Regardless of where a ship is built, I can only create task forces in my home system. Even if the built ship is 20 turns away, after I create the task force, it shows up in my home system.
When I click on the system where a new ship has been built the Create task force (or something else, you know what I mean) option is greyed out...
You have to have a Mobilization Center on a planet in oder to create a TF.
When you select a planet and it pops up the deploy TF wing and it is greu, you do not have the structure built and can not create a TF on that planet.
Starships all go to the reserve. TF can be create from the reserve on any planet with the Mob.
Thats also the Reason why an Mob-Center is often among the first thing the AI-Viceroy wants to built
Applications programming is a race between software engineers, who strive to produce idiot-proof programs, and the Universe which strives to produce bigger idiots. - software engineers' saying
So far, the Universe is winning.
- applications programmers' saying