April 6, 2003, 04:54
Local Time: 23:35
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Moscow taken!!!
BERLIN/VIENNA/MUNICH - This month saw the most crucial victory achieved in Operation Barbarossa so far. The Soviet capital, Moscow, was taken after days of fighting.
The Army Group Center, commanded by Field Marshal von Bock, ordered the heaviest and most impressive air strikes seen so far in this conflict to support his ground troops. This meant that the German casualties were not as high as feared in the OKW.
Though the Soviet government vowed to continue the fight from Siberia there is not too much hope left for the Soviet Union and its Red Army .....
In Norway, the city of Bergen was liberated by Axis Forces after another air raid against the British positions. The British infantry regiment has been wiped out.
In the Mediterranean Sea Malta was finally occupied by elements of the 3rd and 7th Parachute Divisions. Resistance was very low due to the heavy aerial bombardments during the last months. With Malta taken the Axis can now begin their full-scale assault on Egypt. General Rommel is only waiting for some additional reinforcements ....
In the Atlantic, an American Cruiser and a Destroyer of the US Navy were sunk, also an British Destroyer was sunk off the Normandy coast, the Battleship nearly sunk. Maybe next month
Prepare for your extinction ....
April 6, 2003, 05:11
Local Time: 23:35
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Location: Fighting a fierce battle for the Rodina!
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Well, herr Hitler. Mr Stalin got a happy moscow-day-present for you next turn
"This Nation has earned the right to Live." - Carl Gustav von Mannerheim
Comrade Patiskov Figiskovsky serving as Commander of the 2nd Ukranian Front and Member of the Stavka in RF DG!
Current Medals: Valiant Labour Medal and Order of Glory and IRC medal
April 6, 2003, 09:06
Local Time: 23:35
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Well, herr Hitler. Mr Stalin got a happy moscow-day-present for you next turn
I will not say anymore to you than this:
Prepare for your extinction ....
April 9, 2003, 02:31
Local Time: 13:35
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Posts: 523
Sorry for holding things up but I don't want to play in this game...I'm come to the conclusion that resisting the Japanese is futile. Pap can take over for me.
"Long live Iraq. Long live Jihad. Long live Palestine. God is great, God is great." - President Saddam Hussein
April 9, 2003, 05:09
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April 9, 2003, 07:08
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Well Pap is gone till sometime next week. Something about a drunken party in a brothel.
I can play the turn for him if there is no password.
*"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta
April 9, 2003, 07:36
Local Time: 21:35
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Originally posted by conmcb25
Well Pap is gone till sometime next week. Something about a drunken party in a brothel.
I can play the turn for him if there is no password.
And if there is a password, mail it to me so that i can remove it
April 9, 2003, 22:37
Local Time: 17:35
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Best thing to do as the Chinese is detroy the Railroads! That really lets the Japs get to you, if you dont do it!
*"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta
April 9, 2003, 23:03
Local Time: 17:35
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China-Begin much delayed scorched earth policy
USA-Build Industry and capture Dublin
(No passwords BTW  )
*"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta
April 10, 2003, 00:56
Local Time: 13:35
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Posts: 523
I know Con...but it means no counter-attack...ever which means it's hopeless. And I DID pillage some of them.
"Long live Iraq. Long live Jihad. Long live Palestine. God is great, God is great." - President Saddam Hussein
April 10, 2003, 07:46
Local Time: 17:35
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Originally posted by Choke
I know Con...but it means no counter-attack...ever which means it's hopeless. And I DID pillage some of them.
Ya, I hear you but early its crucial, when the bug eyed monkeys are all over. It at least delays them.
Well thats the double edged sword!
But then those are opinions, Im just saying what has worked well for me!
*"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta
April 10, 2003, 17:22
Local Time: 21:35
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-British marines conduct an amphibious assault on Oslo. The city was easily taken.
-The marines that participated in the attack on Oslo was sent south and launched an attack on Hamburg. The City was lightly defended and taken with relative ease.
-Once Hamburg was taken, British forces was sent from Dover across the channel into Hamburg. Supported by Bombers from London, Cologne was attacked and taken.
-Another force headed north from Hamburg and attacked Copenhagen. And again, the defenses where light. The city was taken.
