[20:01] [Method] i'm not even evil. i only have aspirations of evil.
[20:01] [DPO_WIA] I contribute to Nation States apparently
[20:01] [Cedayon] yea, one cannot transcend from simply evil to finnish, no matter
how evil you become
[20:03] [Evangelion-Freak] DarkCloud got my entry

ngly correct
[20:03] [Evangelion-Freak] (save for the spelling)
[20:03] [DPO_WIA] Nothing known about cavebear?!?! Heresy!
[20:04] [DPO_WIA] Whoa - Uber's Dad died in the WTC
[20:04] [Evangelion-Freak] W00t.
[20:04] [Method] ??!
[20:04] [Method] really
[20:05] [Method] hmm, message to DC: "i know you worked long and hard on this, but
there is simply no excuse for calling me a finn

[20:05] [Evangelion-Freak]

[20:05] [Cedayon] indeed, it calls for a public flogging!

[20:05] [DPO_WIA] We should compile what we can and send edits to him for future
[20:05] [DPO_WIA] Not one at a time.
[20:05] [Evangelion-Freak] This is the only time I'll be listed though, I think.
The DG spammers will fly by me and leave my out next year.
[20:05] [Evangelion-Freak] my=me
[20:06] [Method] hmm
[20:06] [DPO_WIA] GT - any advice needed? Just let us know what happens every now
and again. I guess you're doing terraforming
[20:06] [Evangelion-Freak] Unless I decide to run for a High Council position at
[20:06] [Maniac-AT] Another argument for starting a new smacdg after this one is
finished: staying in the top 100!
[20:06] [DPO_WIA] The Civ3 PtW game is where the most discussion for the least
action happens
[20:06] [Evangelion-Freak] (which is unlikely to happen, since my interests are
continuously moving outside AC)
[20:07] [GT^Commish] WIA: Yup, just forming right now.
[20:09] [Method] hmm, do you think i should give him real stats for me, or just get
him to remove the finn part.
[20:09] [Maniac-AT] Maniac-afk
[20:09] * Maniac-AT is now known as Maniac-afk
[20:09] [Method] i mean, he might get lots of PMs about this.
[20:10] [Evangelion-Freak] s/might/will/;
[20:10] [GT^Commish] 2274 complete.
[20:10] [Evangelion-Freak] If it wasn't for my calming down, all the outraged Finns
would be massPMing him to remove your status as a Finn
[20:11] [DPO_WIA] No emergencies, GT?
[20:11] [Method] believe me, you're not the only outraged one...
[20:11] [Cedayon] it's been too quiet, we're bound to get some sort of massive
catastrophe soon
[20:11] [Method] s
[20:11] [GT^Commish] Drone Riots in Egregion.
[20:11] [Evangelion-Freak] np : Vangelis - Rotation's Logic

[20:12] [Evangelion-Freak] I think my work here is done
[20:12] * Evangelion-Freak has left #smacdg
[20:12] [GT^Commish] Can I rush the crawler so we can crawl nuts and turn it into a
specialist base?
[20:12] [Cedayon] wasn't Eg supposed to be an all-specialist base by now?
[20:12] [GT^Commish] No, ti doesn't have enough food.
[20:12] [GT^Commish] * it
[20:12] [Cedayon] is Eg linked up to the mag tube network yet?
[20:12] [GT^Commish] Almost, I think.
[20:13] [Cedayon] can one of the JV speeder crawlers get there, rehome, and crawl
nuts inside this turn?
[20:13] [GT^Commish] Possibly.
[20:13] [GT^Commish] I'll check.
[20:14] [GT^Commish] No.
[20:14] [Cedayon] or a non-JV one that's nearer, that will be replaced by the JV
one... then rush the Eg crawler and send it to JV
[20:14] [DPO_WIA] Good point - I wondered when we were going to be able to have Eg
operating as a specialist base
[20:14] [GT^Commish] The magtube net in JV isn't devleoepd enough.
[20:14] [Cedayon] k
[20:14] [Cedayon] just rush the crawler then... can Eg go short on nuts for just
this turn without losing a pop point?
[20:14] [DPO_WIA] Should do
[20:15] [GT^Commish] Yes.
[20:15] [Cedayon] then let them eat from stores for this turn and have the rushed
crawler stabilize the situation next turn
[20:15] [Cedayon] make them all specialists, if possible
[20:16] [Cedayon] any mineral problems? was that last non-clean unit upgraded?
[20:16] [GT^Commish] Yes.
[20:16] [Cedayon] k, all's well?
[20:16] [GT^Commish] I've sent a crawler from TBIBTU there to stop them froms
tarving, as they won't rush if they do.
[20:16] [GT^Commish] AFAI, that is.
[20:16] [GT^Commish] * AFAIK
[20:18] [GT^Commish] Anyway, the magtube net now extends froom Xanadu to Concordia.
[20:18] [Method]

