[13:03] (Method> how did it do that? with our naval yard an everything?
[13:03] * GT^Commish has no idea.
[13:04] (Method> BTW: how many crawlers do i have stockiled now?
[13:04] (Method> *stockpiled
[13:04] (GT^Commish> Enough, I'd say.
[13:04] (Method> so....5?
[13:04] (Method> of those 0-2-3*2 trance's?
[13:04] (GT^Commish> At least.
[13:04] (Method> that was fast.
[13:05] (Maniac> Why did you give them a fusion reactor btw?
[13:05] (GT^Commish> Cedayon had them rushed.
[13:05] (GT^Commish> Huh?
[13:05] (Method> oh, uhm
[13:05] (Method> dunno. wanted to make them a round figure
[13:05] (Method> they're 100 mins i think
[13:05] (Maniac> ah ok
[13:05] (Maniac>

[13:05] (GT^Commish>

[13:05] (GT^Commish> You're talking about Aurillino, aren't you?
[13:05] (Method> uh oh.
[13:06] (GT^Commish> Jedinica has more than enough.
[13:06] (GT^Commish> And that's what I was talking about.
[13:06] (Maniac> More than enough what?
[13:06] (GT^Commish> I'll check Aurillion.
[13:06] (Method> oh.
[13:06] (GT^Commish> Crawlers.
[13:06] (Maniac> Ah ok
[13:06] (Maniac> Why did Jedinica need those crawlers again??

[13:06] (Method> projects i guess
[13:06] (GT^Commish> ToE.
[13:07] (Maniac> Ah yes. True too.
[13:07] (Method> old cedayon wants to help out his Centralian Aurillian and Twin Sian friends

[13:07] (Method> for the cloning vats living refinery and nano factory
[13:07] (GT^Commish> btw, our income just skyrocketed now that we have some energy sats.
[13:07] (Method> how much now?

[13:07] (GT^Commish> It's at 994.
[13:07] (Method> how mnay sats?
[13:07] (GT^Commish> 3.
[13:07] (GT^Commish> With mroe to come
[13:08] (GT^Commish> * more
[13:08] (GT^Commish> Anyway, TKG, building projects in DEM hasn't been approved yet, has it?
[13:08] (Method> not yet
[13:08] (Method> we just *assume* that
[13:08] (GT^Commish> And would you like a Robotic Assmebly Plant there?
[13:08] (Method> yes, very much so
[13:09] (Method> in fact...
[13:09] (Method> let me see
[13:09] (GT^Commish> In queue.
[13:09] (GT^Commish> To built next.
[13:09] (Method> what's the Q now?
[13:09] (Method> how many turns on current project?
[13:09] (GT^Commish> 1.
[13:09] (Method> so nothing else in the Q?
[13:09] (GT^Commish> Hovertank crawler (current), RAP, HTC, HTC.
[13:09] (GT^Commish> I can remove the last two if you like.
[13:10] (Method> leave them for now
[13:10] (Method> how are Xan and ZG doing?
[13:10] (Method> and UNPD i guess.
[13:11] (GT^Commish> *BOOM*
[13:11] (GT^Commish> The two Hive ships attacking UNAXB are no more.
[13:13] (GT^Commish> *BOOM*
[13:13] (GT^Commish> Just eliminate a probe team that was the sole garrison of TLH.
[13:13] (GT^Commish> * eliminated
[13:14] (GT^Commish> And also destroyed the garrison of Paradise Swarming for a second time.
[13:14] (GT^Commish> Getting an elite chopper in the process.
[13:14] (GT^Commish> And it would seem that Uang is having a lot of problems with Drone Riots, too.
[13:15] (GT^Commish> * Yang
[13:15] (Method> good for him

[13:15] (Method> probably all the rec commonses and holo theatres he has to scrap due to energy
[13:16] (GT^Commish> Anyway, TKG: the bases oyu asked about are doing nicely, and I've inserted RAPs
into their ques to be built next.
[13:16] (GT^Commish> * you
[13:16] (Method> hm.
[13:16] (Method> that's fine, as long as we have enough crawlers in JedVri
[13:17] (GT^Commish> We're going to shatter the 1000 mark for income next turn.
[13:21] (GT^Commish> TKG: Stage II or your evil land-raising plan is almost complete.
[13:21] (GT^Commish> * of
[13:21] (Method> splendid
[13:22] (GT^Commish> Just finished a third row of the energy park, btw.
[13:22] (GT^Commish> I can ahrdly imagine the amount of energy that thing's going to produce.
[13:23] (GT^Commish> * hardly
[13:23] (Maniac>

[13:23] (Method> should be 11 on each solar collector and 5 on each mirror IIRC
[13:23] (GT^Commish> Now preparing to cash in that AA we found

[13:24] (Maniac> 8 on 0-1000 level
[13:24] (Maniac> 9 on river
[13:24] (Method> didn't raise it yet?

