March 17, 2003, 14:32
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About the PBEM, I hope the lack of diplomacy is not going to cause hassles?
I would like to play as one of the major powers!
Is this OK?
March 17, 2003, 14:42
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If you are going to start an Pbem, count me in!!
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March 17, 2003, 14:44
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I have just started a PBEM if anyone is interested.
March 17, 2003, 15:46
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Is this version the same as the last playtest version?
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Xenozodskyovitchkov, retired Commander of the 1st Ukrainian Front.
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March 17, 2003, 16:41
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I guess its because of the deleted Himmler wonder - Trondheim is Trondhiem again!
Err... something I just remarked now:
Theres a little cheat how to let work operation sealion better: I just wait at turn one anf fortify all fighters while i am holding back my bombers.
I am taking Athens and getting 10.000 gold because of the moneychange bug - then I wait and let the British sacrifice all their seafires. Rushing two more freighters I am well prepared for turn #2!
I just take 10 Waffen SS units and attack London amphibiously with only ONE casualty! After that i take the artys and tanks from other citys transport them to London and because of the RRs I am still able to attack some defenders in front of London!
So I still have all my fighters and stukas and bombers and conquered Great Britian!
Solutions would be to delete RRs and have perhaps a new Marine Unit so that you can leave unit the amphibious attack-flag for Wehrmacht and SS as well as for other Infantry units!
Greetings, Cifer
March 17, 2003, 18:24
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only for pbem game?
anything for SP??
March 17, 2003, 19:25
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Originally posted by Xenozod
Is this version the same as the last playtest version?
It has considerable changes and a new combat system!
Also I think I will make a quick patch soon to fix the names of Trondheim and Copenhagen!
March 17, 2003, 19:27
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Originally posted by Shaka Naldur
only for pbem game?
anything for SP??
This scenario works just as well in MP or SP mode...
I plan to bring out a Open Season version, with diplomatic options and a different tech tree, this will be for PBEM specifically.
March 17, 2003, 19:33
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Originally posted by Cifer Almasy
I guess its because of the deleted Himmler wonder - Trondheim is Trondhiem again! 
Err... something I just remarked now:
Theres a little cheat how to let work operation sealion better: I just wait at turn one anf fortify all fighters while i am holding back my bombers.
I am taking Athens and getting 10.000 gold because of the moneychange bug - then I wait and let the British sacrifice all their seafires. Rushing two more freighters I am well prepared for turn #2!
I just take 10 Waffen SS units and attack London amphibiously with only ONE casualty! After that i take the artys and tanks from other citys transport them to London and because of the RRs I am still able to attack some defenders in front of London!
So I still have all my fighters and stukas and bombers and conquered Great Britian!
Solutions would be to delete RRs and have perhaps a new Marine Unit so that you can leave unit the amphibious attack-flag for Wehrmacht and SS as well as for other Infantry units!
Greetings, Cifer
A good strategy!
I might or might not remove amphib ability from the Wehrmacht and others.
But keep in mind, in the real WW2 any soldier could be made into a marine, all you have to do is stick him in a transport.
Also your strategy is one of many that the German forces could have used in WW2.
Actually, the UK was very close to actual invasion.
But the high command decided to turn attention to the USSR and cancel the invasion of the UK at a crucial point.
You decided to follow the invasion through properly.
That is what Dictator is all about, making a choice that can change the war totally.
In my games the AI has NEVER captured any UK city.
I think you done rather well.
March 17, 2003, 22:59
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Is there a reason you made the engineer unit only availible to the Japanese?
I changed it so every country can have them, as I thought it gives Japan an unfair advantage (if that is what you intended.)
March 17, 2003, 23:56
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Originally posted by curtsibling
Mao, are you using a...erm...real version of CIV2 MGE?
haha...yeah...still not working though...I've had MGE since before Napster even came out lol
Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear! :)
March 18, 2003, 03:53
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March 18, 2003, 04:18
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Arrrr! Jim lad!
March 18, 2003, 04:23
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Originally posted by rmsharpe
Is there a reason you made the engineer unit only availible to the Japanese?
