OFFICIAL: What to research after Drama?
As delegate of Locutus and after more then 36 hours of his annouced absense I open this poll to evaluate our next research goal. As the 13th turn chat is tomorrow, this poll is open for one day from posting time of this poll. However the result as it is at the start of the turn chat is considered and not afterwards the poll was closed.
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We can now research the following technologies:
Ship Building (4 turns)
Slave Labor (6 turns)
Masonry (7 turns)
Trade (8 turns)
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Ship Building
Gives Coracle and Nets
Gameplay discription from the Great Library:
Ships allow people to utilize ocean waterways in new and better ways. The Coracle can transport land units over shallow water, making inter-island exploration a possibility. Nets enable Cities to gather greater quantities of seafood and contribute to Growth.
In addition is to mention that this advance won't give us an advantage in the short turn, because we have neither cities with water tiles (for building Nets) nor real sea cities (for building Nets and Ships). So in the short term it is pretty useless for us, but in the long term it is needed to develope Gun Powder or Democracy, therefore sooner or later we have to develope it anyway.
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Slave Labor
Gives Slave and Mines
Gameplay discription from the Great Library:
Slavery is a troubling development in human history, violating the moral and ethical sensibilities of most people. Nevertheless, empires that choose to bolster their ranks of workers with unwilling labor have the Slaver unit. Slavers prey on foreign Cities and capture their citizens as slaves.
Mines rely on slave laborers to toil in highly dangerous work environments. They increase Production on the tiles on which they are built.
In addition to the Great Library discription is to mention that Slave Labor leads to nothing and will give us a new concept of unconventional war fare, that might be helpful in the war against the Austrians, a nice side effect would be that our cities could grow very fast with really cheap workers. However enslaving is an act of war. And results done on civs with that we are not on war a declaration of war.
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Gives Aqueduct and the Great Wall
Gameplay discription from the Great Library:
Masonry primarily involves the science and technique of bricklaying. Bricks of stone, clay and marble provided the ability to build over varying kinds of terrain. The Aqueduct transports water over great distances.
The Great Wall is also a testament to the permanence and resiliency of Masonry.
In addition to the Great library it is important to know that the use of entertianers give us more control about happiness management in our cities, instead of using the sliders globally we can use entertainers to reduce the effects of conquest distress, without effecting the growth production or gold output of our other cities. That is a big advantage. With Drama and Trade we can research Philosophy that will us lead to Monarchy a more advanced government from than our current one. Drama leads only to Philosophy.
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The Appian Way
Gameplay discription from the Great Library:
Although humans have bartered and traded within communities since the beginning, the Trade Advance represents the advent of trading between other communities and even other nations.
Caravans are central to the Trade system in the game. The Bazaar is an Improvement that provides a location for merchants and consumers to gather on a regular basis.
Roads make Trade easier and faster, and The Appian Way is one of the most famous roads in history.
Researching Iron Working and Horse Riding are after researching Trade now possible in addition it allows us to reasearch Philosophy onece we discovered Drama. Philosophy is needed to research Monarchy that is a more powerful government then the current one.
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Vote for Ship Building if we should research ship building.
Vote for Slave Labor if we should research Slave Labor.
Vote for Masonry if we should research Masonry.
Vote for Trade if we should research Trade.
Vote for Abstain if you have no idea what to vote.
Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"