April 25, 2003, 14:19
Local Time: 16:43
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Phila PA
Posts: 828
Here's my summary for ELCG#2, which I finally finished last weekend:
Monarchy: 1900BC
Republic: 325BC (discovered 750BC)
Democracy: 460AD (discovered 360AD)
Marco Polo: 900BC
Shakespeares: 300BC
Colossus: 50BC
Copernicus: 80AD
Newtons: 260AD
Darwins: 700AD
Hoover: 1040AD
SETI: 1220AD
Apollo: 1510AD
SSC sz 8: 175BC
SSC sz 12: 75BC
SSC sz 21: 120AD
Max SSC size: 24
Trade: 1150BC
Invention: 320AD (delayed: Celts got in 260!)
Railroad: 620AD
Automobile: 860AD
Nuc Power: 1000AD
Computers: 1200AD
Flight: 1220AD
Space Flight: 1380AD
Launch 15-6-3 1580AD
Arrival Date: 1596AD
and the launch date save:
I got very lazy trying to speed up things after around 1000AD. I built Hoover expecting to put Factories in place between Flight and Apollo but forgot about it until it was too late. I built SETI to juice up my already pretty decent tech speed, but should have held the 12 freights for spaceship parts. I probably could have launched in the late 1400s had I done so. Rereading Solos ELGuide I found several paragraphs about late game playing that seemed like they were written just to me. I really should have put at least two more cities over by the Celts, even if it meant building a few more transports and diverting some settlers & engineers. Sigh.
April 25, 2003, 15:02
Local Time: 16:43
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Phila PA
Posts: 828
I should also mention that I tried the Twin Cities by putting in a comparison route from ULUNDI (the 4special SSC) and BAPEDI, the 4special to the north. Later I added another to the furthest city east, but that got messed up near the end by a poorly timed overseas delivery. You can see from the RR patterns the work on KeyRd/RR, and I rushed SH and AP right after their techs were discovered (dont think AP did anything for the route arrows, though...). BAP got knocked down a few citizens as I built them to join my 8th and 9th cities. I think it was a viable alternative in the mid to late game to overseas routes, but it took more work to get the RR routes in the right places.
May 14, 2003, 14:22
Local Time: 23:43
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2000
Location: homeless, Praha, Czech Republic
Posts: 2,603
I have continued my game and I passed BC years.
My game follows an entirely different aprroach than is usual: I have a huge economy, I plan about 30 cities. In 1AD there is 19 cities mostly of size 7-8, no SSC, no Libraries.
It looks it works. Unfortunately - I dislike to micromanage 30 cities.
 Another demonstration that Civ2 settings are bad. Especially the black hat bug is a problem.
In fact I don't keep the rules set by Solo:
1. I don't black-click.
Not so big problem. But...
2. I can reload typos and similar mistakes under following conditions:
I can take back only 1 'action' (action is a movement or another order of 1 unit or 1 rushbuild etc.). The action cannot be taken back if any king of new information was revealed by that action (new terrain was revealed, a new unit was detected, a square was changed (an irrigation was built by AI, an AI city changed size etc.)...).
3. Several times I took a couple of turns back completely and replayed it by another way. This was caused by the fact that this is my first game where I try to get to spaceships. From time to time I found out I forgot an important aspect of game and I wanted that the game goes somewhat reasonably.
Anyway there was many mistakes left - both micromanagement mistakes and long-time strategic mistakes (for example more (near) colonies should be built for Republic era and colonists that are going to found (far) colonies for Democracy era should be dispatched sooner).