[20:18] [Method] hurray for Xanadu!

[20:18] [Cedayon] most excellent
[20:19] [GT^Commish] So, can we start sending shoppers to UNSG?
[20:19] [GT^Commish] And start attacking Hive untis that come too close?
[20:19] [Cedayon] just keep a couple choppers around Solaris/northern JV
[20:19] [Cedayon] if you don't mind
[20:20] [Cedayon] should we beep MWIA?
[20:20] [GT^Commish] Go ahead.
[20:21] * GT^Commish slaps DPO_WIA around a bit with a large trout
[20:21] -] -DPO_WIA- we have a question for you
[20:21] [DPO_WIA] I heard that.
[20:21] [GT^Commish] Well?
[20:21] [DPO_WIA] Send choppers to UNSG?
[20:21] [GT^Commish] Yes.
[20:22] [DPO_WIA] Yep. how many we have?
[20:22] [GT^Commish] And shoudl we use them to0 pcik off Hive units?
[20:22] [GT^Commish] 4.
[20:22] [Cedayon] and can we keep a few on the north border for defense?
[20:22] [GT^Commish] Plus one more incoming from Aurillion.
[20:22] [GT^Commish] And mroe to come form the factories.
[20:22] [DPO_WIA] Yes, pick off Hive units 2 or closer to UNSG
[20:22] [GT^Commish] * more
[20:22] [GT^Commish] * from
[20:22] [GT^Commish]

[20:22] [Cedayon] are you sure they're rehomed to Eg?

[20:23] [GT^Commish] Yes.
[20:23] [Cedayon] good
[20:23] [GT^Commish] They were the cause of the riots.
[20:23] [DPO_WIA] Send 3, have one somewhere in the N with an Aero Complex or
building one.
[20:23] [DPO_WIA] Translation: send 3 to UNSG, one stays in the North at or near a
base with an Aero Complex
[20:24] [DPO_WIA] Careful not to expose them to hive jets on the way.
[20:25] * Method sets mode: +p
[20:27] * Method is now known as Method|Evil
[20:28] [GT^Commish] Can I rush the hydro sat in NA for 150 ECs?
[20:28] [Method|Evil] how's ZG and Xan coming?
[20:28] [Cedayon] I presume our reserves are in the 4000-5000 range, so sure
[20:28] [Method|Evil] (what are they doing, how long...)
[20:29] [GT^Commish] ZG: Aeorspace Complex, 2 turns.
[20:29] [Method|Evil] rush?
[20:29] [Cedayon] how much to rush it?
[20:29] [GT^Commish] Xan: Research Hospital, 4 turns.
[20:29] [Method|Evil] hmm, i'll hold off on that one.
[20:29] [GT^Commish] ZG doesn't ahve ten mins yet.
[20:29] * Maniac-afk is now known as Maniac
[20:29] [Cedayon] oh, nm
[20:29] [Method|Evil] curses. foiled again!
[20:29] [Maniac] What year are we?
[20:29] [Cedayon] how about the choppers in JV?
[20:29] [Cedayon] '75?
[20:30] [GT^Commish] Yes.
[20:30] [Cedayon] *wondering if any of the choppers are particularly close*
[20:30] [GT^Commish] And the JV choppers are coming along nicley.
[20:30] [GT^Commish] * nicely
[20:30] [Cedayon] any cheap 1 turn savings to be had?
[20:30] [GT^Commish] All will be done next turn.
[20:30] [Cedayon] k, good
[20:31] [Cedayon] any good rushes to be had in Solaris? I imagine they're kinda
hurting for infrastructure
[20:31] [Cedayon] *imagines A-M will be needing that hab complex not too long from
[20:31] [GT^Commish] A-M's Hab Complex could be done for 130 ECs.
[20:31] [Cedayon] go for it
[20:31] [Cedayon] although I suppose Lucky didn't give orders for much after that
[20:32] [GT^Commish] btw, Morgan's mood seems to be improving towars us.
[20:32] [Method|Evil] what are we researching/how long?
[20:32] [GT^Commish] He asked for a Tree Farm.
[20:32] [Cedayon] probably has something to do with us making obscene amounts of
[20:32] [GT^Commish] We're doing Unified Field Theory, and it will be doen next
[20:32] [Cedayon] Adv. spaceflight was unavailable
[20:32] [Method|Evil] still no Adv Space? :curses:
[20:32] [GT^Commish] It wasn't on the list.
[20:33] * Method|Evil wants orbital power transmitters BADLY
[20:33] * GT^Commish does too.
[20:33] [Cedayon] I turned several of our researchers over to your secret police,
TKG, hopefully they'll learn prudency there
[20:33] [Method|Evil]

