[02:30] (Dictator_Maniac) Fortunately not.
[02:30] (Dictator_Maniac) Heh
[02:30] (Dictator_Maniac) A hive foil has entered the range of our AAA probe escort
[02:30] (Method) steal it?
[02:30] (Dictator_Maniac) Enter it? :relief:
[02:30] (Method) how much?
[02:30] (Dictator_Maniac) Oh great. :rolleyes:
[02:30] (Dictator_Maniac) Yang wants contact.
[02:31] (Dictator_Maniac) I guess i'll accept it.
[02:31] (Method) ok, be we don't accept peace...right?
[02:31] (GT^Commish) What does he want?
[02:31] (GT^Commish) And, no, we can't accept peace.
[02:31] (Dictator_Maniac) He wants Sea Collective for peace.
[02:31] (Dictator_Maniac) So no I guess.
[02:31] (GT^Commish) Give him the finger.
[02:31] (Method) you only guess? :p
[02:31] (Dictator_Maniac) Never! Mwuhahaha! Sea Collective shall stay mine for all time!!! I'll say.
[02:32] (Method) you'll say mwuhahahaha! ?
[02:32] (Dictator_Maniac) Now he wants 1875 ec. *sigh*
[02:32] (Dictator_Maniac) That's something I added myself. :cute:
[02:32] (Method) say "shrivel and die, you )insult("
[02:32] (GT^Commish) Yeesh, he's changed a lot since before, hasn't he?
[02:32] (Dictator_Maniac) Refusing the 1875 I suppose.
[02:32] (GT^Commish) Before that he was begging for it...
[02:33] (Method) he's just pissed because we captured his base
[02:33] (Dictator_Maniac) And now of course he offers a truce for nothing again.
[02:33] (GT^Commish) Refuse, again...
[02:33] (Dictator_Maniac) Refuse it as polled.
[02:33] (Dictator_Maniac) Hah! Defend yourself or be crushed!
[02:33] (Method) i found it
[02:33] (Method) "Shrivel and Die, you [19:45:47] (NuclearisWinterius) I am wnating to learn some basics on finnish
[02:33] (Method) [19:46:53] (The-Vangelis-Freak) ok, well the first thing youll need to learn is that monkeys are alled apina in finnish
[02:33] (Method) [19:47:00] (mrmitchell) **** = vittu
[02:33] (Method) [19:47:05] (mrmitchell) that's all you really need to know :D
[02:33] (Method) [19:47:29] (NuclearisWinterius) why should I know what apina means?
[02:33] (Method) [19:47:46] (mrmitchell) becuase most Finns vittu apinas.
[02:33] (Dictator_Maniac) The transport is 150 ec to bribe
[02:33] (Method) oops
[02:34] (Method) "Shrivel and Die, you inhuman monster!"
[02:34] (Dictator_Maniac) 0-1+3
[02:34] (GT^Commish) I presume Yang ended the conversation?
[02:34] (Dictator_Maniac) Yep
[02:34] (Method) oh, it's a transport? pfft
[02:34] (Dictator_Maniac) I'll first steal Silksteel Alloys before thinking about the transport
[02:34] (GT^Commish) Do we have any planes nearby to sink it?
[02:34] (Method) :b:
[02:35] (Dictator_Maniac) Does the AI raise land???
[02:35] (Dictator_Maniac) Or do I have bad eyes?
[02:35] (Method) no?
[02:35] (GT^Commish) ?
[02:35] (Method) i've never seen it
[02:35] (GT^Commish) What happened?
[02:35] (Method) wait, yes i have. nevermind
[02:35] (Dictator_Maniac) fellowship city is not bordering the sea, moving the probe to the next base up north...
[02:35] (Method) it's rare though
[02:35] (Dictator_Maniac) :hmmm:
[02:36] (GT^Commish) We do have another base we can target, though, don't we?
[02:36] (Dictator_Maniac) Perhaps I was just mistaken by the name.
[02:36] (Dictator_Maniac) yes
[02:36] (Dictator_Maniac) great
[02:37] (Dictator_Maniac) A transport just is located right in front of the sea tile giving access to Fecundity Tower.
[02:37] (Method) fellowship city was never coastal
[02:37] (Dictator_Maniac) Sending the AAA ship to sink it
[02:37] (Dictator_Maniac) I see :cute:
[02:37] (Method) what about labourer's throng? communal nexus?
