March 17, 2003, 01:07
Local Time: 21:55
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Yuki's Tale
“Yuki, come back here!”
“Yes, Mother, I was just playing in the snow”
“You will catch a cold if you stay out thee too long!”
“No I won’t Mother, I’m a big boy now!”
I awoke then from my dream about the past, and looked to the West, where smoke was rising from the burning city. My commander had told me to get some rest, for I was no use to anyone tired. As I looked at the fiery spectacle before my eyes, I wondered what had brought back those memories of the past, of peaceful, simpler times, before this madness began…
I was only eight when the war began, a war that seemed so far away, especially in the mountain town of Nara. The battles were distant from us, in the land of Persia, our allies. It was winter, and the first snows had fallen. My older brother, Aki, had been drafted into one of the new Musketman units, and my parents were worried about me. Often, as I played in the snow with my other friends, I would see my parents talk in quiet whispers, periodically looking in my direction. I had no idea what they were talking about, other than about me. So I just continued to play, innocently, constantly awaiting the spring, when classes would start again, and I would turn nine.
As the snows melted, and the Sakura blossomed, the town mayor approached our house with a grim look on his face. He handed a piece of parchment to my mother, who after reading it, fled into the house in tears. At that time, I did not know, but the people in class were treating me differently, for some reason. On the day of my birthday, my Father led me outside.
“Yuki,” started Father, “I have some bad news. Your brother Aki, he passed away outside a place called Susa”
I was shocked, and now I realised why my mother was so depressed, and why my classmates had treated me differently. A tear started to form in my eye, my older brother, Aki, was dead. I then felt anger, I knew Susa was in Persia from class, and I knew that there was a war going on in Persia. I felt like I wanted to kill. I did not know whom, but I just wanted to kill. My Father placed his firm hand on my shoulder and continued to speak, “Your mother and I have been talking about sending you to your Grandfathers in Kyoto, where it is safe. They say the war is getting closer. I… we want you to be safe,” he finished stoically. Mother came out, tears in her eyes and gave me a hug. A cart approached, driven by the eccentric Satama-san, the old merchant in the town. Mother looked at me, her eyes holding back the tears, and said, “Satama-san will take you, he needs to pick up some supplies from Kyoto.”
Satama-san jumped out of the cart, and started to collect my bags, and load them onto the cart. Father turned and said, “Farewell, son, please, once this terrible war has ended, return to us!”
Mother could do nothing but weep at my going, even though she knew it was for the best. I climbed on to the cart with Satama-san and said my farewell. My parents stayed out watching the cart intill I could see them no more. My new life in Kyoto was about to begin, or so I thought.
March 17, 2003, 01:08
Local Time: 21:55
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This is not part of my Roman Trilogy. I have decided to give it a rest for a while (but I will get back to it) I would appreciate any comments on what I have posted so far.
March 17, 2003, 02:15
Local Time: 21:55
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Location: Don't you feel silly now?
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It looks good enough.
Yes, quite alright, i shall allow this to proceed.
Good job Zalz.
March 17, 2003, 02:27
Local Time: 21:55
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Thank you, oh great SKILORD for your vote of confidence. I shall continue as planned
Satama-san was an interesting travelling companion. The trip to Kyoto was long and usually took at least a month, but the time seemed to pass like an instant. Satama-san told me tales of his past. He used to be a member of an elite group of Samurai known as the Shinsengumi. He would tell me tales of his constant battles with the Indians to the north, and how he personally captured the city of Delhi by himself. I now know that these tales were little more than extravasations of the truth, but as a nine-year-old, I enjoyed and believed them. He even showed me his sword, which, he said, killed ten thousand Indians on its blade. I constantly looked at it, and when we stopped for breaks, I swung it around as if I was a samurai.
It was at the mountain village of Kyokano that we stopped at on that fateful night. Satama-san was in the Tavern, and I was outside, swinging the sword. Just outside the tavern, I saw a sinister group of men, whispering quietly to each other. Every so often they would look at me, then the cart, and continue their talk. Satama-san walked out of the Tavern, and gestured me to come with him. He said quietly that a man inside said it would snow tonight, and it was best we get over the pass now. I climbed on to the cart, taking one last glance at the sinister looking men. Their number had increased by one, who came from within the tavern. They took one last glance at the cart, and disappeared into the darkness. Satama-san lit the lanterns, and continued towards the pass.
It was close to midnight and for some reason I had awoken. The cart was no longer moving, and Satama-san was no longer beside me. Quickly, I sat up, and looked, seeing Satama-san inspecting a log that had fallen across the trail. He shook his head, and returned to the cart. He was shocked to see me awake, and told me in a soothing voice that reminded me of my mother, that we have to head back. At that moment, an arrow hit Satama-san in the chest. Five men, dressed in black, were standing near the log, one with a bow, the other three with swords. I looked at Satama-san, who struggled to say “run” I looked for the Satama-san’s sword, but I could not find it anywhere. Then I remembered, I had left it at the village. Cursing my stupidity, I jumped off the cart, and ran into the forest. The bandits started to chase me, firing arrows and abuse in my general direction. In the distance, I saw a light in the distance, and started to head towards it, praying that whoever was there would help me. I broke out of the forest, and into a clearing where the light was coming from.
There, I saw about five men, sitting around a fire, talking. One of them noticed me and stood up. I could just see his face in the light of the flickering fire, and recognised it… but from where? Then it struck me, these were the men that were outside the Tavern earlier that night. He recognised me too, and drew out a sword. The bandits chasing me had reached the clearing, and slowed down. They put their swords away, as the other four men stood up, drawing their weapons. Their leader or at least the one I thought was the leader, flashed a satiric grin in my direction, and then turned to my pursuers. One of them advanced and exchanged a few words with the leader, who nodded his appreciation. The pursuer then turned, taking his companions back in the direction of the trail. The leader approached me, pointing his sword menacingly at me. I heard a rustle from the forest behind me, but did not look to see what it was. The leader raised his sword, ready to strike me, when a blood curdling scream rang out across the forest. One of the bandits who pursued me earlier returned screaming, then a blade sliced him in half. The leader turned, only to find that same blade aiming straight for his head. He started to raise his weapon to parry this attack, but he did not complete the action. The leader was sliced in two. Seeing this, the remainder of the bandits fled in to the forest and the mysterious swordsman turned to face me.