[13:24] (Method> digital sentience?

[13:24] (Maniac> That would cost too much right now as there isn't a base nearby.
[13:24] (GT^Commish> Photon/Wave Mechanics.
[13:24] (Method>

[13:24] (Method> oh well
[13:25] (GT^Commish> You know, we're only a few techs off from Quantum Mechanics.
[13:25] (GT^Commish>

[13:26] (Method> digital sentience

[13:27] (GT^Commish> f*ck.
[13:27] (Method> *sigh*
[13:28] (GT^Commish> Just tried to use an empath rover against a mindworm boil that was threatening
the enrgy park, and it got killed.
[13:28] (GT^Commish> Luckily, we have another one nearby.
[13:28] (GT^Commish> Goodbye, worm.
[13:30] * Method sets mode: +n
[13:34] -> [GT^Commish] PING
[13:35] (Maniac> Guys, I'm leaving you.
[13:35] (Maniac> See ya.
[13:35] * Maniac has left #smacdg
[13:35] (GT^Commish> cya
[13:37] * The-Gingerbread-Man has joined #smacdg
[13:37] * The-Gingerbread-Man has left #smacdg
[13:38] (GT^Commish> 2280 complete.
[13:39] (GT^Commish>

Energy market crash reduces our energy reserves to 1343.
[13:39] (GT^Commish>

[13:39] (Method> should've spent more

[13:39] (GT^Commish> Another Hive impact ship appeared and destroyed one of our interceptors in UNAXB.
[13:39] (Method> how? still no garrison?
[13:40] (GT^Commish> I rushed it, but ti hadn't appeared yet.
[13:40] (GT^Commish> * it
[13:40] (GT^Commish> Anyway, we now have the ToE.
[13:40] (Method> oh, good.
[13:40] (Method> i thought we did that last time

[13:40] (Method> how much on the tech/turn?
[13:40] (Method> still 2?
[13:41] (GT^Commish> 3.
[13:41] (GT^Commish> We're short by about 300 lab points.
[13:41] (Method>

[13:41] (GT^Commish> btw, NA has temporarily become the highest-producing base we have

[13:42] (GT^Commish> It just got a RAP.
[13:42] (Method> stealing boreholes?
[13:42] (Method> oh.
[13:42] (Method> :P
[13:42] (GT^Commish> Nor rushing DEM's.
[13:42] (GT^Commish> * now
[13:42] (GT^Commish> And our income has now passed 1000.
[13:43] (Method> ok
[13:43] (Method> dance
[13:43] (Method>

[13:44] (GT^Commish> Yang is now only three turns away from being bankrupt again

[13:45] (Method> yay
[13:45] (Method>

[13:45] (GT^Commish> Unfortunately we can't pull off another turkey shoot on him, because his troops
are wisely staying out of range

[13:50] (GT^Commish> TKG: Your evil land-raising plan is now complete.
[13:50] (Method> splendid.
[13:50] (Method> may the evil of industry haunt drogue's dreams

[13:51] (Method> Akiria: so evil, it's almost finnish
[13:51] (GT^Commish> Now, how exactly did you intend to turn the Gulf of Tacticus into TKG Mountain?
[13:51] (Method> lots of formers?

[13:52] (GT^Commish> You'll have to submit some actual orders.
[13:52] (GT^Commish> So it'll wait until next chat

[13:52] (Method> fine
[13:54] * NuclearisWinterius has joined #smacdg
[13:54] * Method slaps NuclearisWinterius around a bit with a large trout
[13:54] * NuclearisWinterius was kicked by Method (Method)
[13:55] (GT^Commish>

[13:55] (GT^Commish> The energy park is almost finished.
[13:55] (Method> goody.
[13:56] * The-Gingerbread-Man has joined #smacdg
[13:56] * The-Gingerbread-Man has left #smacdg
[14:07] * Method pokes Tacticus
[14:07] (Method> update?
[14:07] (GT^Commish> 2281 complete.
[14:07] (GT^Commish>

[14:07] (GT^Commish> A hive Impact Rover appeared out of the fungus up north and destroyed one of our
former teams.
[14:08] (GT^Commish> And it seems we also have a pop near DEM.
[14:08] (Method> i suggest you kill it

[14:08] (Method> no surprises. how much ED?
[14:08] (GT^Commish> And it's unleashed all hell.
[14:08] (GT^Commish> I don't know, I can't see.
[14:08] (GT^Commish> We have Biomachinery, btw.
[14:08] (Method> ok
[14:08] (GT^Commish> Homo Superior was next, wasn't it?
[14:08] (Method> i think
[14:09] (Method> Science poll indicates clear preference for Biomachinery/Homo Superior route. Next
favorite Industrial Nano, then 3rd place for Centaur Psi, unless anyone has any objections.
[14:09] (Method> -Jam
[14:09] (GT^Commish> Yep.
[14:09] (GT^Commish> Well, this should help pay for that Enrgy Market Crash