[02:38] (Dictator_Maniac) Silksteel Alloys stolen from Fecundity Tower.
[02:38] (Method) :dance:
[02:38] (Dictator_Maniac) Probe returned to Shangri La.
[02:38] (GT^Commish) :dance:
[02:38] (Dictator_Maniac) What should I do with the two probes now??
[02:38] (GT^Commish) How long until OrgSuper?
[02:38] (Dictator_Maniac) 2 turns
[02:38] (GT^Commish) Send them to commit sabotage, maybe?
[02:38] (GT^Commish) Incite drone riots?
[02:38] (Dictator_Maniac) what base
[02:39] (GT^Commish) Any base where they would work.
[02:39] (Dictator_Maniac) I'll send them ti UN Slippery
[02:39] (Method) now we can research magnets-)nanomineaturisation-)indus nanorobots :dance:
[02:39] (GT^Commish) We nee dother things along the wya, don't we?
[02:39] (GT^Commish) * way
[02:39] (GT^Commish) * need other
[02:39] (Method) no :cute:
[02:39] (Method) adv spaceflight perhaps
[02:40] (Method) other than that, we should go on to digital sentience as fast as we can IMO
[02:40] (GT^Commish) For the Cybernetic Backbone?
[02:40] (Method) and cybernetic society
[02:40] (Method) then the greens might let us back into FM :conspire:
[02:41] (GT^Commish) Not likely.
[02:41] (GT^Commish) I don't expect them to ever accept FM to save their own lives.
[02:41] (Method) they'll have their planet and efficiency, and i'll have my (s)evil(/s) research :D
[02:41] (Method) and +2 economy too :dance:
[02:42] (Dictator_Maniac) Method, all terrain in Xanadu base radius is forest or borehole, except a condenser & the terrain which is also in the radius of Cyclops. What should I do with the Xanady formers?
[02:42] (Method) really? already?
[02:42] (Method) even 5,109?
[02:42] (Dictator_Maniac) all done
[02:43] (Method) kickass
[02:43] (Dictator_Maniac) 8.114 not
[02:43] (Method) and 7.133 is forest?
[02:43] (Method) *113
[02:43] (Dictator_Maniac) yes
[02:43] (Method) ok. forest 8.114
[02:43] (Dictator_Maniac) I let the Akirian formers help you btw. ;)
[02:43] (Method) send the rest to...
[02:43] (Dictator_Maniac) They didn't have anything better to do
[02:43] (Method) the nearest borehole project
[02:44] (Dictator_Maniac) That's near DEM
[02:44] (Method) fine
[02:44] (Method) actually
[02:44] (Method) have them convert all DEM's farms to forest
[02:44] (Dictator_Maniac) which is only 2 turns from completion. By the timez they arrive there...
[02:44] (Dictator_Maniac) ok
[02:44] (Dictator_Maniac) will do that
[02:45] (Method) what about 8,98? have we started there yet?
[02:45] (Dictator_Maniac) done
[02:45] (Method) cool
[02:45] (Dictator_Maniac) ZG is alread helping UNPD
[02:46] (Method) ah.
[02:46] (Method) we should start an energy park
[02:46] (Method) where, i have no clue..
[02:46] (Dictator_Maniac) above Soalris
[02:46] (Dictator_Maniac) I suggested it at the end of January
[02:46] (Method) really far. lots of fungus...
[02:47] (Method) but with mag tubes
[02:47] * Method shrugs
[02:47] (Dictator_Maniac) It would be reserved for Concordia and New Apolyton of course.
[02:47] (Method) :tongue:
[02:47] (Dictator_Maniac) indeed, only after we have magtubes it's doable.
[02:47] (Method) you may purchase my formers :p
[02:47] (Method) of course, there's a bit of room west of UNPD
[02:47] (Dictator_Maniac) Anyway, MY 2269 complete and I have 3000 ec in cash. I'll rush every base.
[02:47] (Method) not much
[02:48] (Method) room i mean
[02:48] (Method) ok, cool
[02:48] (Method) we had an energy emergency :D
[02:48] (Dictator_Maniac) Well for a decent energy park you need at leadt 5 on 5.
[02:48] (Method) yeah...
[02:48] (Method) more formers! :doitnow!:
[02:51] (Method) i hope archaic won't mind if circular quay mysteriously turns into a land base
[02:51] (Method) and TacAc suddenly finds itself at 3500m :evil:
[02:52] (GT^Commish) Why would CQ turn into a land abse?