“Why would a child be alone in these dangerous woods at night?” asked the swordsman
“We… we were ambushed!” I replied
“Oh, so that must have been your cart I saw earlier. I cannot believe Satama-san would be fooled by simple trickery.”
“You… you know Satama-san?”
There was a pause, and then the swordsman replied, “Well, everyone does, don’t they? Hero of the Battle of Delhi, Commander of the Shinsengumi,” in a tone, which I knew, meant he was concealing something important. “What is your name?” he continued, changing the subject.
“I am Yuki.”
“Well Yuki-chan, I will escort you back to the village. Where might I ask, were you going?”
“To Kyoto” I replied
“Ah, and why might that be?”
“To live with my Grandfather.”
“Oh, are your parents dead?”
“No, sir.”
“Then why?”
“Because they thought it would be safer.”
“In Kyoto? Its safer in these mountains than in Kyoto”
“Don’t you know anything? There has been civil unrest in that city. It is no place for a child.”
“Oh. Why is there civil unrest?”
“Because of the war. It is not going well.”
“Oh. Anyway, might I ask you your name?”
The Swordsman stopped, and looked at me. Smiling he said, “You can call me Sensei. I have decided to train you in the arts of swordsmanship.”
“Oh, thankyou very much, Sensei" I replied, flattered at the offer
March 17, 2003, 12:38
Local Time: 22:55
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
This looks very good indeed although I hope you return to the trilogy soon. But as the great SKILORD has cast his eye of approval over this new work then so shall I.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
March 17, 2003, 21:58
Local Time: 06:55
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: Love me tender. Love me sweet.
Posts: 839
Are you aware that both "yuki" and "chan" are both feminine?
Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.
March 17, 2003, 22:24
Local Time: 15:55
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 5,725
This story gets my "Fit for a Hit" seal.
March 18, 2003, 01:34
Local Time: 21:55
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Location: Australia
Posts: 245
Are you aware that both "yuki" and "chan" are both feminine?
I don't realy worry about such trivial matters (well, maybe there not trivial, but Its too late to change them!)...
Last edited by Lord Zalzabad; March 18, 2003 at 02:49.
March 18, 2003, 02:49
Local Time: 21:55
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Australia
Posts: 245
... wait a minute, I have just realized somthing. I have written nowhere that Yuki is a male or a female, so maybe this could be saved... with a little bit of manipulation... actuly, I think I can make the plot better that way! Thanks for pointing that out to me, unscratchedfoot!
March 18, 2003, 06:38
Local Time: 21:55
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Sensei led me to his nearby hut, where my training began earnestly. Sensei showed me the basic skills of the sword, and the basic means of defence. I was a fast learner, eagerly taking in everything that he taught me. I was soon very skilled, but not as skilled as Sensei. I spent many about five years training with Sensei, training every day, except the odd occasion when I went to the Village for supplies. But on one, fateful day, the village was very quiet. Walking into the Tavern, I saw the owner packing up his belongings. Turning to him, I asked, “Why are you packing”
“Haven’t you heard, Yuki-chan? The Persians have declared war on us, and burned the City of Nara to the ground! Everyone’s leaving.”
I stood there, shocked. Mother and Father would most properly be dead. Anger that I had only felt once before, when informed of my brother’s death, swept over me. I picked up my sword and rushed back towards the mountains. Sensei was meditating at the time, and my sudden arrival broke his chain of thought.
“Why are you back so soon? Where is the meat I asked you to get?”
“I must go, Sensei…” I started
“Is this about Nara? I thought you would want to leave,” said Sensei, leaving me in shock. He stood up, and walked over to me. “Yuki-chan, you are far from finishing my training, but if you want to go, you may.” He turned and walked into his hut, emerging after a while, carrying a sword. “This is Satama-san’s sword. I give it to you. You may ether stay here and become stronger, or you may leave,” he said, handing me the sword, “the choice is yours.”
“I must leave, Sensei, I am sorry.”
“I expected, and yet regretted that answer. With more training, you could have become a master. Go, to Edo, just over the pass. There you can join up the army. Just give them my name.”
“Ok, Sensei, but might I ask, what is your name?” I said, wondering why he had not revelled his name.
He paused for a moment, and then said, “I am Zakido Yukuro,” he turned and headed for the hut, “I was once a samurai, but not no more. They will know the name. Farewell, Yuki-chan.” He closed the door behind him, and I began to walk off to the East, where hopefully I would get to Edo.
The trip to Edo was uneventful intill the third and final day of my journey. On the trail, I met a group of refugees. They were not the first I had encountered in the past three days, but unlike the others, they were from Nara. I enquirered about my parents, but they knew nothing, intill I got to the Yaraka van. They were a family that lived close to us all those years ago, I use to go to class with their daughter, Sakura. They had only just escaped from the town before it fell. However, when I enquired about my family, they quickly changed the subject t what I had been doing over the past five years. I soon grew tired of this, and continued up the caravan, when who should I meet, but Sakura. She was surprised to see me alive, asked me what I had been doing. When I informed her of my training, her eyes lit up, and she informed me that she, too wanted to be a samurai.
“But they do not except females into the Samurai!” I replied with horror.
“Well, I want to join anyway! I want to teach those Persians a lesson for killing the Takada’s like … opps!” she stopped suddenly, knowing that she had said too much.
“What!” I said, shocked and angry, “Mother, Father, dead? Why were they killed?”
Sakura knew that she could not conceal the truth any more, so told me the truth, of how Mother and Father tried to protect the city, but got captured and executed for being part of the resistance. She then tried to calm me down, “Do not worry, they died honourably. They would want you to live on and continue the family name.”
“I guess they would,” I said calming down finally, “But I am still joining the Army. I must get my revenge for the brutal slaying of the people of Nara, and my parents.”