May 14, 2003, 14:26
Local Time: 23:43
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2000
Location: homeless, Praha, Czech Republic
Posts: 2,603
ELG #2, Medium Map Summary up to 20BC Monarchy - 1650 BC Republic - 325 BC MPE - 800 BC HG - 650 BC Pyramids - 475 BC Michelangelo 325 BC Colossus - 300 BC (Chinese!) Key civ - 800 BC Trade - 925 BC Status after BC years: 27 techs, 12 of them by diplomacy 19 cities, mostly size 7-8, Ngome has size 10 (future SSC) 9 Harbors, 1 aqueduct, no other improvements; Xinning to keep people content production: 87 shields (Mfg. goods 87 Mtons), 230 beakers+gold (if no luxuries, i.e. no WLTxD) 4 Settlers are heading to the far east (continent #2) to prepare long-distance colonies suitable for Democracy trading. Color scheme: techs discovered / techs traded , wonders, cities, caravans | 4000 | Shall I build a road on hut position? no, because 2nd trade in a city would go for science (in my opinion gold (transformed to shields) should be preffered over beakers in the beginning. But at some point between the beginning and Monarchy (or Republic) beakers start to be more important than gold) | 3950 | Zimbabwe founded (#1), starts Warrior, taxes 60% | 3900 | Ulundi founded (#2), starts Settler | 3650 | start Alphabet (10 beakers needed) | 3150 | Alphabet->Code of Laws (22 beakers) Warrior heading to rehome to Bapedi | 3050 | Bapedi founded (#3), starts Settler | 2950 | Hlobane founded (#4), starts Warrior | 2550 | Code of Laws->Writing (33b) | 2400 | Isandhlwana founded (#5) In the following stage I predicted disorder due to number of cities well enough (using the knowledge in Happiness quirk thread) | 2300 | Intombe founded (#6) | 2150 | Writing->Cer. Burial (48 b) | 2100 | plans: discoveries 48 beakers, 42 remainning for next tech: Monarchy needs cca 100 beakers, i.e. 10 turns; oedo 11 turns (1650) science 60%, also fish at Zimbabwe worked | 1900 | Mpondo founded (#7) | 1850 | Cer. Burial->Monarchy (60b) | 1650 | Monarchy->BronzeW (72b); goal is trade instant revolution: Monarchy taxes 70% (to get 63g against barbs; I must admit that up to this point my conduct was risky, because I was vulnerable enough against barbs) | 1600 | Ngome founded (#8) plans: trade after 16 turns now I started to explore to get contact with other civs | 1550 | taxes 40% (just enough to have 63 gold - bribe barb Archer) | 1500 | science 70% | 1350 | BronzeW->Currency (91b) | 1250 | Swazi founded (#9) | 1100 | Currency->Trade (112 beakers) | 1050 | Tugela founded (#10) Spanish contacted: got 100g tribute for peace No tech trading: the discovery of trade was coming and I was afraid I could get a bad tech. I considered MPE as a vital point | 1000 | Chinese start Pyramids | 975 | Spanish offer Map Making, refused | 925 | Trade->Map Making (126 beakers) taxes 70% (to help MPE) plans: MPE, HG, Michelangelo Ngome (11,51) will be the SSC (grassland around - to get scientists after size 20), so HG there (I diferentiate between SSC (max. size 36 - Grassland preferred) and 'Caravan trade cities' (CTC) - max. size 20 - Ocean preferred) | 875 | ERROR: Ngome shouldn't get to size 3 now, the martial law won't keep the 3rd citizen content after more cities will be built: HG is needed to maintain cities of size 3 | 850 | Umtata founded (#11) | 800 | Zimbabwe builds Marco Polo Germans: got 150g tribute for peace Carthaginians: trade for Map Making, maps Chinese: got 200g tribute for peace Celts: trade for Pottery, map Sioux: got 100g tribute for peace, 5 techs given, only trade is kept (not to help AI to build wonders), no patienceSo MPE gave me 450 gold: a good deal... ERROR: Probably I shouldn't want maps so much and give so many techs: slave research will be slower. Especially to Sioux (KeyCiv): Probably I should bear up a higher tech cost now and let them to discover additional (off-path) techs first Key Civ analysis: Sioux have at least 2 starting techs plans: HG, Michelangelo, Republic, WLTxD to sizes 8 to settle continent #2 - to obtain tribute (this was an error - I never got a tribute from Celts and Carthaginians. It looks tributes works only a short time after first contact?) Found new cities!? Celebrate with 11 cities or wait for more? About 25 turns would be needed to grow new cities to size 3 (without Pyramids) Pyramids? Balancing: ('resource'=1 shield = 2 gold) Monotheism, Republic: 4 techs need to be produced (from 3 Caravans + science 30%): 150 (3 Caravans)+80 (2 Triremes) = 230 resources needed wonders: 200 (HG)+400 (Mike) = 600 res. needed cities: 1 Trireme, 3 dips: 130 res. needed current status: 250 res. in gold, 55 res. per turn, Decision: to wait and to build more cities Ligthouse not needed. 