My job as Minister of Defense is there to whao wants to see it. Again i belive i was the governement official that most started official polls. My job as strategist has rendered three new and great cities: Graz, Wels, and Linz. Our cities were never so wel protected and as the movement of the units were never so wel discussed. I was the citizen that most posted in this forum in which most werent spams since i can be hardly sighted in the Lemuria coffee (unless if you count the first months when the game had barely begun and we actually had some discussions in that thread or when i submitted a story in the Lemuria History).
And i challenge someone to find more than a dozen off-topic post of mine since the begginning of the DG.
Not to mention that despite the last week i am a active storyteller.
So if anyone is against me occuping the position of MoD, please tell me why. I am sure we can work things out. Specially the two guys who voted 'no'.
Thank you all for the your votes,
"Kill a man and you are a murder.
Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
Kill all and you are a God!"
-Jean Rostand