We continued talking for the rest of the journey about various things. She was, however, very interested in my training, and I told her all the moves and theory behind it. At Edo, we said our farewells, and wandering towards the barracks, I wondered if I would ever see her again.
Last edited by Lord Zalzabad; March 19, 2003 at 04:32.
March 18, 2003, 08:40
Local Time: 06:55
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Love me tender. Love me sweet.
Posts: 839
Originally posted by Lord Zalzabad
... wait a minute, I have just realized somthing. I have written nowhere that Yuki is a male or a female
4rth sentence first episode
Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.
March 18, 2003, 18:45
Local Time: 22:55
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
Yep that Mr Scratch is right you know, its there in the fourth sentence but nethertheless it hardly matters so please continue with the story and I think you retain our hero as a male character.
Im no expert on Japanese names but in England many Christian or Forenames can be applied to both boys and girls , eg George, Charlie, Francis and many more that I cant really be bothered to list.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
March 18, 2003, 19:23
Local Time: 06:55
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: Love me tender. Love me sweet.
Posts: 839
Yeah, sometimes names are used for opposite sex intended here in japan too. And chan is very occasionally used in guy's names like Dai-chan. So go ahead with the story lord salsbury.
If all else fails maybe he can be gay?  Nah, scratch that idea, too gross.
Before writing story about unfamiliar country you need check name list for country like enter "Japanese male names" in google and there are many website for each country. Then you avoid problems and make more authentic.
YAH!!!!! Soon we can see mother of all bombs in action!
 Hippie says, "Make peace not war. Saddam is good leader."
 Hi. I'm iraqi soldier.
Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.
March 18, 2003, 21:13
Local Time: 21:55
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Posts: 245
No thread hijacking, Scratch! And in the case of Yuki being male or female, I think I will go back to the original plot... I will be deleating the 3rd chapter and rewriting it (or maybe just editing... I dont have to change that much). If anyone has any objections... you have 6 or so hours to object. There is nothing like a ticking clock!
Last edited by Lord Zalzabad; March 18, 2003 at 21:19.
March 19, 2003, 04:33
Local Time: 21:55
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Posts: 245
'kay, since no one objected, I have changed it
March 19, 2003, 17:42
Local Time: 22:55
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Staffordshire England
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A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
March 19, 2003, 23:37
Local Time: 21:55
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Posts: 245
The streets of Edo were empty, apart from the odd soldier roaming the street. I had never been in a city this big in my life, and managed to get lost several times. Eventually, helped by a young musketman, I found my way to the building. It was the largest and most impressive building I had seen, in this city or any other place I had been. For a few moments, I just sat there, looking at the building with awe and amazement, before I wandered through the door. I was stopped by a soldier with a pike, and asked what I wanted. When I replied, he laughed, saying that no one my age would be aloud to become a Samurai, but he lead me to the recruitment desk anyway. The officer looked tired and stressed, and was going over some documents. Seeing me, he put them down, and asked me, “Now son, what is your business here?”
“I want to become a Samurai!” I replied, enthusiastically.
“A Samurai? I think you might be a bit too young for that”
“But I trained under Zakido Yukuro!”
“Yukuro-san? Hmm, well we will give you a try. How old are you?”
“I am fourteen, sir.”
“Ok, if anyone asks you are eighteen, ok?”
“You are lucky we need troops at the moment. Take a seat over there,” he gestured towards a wooden bench that was empty, “and we will give you the Test.”
“What test?”
“To see if you are skilled enough to be a Samurai, of course. Sato-san will test you today.” With that the officer stood up and walked out of the room.
I put my sword down, and looked around the room. It did not fulfil by expectations of a barracks. It was clean and painted with bright colours, decorated by plants and even paintings. I stood up and walked over to a painting, looking at it intensely, when the officer walked back in, followed by another man.
“Okay, son, this is Sato-san. He will test you. If you will just follow him.”
I started to follow him, stopping to pick up my sword.
“You will not need that,” said Sato-san, “Kugusa here will look after it for you.”
“Yes, sir,” I replied. He led me out into an ornamental garden in the main courtyard of the barracks. He picked up a wooden sword, and handed it to me, picking up one of his own. He turned, and sheathed his wooden sword, which I mimicked.
“Very well, I must ask you your name,” said Sato-san
“My name is Yuki Takada of Nara”
“Takada, huh, very well I will test you to see if you have the skills to become a true Samurai. You are lucky that you are even being considered, but due to the lack of Samurai due to the war, we are taking in extra members. Now, in order to pass,” he said, unsheathing his sword, “You must hit me with that sword. Good luck.”
Keeping the sword in its sheath, I began to run towards him. He moved his sword to the classic defensive position, ready to block my Batojitsu attack. Seeing that he had discovered what move I was planning to do, I unsheathed my sword early, swinging it downward to slice him in half. (Of cause I could not of do it, since I had but a wooden sword.) He blocked this attack, and I quickly withdrew my blade. Remembering what my master had told me, I did something unexpected. I began to lunge at him, which he quickly moved to defend, but I moved my blade to the left, and swung, hitting him in the lower abdomen. Sato-san resheathed his sword, and gestured me to follow him.
He lead me into an office, where he motioned for me to sit down. He sat in the chair opposite me, and poured himself a nip of Sakè.
“Very well done, Yuki-san, Yukuro must have taught you well,” said Sato-san, taking a sip of his Sakè, “Not many people in this nation can defeat the leader of the Shinsengumi.”
“You are the commander of the famous Shinsengumi?”
