Is it the remoteness that matters, or the ownership of the nearest city, like it is with goody hut mercenaries? If it's just a matter of nearest-city, one could just make a size-1 throwaway city by another civ, build all the units you like from the desired owner civ right next to it, then have one of the newly created units conqer the city and destroy it. You'd have to fix diplomacy, money, etc. afterwards but it's better than nothing.
Of course, he can always squinny his way out of the problem with fundamentalist-free units, but I'd guess that he's looking for a more versatile solution.
"May I be forgiven for the ills that I have done/Friends I have forsaken and strangers I have shunned/Sins I have committed, for which others had to pay/And I haven't met the whiskey that can wash those stains away."
-Brady's Leap, "Wash."