March 22, 2003, 02:47
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No... just to flag burners in general
March 22, 2003, 02:49
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Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui
it's sorta sad that a symbol gets you so riled up. Someone hates your country? Deal with it.
If someone comes up to my face and says "I f***ing hate you", I'll tell you that I won't be pleasant to them.
Ignore 'em.
It's a pretty useless blanket statement. There are good things and bad things about every country. Some are better, some are worse. But I can honestly tell you I'd feel no anger whatsoever in watching someone burn a Canadian flag, and I'm prolly more proud of my identity than most.
March 22, 2003, 02:50
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If somebody burnt a canadian flag they were probably just trying to keep warm...
March 22, 2003, 02:51
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Actually, it was nice out today.
50 by your Fahrenheit scale...
All the snow was melting like crazy...
March 22, 2003, 02:51
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You are a calmer person that I am, then.
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March 22, 2003, 02:51
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Originally posted by Frogger
Imran: it's sorta sad that a symbol gets you so riled up. Someone hates your country? Deal with it.
If all they're doing is burning flags, be thankful. They could be flying planes into buildings...
Well, burning the US flag is like saying "America ****ing sucks", and people who love, or at least like America can understandablely be upset by this. Its like if someone says, "your family sucks ass!", and burns your family crest - its only natrual for you to feel upset, if you have any warm feelings toward your family. If you dont mind the malicious burning of the Canadian flag, well, more power to you.
But people who are proud Americans, and there are many of those (and rightfully so, as they have much to be proud of... and yes, yes i know, have stuff to be a shamed of too, but dont even think about refuting they have much to be proud of) are proud of themselves, and their country. Can you blame them for getting a little uposet when they are disrespected?
March 22, 2003, 02:52
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Originally posted by Frogger

Actually, it was nice out today.
50 by your Fahrenheit scale...
All the snow was melting like crazy...
It was 18C out here.
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March 22, 2003, 02:52
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Originally posted by MichaeltheGreat
Wanna join them? 
Oddly enough, people post here from all over the world and pretty close to the whole spread of ideologies. A lot of people might find other people's manners "hideous" but Ming and I clearly warned people about the tone of arguments and the low tolerance for insults, flames, etc.
Do what you have to do Mike.
Slowwhand and Ned were both provoked in an agressive manner. Most Americans love what our flag represents, though I am sure there is no need to explain that you as someone who has risked his life serving under it. Posting what Tassadar did naturally illicited the type of response they got, and any statements directed to him were a result of deliberate provokation and well deserved.
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March 22, 2003, 02:53
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Someone screams "you suck, *******" you really have to ask who it's saying more about. If they can narrow down to precisely why you suck, then you're getting somewhere. Otherwise, ignore 'em.
March 22, 2003, 02:54
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America doesn't stand for insults.
"Thems fightin' woids!"
March 22, 2003, 04:17
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this loosely relates to the protests. I will ignore flag burners. They only do it for all the attention and the anarchy it creates. If they really cared about people they would join the peace corps or something. Or donate their time to help children. Not spend all day *****ing about the U.S.
I have come to some conclusions. I am sure to offend people.
I believe anti-war protestors are selfish *******s who only care about themselves and their own circle of friends and family. They have no regards whatsoever for other people.
These same people should have been protesting the conditions in Iraq for the past 15 years. Why haven't they? Do they not care that we are helping Iraqis? And that by going to war with Iraq we are actually saving civilian lives. Do they not care about the Iraqis cheering in the towns we have taken. No, they only care about them and getting media attention.
I have come to the conclusion that war protestors are attention whores. They can care less about other people throughout the world. They only want attention. What's even worse is they are not emotional and mentally mature. When they were cuffed in San Francisco they were thrashing their bodies about like little toddlers. They were essentually throwing a temper tantrum. They made complete asses of themselvs. I used to respect anti-war protestors, but no more. I realize them for the idiots they are. They are nothing more than petty anarchists and attention whores.