“Yes. Now you have passed the test. I know that you are only 14, but you are skilled like a master. However, it seems that you have not completed your training yet. A true master of the Zanzubo style could of defeated me with one strike. I now must inform you of what the situation is,” concluded Sato-san, finishing off his Sakè. He walked over to a map showing the Japanese Empire. There were green and blue pins stuck in all over the map. “You know that we have been loyally fighting by the side of the Persians in their long war against the aggressors of the West, however, recently, the Persian Capital fell to the Western Forces. In exchange for peace, the Persians were forced to declare war apon us, and Persian Immortals started to move into out territory, burning ant looting as they went. Since the majority of our troops are deep within Western-occupied territories, and are fighting for their own survival, and cannot withdraw to defend the empire.” He then drew his hand down to the map, my eyes following. “These Blue pins are the locations of the Persian Units,” Sato-san said, gesturing to the numerous blue pins, “and the green dots are the Japanese Imperial Army,” he gestured to the few green pins on the map. “The main thrust of the enemy attack is coming through the Kyokano Pass, and should be at the gates of Edo within the week. The Shogun is sending every available troop to the city, but we still only have 12,000. The majority of the Shinsengumi are trapped with the regular armies in Persia, and we only have fifty or so members here today. We have to blunt this attack, or else the Capital will fall. Now, you go get some rest, Yuki-san, we will begin training tomorrow.”
He then lead me to my room, where I found my sword and belongings already there. “You have to be in the gardens at seven in the morning, Goodnight.”
The moment I put my head down, I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.
March 20, 2003, 17:17
Local Time: 22:55
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Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
Great stuff
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
March 20, 2003, 22:05
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“Yuki, wake up! The enemy have flanked us!”
It had only seemed like a few minutes since I put my head down. I opened my eyes, and sat up, looking around the tent, saw a lone guard. Standing up, I picked up my trusty sword that I had slain so many enemies with, and headed out of the tent.
“Just over the hills. They destroyed Sato’s unit, and are forming up”
I made it to the crest of the hill, and gasped at my amazement. There were at least One Hundred Thousand troops formed up, preparing for their attack. They were less than 100 metres away. The army was made up mainly of foot soldiers, but a lone horseman stood in the front. He looked at me with his cold dark eyes, and smiled. I recognised his dark evil face instantly…
“Yuki-san! You have been sleeping for hours! Get up now!”
I awoke, and looked at Sato, wondering what time it was.
“How long have I slept for?”
“You’ve been sleeping for twelve hours, Yuki! I would of let you sleep, but we have a problem. We have to get all Samurai ready to move out in twenty minutes!”
“ We have to get all Samurai ready to move out in twenty minutes!”
“Yes, sir,” I said lazily, getting out of bed and getting dressed. I washed my face, picked up my sword, and ran out to the gardens. There were a small assembly of Samurai and a few regular troops standing around. I joined the group of Samurai, when Sato-san approached.
“There is a small group of Persian Immortals which scouts have identified heading towards the city. Our mission is to destroy them. Tsuneo-san will have control of this mission. I also wish to introduce a new Samurai to our units, Yuki Tanaka,” with that, I took a step forward, and a few troops nodded, in my direction. Sato continued, “Now we must defeat the enemy. May the spirits be with you, good luck.”
Tsuneo-san ran out to the front of the huddle, and yelled, “come on, we must go for the glory of the Shogun!”
“For the glory of the Shogun!” everyone yelled, following him at a brisk run out into the streets of the city.
It was a hour later when we stopped at our position, near a small mound. Tsuneo-san climbed the hill, and quickly scaled back down. We huddled around him, and he began to speak. “There are about 100 foot soldiers, and one horseman who is obviously the commander. We will storm over the hill, and take them by surprise, okay?”
“Yes, sir!” we all replied, but in whispers, not shouts. Climbing the top of the hill, I glanced a look at the enemy troops. They all looked like the normal Persian, except for their leader. He, unlike the others, had jet black skin, and a strange shield. He had a spear with a long sharp blade on the end, instead of the swords that the rest of the Immortals were armed with. Tsuneo- san raised his hand, to signal to get ready for an attack, then he dropped it, and we rushed into battle. Drawing my sword I rushed at the nearest group of Immortals, slashing one in half. I turned, and parried an Immortal who was striking at me, then pulled back my sword, jabbing it into him. I pulled it out, and sliced another victim. Looking up, I could see Tsuneo-san facing the enemy commander.
Tsuneo swung, but the commander blocked it with his shield. The weapon sliced into the shield, but Tsuneo could not get it out. The commander smiled, pulling his long spear back. I could see the fear it Tsuneo’s face, as he faced death. Thinking of nothing started to run towards the commander, slicing and killing the enemy troops in my way. The commander saw me, but began to thrust his weapon forward, slaying Tsuneo through the heart. He turned and faced me…
“So we meet again, Yuki-san”
“Yes we do, Shaka-Zulu”
“There is no way you can defeat me and my army, for I will not make the same mistake I made at Edo!”
“Bah, you say that every time we meet!”
March 20, 2003, 22:42
Local Time: 16:55
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“There is no way you can defeat me and my army, for I will not make the same mistake I made at Edo!”
“Bah, you say that every time we meet!”
Keep writing
March 22, 2003, 03:27
Local Time: 21:55
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Posts: 245
… “Die, you Japanese scum!” yelled the Persian commander, aiming his spear at me. Jumping, and with one swipe, I parried the spear away from my direction. I pulled back my sword and jabbed it towards the commander, who blocked it with his shield.
“Ha, you cannot defeat me, Shaka!” yelled the commander, as he pulled his spear back to finish me off. Seeing this, I drew my short sword, or a Kodachi, and blocked the blade of the spear. I pulled my Katana out of the shield, and rushed at him again, using my Kodachi to block the shield, and lunged at him with my Katana. He dropped his shield, and blocked my sword with his spear, throwing my off balance. Slowly, skidding to a halt, I began to charge at him again. He turned his horse to face me, lowering his spear at my chest. Seeing this, I resheathed my sword, since drawing it from the scabbard would increase the power of the attack, and slid onto the ground, dodging Shaka’s spear, drawing my sword, and slicing at the horses legs with the back end of my sword. The effect of this was to cause the poor beast to cry out in pain, and nearly knock Shaka off the horse. The animal then bolted towards the pass with Shaka still on it. There were few Persian troops left, in seeing their fleeing commander, immediately surrendered.
The Persian soldier looked downcast as he faces Sato-san, who was caring a Bamboo cane, smiling. Sato lifted the cane, and whacked it over his face. The Persian cried out in pain, and started to sob.