I changed it so every country can have them, as I thought it gives Japan an unfair advantage (if that is what you intended.)
Aha! well spotted, Mr Sharpe!
I will add this to the mini-patch I am going to post.
Would anybody using Dictator II just please pop into rules.txt and replace the Engineers stats line with this line:
Engineers, nil, 0, 1.,0, 0a,1d, 1h,1f, 12,0, 5, Mob, 000000000000000
That'll fix it!
March 18, 2003, 04:39
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Oh, in fact I do like the amphib ability for all Inantry units!
Just wanted to show my warfare and that it had been kind of easy.
But if you say, that in reality Germans focused more on Russia and here its my opinion how to handle taht job, then please don´t change the flags!
March 18, 2003, 05:36
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I like the amphib ability too!
Imagine when you are playing, and want to capture a coastal city,
defended by puny artillery or bombers with one point defence!
You have a troopship full of hardcore Waffen SS or Commandos,
and you can capture because they have no amphibious ability?
This would be a terrible annoyance, that is why I kept the amphib ability!
The new patch is availabe for download on the first page!
Or right here!
Patch Adams!
It does these things:
*Flensburg is now Copenhagen.
*Trondhiem is now properly 'Trondheim'.
*Tallinn added.
*Petrozavodsk added.
*Aero defences around London improved.
*Title text fixed.
*Rules updated.
March 18, 2003, 15:56
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curt, once again you forgot to credit me! i overlooked it in the first version but come on........
i dont work for free u no!
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March 18, 2003, 18:11
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Ha! Hey Curt, looks like we're on the same frequency here. I made the prerequisite for the engineer unit "Total War Industry" too, even before you posted...
March 18, 2003, 19:38
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@The Limey,
PM me and tell me what I have used of yours, and I will redress this immediately!
Despite our sometimes differences, I cannot deny we are both warmongers at heart!
March 19, 2003, 00:07
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grrrr....still can't play it....argh....tried reinstalling from CD too...aggggghhhh!!!!
Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear! :)
March 19, 2003, 00:09
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ohh..won't someone help...please? All other scenarios and games work...
Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear! :)
March 19, 2003, 04:47
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Tell you what,
Attach the scn file, and post it here!
I want to look at it.
March 19, 2003, 05:36
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hmmm... about Baku and the Oil fields: I took it and its just 32 Production (factory included) and 15 commerce.
 Perhaps that does not simulate its very important function...?
March 19, 2003, 05:40
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and the alliance with the neutral states does annoy - cause they are blocking my railways and the connection between "Middle Sea" and the "Black Sea" (dont know the english names for it) - somehow there should be a way around istanbul...
March 19, 2003, 07:10
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That is what the Neutrals are there for, Cifer!
To make your war a bit more hindered!
Instanbul's purpose is to block early Axis expansion into the Middle East!
There is a way to got to war with the Neutrals, but you will have to ask Japan about it!
About Baku, yep it is an important city, and I may re-address that commerce level...In a future patch.
Right now, I am building up preparations to my new sceanario.
March 19, 2003, 07:39
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No Prob!
Fist I want to thank you Curt! Your scen is one of these which make me play Civ2 all day (if I am not playing Basketball) - so in the evening I dont have to go out drinking every day!
Your graphics and sounds are unbelievable!
(Would you allow Jimmy and me to use them for our scenario?)
Thanks a lot for everything!
And... would you mind telling me, what your next scen will be about?
March 19, 2003, 12:04
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Originally posted by Cifer Almasy
if I am not playing Basketball
A german who plays basketball??
Quite impressive i must admit.
March 19, 2003, 15:20
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you think? the city I live is not really big, but there are some people playing!
when I was 14 or 15 (?) my team played "Oberliga" ...I guess it was the third highest league in Germany (for youth)...
hmmm after showing off a little (with at least nothing)  I would really like to see some ACTION inside this thread!!!
March 19, 2003, 16:07
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Great work, my friend Curt, but I have to report that the Soviet Union declares war to Axis when Hitler tries to invade Belgrad and Bucharest. What about this?
March 19, 2003, 16:09
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And why Bucharest is not an Axis city? Romania was allied with Germany and Italy
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