I also think that a fair number them are equivalent to forum trolls. I have determined this by the stupid statements they have made. They seem to hate america no matter what good we do. They say that america deserved the 9/11 attacks and that our attacks on hirsoshima and nagasaki are the reason the WTC was attacked. To them every nation in the world is always right, and the U.S. is always wrong. And then this stupid broad said why don't we invade Tibet then? She doesn't realize that would start the third world war, and we'd get our asses kicked. We also don't invade North Korea because we'd get our asses kicked. We would have got our asses kicked in Africa as well, because we do have not support bases out there. We can only help were we are able unfortunately. We are not strong enough as a nation to be able to help every country in the world. We only help were we can, and Iraq is one of those.
And then the blood for oil argument. We didn't know for sure if we'd get that oil. If we wanted it we could have taken it in 1991. And we still faced the possibility he would blow up all the oil fields. There was a good chance we would get no oil. So you cannot say this is blood for oil. We have been lucky so far most of the wells are undamaged or lightly damaged. And lastly, it is not our oil. The oil belongs to the Iraqi people.
I know I have said in the past that liberals are trolls (that thread was deleted). I am wrong about that. I realize that many liberals are for this war. So I apoligize for that. Phil Hendrie said he was a liberal tonight, but he supports the war. So I am wrong about liberals. But I do realize that war protestors are trolls.
So what's the best thing to do to trolls? Ignore them.
So I am now ignoring all protestors. I wish the media would do so also. I can gurantee you that if there were no media coverage, there would be no protestors. You ever notice how the protests have escalated with the advent of television/movie cameras and such?
So I am no longer protesting the protesters. I am ignoring them as the trolls they are.
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Last edited by Dis; March 22, 2003 at 04:55.
March 22, 2003, 04:23
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Its a mob mentality. Most protestors are just ignoramouses who are jumping on the band wagon, cause they think its cool. Not to say that all protestors are like this, some are deserving of respect, but many that I have seen are not.
March 22, 2003, 04:34
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and I agree about the bandwagon.
It was the opposite in sept 2001 strangely. These same people who think the U.S. is the evil empire were all attending candlelight vigils and such and putting flags on their cars  . Now, almost no one has flags on their cars, except for the true patriots.
I have to believe they are hypocrites. To be against war, but not care about the Iraqi citizens is so hypocritical its not even funny.
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March 22, 2003, 04:37
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Patriotism is one of the stupidest concepts I've ever heard.
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March 22, 2003, 04:47
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says a person who lives in a country protected by another country with patriotic people.
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March 22, 2003, 04:48
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Canada is protected by our shield of uselessness.
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March 22, 2003, 04:49
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I'm sorry Asher, but you are young and don't seem to understand the way the world works.
Whether patriotism is right or wrong is meaningless. In a perfect world patriotism would be unecessary.
But what you don't realize there are people in other countries that want to see us dead. We could either A) give it to them- as tehy deserver what we have. Or B) realize we live in a pretty decent place, and refuse to give it to them.
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March 22, 2003, 04:50
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Patriotism is a nicer word for fanaticism, it's almost as silly as religion.
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March 22, 2003, 04:52
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Originally posted by Dissident
I'm sorry Asher, but you are young and don't seem to understand the way the world works.
Whether patriotism is right or wrong is meaningless. In a perfect world patriotism would be unecessary.
But what you don't realize there are people in other countries that want to see us dead. We could either A) give it to them- as tehy deserver what we have. Or B) realize we live in a pretty decent place, and refuse to give it to them.
I'm not saying you shouldn't defend your country, I'm saying it's stupid to drive around, in your country, with a large American flag spread in the back of your Ford pickup truck with Tim McGraw blaring and screaming "USA! USA! USA!".
EDIT: s/McCraw/McGraw
"I'll never doubt you again when it comes to hockey, [Prince] Asher." - Guynemer
Last edited by Asher; March 22, 2003 at 05:09.
March 22, 2003, 04:54
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I don't do that.
But I do realize I live in a pretty nice country. And I will do what it takes to prevent that country from being taken away by terrorists.