“You’re a soldier, get yourself together!” said Sato-san darkly, “Now I am going to ask you some questions. If you do not answer them, you will receive more pain. If you answer them truthfully, you will be released. Do you understand?”
“Y… yes”
“Very good. Now what was your unit doing?”
“We… we were scouting out enemy positions (cough, cough) for the coming attack”
“Very good. Now who was the commander?”
“He… he was the commander of the Persian army. We don’t like him, he is a member of Zulu nobility.”
Sato looked in shock at this, and turned to me. His eyes returned to the face of the prisoner, “Now are you sure of this?”
“He said his name was Shaka,” I interrupted.
“Hmm, Shaka, eh? I’ve heard that name somewhere but I cannot place it to the face,” said Sato, then turning to the prisoner, “Now, are there any Zulu troops with the main Persian army?”
“Then why was this Shaka in command of the invasion force?”
“I do not know… maybe to make sure we keep in line, after all, we were once allies.”
“Yes, I am aware of this. Thankyou, because of you help, you will not be executed. Take him to the prison!” Sato-san finished. I stood to attention, and gathered the prisoner, taking him away to the dark, windowless cell. I returned to Sato’s office, where an orderly was cleaning up the blood. The last prisoner had been the only one out of the ten captured that talked, (probably since he was the only one who knew Japanese), and the deaths had left a bloody stain on the tiles in the office. Sato-san gestured me to sit down, and poured me drink of Sakè.
“You did a good job back there, Yuki-san,” Sato-san said.
“Thankyou, sir, I try my best for the peoples of Japan,” I replied.
“Yes, well, anyway we are receiving reinforcements from Kyoto. Mainly conscripts, but there are a few volunteers with them. I want you to greet them, okay?”
“Very well, sir, but why?”
“You have already made yourself a reputation, among the troops here. I am promoting you to command 1st troop of the Shinsengumi.”
“Yes, sir,” I replied, smiling at my new promotion…
Shaka dismounted for his horse, and placed his spear into attack position. As I approached, the lead elements of the Zulu forces retreated back, giving Shaka and I room for our duel. Shaka smiled his demonic grin once more, “I have killed all those close to you Yuki, you parents, your Commander, even your fiancee.”
“You bastard!” I yelled, unsheathing my weapon I will kill you for this!”
March 22, 2003, 06:33
Local Time: 22:55
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
March 22, 2003, 13:18
Local Time: 15:55
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 5,725
What Chris said.
March 24, 2003, 04:05
Local Time: 21:55
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Posts: 245
“Ah, Yuki-san, I presume?”
“Um, yes,” I replied, “and you are?”
“General Tachido, commander of the third army. You are a lot younger than I expected,” General Tachio replied looking at me up and down, then turning to his troops, “and these are my soldiers. They are not much, but they’re eager to fight.”
“They, too look young,” I replied, surveying the amassed troops, “Commander Sato is expecting you.”
“Very well,” Tachido replied, turning to his troops, “You are dismissed, to form up back here tomorrow at midday,” he turned to me, “lead the way.”
I led Tachido to Sato-san’s quarters, where I left them to discuss tactics, while I headed out into he city to have a drink or two. In the short time I was in Edo, my name spread far and fast. Witnesses of my battle with Shaka told their amazing tale over drinks with friends, who then spread it to their friends, each time, the stories got more extravagant, and I became more of a hero than I really was. I could walk into any bar in the city, and never have to pay for a drink. No one questioned my age, they all thought I was 18. If they had known the truth? I probably would have been more a hero to them. I did not like the fame that I had rapidly gained. It was later on in the evening, as I staggered out of a bar that I heard a familiar voice,
“Yuki-chan!” the voice yelled over the crowds, “Yuki-chan, over here!”
I turned around, and was shocked at who I saw, “Sakura, what are you doing here?”
“Like I said, I joined the army!” she replied happily.
“And what do your parents think of this?”
“They do not know.”
“Why would they let someone your age in to the army?”
“Well, I am older than you!”
Flustered at this rebuke, I continued, “But they do not let women join the army!”
“Yes, but they said they needed troops. I along with a number of other women joined!”
“I will talk to Sato-san about getting you transferred!”
“He won’t do it, for he knows he needs everyone for the upcoming battle. I heard around the streets that you defeated a ten foot black demi-god leading the Persian Armies!”
“It’s ten foot now? Last time I heard the rumour it was eight-foot. It is all a lie. He was no taller than five feet, and he was no god, he was a Zulu.”
“Oh, you mean the “Westerners””
“Yes, that’s the one,” I replied, as the clock sounded midnight. I turned to her, and asked, “Where are you staying tonight?”
“I do not know. Commander Tachido just said find a piece of grass to put our heads on.”
“Then why don’t you come back with me. There are plenty of empty rooms in the barracks. A lady should not sleep outside, let alone the friend of the great and mighty Yuki,” I said, smiling at the extravasation I put on my self. Sakura giggled, and said, “lead the way, oh noble hero.”
“YUKI!!! WHO IS THIS WOMAN IN MY BED!!!” yelled Sato angrily, who had been up all night, playing cards with Commander Tachido.
“What, sir? I replied groggily, and looking at the clock on the opposite wall, seeing it was five in the morning.
“This girl in my bed!” Sato yelled, marching into my room, Sakura following him meekly.
“Oh, Sakura? She’s just a friend,” I replied, sitting up in my bed.
“Well then, let you prostitute sleep in your own bed!”
“WHAT?” both Sakura and I yelled together, “We are only childhood friends, seriously!” I said, despite the suspicious looks Sato-san was giving me, “I saw her in town, and she had nowhere to sleep, and I said she could sleep here!”
Sato still looked at me suspiciously, “Very well, but why my bed?”
“Because it was the closest to Yuki’s room that was vacant!” Sakura said in her defence.
“Well get a futon, and make her sleep on your floor. I want you up for briefings at nine!” Sato said, leaving the room.
