I deleted my entire Civ2 directory and reinstalled, however, I still get different commodity lists on my ME machine than i do on my 95 machine and my MGE version - for whatever that disclaimer is worth.
first thoughts: again stuck on continent #1 - who picks these starts?

Again, no starting techs - which usually means we have no one in the immediate vicinity, although on a medium map, not sure how much that means. We are near the south pole and near the international date line. We have visible fish, but no other specials, and an off-limits hut in the logical first move location... silk
Civ 2 version 2.42 Custom (08-Oct-96)
BC years
4000: find silk to west, hutfinder says there is not a hidden special north of hut, so if city is founded nw of hut, only a 3 special site. check listings, looks like a 4 special site 4 spaces SW, 6 spaces NNW, decide to go to the SW site to explore (8,64), ponder what to do with 2nd settler. Decide to found where it stands
Away founded., arrange for 2 science
3950: choose
3850: find build site, there's a lot of forest here, may need a bit of work
Home founded
Alphabet choose
Code of Laws
3700: rush warrior at Home
3650: find another silk... (10/22)
3600: rush warrior (Away)
3550: find whale
Code of Laws choose
Writing, find wheat - nice to have all Home specials discovered

Writing choose
Horseback Riding (0/48)
3000: settlers at Home
Beach founded
2700: key civ discovered something, beakers down to (38/40)
Horseback Riding choose
Literacy (2/60)
2500: settlers (Away)
2450: diplomat at Home
Sea Pass founded
Literacy choose
Republic (0/72), might have a shot at -1850 discovery but will need key civ help
2050: key civ(s) not helping, research now at 27/78
2000: (36/78)
1950: (45/78) alter workers slightly
1900: (53/72)...
1850: (61/72) alter workers again, tinker with tax rate
1700: Chinese start Pyramids, meet spanish and find we are mighty, gift horseback riding, they don't offer techs to exchange and we don't have mapmaking yet, so hold off on other techs
Republic, choose
Ceremonial Burial, revolt and form Republic, disband all warriors towards various projects. looks like i'm going to have 2 libraries completed before i discover CB... (0/91)
1600: (22/84)
1550: (44/84)
1500: Celts start Hanging Gardens (68/84)
1450: Library at Home,
Ceremonial Burial choose
Bronze Working, contact Spanish, trade republic, writing, and literacy for
Bronze working,
Currency and
Mapmaking, gift Code of Laws, but only receptive... research up to 165, we are down to strong, change productions to temples
1400: choose
Trade, temples build Away and at Beach
1350: settlers at Sea Pass
Trade choose
Helperfounded, diplo prod changed to caravans, Temple will be finished at Home next turn, pause to decide whether worth brief luxury hike, would require up to 50%, or 20% since still finishing temples, could get Home to 4-5, find madrid
1000: Home at 5, lower luxes
975: find Germans, gift Republic and prereqs for maps, increase science at home 25% with einstiens, lowers mysticism by 1 turn
950: diplomat sent home, we are back up to mighty, beakers at 180
Mysticism choose
Philosophy, halve luxuries, Hides (Home) delivered to Beach (d,40), rush temple
825: Chinese (Beijing) builds Pyramids, Celts (Carmarthen) builds Hanging Gardens
775: realize it may have been a mistake to grow Home to 5 without medicine...
Wheel, choose
Medicine (225 beakers)
675: Germans start Great Library
625: complete 3 caravans,
Colossus at Home
575: Chinese start Great Library
Medicine, choose
Masonry, contact Germans, exchange for
Masonry and
Seafaring, contact Spanish, exchange for
Iron Working, strong... means chinese is key civ...
450: choose
Shakespeare's Theatere
250: Home size 8, deplete luxuries
225: Sioux, Celts start Lighthouse
200: Harbor in Home,
Construction, choose
Engineering, Silver (d,100) to Home
150: Aquaduct in Home, realised i had left one of my delivery caravans sentries on a sentried trireme
75: Spanish start Great Library, Carthagenians start King Richard's Crusade, Hides (d, 28) Away to Beach
50: Home size 12, deplete luxuries
25: first caravan in line for Spanish, contact trying for maps, they blow me off...
AD Years
1 AD Marketplace at Home, discover
Engineering, find Valencia
40: Celts (Cardiff) build the Lighthouse, gift about 6 techs (every extra i have) to Germans to get to worshipful for maps, find Chinese city, all still on same continent...
80: hides (d, 28) to Beach, found
Near Home to act as a station
100: Dye (d,64) to Toledo, find Seville
120: Seville builds Great Library - not going to get much gifting to Spanish now..., Beijing builds Marco Polo's Embassy
Sanitation, choose Mathematics, not enough gold to rush sewer, raise lux
160: Utica (Carthagenian) builds King Richard's Crusade, Celts (Cardiff) build Copernicus' Observatory