And yes they can defeat us. they have already succeeded in spreading a large amount of fear throughout the U.S.
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March 22, 2003, 04:55
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I'm not saying you shouldn't defend your country
Isn't that patriotism?
The rest of the stuff you are describing would be called 'nationalism'.
P.S. it's Tim McGraw, and what's wrong with a flag attached to the end of your pickup
“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
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March 22, 2003, 04:58
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and the only flag I own is the flag I got for my father's funeral (memorial service actually)- as he was a veteran.
It is in a case, I never fly it.
I don't go flag waving, I consider myself a patriot because I have been in the military, and would gladly do so again if I felt I was needed to prevent my country from being destroyed/taken over.
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March 22, 2003, 04:59
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Originally posted by Asher
Patriotism is a nicer word for fanaticism, it's almost as silly as religion.
I partially agree, but not entirely. Patriotism can be fanatical, as colorfully detailed by your subsequent post (  ), but it is necessarily. Patriotism is like team spirit. When I was on the basketball and track team, we proudly wore shirts that bore our sport, and our school mascot. It was team spirit, it was pride. We were proud to be a varsity player, representing our school.
Patriotism can be analogous. Patriots can be fanatical, or they can just be proud.
March 22, 2003, 05:02
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... and patriotism is usually required for a real defense of a country. Without it, everyone would merely just fight for themselves or their localities.
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- John 13:34-35 (NRSV)
March 22, 2003, 05:05
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Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui
I'm not saying you shouldn't defend your country
Isn't that patriotism?
I suppose, I consider it more of protecting my investment (tax money and whatnot  ).
I was referring more of the "USA! USA USA!" type patriotism with American-Flag everything rather than defending your country when it's attacked.
P.S. it's Tim McGraw
Yeah, I know that, I don't know why I typed McCraw.
and what's wrong with a flag attached to the end of your pickup
You need to get out of the south...and fast...
"I'll never doubt you again when it comes to hockey, [Prince] Asher." - Guynemer
March 22, 2003, 05:07
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Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui
... and patriotism is usually required for a real defense of a country. Without it, everyone would merely just fight for themselves or their localities.
And yeah, for "real defense" you need to find lots of people indoctrined and convinced to be so patriotic to their country that they'll kill and be killed for it.
"I'll never doubt you again when it comes to hockey, [Prince] Asher." - Guynemer
March 22, 2003, 05:08
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You need to get out of the south...and fast...
Seriously. I assume you'd say there is nothing wrong with flag bumper stickers on cars. And there is nothing wrong with pickups (I see as many down here as I saw in Jersey, btw), especially Fords (F-350 is quite nice).
“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
- John 13:34-35 (NRSV)
March 22, 2003, 05:11
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Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui

Seriously. I assume you'd say there is nothing wrong with flag bumper stickers on cars.
Why would you assume that?
Bumper stickers are even more tacky.
And there is nothing wrong with pickups (I see as many down here as I saw in Jersey, btw), especially Fords (F-350 is quite nice).
There's nothing wrong with pickups, as long as you use them as many people really do that.
Even better are the Soccer Moms in the F-350 Super Duties.  Awesome.
Imagine...Soccer Mom in F-350 with a "My Son is an Honor Student" bumpersticker, Jesus fish, with a large American flag in the bed of the pickup (w00t).
"I'll never doubt you again when it comes to hockey, [Prince] Asher." - Guynemer
March 22, 2003, 05:13
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Originally posted by Asher
And yeah, for "real defense" you need to find lots of people indoctrined and convinced to be so patriotic to their country that they'll kill and be killed for it.
You seem condecending towards those who want to protect their life style and the life style of those they love
March 22, 2003, 05:15
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Originally posted by Kramerman
You seem condecending towards those who want to protect their life style and the life style of those they love
Nah, people can do what they want, I don't think any less of them.
But it's a simple fact that to have an effective military, they do have to be indoctrined properly (what do you think boot camp is for?).
"I'll never doubt you again when it comes to hockey, [Prince] Asher." - Guynemer
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