[02:52] (GT^Commish) And why would we care if TA found itself on a mountain? More energy for the solar panels.
[02:52] (GT^Commish) * base
[02:52] (Method) if an energy park was to spring up overnight west of UNPD
[02:53] (Method) it might eat up a bit of ocean :cute:
[02:53] (GT^Commish) That's also S of TA, right?
[02:53] (Method) well, sw
[02:53] (GT^Commish) 'Cos we're already planning on building an energy park S of there.
[02:53] (Method) north of DEM
[02:53] (GT^Commish) of TA, that is.
[02:53] (Method) from 8.92 south and west?
[02:54] (Method) with all the fungus...
[02:54] (GT^Commish) No.
[02:54] (Dictator_Maniac) 90% of the bases rushed and still 1200 ec in reserve. :D
[02:54] (GT^Commish) IIRC, the plan didn't involve much fungus clearing.
[02:54] (Method) no? :hmmm:
[02:54] * Evangelion-Freak has quit IRC (Quit: reboot)
[02:54] (Dictator_Maniac) MY 2269 ended (finally).
[02:54] (Method) well that's where south of TA is...
[02:54] (GT^Commish) Actually, it involved zero fungus clearing.
[02:55] (Method) there's only 7 tiles south of TA that aren't in base radius or aren't fungus
[02:55] (Dictator_Maniac) Increase native life activity for 20 years. Hercules' (B) fault.
[02:55] (GT^Commish) I'll try and dig up the pic.
[02:55] (Dictator_Maniac) And the mind worms have landed near Cyclops.
[02:55] (Dictator_Maniac) And Aurora...
[02:55] (GT^Commish) TKG:
[02:56] (Method) hmm. ok
[02:56] (Dictator_Maniac) And a Hive missileship killed our AAA ship near Fecundity Tower. Are you guys listening? ;)
[02:56] (Method) yes we are :cute:
[02:56] (GT^Commish) :rant:
[02:56] (Method) :undance:
[02:56] (Dictator_Maniac) 6-4-4 ship to be more precise
[02:57] (GT^Commish) Do we have any nearby planes?
[02:57] (GT^Commish) I want to sink that ship.
[02:57] (Method) well what we should do is raise it all to 3500m, and clear the fungus, making it huge! mwuhahaha
[02:57] (GT^Commish) btw, can we start upgrading our interceptors to be Clean.Chaos?
[02:57] (GT^Commish) Clean/Chaos
[02:57] (Dictator_Maniac) Nope. Too far away from anything we have
[02:57] (Method) wait till fusion?
[02:57] (Dictator_Maniac) Shouldn't it be better to wait for fusion or shard?
[02:57] (GT^Commish) Maybe.
[02:58] (Dictator_Maniac) Then upgrade our entire military
[02:58] (Method) shard, better yet. fusion will be obsolete after a year or 2
[02:58] (GT^Commish) But how long will it take to get there & then prototype them?
[02:58] (Method) 5-6 turns?
[02:58] (Method) provided we research shards next
[02:58] (Method) end of next chat perhaps
[02:59] (Dictator_Maniac) Method: :nono:
[02:59] (Dictator_Maniac) Give larger build queues next time.
[02:59] (Method) sorry
[03:00] (Dictator_Maniac) UNPD and Xanadu out of orders.
[03:00] (Method) i forgot to put things after my genejacks
[03:00] (Dictator_Maniac) What should I build?
[03:00] (Method) in UNPD?
[03:00] (Method) and xan?
[03:00] (Dictator_Maniac) yes
[03:00] (Method) unpd has aero complex already?
[03:00] (Dictator_Maniac) all
[03:01] (Method) how about...a centauri preserve?
[03:01] (Dictator_Maniac) Just done. It hasn't got a command centre, but that's about it.
[03:01] (Method) if not, a unit?
[03:01] (Dictator_Maniac) bio lab
[03:01] (Method) give MWIA a boat
[03:01] (Dictator_Maniac) skunkworks
[03:01] (Method) oo, skunkworks. ok
[03:01] (Dictator_Maniac) ok
[03:01] (Method) and xan...
[03:01] (Dictator_Maniac) skunkworks in the queue
[03:02] (Method) hybrid forest in xan?
[03:02] (Method) net node?
