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Old May 6, 2003, 11:32   #61
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Old May 6, 2003, 11:34   #62
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Old May 6, 2003, 11:35   #63
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the world
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Old May 6, 2003, 11:40   #64
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How do I put the image in here? I have my faction map ready on a GIF format.

Mellian, I was under the impression that every faction got all their stats (1000 pp, 1400 rp, etc.) at the first year of the game, then have the game progress "normally" thereafter?

I posted detailed descriptions and the "how, where, why, when, etc" on my actions to clarify and back-up the reasons or ways I did my actions in the first NEC "turn" of a 20 year period from 2100 to 2120.

I'm trying to base my actions on what my bases actually generate over a 20 year period, which turns out to be 270 minerals total as I stated in my earlier post.

I'm getting more and more confused on exactly how this is going on.

Last edited by Sovereign; May 6, 2003 at 11:47.
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Old May 6, 2003, 11:51   #65
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I hope this works.......

Here goes nothing.............

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Old May 6, 2003, 11:56   #66
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Whew... the image did upload.

Disregard the building quota displayed under the name of each of my 5 bases.

University Base is building the Virtual World.

Zoloft Gold is building a colony pod.

Climate Research Lab is building another Rover Former.

Mendelev College is building a colony pod.

Lab Three is building another Rover Former.

I intend to use the 2 new Rover Formers to start clearing out the huge patch of fungus to the west of Mendelev College and north of Climate Research Lab next to the ocean, near where the Manifold Nexus is supposed to be.

I'm using the original SMAC version, until I get home in 2 weeks and can use the SMAC-X map and game on my other computer.
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Old May 6, 2003, 16:35   #67
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Mellian, I was under the impression that every faction got all their stats (1000 pp, 1400 rp, etc.) at the first year of the game, then have the game progress "normally" thereafter?
1000 pp, 1400, etc at 2120 when NEC will start from, THEN the game progresses 'normally'.

I'm getting more and more confused on exactly how this is going on.
and i will keep clarifying oh and only get 20 terraforming points after getting a Former to start up with, not 20 per Former.... some bases may not be connected road wise on 2120, or no farms, etc.

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Old May 7, 2003, 13:08   #68
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In light of your clarifications, should I hold off any actions for the University until 2130 with building and research?

That way, I can acculumate the 130 extra pp needed to build these units I already placed on the map I put up a few posts back. In addition, I can have University Base work on the Virtual World.

Same idea for the research. 100 pp from 2120 to 2130, and then research the tech I posted that I would be currently researching.

However, keep the population going. I think all my 5 bases would be size 2 or 2 1/2 by 2130 I think?

Essentially, I won't take any further actions for my faction the University, except population growth or communications with other factions until NEC hits the year 2130.

Hope this helps to resolve the mis-start I had.
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Old May 7, 2003, 23:03   #69
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I suggest you just downgrade to the numbers I suggested because i am not even sure how fast well be going through the turns, considering that turns will go per month then per year.

also, don't worry about Units positioning, we'll deal with that once we start the game, if needed.

now, just trim down the techs, units/facilities and terraforming to the numbers and clarifications i gave.

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Old May 7, 2003, 23:05   #70
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So only the Peacekeepers, Morganites, Believers and University factions will start with players?

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Old May 9, 2003, 12:43   #71
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Hold up a sec, Mellian.

You're telling me we're having 12 "turns" per game year?

If so, will the minerals, research, food, etc. be treated the same way as a game year?

For example, my 5 bases generate 15 minerals total each "turn" as in a game "turn"....

Will my bases generate the 15 minerals every month, or every year?

I'll remove the 3 rovers, which will leave me with 1010 total pp's. I can have my 5 bases generate the extra 10 pp's during the first game "turn" we are gonna do.

Then after that, I'll have the 3 rovers built, then when they're finished, my bases will switch over to my prior plan, such as Virtual world, colony pods, etc.

Ditto for technology.

I'll just have all the roads and a mine set up.

All the roads would be a total of 14 tp's.

4 sections between University Base, Zoloft Gold, and Climate Research for 8 total, as shown on the map, then 3 sections of road from University Base to Mendelev College, and Lab Three to the road between University Base and Zoloft Gold, which is 6 sections total, then that will give us 14 sections of road.

The mine will go on the mineral deposit next to University Base on the western lip of the crater.

That'll be 22 tp, I believe. The 2 extra tp's will be generated during the first game "turn" the same way as my bases will generate the 10 additional production points as stated above.

I will have all my formers farm until the actual map matches the one I provided above, which should take 8 to 12 game turns total from right now.

Will that help, Mellian?
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Old May 9, 2003, 15:46   #72
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Sovereign, did you even bother to read the first post in the Datalinks thread?


Facilities will take up minerals for construction in a per game year basis.

Units will take up minerals for construction in a per game month basis.

technology research per game year

sub-tech research game month

terraforming per game year

population growth per game year

energy per game month

Why i set it up that way? so we can better focus on the roleplaying process, which is hard to do in a per year manner...unless people wants to make this into an actual interactive history?

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Old May 13, 2003, 12:18   #73
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I would like to be honest with you about this.

I did read the game rules and everything, but it gets confusing when you alternate things between per year and per month basis.

I think things would be much simpler and easier to follow if we did EVERYTHING in 1 timeframe.

For example, we decide to do ALL our tech, production, terraforming, diplomacy, unit moving, etc. per month.

Or we do everything on a yearly basis.

Personally, I believe this is best, so new players wouldn't get confused and lost, and keeps things easy on you, me, and the other NEC players.

We would be able to keep track of things much more efficiently and simpler. We also would have a good way to compare notes, so to speak... like diplomacy or comparing stats.

I motion that we keep all our actions in a yearly time-frame. After all, NEC = never ending chiron, which means no "game cut-off" like in the actual SMAC game at year 2500 or 2600. We could keep going until 3000 or 4000 AD.
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Old May 14, 2003, 03:46   #74
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I agree with Sovereign.
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Old May 19, 2003, 12:04   #75
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so be it

so want the turns per year, and just let you people write up what happened during the game year bas eon the results?

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