[14:09] (GT^Commish> * energy
[14:10] (Method> now we have to empath-unit the hell out of the worms
[14:10] (GT^Commish> That shouldn't be hard.
[14:10] (GT^Commish> Success!
[14:10] (GT^Commish> (with the land ones, anyway).
[14:10] (GT^Commish> 440 ECs recovered.
[14:10] (GT^Commish>

[14:11] (GT^Commish> I tried to attack a Locust that was flying offshore with an empath chopper, and
it kicked our @$$!
[14:11] (Method> sure it did. 1:1
[14:11] (GT^Commish> When it comes onto land, we can attack with ground units, can't we?
[14:12] (GT^Commish> btw, DEM BADLY needs to curb it's ED.
[14:12] (GT^Commish> It's at 100.
[14:12] (Method> i guess so
[14:12] (Method> take a worker off a borehole and work an ocean tile
[14:12] (Method> or make an engineer
[14:12] (Method> or something
[14:13] (GT^Commish> I've pulled workers off two boreholes, and that took care of matters

[14:13] (Method> ok
[14:13] (Method> what are they working now?
[14:13] (GT^Commish> They're engineers.
[14:14] (Method> ok
[14:16] (GT^Commish> Okay, the energy park is basically complete.
[14:16] (GT^Commish> Time to start sending up the crawlers.
[14:16] (Method> ok
[14:17] (GT^Commish> Our income just passed 1100, btw.
[14:21] (GT^Commish>

[14:21] (Method> cool. i just found out that DanQ lives not more than 20 mintues away from me
[14:21] (GT^Commish> Yang has now moved another squadron of jets into TLH.
[14:21] (Method>

[14:21] (Method> splendid
[14:21] (GT^Commish> Time for another turkey shoot.
[14:22] (GT^Commish>

[14:22] (GT^Commish> He's got AAA tracking units.
[14:22] (Method> i wish we were playing SMAX
[14:22] (GT^Commish> Fortunately, we still killed his garrison.
[14:22] (Method> we could use WAVE on him
[14:22] (GT^Commish> Unfortunately, we wouldn't have that now anyway.
[14:23] (GT^Commish> Anyway, I just destroyed his jet.
[14:23] (GT^Commish> Time for the other units.
[14:23] (GT^Commish> *BOMM*
[14:23] (GT^Commish> *BOOM*
[14:24] (GT^Commish> Yang is now researching Presentient Algorithms, just so that you know.
[14:24] (Method> poor him
[14:24] (GT^Commish> And he's heading for bankruptcy even faster than before.
[14:26] (GT^Commish> And I've no used an interceptor to destroy yet another of his jets on the gorund
at Great Clustering.
[14:26] (Method> cool
[14:27] (GT^Commish> Also used a chopper to kill two mroe Hive formers.
[14:27] (GT^Commish> * more
[14:27] (GT^Commish> This is just sad.
[14:27] (Method> ...for him
[14:27] (Method> bwahahaha
[14:28] (GT^Commish> Also bagged a Hive garrison moving between bases, though he was a bit more
[14:28] (GT^Commish> His military is shrinking *VERY* fast.
[14:29] (Method> excellent
[14:31] (GT^Commish> I think we will have pretty much fulfilled Cedayon's plans for energy sats next
[14:31] (GT^Commish> We'll have 17.
[14:31] (Method> good
[14:31] (Method> nothing but good news i'm hearing
[14:32] * Method plots to overthrow DanQ's...house
[14:36] (GT^Commish> OH crap.
[14:36] (GT^Commish> There are more Hive troops threatening the energy park.
[14:36] (Method> so much for [22:17:51] (Method> nothing but good news i'm hearing
[14:36] (GT^Commish> IT's basically impossible to prevent them from getting at least one former.
[14:37] (GT^Commish> But let's look on the bright side.
[14:37] (Method> build more sensors
[14:37] (GT^Commish> Three more of Yang's valuable units to kill.
[14:37] (GT^Commish> And I would build mroe sensors, if there was room in our territory.
[14:38] (GT^Commish> They won't work toehrwise.
[14:38] (GT^Commish> * otherwise
[14:38] (Method> true
[14:42] (Method> i'm done. gotta get up relatively early tomorrow.
[14:43] (Method> later
[14:43] * Method has left #smacdg
[14:43] (GT^Commish> 2282 complete (for anyone who's listening)
[14:45] (GT^Commish> Crap.
[14:45] * GT^Commish slaps Evangelion-Freak around a bit with a large trout
[14:45] (GT^Commish> A Believer Misisle Cruiser just attacked Circular Quay and sank the ship that was
guarding it.
[14:51] (GT^Commish> Okay, I think this is about enough.
[14:51] (GT^Commish> -END CHAT-