[20:33] [Method|Evil]

[20:33] [Cedayon] then the mass building of energy satts can begin
[20:33] * DPO_WIA wants shards
[20:34] [Cedayon] as well as the further stomping of Yang
[20:34] [Method|Evil] will you settle for tachyons?
[20:34] [DPO_WIA] Yang wants Shards...
[20:34] [DPO_WIA] I merely want to GIVE him Shards
[20:34] [Cedayon] up the ....
[20:34] [DPO_WIA] At speed...
[20:34] [GT^Commish] Should we upgrade out missile interceptors to fusion for 1080
ECs, or wait for shards?
[20:35] [DPO_WIA] Wait, I think.
[20:35] [Method|Evil] what do we have in UNPD? i might consider the ACS Pizza II,
this time with tachyon

[20:35] [Cedayon] wait for shards, unless MWIA has plans I don't know about
[20:35] [DPO_WIA] Shards are the best for a while, so wait and get the best sooner
[20:35] [Cedayon] does UFT give tachyon or something?
[20:35] [Method|Evil] i know...
[20:35] [Method|Evil] yes it does
[20:35] [DPO_WIA] Tachyon is 12
[20:35] [Cedayon] oh, k
[20:35] [DPO_WIA] Shard is 13
[20:35] [Method|Evil] yea, yeah.
[20:35] [Cedayon] just wait for shard
[20:36] [Method|Evil] but tachyon looks cooler :P
[20:36] [DPO_WIA] So if we wait, it gives me more time to plan
[20:36] [Cedayon] fusion'll kick Yang's butt any day for now
[20:36] [DPO_WIA] In my games, I always get Shard before Tachyon
[20:36] [GT^Commish] We'd have got it first here, too, if it had been avaialble.
[20:36] [Method|Evil] me too
[20:36] [GT^Commish] * available
[20:36] [Cedayon] but the game decided to be mean
[20:37] [Cedayon] it has been turned over to the Aurillion secret police
[20:37] [GT^Commish] How can they be secret if no-one knows they exist?
[20:37] [DPO_WIA] So...case closed, suspects succumbed to questioning? Or did they
commit "suicide" whilst in custody again?
[20:37] [GT^Commish] Sory.
[20:37] [GT^Commish] * Sorry
[20:37] [GT^Commish] If peoiple know tehy exist?
[20:37] [GT^Commish] * people
[20:37] [DPO_WIA] We do just because it's our job to.
[20:38] [DPO_WIA] We tell them about people...
[20:38] [Cedayon] "secret" sounds better than "evil" for the press