I got up, and pulled a futon out from under my bed. Turning to Sakura, I said, “You can sleep in my bed, I will sleep on the futon.”
“Thankyou Yuki-chan…”
“Hey, I outrank you, don’t call me ‘chan’”
“Yes, but I am older,” said Sakura, getting into bed. I layed down and fell asleep
It seemed like seconds when the orderly woke me. I let Sakura sleep, as slowly walked down the corridor to Sato-san’s office, still groggy for not having enough sleep.
“Did you have a nice sleep?” said Sato, slyly.
“Be quiet!” I said.
“Calm down, Yuki-san” said Commander Tachido, “I hear you had a good night?”
“Come on! She’s a friend!”
“Sure, Yuki, sure. Anyway we have to talk tactics,” said Sato, drawing my attention to a nearby map, “The prisoner we captured estimates the enemy strength at thirty thousand, based twenty miles from Edo. I propose an ambush here,” he gestured to a point on the map, twelve miles from the city, “They will be advancing soon, so we should move now. I propose the third infantry division and the ninth musketman platoon to move to this point, assisted by the Shinsengumi. Captain Takada here will lead the attack. This battle is your responsibility, Yuki-san, if you fail, do not return.”
“Very well, sir,” I replied, turning and leaving. I walked back up to my room and gently woke up Sakura.
“Yes, what is it?” she asked.
“I must go, I have to plan an attack. Might I ask you a question?”
“What unit are you in?”
“Second Swordsman platoon. Why do you ask?”
“Nothing, just checking…”
“Its part of the Third Infantry Division.”
“Third Infantry Division!”
“You must leave, or at least transfer!”
“But why?”
“Because they are going into battle soon, that’s why!”
“But why join the army if I do not fight?”
“Please for my sake! You are the last friend I have, I do not want to loose you too!”
“Sorry, but I must. It is my job,” she said, as she shooed me out of my room, “Now go, I have to get dressed!”
March 24, 2003, 08:46
Local Time: 21:55
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Australia
Posts: 245
It was midday, and the third army had formed up. It did not look professional at all, and General Tachido shook his head in disgust. “Okay, everyone, this is Captain Takada of the First Troop Shinsengumi. I want the Third Infantry Division, and the Ninth Musketman Platoon to stay here, while the rest of the army shall follow me to the Paseki Field, where you will undergo more training. Third Army, fall out! Most of the troops melted away to form up at the field, while the two small divisions remained. A few troops ran back to their positions when they realised that they were staying. I just shook my head in disgust. I ordered them to form a closer group, and gave them a brief overview of the plan. As I was doing this, the fellow members of the Shinsengumi filed out and watched. As I ordered the conscripts to march, the Samurai just followed, amused at the lack of discipline of the soldiers, yet inwardly they felt worried. We reached the position in less than three hours, and the majority of my thousand strong ambush party hid behind a large hill. Me and Yakyo, another Samurai, and my second in command climbed the hill to get a better look at the battlefield. I could see lead elements of the Persian force approaching, and I told Yakyo to ready the troops.
After some time observing, Sakura came up and joined me.
“Will we survive?” she asked.
“I do not know. If luck is on our side, yes, maybe we will survive. We are outnumbered 30 to 1. Command has given me an impossible mission to complete, but we still might survive.” I put down my sword, and turned to her, “But if we don’t, I want you to know that… that I love you…” I said, standing up. I started down the hill, and Sakura said, “Wait!” I stopped, and turned around, “I just want to say, that even before you left for Kyoto all those years ago, I loved you too.” This caught me by surprise, as she continued, “I never had the courage to confront you, and when they said you died, I… I cried for weeks, forever regretting that decision. I wanted to become a soldier so I could stop those who they said killed you… I was so happy all those weeks ago when I found out you were alive, I left my family instantly when I saw that army marching down the road heading for the place where you were, Edo. I wanted to see you again, see you before you… I died. I… I love you with all my heart, Yuki, I love you so much!”
I stood there, rooted to the spot, still shocked by what I heard. Sakura stood up, and started down the hill, towards me. She stopped when she got to me, and we embraced, “Sakura, would you give me the honour of, after this battle, becoming my wife?”
“Yes, Yuki, I will!”
We embraced again, intill Yakyo came to break us up, “Okay, you two love birds, break it up, It seems that the enemy is forming camp just below this hill. They will likely send scouts up to check out the surroundings. We must attack now to retain surprise.”
“I agree fully, Yakyo-san, prepare the troops for immediate battle,” I replied, then turning to Sakura, “It is best you stay close to me so you will not get hurt.”
“Yes, Yuki-chan” she replied playfully.
The troops gathered slowly and quietly to the crest of the hill, as I raised my hand to prepare for the attack. The majority of the army was settling down for the night, and the sentries were looking inward, not outward, as they should. There was a small party gathering at the base of the hill, obviously to scout out the position. The Musketmen were on the extreme crest of the hill, and would stay there, firing volleys into the Persian forces to back up the main assault. The troops were as ready as they ever were, so I gave the signal for a quiet and stealthy advance. The troops quietly crossed the crest of the hill, covered by the Musketmen and started towards the enemy camp. I was in the lead, followed by Sakura. As we approached the camp, someone tripped and fell, alerting the scout party that had not yet left the camp. Luckily, they did not raise the alarm, but rushed straight into the swords of the Third Division, while I and the remainder of the Shinsengumi attacked the perimeter of the camp. The Third division followed after they had finished off the scout party, and all hell broke loose.
The Persians did not know what was happening, and started to panic. I slayed many helpless Persian soldiers as they ran in fear of my ragtag army. My army were gaining morale from my example, and at that time, it was like every one of them were members of the Shinsengumi. The Persians, however, managed to get things under control, and managed to move the majority of their army onto the field. I ordered my troops to withdraw from the camp, as my Musketmen fired volleys into the enemy troops. There I saw what we were up against. At least 25,000 Persian troops, led by a single black man on a white horse… I knew the only way to win this battle was to take out Shaka, who stood there, looking at me, smiling intently. I walked up to Shaka, who ordered his men not to attack, and looked at him.