[03:02] (Method) fusion lab
[03:02] (Method) hab complex
[03:02] (Method) plenty to be done
[03:02] (Dictator_Maniac) ha complex
[03:02] (Method) fusion lab already? that was fast
[03:02] (Dictator_Maniac) I'll do. It's size 9.
[03:02] (Dictator_Maniac) or no, it can take size 11
[03:02] (Dictator_Maniac) Fusion lab then. :)
[03:03] (Method) ok. i didn't think i had one :D
[03:03] (Method) then hab complex after that
[03:03] (Method) BTW: how'd we get a borehole on 7,115?
[03:03] (Method) i hope i didn't order that...
[03:04] (Dictator_Maniac) Btw, GT, do you also play the last turn (that will be MY 2271 now) or just finish MY 2270, press turn complete and then save?
[03:04] (Dictator_Maniac) Yes you did.
[03:04] (Dictator_Maniac) Illegal?
[03:04] (Dictator_Maniac) tsk tsk tsk ;)
[03:04] (Method) no, it's there in my save
[03:05] (GT^Commish) Maniac: I play the turn as far as current orders allow.
[03:05] (Method) the 2264 one
[03:05] (Dictator_Maniac) Hercules will be thrilled. :D
[03:05] (GT^Commish) It cuts down on the startup time in the next chat.
[03:05] (Dictator_Maniac) okay
[03:05] (Method) i don' think i ordered that
[03:05] (Method) i don't see it at least
[03:06] (GT^Commish) So, are we at 2271, btw?
[03:06] (Dictator_Maniac) No 2270
[03:06] (Dictator_Maniac) I think that borehole already was there when I started the save. Or at least formers were already building and I let them complete it. I should check it.
[03:07] (Method) no, it's in my 2264 save.
[03:07] (Method) and i didn't order it in the 2264 orders thread.
[03:07] (Dictator_Maniac) Anyway, should I attack worms outside Cyclops? Chances are 1 to 1.
[03:07] (Method) so GT can explain to herc :D
[03:07] (Dictator_Maniac) ok :D
[03:08] (GT^Commish) Would we have ebtter odds if we let them atack us?
[03:08] (GT^Commish) The worms, that is?
[03:08] (Method) akirian formers were doing it anyways. looks like cedayon finally caved :P
[03:08] (Dictator_Maniac) yes
[03:09] (Dictator_Maniac) but probably *they* won't attack after they've destroyed all the terraformations on that tile
[03:09] (Dictator_Maniac) sending an empath rover - should have donethat earlier
[03:09] (GT^Commish) If the odds are 1 to 1, it's probably best not to.
[03:09] (Dictator_Maniac) and the IoD is still in the FWC :mad:
[03:09] (GT^Commish) And, yes, that's a very good idea.
[03:10] (Dictator_Maniac) ok I'll wait, it'll be for the next turnchat
[03:10] (Method) after the skunkworks you can build a unit in UNPD
[03:10] (Method) an empath foil or chopper
[03:10] (Dictator_Maniac) Great idea.
[03:10] (Dictator_Maniac) I'll suggest it in the command center
[03:11] (Method) just in case we have any unexpected pops from my rampant borehole-button-pushing
[03:11] (Method) :cute:
[03:11] (Method) or *cough*genejacks*cough*
[03:11] (GT^Commish) How many Hybridforests do we have?
[03:11] (Method) 3 from Aur at least...
[03:11] (Method) or...4
[03:12] (Method) did xan build one yet?
[03:12] (Dictator_Maniac) 14
[03:12] (Dictator_Maniac) on 34 bases
[03:12] (Method) so 28 clean mins
[03:12] (Method) plus preserves
[03:12] (Method) plus pops
[03:12] (Method) plus 16 (?)
[03:13] (Dictator_Maniac) Btw, do I also have to build mining platforms around UNMI?
[03:13] (Method) er, yes
[03:13] (Dictator_Maniac) ok
[03:13] (Method) what do you mean, "also"
[03:13] (Method) :scared:
[03:13] (Method) you didnt put any around UNPD did you? :quitescared:
[03:14] (Method) if you did, that's my fault for not being clear...
[03:14] (Dictator_Maniac) well you said so...
[03:14] (Method) oh well
[03:14] (Dictator_Maniac) Not around UNPD
[03:14] (Method) i did say "build mining platforms"
[03:14] (Method) where'd you put them?