[20:38] [GT^Commish] But now everyone knows they exist.
[20:38] [GT^Commish] Or will onc ethey view the log.
[20:38] [GT^Commish] Shall we erase it all?
[20:38] [Cedayon] drat, now I gave that away too!
[20:38] [Cedayon] *is the logging officer this time*
[20:38] [Cedayon] :muwuhahaha;
[20:38] [DPO_WIA] So? We'll nerve staple the others.
[20:38] [Method|Evil] IIRC, it's the Secret, Evil Aurillian Police
[20:39] [Method|Evil] so it's both secret AND evil
[20:39] [Cedayon] I know, I was covering up the evil part
[20:39] [DPO_WIA] Founded on the greatest of Old Earth Finnish traditions...
[20:39] [DPO_WIA] D:
[20:39] [DPO_WIA]

[20:39] [Cedayon] they're not THAT evil... are they, TKG?

[20:39] [Method|Evil] ooh,
[20:39] [DPO_WIA] I've never missplet a smiley before
[20:39] [Method|Evil] i ought to kick you just for implying i was a finn :P
[20:39] [Method|Evil] oh, they're evil. they're evil alright.
[20:40] [Method|Evil] they oversee the construction of boreholes, genejack
factories, raising of land, and some of them even EAT small children

[20:40] [DPO_WIA] Quantum Laser is miles away. Probably 15 or so turns at the rate
we are going.
[20:41] [GT^Commish] Longer than that.
[20:41] [Cedayon] it's not like we'll need more than shard for quite some time
[20:42] [DPO_WIA] 24 turns - 8 techs
[20:42] [Cedayon] if we don't cut the tech rate down to 2
[20:42] [DPO_WIA] 2??
[20:42] [GT^Commish] We did that before.
[20:42] [DPO_WIA] How low can it go?
[20:42] [Method|Evil] we did? when
[20:42] [GT^Commish] Last chat.
[20:42] [Method|Evil] oh.
[20:42] [Cedayon] you can get multiple techs per turn if you really hit it hard
[20:42] [GT^Commish] But the cost rose faster than our albs output.
[20:42] [DPO_WIA] Whoa!
[20:42] * DPO_WIA must try that
[20:43] [Cedayon] if my plans for Concordia go correctly we'll be well on our way
[20:43] [DPO_WIA] I stopped in my latest game when I got to 3turns/tech
[20:44] [Method|Evil] yeah, i set it to 20/20/60 once just to speed my
transcendance at the expense of economy. then once i got ToT i set the econ way
back up to rake in 5K+ EC/turn to rush the VoP and AtT
[20:45] [Method|Evil] it got up to 2 techs/turn at the end. first time i've done
[20:45] [DPO_WIA] Wow.
[20:45] [Cedayon] bah, no need to cash rush the last 2 SP's, you should have enough
crawlers by then to do it

[20:45] [Method|Evil] well, crawlers too.
[20:45] [Cedayon] I've gotten 3 techs/turn once when I was really going for it, and
got a secret tech and built the Uni translator in the same turn...

[20:46] [Cedayon] so I think I got 6 techs in that one turn, not sure though
[20:46] [Method|Evil] a few crawler-10-20*3 clean trance's will do the trick
[20:46] [Method|Evil] IOW, they cost like 700 mins

[20:46] [Cedayon] *lol* yea, I go for the cheapest that still uses the base's full
mineral output
[20:46] [Cedayon] can upgrade them though
[20:47] [Method|Evil] i also had a little incident with quantum convertors...
[20:47] [Method|Evil] many bases were producing in excess of 200 ED for a few turns
[20:47] [Cedayon] yea, at that point you've probably got bases that put out 700
mins... and I think DEM would clear 300 if you built a gennie there
[20:47] [Cedayon] 300 ED that is
[20:47] [Method|Evil] genejack+robot+quantum+nanorep
[20:47] [Method|Evil]

[20:48] [Cedayon] =pissed off planet
[20:48] [Method|Evil] my 12res tanks helped :P
[20:48] [Cedayon] I once got a pop with a stack of what looked a lot like 40 locusts
[20:48] [Method|Evil] besides, i was near the voice anyways...
[20:48] [Method|Evil]