54,38 can be reached with a trireme I have to block Spanish | 775 | start Literacy (154b) Shipyard founded (#12, ##32) - to help block Spanish ERROR: the idea to use the city as shipyard (Bach + size 2 city) was silly. City was too far from main trade routes and also Bach+HG+Xinning combo allows to support ships from large cities Germans: maps | 725 | Celts start HG plan: Oedo 16 turns, Caravans must reach Gnome in 8 turns | 700 | Herodotus: most powerful: Zulu, Span, Celt, Carthag, Sioux, Chin, Germ Ibabango founded (#13,##35) | 675 | Spanish: tribute 75g (why only half of treasury?) Isipezi founded (#14, ##36) science cost dropped to 132 b: it means Sioux had 2 free techs in the beginning | 650 | Ngome builds Hanging Gardens; Celts switch to Pyramids | 600 | Literacy->Mysticism (180b) Amatikulu founded (#15, ##38) Zunguin founded (#16, ##39) Masonry from German, Horseback from Sioux | 575 | Naples founded (#17, ##40) Issus founded (#18, ##41) Cunaxa founded (#19, ##42) South continent is #1 !?? I wanted to settle it... (I don't rightclick, so I didn't know it before) Celts: trade for Mysticism, no tribute | 550 | started Polytheism (225b) | 475 | Zimbabwe builds Pyramids, Chinese switch to Collosus, Celts to Great Library Sioux: Mysticism given (hoping they swap it with Spanish for Seafaring) Chinese: no tribute | 450 | Sioux start Great Library | 425 | Barbs capture Tintagel (Celtic) | 400 | Zimbabwe dye(D 192) to Cardiff science 70% | 375 | Sioux get Mathematics (have 3 techs different from me, I will give them techs and will spend only one caravan for Republic next turn) Polytheism->Philosophy (240b) Ngome beads(D 176) to Cardiff Germans: Mysticism given Carth: Polytheism given Sioux: Trade and Polytheism given | 350 | Philosophy, Monotheism-->Republic (306b) spanish Warrior bribed for 31 - none unit Isandhlwana silk(D 206) to Carthage Sioux: Philo and Monotheism given=> tech cost 270 beakers, no patience German: Philo given, no tribute, no patience | 325 | Barbs at Issus Celts develop Seafaring This turn I wanted to get it from Carth and give it to Celts... Zimbabwe builds Michelangelo Republic -> Seafaring instant Revolution to Republic Carth: trade for Seafaring, peace Celt: trade for Construction, maps, peace Sioux: trade for WarriorC, maps, no patience Germans: trying to give them Seafaring, no success, no patience science cost 572 b many ERRORS: Naples needn't Harbor, Tugela switches unit production to improvement, Ibabanago will drop to size 2 due to new settler 16 of 19 cities at size 3, starting WLTxD, taxes 6.4.0 (I will keep science rate as low as possible up to Invention/Navigation. Also I don't care about Key Civ very much. I prefer Sioux have a low tech cost and so they can work as slaves. ) | 300 | Chinese build Colossus (In first moment I was annoyed. But the Collosus would not be effective now, normally it should be built later than Isaac because it is less effective) barb Archer bribed at Isipezi for 31g German: trying to give them Seafaring, no success, no patience | 275 | Spanish: Construction+Republic given | 250 | Archer disbanded in Isispezi taxes 5.5.0 | 225 | German: Construction given, hoping to give Seafaring next turn, no patience taxes 4.6.0 | 200 | taxes 2.8.0 German: Seafaring given, no patience Spanish: Philo given, don't want to exchange techs Chinese: trade for Mathematics, maps Carth: trade for Feudalism tech cost 648b | 175 | Celts build GL, Sioux swap to Lighthouse ERROR: I should make Spanish kind and give them techs before the GL is built, now Celts will be out from making techs Bapedi copper(xD 256) to Cardiff, Dye bug disabled Isandlhwana dye(D 344) to Utica German: trade given 16 of total 19 cities size 5-8, so I can start Xinning, end of WLTxD, taxes 8.0.2 | 150 | Sioux builds Lighthouse starting Theology(648b) Dye in Celt - waiting for Celt Republic | 125 | Theology->Astronomy (675b) Carth explorer bribed for 93g Hlobane dye(D 450) to Armagh | 100 | Swazi copper(D 304) to Utica starting WLTxD, taxes 4.6.0 | 75 | Astronomy->University (702b) ERROR: bad timing when moving colonists Chinese: Republic given, no patience | 50 | Chinese: Trade given, no patience Celts: trade for Engineering, maps, no patience Carth: trade for Wheel, Eng given science cost 784 b Hlobane silk(D 522) to Malaca | 25 | Chinese: do not want Astronomy, Seafaring given, no patience Spanish: Wheel given | | | |