March 15, 2003, 09:44
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didnt you all really want SMAC on earth?
lord knows i did!
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March 15, 2003, 10:18
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Maybe a "extended" civ version, like CTP.
March 15, 2003, 12:02
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yeah MRT144... Civ 3 is definitely a step backwards. But with PTW and all the new patches, it doesn't exactly "suck" anymore. I think it's just mediocre now.
 SMAC on Earth....
 Unit Workshop
 Different Doctrines to use for government
 5 governments +Anarchy
March 15, 2003, 12:41
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i think SMAC is still a good game. so i can choose which one i want to play. (no wait, i forgott, i can only choose to play civ3 or the SMAC expansion pack, can't get the orginal to work with my xp os).
but i do miss flying settlers, which i made a lot of in SMAC. they were fun... i used them on highest difficulty level. i thought SMAC's ai was to easy too beat (on highest level you should not be allowed to waste recourses on flying settlers and still win). what i want is a patch for SMAC that improves the ai. but that of course will never happen....
March 15, 2003, 15:07
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SMAC wouldn't work as Civ. For one thing, the players would go nuts over the unit workshop. And SMAC was based around seven different factions each with their own way of doing things. I'm sure you can imagine the flames that would come from including only seven civs in a Civ game.
Though that does raise an interesting point, what would it be like? Which civs would it be and with what priorities?
March 15, 2003, 16:38
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I know that's exactly what I'm still drooling over... like customizing governments....
March 15, 2003, 22:03
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The thing is not to turn SMAC into an Earth game, the best would have been to incorporate the best of SMAC into Civ3, something that didn't haappen.
There are A LOT of little details which would have worked wonders in Civ3 whitouth upsetting the game balance much and would have definitely made Civ3 the mother of all games.
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March 15, 2003, 22:46
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Originally posted by Emma
(no wait, i forgott, i can only choose to play civ3 or the SMAC expansion pack, can't get the orginal to work with my xp os).
There's a patch available for XP users. Go to the Firaxis web site.
PS Damn, should have finished reading the rest of the thread. I hate repeating what's already been mentioned.
March 15, 2003, 23:16
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Do I want SMAC on Earth? No, not really. The one thing from SMAC that could have been used in Civ3 to good effect is the wealth of diplomatic options.
March 16, 2003, 02:42
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Originally posted by WarpStorm
Do I want SMAC on Earth? No, not really. The one thing from SMAC that could have been used in Civ3 to good effect is the wealth of diplomatic options.
umm.... how bout the government system? the combat system? the "living" terrain?
I think it would've worked wonders.
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March 16, 2003, 11:03
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No, the government system, while appropriate for SMAC, would not really have fit Civ3 that well. The combat system is similar in the two games (and every civ game). While the unit workshop was fun, I'm not sure how you'd implement it in Civ3 (how is a foot sodier with a spear different from a spearman). I'll grant that terrain changing over the years (say, forest growing if a tile is 'neglected') could be cool. The '3D' terrain would be a waste of programming time. But, heh, these are just my opinions. I'd probably still play SMAC some if the AI weren't so braindead.
March 16, 2003, 14:28
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thanks, but i already have the patch. that's how i got the expansion to work. i've tried everything but i can't get the original to work (the patch didn't help me there.) my custom factions don't work properly eighther, which is really anoying. but i could play it on an older computer (my sister's computer), no that won't work, she won't let me...
i don't have the US version (i think the patch was only supposed to be for the US version, but i installed it anyway), and i've got the european version of xp...maybe something doesn't work then. hmm...
anyway... if i want it to be more like the original i just leave out the newer factions.
March 16, 2003, 16:33
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The government system would work, just look at NationStates, something like that could be fitted in for Civ3. There could be oppresive regimes with liberal economies or vice versa for example.
Units could be created. For example take a basic foot soldier, and add an arrow or a longbow, a spear or a sword, later a musket or a rifle or an assault gun, no armor/chain mail/kevlar
tanks too: gun size: 37mm/75mm/90mm/120mm things like that. It would be great!
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March 16, 2003, 20:07
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Sorry, sounds like too much micromanagement to me. Probably wouldn't like it.