“So who challenges Prince Shaka of the Zulu? Oh, its you from the other day. Might I ask, who am I about to kill?”
“Yuki Takada of Nara, Commander of First Troops Shinsengumi.”
“Nara, eh? I remember ordering that city be burned! Ha! If only you were there, then I would not have to face an insect like you today!”
“And maybe you would not have been defeated like you were the other day.”
“Ha, I will not make the same mistake I made then, Yuki-san,” Shaka said, dismounting his horse, and preparing his spear, “I will have fun killing you!”
he finished charging towards me. “And I, you!” I replied, sheathing my sword for a Battojitsu. Shaka lunged at me with his spear, which I nimbly dodged. I drew out my sword, but Shaka was too quick for that, using his spear to block my attack, and throw me off balance. Shaka immediately moved to take advantage of this, but I once more dodged, thrusting my spear at his chest. Shaka moved his spear up, to block it, but it was ill timed. His block threw my sword off target, instead hitting him in the shoulder. I quickly removed my sword, and prepared for a final thrust to finish off the target. Shaka smiled, strangely enough, as if he was welcoming death… but no, it was something else. He quickly threw the back end of his spear up, hitting me under the chin, and sending me to the ground. I placed my Katana into the ground, to keep me stable, and looked up at the demonic figure approaching me. “So this is the end, Yuki-san,” Shaka said gleefully, pointing his spear in my direction. I tried to get up, but I just could not. Shaka pulled back the spear, and said, “Now it is the end, Japanese scum!” I closed my eyes, waiting for that cold steel to pierce my body, when I heard something, the sound of a spear entering a body… but not mine. I opened my eyes, and saw with shock what had happened. Sakura was facing me, her eye wide in the shock of being stabbed. “I’m sorry, Yuki-chan… but remember, I will al…ways lo…ve y o u.”
Shaka removed the spear, and her limp and lifeless body fell apon mine. Shaka too looked shocked at what just occurred, but soon regained his composure, “Do not fear, Yuki-chan, you will see your lover shortly,” he sneered, as he pulled back his spear. The last comment hit a nerve, as I pulled out my Kodachi, and stood, rage flowing through every vein of my body. Without thinking about anything, I charged at him with my short sword, not worrying about any consequences, for all I had to live for was gone. My Mother, my Father, my lover. I had nothing left, and this man had taken it all away from me. The ferocity of the attack shocked even Shaka himself who only just managed to block the attack, before attempting a counter. But it was useless, as I was already on the attack once again. He quickly moved to dodge the attack, but he was a lot more solid than I therefore lacking my agility. I sliced him in the edge of the chest, but hitting a rib. I swore in frustration as Shaka cried out in pain. I once more went to slice him, but he moved his spear and I ended up slicing that instead. Shaka threw down the wooden end of the spear, keeping the blade in his hand like a sword, and stood back, observing the Persian troops. I used this pause to retrieve my Katana and faced him once more. Seeing this, he knew the battle was lost and fled towards his horse. I did not bother chasing him, instead, I limped over to Sakura’s body, and collapsed beside it, weeping for my loss. A Persian Soldier approached. I looked up at him, with my tear filled eyes, and he looked back. He unsheathed his sword, and threw it down in front of me. A second soldier did the same, then a third, and soon the entire army had surrendered. I had won the impossible victory, but at a horrific cost…
… “You will pay for your crimes, Shaka!’ I yelled angrily
“Ha! You can never defeat me. There is no one left who can sacrifice themselves for you, Yuki-chan!” he replied.
“Then how come you retreated in our last engagement?”
“Because I know when to cut my losses. This time, I will kill you for good!”
“Shut up and fight, you Zulu dog” I replied, getting into the classic defensive pose, the Shin-ken pose.
“Very well, it is time for you to die!”
March 24, 2003, 09:34
Local Time: 22:55
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
Poor old Yuki, his bit of totty popped her clogs before he got to bed her. Thats really quite tragic.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
March 25, 2003, 08:34
Local Time: 21:55
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Australia
Posts: 245
“Has he even moved?” asked Sato
“No, Commander, he has not moved from that position,” replied Yakyo, regretfully.
“What exactly happened?” asked Tachido.
“He was facing that Zulu guy he fought the other day. He lost the advantage in the battle, and was knocked down. Sakura sacrificed herself so that Yuki could live, and then he just lost it! I think the Persians did not want to face a madman like that, so they surrendered.”
Sato walked over to me, and asked, “Do you want anything, Yuki-san?”
“I want time… time off to stop this from ever happening again…” I replied.
“But you cannot quit the Shinsengumi!”
“Who said I wanted to quit? I just want time off,” I finished, as I stood up, and started to leave.
“Wait, Yuki-san, just stay a few more days, we need help with executing all the prisoners!”
“No,” I replied, “No more death… get them to join some sort of army to help liberate their homeland from Zulu aggression. If you execute them, you will never see me again,” I said as I wandered towards the pass.
“Ok, Yuki, just don’t go, the Shinsengumi still needs you!”
“I must. I cannot let the tragedy of today repeat itself. I must wander, and reflect.”
I am not sure what lead me here, all that I know I that somehow I got here. I looked at the familiar trees, as I walked past the place Satama-san and I were ambushed, all those years ago. Then it hit me. I veered into the forest, and started to head along the familiar path to my home for five years. I approached Sensei’s hut, but no one was there, so I sat on a log, and waited. As the hours passed by, I sat, motionless going over my thoughts. But my master did not return. As evening turned into dusk, I stood up from the log on which I had sat for the past five hours, and wandered into the hut. As I opened the door, a terrible stench overtook me. There was a meal rotting on the humble table, a half-drunk bottle of Sake on the table beside the meal. It seemed that no one had lived in this building for some time. Leading into Sensei's bedroom, there were footsteps of blood. Shocked, I pulled out my Katana, and approached the door.