-Naval bombardment against Brest
North Africa/ Middle east:
-Tehran captured by British Motorized Infantry.
-German Infantry advancing on Alexandria destroyed.
-2 betties shot down near Calcutta.
-British Commando raid against Japan. Numerous factories and defense industry complexes blown up and rendered inoperative.
-Betty east of Surabaya shot down.
-German Sub east of Brest sunk.
-German Sub south of Oslo sunk.
-German Sub West of Bergen sunk.
-German sub east of Halifax sunk.
-German sub in the middle of the Atlantic sunk.
-Jap Transport south of Port Moresby sunk.
April 11, 2003, 08:14
Local Time: 21:35
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FiGu is next
April 11, 2003, 18:19
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April 12, 2003, 02:43
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I'll post the turn soon...
"This Nation has earned the right to Live." - Carl Gustav von Mannerheim
Comrade Patiskov Figiskovsky serving as Commander of the 2nd Ukranian Front and Member of the Stavka in RF DG!
Current Medals: Valiant Labour Medal and Order of Glory and IRC medal
April 16, 2003, 09:02
Local Time: 23:35
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Location: Fighting a fierce battle for the Rodina!
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the turn...
It seems that the great beast(soviet) has to make peace soon with the axis
"This Nation has earned the right to Live." - Carl Gustav von Mannerheim
Comrade Patiskov Figiskovsky serving as Commander of the 2nd Ukranian Front and Member of the Stavka in RF DG!
Current Medals: Valiant Labour Medal and Order of Glory and IRC medal
April 16, 2003, 09:41
Local Time: 21:35
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Darius next
April 17, 2003, 00:05
Local Time: 16:35
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Victory on all fronts!
- Chinese northern front completely collapses! After fierce aerial and artillery bombardment, Wuhan, Xian, AND Lanzhou were all captured in less than a month! All partisan resistance was mercilessly slaughtered except outside the latter city, as it was too far away to reinforce.
- 4 infantry divisions destroyed in Changsha.
- 2 infantry divisions destroyed in the field, and 1 bomber shot down.
Southeast Asia
- What appears to be the last of the RAF's squadrons in India have been shot down outside Calcutta.
- Japanese Marines landed at Calcutta and secured the city with ease.
- To our surprise, when the Japanese invasion captured Calcutta, the British troops defending Bangladesh simply wandered off after supplies from India stopped coming. Our forces quickly swept in and captured Dhaka, resulting in a complete encirclement of Burma.
Britain is urged to surrender; you cannot possibly defend your unproductive colonial possessions while fighting Germany in your own backyard. Pamphlets have been dropped on British positions in India recommending they face reality:
East Indies/Australia
- Surabaya finally captured; it was only left under British rule due to logistical problems in Borneo.
- Airstrikes have nearly emptied Darwin for occupation.
- Henderson Air Force Base has been completely emptied of American troops, and will be secured by our troops next month.
- Midway and Pearl Harbor finally secured by Imperial Marines. It was a huge boost to our troops' morale to finally set foot on American soil.
- American B-17's on naval patrol east of Hawaii destroyed.
Naval Engagements
- Royal Navy's India squadron completely destroyed by the fury of the kamikaze! After the veteran crews of G4M Betty squadron on the way home from a mission above Calcutta heard British ships had been spotted on the east coast of India, they flew south and valiantly rammed their planes into a British battleship, nearly sinking it. Soon after Val divebombers were ordered to the site from airbases in Thailand, and they sank a cruiser before finishing off the battleship, after which they ditched their planes into the sea. The Emperor has written personal thanks to the families of these heroes, who gave the ultimate sacrifice for Japan, and posters are going up across the home islands recruiting young men for further martyrdom operations.
Concerned about your future? Want
a career that means something? Fly a
plane into a ship!
- Yet another American battleship sunk! Submarines spotted it off Mexico, and it was promptly sent to the bottom by Val kamikaze attacks and a final coup de grace by the cruiser Mikuma.
- On a lighter note, one American destroyer sunk off the Solomon Islands, and another sunk northeast of Midway.
Last edited by Darius871; April 17, 2003 at 00:26.
