be first used in our parlimentary elections. It was the use of this that allowed for such a quick poll.
"Of course," Komnenus, emperor of Iguana Fire rises and states. "You would use your OWN, possibly rigged election software... Why didn't you think to use the nations' own methods of election? Were you afraid that you could not rig those as well... I would favor a second, internationally monitored election that has less possiblity of fraud."
"Iguana Fire might be willing to cede the point to annexation if a second, internationally monitored force, led by a regional coalition can be assembled to join the matter."
"Iguana Fire is willing to contribute at least a thousand peacekeeping troops, including some of its finest I-Corps and members of The Arm security force.
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March 9, 2003, 23:48
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Actually, the software was in development from an outsourced firm based in Karakas, with offices in Centralis and Alecrast. As for why we didn't use Sheepsta's own methods of referendum, it was simply because it would've taken too long to handcount so many ballots, not to mention print them all, and it would be almost impossible to hold that style of vote with the rebals trying to harass the voters.
Quite frankly Komnenus, how dare you accuse us of rigging the election. What justification or reasoning do you come to that conclusion with.
Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos
March 9, 2003, 23:53
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Centralis agrees with the statements of the Alecrastian representative, and would also like to ask exactly on what basis the Emperor can accuse Alecrast of undemocratic methods, when your own nation has been described by the UN and variosu human rights organizations as having very few political rights at all.
March 10, 2003, 14:14
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To: Riis
We thank you for your support, I hope this will lead to closer economical and political ties between us.
To: Centralis, Alecrast
We already stated that it is not only about Bulbagarden taking a piece, but it is ALSO about Sheepsta being annexed by Alecrast.
The United States of Sheepsta were helped by the Kingdom of Wine, Jackson, Dark Valley (as well as troops from Centralis IIRC) in getting to power, and we have defeated the Catholic fundamentalist government there long time ago.
As Sheepstan Fundamentalist Rebels were threatning the righous government of the USS, there was just need to send troops to help the USS, and that's what we thought Alecrast was doing.
But apparently they were just trying to get some more land for them, and for their foreign allies.
The Kingdom of Wine will never recognize Alecrastan and Bulbagardenese (??) control of those territories as legal, unless a second votation with an international crew doing the spoils will have place.
And on the last thing, we don't want any Bulbagardenese colony in Apolyton, we know that now they are friends and allies, but we never know what can happen in the future, as such we ask Bulbagarden to withdraw from his territories in Sheepstan Island, and if they need something in return, they shall just ask for it.
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
March 11, 2003, 06:27
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If one was to wonder why the Sheepsta people first asked the people of Alecrast to assume control for the time being, one would personally think that it would be for two reasons. Firstly, for our demonstrated ability to rebuild a nation quickly after chaos, not once, but twice (The Chaos Wars immediatly preceeding the formation of Alecrast as a nation, and the rebuilding following the EMP pulse attack), and secondly, for our skill in dealing with terrorist threats, such as that posed by the forces of Cardinal Ew.
Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos
March 11, 2003, 12:38
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The USJ supports the Kingdom of Wine in their postion. We do not foreign powers establishing a foothold in Apolyton. If one nation thinks they can do it, this will only cause others to think they can do it too. We have enough problems of our own. We realize that they are allies of your nation, but we still are concerned. Our troops fought to establish the USS, and the fact that you did not come to the nations of Apolyton for help first is trubling to us.
We request that new elections be held with internation observers. These other election we had no idea their were held untill you annouced the results. We are sorry for sounding disstrustfull, but your actions have caused us to doubt if you really tell the truth or not. we believe that if you rehold the elections with internation observers and have your ally with draw from Sheepsta it will help in reestablishing the trust between our two nations and rest of apolyton.
March 11, 2003, 18:31
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And if we have the elections again and the people of Sheepsta show clearly that they are fine with our ally Bulbagarden assuming control over the southern regions, as they decided under the first referendum?
Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos
March 11, 2003, 19:22
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Iguana Fire merely wished to state that it thought it was mighty suspicious that a nation would supposedly use its own voting software and count its own votes in its own favor in antoher nation instead of seeming to arbitrate unpersuaded by any side.
Actually, the software was in development from an outsourced firm based in Karakas, with offices in Centralis and Alecrast. As for why we didn't use Sheepsta's own methods of referendum, it was simply because it would've taken too long to handcount so many ballots, not to mention print them all, and it would be almost impossible to hold that style of vote with the rebals trying to harass the voters.
Why was this information not made avaliable at the beginning of this dispute? Komnenus regrets his brash comments, but states again that perhaps the voting should have been done in the traditional methods. Speed is no substitute for security and tradition. What if Sheepstains were scared away from the polls by the new technologies? What if they did not know how to work them correctly?
And rebels trying to harass the voters? Were the rebels not allowed to vote? Were you arresting any rebel who tried to vote?
It seems as though you kept dissidents away from places of polling.
Therefore, Iguana Fire joins with the Kingdom of Wine and USJ in asking for an internationally observed, second election, made in the indiginous methods of the populace and allowing all to vote- including the so-called rebels.
when your own nation has been described by the UN and variosu human rights organizations as having very few political rights at all.
frankly, I don't see what that's based on, since I let nazis protest, let people go naked, etc... I never figured out what political freedoms is based on.
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March 13, 2003, 04:07
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In the southern city of For Jesus the United Socialist Republics has been declared by the Chairman, Nikos Ginakis. The Socialist Party of Sheepsta has decreed that Alecrast wishes to silence them from the world, by 'peacefully' subjugating the Sheepstan people, culture and language.
Already 35 million people have died, but the new Sheepstan nation will rise from the ashes and liberate Alecrastian occupied Sheepsta.
The Chairman of the Socialist Republics calls upon the OSDN alliance to help get Sheepstan independence back.
occ: I was indeed in hospital, and this fell o the waylay. New Sheepsta is indeed a new nation, Sheepsta having been disbanded by the game, and I can no longer get into it.
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March 13, 2003, 04:12
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Centralis wishes to know exactly why the Socialist Party has 'decreed' that Alecrast has been attempting to subjugate Sheepsta, and would also like to see the evidence of the alleged atrocities, given that we have seen none despite a large epacekeeping force in the area, 24 hour satellite monitoring, and a large media presence, who would have noticed very quickly had more than half the population suddenly been killed.
March 13, 2003, 04:18
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The proof is the utter lack of Sheepstans alive. Before the fall og the USS government the Sheepstan population was 40 million plus, now it is 5 million.
The Socialists tell the honorable delegation from Centralis that until they have been through what we have, they have no reason to argue the point. The truth is that Alecrast and other nations occupying parts of the Sheepstan homeland have committed, rape, torture, genocide and extortionb of the honest and har working Sheepstan population.
Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
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