Slowly opening the door, I smelt a smell that had become all to familiar in these past few years, the smell of death. Peering into the room, I saw a sight that shocked me to the bones. My Sensei, his sword through his heart, pinned up on the wall like a poster. The look on his face would stay with me intill the day I die, the look of pain, of indescribable suffering. The sword was stabbed, upside down, so the body would not move, in his stomach to ensure a long and painful death. His fingernails were worn, dry blood hanging onto what remained of his nails. Beside the body was a ghastly message from the grave, written in the blood of my sensei, the Kanji for snow, Yuki. Whether Sensei wrote it or his executioner, it did not matter. I could feel the rage build up in me, the same rage I felt when Shaka killed Sakura. In a fit of rage, I lashed my sword at the nearest object, a table, and sliced it in half. I heard the smash of glass, and looked around to see a pool of ink forming from a smashed inkbottle. Beside the shattered glass, was a note. I quickly picked it up to save it from being smudged by the ink and read it.
"Yuki, I am about to leave my hut for the safety of Edo. It is getting too dangerous here, with the increased troop numbers using the road. I should of left with you, but my arrogance forced me to stay. I cannot defeat them all. I am leaving you this note, and my sword, the Mirimusuma, the blade of the gods. I gained it when I was commander of the Shinsengumi. It is an ancient, but sturdy sword, said to be forged for the first emperor of Japan. I have never used it, and I do not plan to. It is hidden under the floorboard under by bed. I will have one last meal before I leave. I hope to see you soon,
Zakido Yukuro"
I looked towards the bed, and rushed there, eager to gain my master's final gift to me. Moving the bed to one side, I found a loose floorboard, which I lifted. Inside the small, dark crevice, I found a cloth-covered sword, and a small chest. Putting the sword to one side, I pulled open the chest, and attempted to open it, but finding it locked. I pulled out my Kodachi, and sliced at the lock, cutting the mechanism and releasing the lid. Inside was an old, leather-bound book. I turned it over, and read the title, "The Art of Swordsmanship," by Tankyo Satama. My heart skipped for a moment. Was this the old eccentric Satama-san from Nara? It couldn't be… but what if it was? Sensei said he knew Satama-san from the Shinsengumi, but was Satama-san the teacher of my teacher? I opened the cover, and it showed me the techniques on how to teach a novice for swordsmanship. As I flicked through, I noted that the sketches showed the techniques that I had learnt. I smiled, before I got to a page, marked by a folded piece of paper. On that page was the last lesson I had ever learned from Sensei, and I felt insignificant as I noted that this was only halfway through the book. I looked at the piece of paper that was acting as a bookmark, and found a note, "Zakido, I give you my sword, and the title of Commander of the Shinsengumi. I also ask you to carry on teaching the style of swordsmanship I taught you. This book will help you instruct the student. It contains all the techniques of swordsmanship I ever learned. Be a good teacher, Zakido,
I carefully placed the note back in the book, at the page where I found it, and unsheathed my sword, throwing it on the ground, replacing it with the Mirimusuma. I placed the "Art of Swordsmanship" in my bag, and left the hut, after cremating my master's body, with a new resolve to train myself, and become a master of swordsmanship.
I had lost count of the days I spent in those hills, but I was there for at least five seasons. But when I descended, I was skilled in the art of the sword. It was winter, and the path from Edo to Nara was once more lively. There was a new settlement at Nara, and the war had once more left Japanese Territory. I stayed at various inns, picking up various pieces of information. A Ninja had assassinated the leader of the Zulu Empire, and there was a war of succession being played out for who would take the title of Zulu. Many front line troops had been withdrawn to fight in the various factions' sides. The joint Japanese/Free Persian Forces had taken advantage of this, moving its troops further into Zulu occupied Persia. I smiled as I advanced up the road, pass the new settlement of Nara, where a steady line of reinforcements heading towards the front line replaced the merchants. I joined with a platoon, not revealing my identity. As we approached the front lines, the empty roadsides were replaced with rotting bodies, and the scars of war. Most were Zulu, but there were a few Persians and Japanese mixed up among them. The swarm of peasant soldiers that made up the regular forces of Japan had looted their bodies, with rats had feeding on their skin, leaving naked bones to dry in the sun. We approached the ridge, near the Persian Capital, where the headquarters for the Japanese High Command was located. The platoons commander went in, and a familiar face came out. He looked up the line of recruits, swearing to himself, before his eyes fixed on me.
"So, you have returned at last, Yuki-san" General Tachido said. With that, the line of troop started in a mumble. "Quiet!" their commander said, he too a little shocked that the hero of Edo had been amongst his troops since Nara.
"You look well, Tachido," I replied, stepping out of rank.
"Ah, you must be tired. You cannot fight at full strength if you are tired. The enemy are expected to attack soon, and we need our commander well rested," said Tachido.
"But what of Sato-san?"
"His troops are scouting out the enemy positions, and will not be back intill this morning. The succession wars have finished, and a new Zulu had been appointed. I believe you know who."
"Shaka…" I said immediately, as I walked to the ridge, which looked over the plains of blood, where my brother died all those years ago. Tachido joined me, and said, "We outnumber them, and we will attack in the morning, when reinforcements from Susa arrive. This could be the final battle, Yuki, and I am glad that you are back to take part in it. Go, Yuki, go and get some sleep."
"Ok," I said, as I walked into a nearby tent, and put my head down. There, I dreamed a strange dream, about my past…
Last edited by Lord Zalzabad; June 15, 2003 at 07:39.
March 28, 2003, 15:23
Local Time: 22:55
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
Excellent stuff Z please keep it coming.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
March 30, 2003, 07:23
Local Time: 21:55
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Australia
Posts: 245
I just want to get back to the Yuki part. The claims that it is a female name are untrue. It is soley a male name, according to my Japanese Teacher. I will get back to the story shortly, I have just had a big workload
June 13, 2003, 11:33
Local Time: 21:55
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Australia
Posts: 245
There is nothing like a aproching deadline (exams, tests) to get one working on a story. I am finally finished, although I do not like the previous chapter very much, it a bit too rushed in my opinion. So here is the final chapter of Yuki's Tale. Enjoy
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