April 19, 2003, 06:13
Local Time: 23:35
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Deutscher Wehrmachtsbericht März 1942
BERLIN: The Führer wanted the British to be wiped off the German Motherland and the Panzergruppe West did so. After some short close quarter combats the Royal Army members surrendered to our forces. All cities were retaken, Great Britain is still holding Gibraltar as the only point on European soil.
The Führer also gratulates our Japanese Allies to their impressive victories. May the Tenno live 10000 years!
EASTERN FRONT: After the fall of Moscow the Wehrmacht continues its march deeper into the Russian Heartland ....
- In the South, our Army Group Caucasus (former Army Group South) under the command of Filed Marshal von Manstein was able to conquer Grozny after another devastating aerial bombardment by the Luftwaffe. The last scattered Soviet defenders were annihilated and the road to Baku is now open.
- On the left wing of the Army Group Caucasus von Rundstedt´s Army Group Volga reached the outskirts of Stalingrad. The northern defence positions of the Soviet Army has been annihilated and Saratov secured. Soviet resistance is weakening over the last weeks and Stalingrad is expected to fall before summer.
- The Army Group Center extincted the last Soviet partisans in the outskirts of Moscow. Here, in the middle of the front, the German troops are reorganizing their supplies to advance further. The next month the offensive should be retaken. German units belonging to this Army Group also advanced further north and are not far away from Arkhangel´sk without firing a single bullet. It seems that the Soviet North Front is not existing anymore ....
- South of Leningrad, the Army Group North has penetrated the Soviet lines and cleaned the outskirts of the city. The remnants of three Soviet Infantry Divisions were annihilated by German Tank Divisions.
- In the Far North the Army Group Finnland is now very close to Murmansk, the main objective at the North Cape.
TO THE SOVIET HIGH COMMAND: Germany is willing to hear your proposals (just PM me, FiGU) if the USSR really wants an armistice ...
MEDITERRANEAN SEA: The Army Group Africa under Gen. Rommel and their Italian Allies have almost finished resupplying and are supposed to attack Egypt within the next few weeks.
TO ALL THE ENEMIES OF JAPAN AND THE AXIS: Prepare for your extinction!
April 19, 2003, 06:19
Local Time: 16:35
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 The emperor congratulates our ally for its continued success!
We also would recommend against an armistice with the regicidal Bolsheviks; all your bloodshed would seem in vain if the enemy were able to simply regroup and backstab you...
April 19, 2003, 06:32
Local Time: 23:35
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I just wanted to post the updated map
April 19, 2003, 06:51
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Germany offers an armistice but wants the Soviets to withdraw from all cities west of the Ural River (including Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk). The Soviet Forces would have to retreat immediately and are not allowed to destroy anything or to harm the advance ot the Wehrmacht.
Remember on thing: The Soviet Regime will not get any better conditions. Surrender now or prepare to die.
April 19, 2003, 09:52
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Recaptured Lanzhou
*"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta
April 21, 2003, 03:03
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The United Kingdom urges the Soviet Union to keep resisting the Nazis. The Allied powers will open up a second front very soon. And in the meantime the Germans will be harrassed without any stop.
April 24, 2003, 07:47
Local Time: 21:35
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superduper BUMP! for Pap
April 24, 2003, 16:13
Local Time: 21:35
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Guys, i will be away for 9 days from saturday. My boss decided to send me in "exile" for a week or so The result is that wont be able to play during that time.
Can you wait untill i'm back? At the current rate we wouldnt have moved much anyway....
April 24, 2003, 16:43
Local Time: 16:35
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Of course we can wait, since it'll take that long.
Btw, I suggest you play the next few American turns; I'd bet that pap's just gone because the semester's almost over.
April 27, 2003, 08:30
Local Time: 17:35
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Ill do the USA till Pap gets back. Ill make sure to get it done this week before SAS gets back, he is next anyway.
*"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta
April 27, 2003, 08:56
Local Time: 17:35
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Turn done.
Sank a German sub off Bermuda and a Jap Cruiser north of Pearl.
Now we wait till SAS gets back.
*"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta
May 3, 2003, 03:05
Local Time: 23:35
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do not forget to change the files for the next turns ....
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