180: Sewer System at Home
260: find Carthagenians, exchange for
Mathematics, gift 2 more techs for maps, I'm still Strong...
280: choose
Astronomy... beakers at 672
300: Meet Chinese, gift techs for maps, gift about 10 more and get beakers to 576
340: Home size 21, Copper to Seville (d, 288) from Home, Dye to Shanghai (d, 120) from Sea Pass
380: Slim Buttes (Sioux) build Oracle, we discover
Invention, choose
University, get
Monarchy from Germans when checking to see if they have anything worth taking...
400: Gems to Seville (d, 207), spanish are Icy, contact for peace and gift Trade?
420: Silk to Home (d, 75) from Near Home
University, choose
Theory of Gravity, start building colosseums in helper cities, Dye to Madrid (d, 42) from Helper, Salt to Berlin (d, 60) from Beach,
Theory of Gravity choose
Navigation, try and figure where the heck i can put a trade colony - the best traders are all on my continent, i may found a city near Utica, but would be a port for delivery there, carts have filled in their area, and i need roads leading there. Celts seem to be north of the Carts, Sioux seem to be north of spanish on (possibly on same continent) means Carts and Celts are only off-continent traders - heck, our continent seems to wrap around and overlap, with the easternmost portion lying north of the westernmost portion.
Isaac Newton's College
Navigation, choose
Bridge Building, found
Almost a Colony, should demand the gold once i get 3 more techs...
640: Hides to Nanking (d, 252) from Home
Bridge Building choose
Feudalism, trade for Feudalism from Carthagenians, darn carts still don't know what a Celt city looks like

680: choose
700: Silver to Home (d, 67) from Near Home, creates Wine supply but blocks all 3 demands at Home...
Physics, choose
Chemistry wonder why its not offering Steam Engine

, Beads to Tsingtao (d, 212) from Home, meet Celts, gift for maps
Chemistry choose
Steam Engine, Beads to Cardiff (d, 108) from Sea Pass
800: gold to Near Home (d, 81) from Home
Steam Engine choose
840: Hides to Nanking (d, 258) from Home
860: Seville (Spanish) builds Leonardo's Workshop, Leptis Parva (Carthagenian) builds Sun Tsu's War Acadamy, 2 separate barb landings near Almost a Colony
Railroad, choose
920: Spanish show off gunpower, gift 2 techs and exchange for
940: choose
Pottery, exchange railroad with chinese for
Pottery we're still strong so gift everything else too - beakers at 988
Explosives choose
Polytheism, trade for
Polytheism with Carts, we're still strong
980: Beads to Canton (d, 60) from Beach, Wine to Carthage (d, 384), Dye to Malaca (d, 259) from Home
Magnetism, choose
Darwin's Voyage,
Industrialization, choose
1040: Gems to Tsingtao (d, 212) from Home
1060: Machiavelli's report shows who my key civ has been as the Chinese are 2nd most advanced

, and the Spanish, with their great library are 3rd. the Sioux, who i have yet to contact are dead last. somehow I've slipped to Moderate? means i need to gift the Spanish now..., rush everything before contacting since i have no power rating now..., only 2 techs able to gift... beakers down to 1118
1100: Magellan's Expedition built by Celts (Tintagel). Dye to Carthage (d, 72) from Almost a Colony
1120: Spice to Beijing (d, 286) from Home
Economics, choose
The Corportation, Silver to Carthage (d, 120) from Sea Pass, Copper to Madrid (d, 54), Wool to Carthage (xd, 64) 2 more undemanded caravans to Carthage, both around 50, frees Silver
The Corporation choose
Electricity, found
Port City
1240: Spanish offer alliance? accept, gift techs and share maps! They've founded Bilbao where i was going to plant my last settler, found
Former Settler
1260: hides to Cadiz (d,70) to from Home, Dye to Nanking (d, 58) from Near Home
Electricity, share maps with several civs, Hides to Leptis Parva (d, 308) from Home, Hides to Berlin (d, 59) from Helper
1300: Gold to Madrid (d, 204), Hides (xd, 46) to Valencia from Home,
1320: Chinese demonstrate Democracy, we discover
Steel, choose
Chivalry, Oil (d,98, d,140, d, 133) Dye (d,72) to Home, Hides (d,308, d,52) to Leptis Parva, gift techs to Spanish
Chivalry, choose
Refining, Oil (d, 72) to Home, Wine (d, 64) to Salamanca, Hides (d, 308) to Leptis Parva, Copper (d,76) to Caralis
1360: hides (d,162, 44) to Hamburg
Refining, choose
Electronics, Gems (d, 600) to Caralis, Hides (d,52) to Leptis Parva
1400: Salt (d, 88) to Tintagel, Hides (280) to Leptis Parva
Electronics, choose
Combustion, Dye (d, 56) to Utica
1440: Carthage builds Eifel Tower, Salt (d, 115) to Tintagel, Hides (316) to Leptis Parva
Combustion, choose
Automobile, dye (d, 132) to Nanking, salt (d,64) to Tintagel, Gems (d,188) to Cardiff, Salt (xd, 39) to Home
1480: Hides (d,56, d, 320) to Leptis Parva
Automobile choose
Mass Production, Beads (d,168) to Kells, Dye (d, 110) to Beijing
1510: Superhighways at Home, Hides (d,606) to Leptis Parva
Mass Production, Hides (d,606) to Leptis Parva, start rushing Superhighways
Leadership, choose
Nuclear Fission (Home made discovery, won't be able to discover next turn (again) Hides (d,606) to Leptis Parva,
1540: Beads (d,108) to Kells, Beads (d,606) to Leptis Parva, start rushing libraries
Nuclear Fission, choose
Nuclear Power, Salt (d,372) to Caerphilly, Hides (d, 660) to Leptis Parva
1560: Chinese build Statue of Liberty, we discover
Nuclear Power choose
The Laser, Salt (d,222) to Caerphilly, Hides (d, 690) to Leptis Parva - I'm not looking forward to Flight, those Hides deliveries are going to get decimated - Colossus+Superhighways+3 RR silk
The Laser, choose
Democracy (took forever to line up with Oedo years, probably should have cranked taxes for a couple turns a few centuries ago...), Hides (d,702) to Leptis Parva
1580: discover, revolt, form
Democracy, choose
Conscription, Hides (d, 756) to Leptis Parva
Conscription, choose
Tactics - no more hides at Home