[03:14] (Dictator_Maniac) One around ZG, and several outside the FWC
[03:14] (Method) ok, whatever
[03:15] (Dictator_Maniac) 13.99
[03:15] (Method) that's fine
[03:15] (Dictator_Maniac) 1.103 building one - I can still stop it
[03:15] (Method) put a whatchacallit..
[03:16] (Method) tidal harness there
[03:16] (Dictator_Maniac) ok
[03:16] (Method) BTW....didn' i give that former to cicular Quay? :cute:
[03:16] (Dictator_Maniac) amready compleyed
[03:16] (Dictator_Maniac) not a clue :cute:
[03:16] (Dictator_Maniac) popping pod
[03:16] (Method) whatever. the harness'll do good
[03:16] (Dictator_Maniac) 50 ec yuppee
[03:17] (GT^Commish) :dance:
[03:18] (GT^Commish) Anything else that needs to be done?
[03:18] (Dictator_Maniac) Btw, GT, I did have to build platforms around Circular Quay right? I don't remember so well... :cute:
[03:19] * GT^Commish is checking the orders thread.
[03:19] (Method) so are we done?
[03:19] (Dictator_Maniac) no no
[03:19] (Dictator_Maniac) what makes you think that?
[03:19] (Method) another turn?
[03:19] (Dictator_Maniac) Am I too slow? :cute:
[03:19] (GT^Commish) Archaic didn't say one way or the other.
[03:19] (Method) the " Anything else that needs to be done?" part
[03:20] (Method) ;)
[03:20] (GT^Commish) That was me.
[03:20] (Method) yeah, whatever...
[03:20] (GT^Commish) I was wondering if we were done.
[03:20] (Method) anyways...
[03:20] (Dictator_Maniac) Sea Collective just built its first defence
[03:20] (Method) good
[03:20] (GT^Commish) :cool:
[03:20] (Method) ooh, i know what we can do
[03:20] (Dictator_Maniac) I'll switch to an aquaformers. Whoever will govern that base can switch it next turnchat
[03:21] (GT^Commish) Yes?
[03:21] (Method) after skunkworks, UNPD can build a 10-4-6*2
[03:21] (Dictator_Maniac) :b:
[03:21] (GT^Commish) how long to Org Super?
[03:21] (Method) uh, it's up to cedayon
[03:21] (GT^Commish) Or do we have it already?
[03:21] (Method) unless he'll do it himself
[03:21] (Dictator_Maniac) next turn
[03:22] (Dictator_Maniac) btw, should we rename our chaos cruiser to something more fancy?
[03:22] (GT^Commish) Like what?
[03:22] (Dictator_Maniac) Like "Enterprise" Class Cruiser or something?
[03:22] (Method) we seem to be doing pretty well, despite having a maniacal dictator...
[03:22] (Dictator_Maniac) "Audacity" class cruiser
[03:22] (Dictator_Maniac) I don't know :cute:
[03:22] (GT^Commish) Do stuff like that when we get a miltiary tech that won't be obsolete ebfore ti can be used...
[03:22] (Method) the SS Pizza? :expect:
[03:22] (GT^Commish) :lol:
[03:23] (Dictator_Maniac) :D:b: Ok. I'll propose it in the command centre as well when I think about it.
[03:23] (Method) or UN Fusion Delivery?
[03:24] (Method) how about "Hey Yang, Look what TKG Built!"
[03:24] * Method sees if that will fit
[03:25] (GT^Commish) So how much else needs to be done?
[03:25] (Method) yep it fits :D
[03:25] (Dictator_Maniac) Just noticed UNMI was about to ruit next turn - empath created
[03:25] (Method) uh oh. no net node yet?
[03:25] (Method) hm
[03:26] (Dictator_Maniac) nope
[03:26] (Dictator_Maniac) 2 mins under construction
[03:26] (Method) ok
[03:26] (Method) still only 2 mins? blah...
[03:27] (Method) if only we had subsea trunklines...and lots of mining platforms...
[03:27] (Dictator_Maniac) turn complete. I'll do some rushes, but not many, so we have lots of cash to spend on the first turn ofthe next turnchat. :)
[03:27] (Method) rush something in aurillion :expect:
[03:28] (Dictator_Maniac) 16x4.5=??
[03:28] (Dictator_Maniac) 72
[03:28] (Dictator_Maniac) Abother former for TBIBTU
[03:29] (Dictator_Maniac) ending the turn with 2001 ec