March 16, 2003, 20:51
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March 16, 2003, 23:32
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Originally posted by BloodyTampon
Yeah. I hate it when they point out in their oh-so-subtle-way that SMAC is a superior game to Civ3 in every sence of the word "superior". It really bothers me.
March 17, 2003, 00:37
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It's not superior. It's just that some things could've been taken from it and made Civ3 even better.
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March 17, 2003, 05:05
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I always wondered why someone didn't mod smac to change all the sci fi terms to be like civ. How the native life forms would be daelt with would be interesting but could habe been worked around
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March 17, 2003, 05:15
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they could be like the worms from the movie Tremors...
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March 17, 2003, 05:22
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or just make em barbarians
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March 17, 2003, 06:31
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March 17, 2003, 07:00
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The implementation of the units can be done like in "War Inc." a somewhat older game, but i LOVED the unit design box.
And if the unit design is to much micromanagement (hell, I Love to micromanage unit design), you could make some auto-design (but more intelligent than SMAC, because after some games I turned it off because its annoying useless units).
OTOH, having fixed units (sorry I have to put it this way guys) is somewhat more strategic. I mean walking around with a 10-8-1 unit which has both good offensive and defensive capabilities is less strategic than having the choice of an attacker (high attack-low defense) or a defender (low offense-high defense).
So for units, I think it is a personal choice which model suits you best.
So is the rest of the things I loved to see implemented in CIV (like allies being able to come to each others bases etc and the ability to discuss war plans).
However, I like the trade system in CIV in that way you can barter (I want XX gold for this tech). In smac you could not ask for a specific amount of money, it was more like a "take it or leave it" offer, I hated that.
EDIT: Oh yeah, and the fact that you could not directly declare war to an enemy in SMAC really annoyed me, I think that is the thing I hated most.
Last edited by Major Guz; March 17, 2003 at 07:08.
March 17, 2003, 13:37
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Originally posted by WarpStorm
Do I want SMAC on Earth? No, not really. The one thing from SMAC that could have been used in Civ3 to good effect is the wealth of diplomatic options.
Yeah Warp, I agree here. If the best features of SMAC were implemented in Civ3, it'd be ridiculously good. Planetary Council/diplomacy, custom governments, and unit workshop would have been cool. If you think about it, custom governments could have still followed historical patterns if they were limited to certain combinations. But the UN should have DEFINITELY functioned like the PC.
Either way I'm still happy with Civ3, except for the diplomacy. All in all it's a great game.
March 17, 2003, 17:51
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When I first got Civ 3, I admit I was disappointed that a lot of the features I adored from SMAC (especially unit design and custom governments) were missing. But as I got used to the design, each of those objections was mollified. Those things made perfect sense in SMAC, but they would have felt out of place in a Civ setting. The UUs went a long way toward giving each civ a unique feel to its units, and the governments are all different enough that each one is useful in its own time and place.
At this point, the only feature I really miss from SMAC is being able to stop wars between other factions -- nothing's more irritating than watching your only two allies clobbering the crap out of each other while the other 13 civs gang up on you.
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March 17, 2003, 18:57
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I don't miss SMAC that much. The 3D terrain was annoying. The unit creation center was boring. The government, irritating. And the AI... I hate cities being founded just outside my backdoors. I need some breathing room. But, as someone says, that's just me.
The diplomacy was cool, and some ideas for Future Tech are good enough to be put in a extended game. BUt, all in all, I think that some inclusions from CtP would be more fun than some of SMAC.
March 17, 2003, 19:32
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Originally posted by Master Zen
It's not superior.
Yes, it is
SMAC is to Civ3 as Russia is to America. America may seem pretty on the outside, but once you get right down into it....Russia is always a superior country
March 17, 2003, 19:41
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i feel some nationalism in that post Tassadar
March 17, 2003, 21:50
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Originally posted by Manya
i feel some nationalism in that post Tassadar
Only a little bit
March 19, 2003, 23:58
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I think that most of the ideas from SMAC whould have been out of place, execpt for the Plantary Government(which is how the UN in CIV3 should have worked), the diplomatic system, and the ability to do blind reserach(much more realistic and fun). Basically the science and diplomatic system. Of course had i known they were going to screw with the Combat system over, i wish they whould have went with the SMAC way, but oh well.
Thankfully they avoided the horrific color scheme of SMAC, one thing i do not want on Earth.
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