was a good run though

, Salt (d,120) to Berlin
1600: not much, all supplies currently blocked, partly by shipchains out of place with change of demand
Tactics, choose
Flight more moving of freight, delay flight by starting celebrations, not enough gold to rush last superhighway so buy courthouse, salt
1630: Salt (d,1134) to Tintagel
Flight, choose
Machine Tools, Spice (d, 200), Gems (d, 492) to Nanking, Gold (d, 200) to Beijing, Beads (xd, 130) to Rhymney
Machine Tools choose
Radio, salt (xd, 56) to Beach, resets both Beach and Home Lists
1660: Toynbee describes me as hopeless in the Power Ratings. Dye (d, 256), Wine (xd, 282) to Carthage
1670: Dye (d,244) to Kells
Radio, choose
Miniaturization, hides (d,140) Salt (xd, 56) to Leptis Parva
1690: hides (d,140) to Leptis Parva
1700: Spanish finish Michaelangelo's, we discover
1710: nothing much
1720: Salt (xd, 112) to Utica
Computers, choose
Advanced Flight, wine (d, 277) to Salamanca,
Advanced Flight, choose
Rocketry Hides (xd, 50) Home from Away, frees commodities in both cities
Hides (d, 220) to Panormus, Salt (xd, 55) to Home, Hides (xd, 114) to Carthage
1752: wine (d,277) to Salamanca
1754: Beijing builds UN, we discover
Rocketry, choose
Space Flight
Space Flight choose
Plastics, Dye (d, 244), Gems (d, 996) to Kells, Salt (xd, 122) to Illauntanig
Apollo Program,
Plastics, choose
Monotheism, gold (d,312) to Cork, gems (d,426) to Kells, Dye (d, 344) to Illauntanig, exchange several techs for
Monotheism with Chinese (current key civ)
1762: choose
Superconductor, 6 SSS,
Superconductor, choose
Fusion Power
1764: 2 SSS
1766: 3 SSS, Gems (d,426), Gems (d,996) to Kells
1768: 2 SSS, 1 SSC, Home
size 22, Wine (d,540) to Armagh, Gems (d,1020) to Kells, Dye (d,276), Salt (xd, 128) to Illauntanig, sell several harbors, sell sewer system, sell several libraries
Fusion Power, choose
Genetic Engineering, 2 SSS, 3 SSC, Copper (d,140) to Utica, Salt (xd, 128) to Illauntanig, sell aquaduct, 1 more harbor, several more libraries
1772: 2 SSC, gems (d,450) to Kells, Dye (d,800), Dye (d,396) to Illauntanig, contact allied Spanish, gift advanced Flight, ask for gift, they tell me to shove off (I'm only strong), sell 5 superhighways, last library
1774: Sioux demand trade, physics, gift 2 more techs trying for alliance, they want war with chinese, so decline, 3 SSM,
Launch, target AC in 1789
1775: Dye (d,396), Beads (xd, 400) to Illauntanig
Genetic Engineering, choose
Mobile Warfare, Dye (d,696) to Kells, salt (xd,83) to Illauntanig (no SH)
Mobile Warfare, choose
1782: Carthagenians decide to land and walk into Sea Pass, then
offer me 500 gold for me to go to war against the Celts. for 700 gold, purchace my city back.
1789: belated landing on
Alpha Centauri