[20:48] [Method|Evil] i had incidences like that with IODs as the pirates
[20:48] [Cedayon] they took one of my 60+ pop bases down to like 20 pop
[20:48] [Method|Evil] ...somehow
[20:49] [Method|Evil] pah!
[20:49] [Cedayon] I then proceeded to systematically eradicate Planet

[20:49] [Method|Evil] 60+ pop! how long do you play!?
[20:49] [Cedayon] that was like two years ago, I barely play anymore
[20:49] [GT^Commish] 2275 complete.
[20:49] [Cedayon] and it's not hard once you get hab domes
[20:49] [Method|Evil] what year did that game to till?
[20:49] [Cedayon] I don't remember, I imagine into the late 2300's
[20:50] [Cedayon] any disasters yet, GT?
[20:50] [GT^Commish] Not yet.
[20:50] [GT^Commish] We just got UFT.
[20:50] [Cedayon]

[20:50] [Method|Evil] hm, i guess. hab domes + nut sats + clone vats...
[20:50] [GT^Commish] Now we go for Adv Spaceflight, yes?
[20:50] [Cedayon] condensor crawling
[20:50] [Method|Evil] just a matter of time until you get up to 60
[20:50] [Cedayon] is it available?
[20:50] [GT^Commish] Yes.
[20:50] [GT^Commish] This time.
[20:50] [Cedayon] click. it. now.
[20:50] [Method|Evil] go for it. (connect 4)
[20:50] [Cedayon]

[20:51] [GT^Commish] Drone Riots in UN Pace Anchorage.
[20:51] [GT^Commish] * PEACe
[20:51] [GT^Commish] And there's a Hive ship outside.
[20:51] [Method|Evil] how well is it defended?
[20:51] [Cedayon] two cruisers last I checked
[20:51] [GT^Commish] We have 2 cruisers and a garrison there.
[20:51] [Method|Evil] also, should we upgrade the garrison to silksteel?
[20:51] [Cedayon] how much would the upgrade cost?
[20:51] [Method|Evil] 2 cruisers? we're fine then.
[20:51] [GT^Commish] Don't see why not.
[20:52] [Method|Evil] speaking of that...
[20:52] [GT^Commish] Shall we fry the hive ship?
[20:52] [Method|Evil] MWIA? will you let me drive the ACS Pizza around?
[20:52] [DPO_WIA] Why not?
[20:52] [Cedayon] of course, if MWIA has no objections
[20:52] [GT^Commish] Odds are 27-7 in our faovur.
[20:52] * GT^Commish slaps DPO_WIA around a bit with a large trout
[20:52] [Method|Evil] splendid
[20:52] [Method|Evil] he said why not
[20:52] [DPO_WIA] Hey! I was here...
[20:52] [Cedayon] MWIA likes blowing things up

[20:52] [DPO_WIA] Go for it - what do you need ACS Pizza for.
[20:52] [GT^Commish] *BOOM*
[20:52] [DPO_WIA] It's in the job description Cedayon

[20:52] [GT^Commish] No more Hive ship.
[20:53] [Cedayon]

[20:53] [DPO_WIA] TKG - that's my flagship you're talking about.
[20:53] [Cedayon] are those choppers in UNSG yet?
[20:53] * Method|Evil shrugs
[20:53] [GT^Commish] Almost.
[20:53] [GT^Commish] They will be enxt turn.
[20:53] [GT^Commish] * next
[20:53] [Method|Evil] i'll build the ACS Method soon.

[20:54] [Cedayon] How about the ACS Emperor's Yacht instead?

[20:54] [Method|Evil] perhaps

[20:54] [Cedayon] or Emperor's Fist or something
[20:54] [Maniac] ACS Pepperoni?
[20:54] [Method|Evil]

[20:54] [Method|Evil] we'll see
[20:54] [DPO_WIA] What?! Let's not get above ourselves here - I am in charge of
all military units, making me supreme somethingorother ;D