View Poll Results: Which political party do you associate yourself with?
(=2) Republican Party
12 |
21.43% |
(=2) Democratic Party
8 |
14.29% |
(=2) Communist Party
9 |
16.07% |
Other Party (Please specifiy)
20 |
35.71% |
Peoples Banana Party
7 |
12.50% |
March 25, 2003, 17:58
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However, if the Democrats had FDR and JFK while the Republicans had Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, I probably would be a Democrat.
The major problems I have with Democrats today is their pacifism and their socialistic/class warfare tendencies. So long as they remain against freeing the world of dictators like Saddam and so long as they continue to use class warfare rhetoric in order to impose socialism on United States, Democrats will never get my vote. In my view, a significant percentage of the national Democratic Party are not liberals in the classical sense. They are socialists.
However, there are exceptions.
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March 25, 2003, 18:07
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Socialist. Well, i'm a social liberal. But close enough.
"Love the earth and sun and animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown . . . reexamine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency" - Walt Whitman
March 25, 2003, 18:20
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I have never met a party which I agreed with enough to join. I have voted Democrat, Republican, Green, Libertarian, Reform, and Independant. More often than not Democrat.
I hate George Bush. Not so much for the war, which would have happened at some point anyway, so much as the fact that I resent a spoiled moron representing my country.
I believe the biggest duty every citizen of Earth has is to protect the environment.
I see no reason for non-military citizens to have guns.
I strongly believe in personal accountability - with the exception of the injured, elderly, and mentally handicapped unemployment should be limited to 6 months for your lifetime.
I feel that any drug which is addictive and has no medicinal value should be illegal (including alcohol, tobacco, caffeine). I believe that any drug which is not physically addictive should be legalized (marijuana, LSD, peyote, shrooms) and heavily regulated. Any person caught driving under the influences of these drugs should get at least 5 years in prison. And no, I don't do any of these drugs, and in fact am a severe caffeine addict.
I see no reason for any activity which cannot possibly hurt other people should be illegal. Morality should be completely seperate from the law. This includes any kind of consentual sex between two adults of full mental capacity, gay marriages, polygamy, etc. Not that I condone all of these, I just strongly feel that morality has no place in the law. It is wrong to lie to your loved ones, but should never be illegal.
There is more, but my fingers are tired and chances are most of you who started to read this have fallen asleep by now.
March 25, 2003, 18:45
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I'm in a similiar rut as Nationalist in that my neo-fascist, somewhat Populist views are not adequetely represented in mainstream politics. I got the added problem of those few who have my politics beliefs or something similiar being borderline racists and rural, compared to my black and puerto rican-'loving' urban arse... it's interesting though that except for racial issues, most racial minorities I know (which is 90% of the people i know) are pretty damn conservative on non-racial issues. It's irksome that the Republicans do not even try to tap into this minority, urban vote that would legitimately be theres if it wasnt for the mind games of racial and class conflict the democrats foster.
When I turn 18, I will be registering as a Republican though...
March 25, 2003, 18:57
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well most of them who actually give a damn about anything political or social... it's amazing to see people being like, "we need to have prayer in schools" and then next thing you know they're saying how much of an idiot Bush is...
damn the democrats and their mind games...
March 25, 2003, 19:08
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Originally posted by Frankychan
I could take a dump in a jar and leave it on display and call it "art". .
I consider myself a centrist, socially liberal (pro-choice and all that), but economically conservative.
I am an independent.
seems like alot havent turned 18 yet, makes me feel old... i used to think i was a youngster on this forum, with all you 20/30 somethns...
March 25, 2003, 19:36
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Originally posted by Kirnwaffen
Not old enough to vote, but I would have voted Gore last presidential election.
Too bad... that would have been the deciding vote!
I vote for whichever party is pandering to my current needs.
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March 25, 2003, 19:47
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"Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini
March 25, 2003, 19:52
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Originally posted by Jon Miller
I want a socialist by my name also

JOn Miller
Put me down as a (socialist) under the commies too.
March 25, 2003, 20:04
Local Time: 14:31
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and republicans arnt necessarily laissez fiare - look at their farm subsidies and their tariffs on steel. its just so that they can keep alock on those central US states.
"Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini
March 25, 2003, 20:08
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the Other Party
what's (=2) ?
March 25, 2003, 20:09
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No, they're not as laissez faire as Libertarians, but they are still very pro-business. Very pro Free Trade, NAFTA, etc.
"The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is to have with them as little political connection as possible... It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world, so far as we are now at liberty to do it." George Washington- September 19, 1796
March 25, 2003, 20:24
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What is wrong with Free Trade?
March 25, 2003, 20:26
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Pro buisness and free trade are different. Pro buisness means to let the buisness in your neighborhood prosper by cutting down on regulations and taxes. Free trade means let those companies compete against foreign companies, and if they go under, its their own fault.
"Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini
March 26, 2003, 01:51
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Originally posted by Spiffor
Registered member of the French Communist Party here.
It's funny, but I find you and Che to be very sensible people. I am surprised that you and he, on one hand, and I could come to polar opposites in our beliefs as to which polictical system is best.
But, at least you are honest in stating that you are communists. There are a lot of Democrats here in the US who seem to be communists or socialists, but cannot even admit that they are liberals because "liberal" has largely become a dirty word here in the US.
I was listening to talk radio on the way home tonight. The host, a guy named Savage, actually said that liberalism was a form of mental disorder. According to Savage, liberals cannot think rationally, i.e., they cannot draw proper conclusions from an agreed set of facts. What they do instead, he said, was cancel out reason and substitute emotion and belief.
But, as I said before, I find you to be a reasonable person.
March 26, 2003, 02:24
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Originally posted by Frogger
Put me down as a (socialist).
Stupid (Socialist)!
He's got the Midas touch.
But he touched it too much!
Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!
March 26, 2003, 02:25
Local Time: 15:31
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I have no party affiliation (which is the definition of Independent in the U.S.), but I vote the most for Libertarians, second most for Republicans and the least often for Democrats. No one else has ever gotten my vote.
He's got the Midas touch.
But he touched it too much!
Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!
March 26, 2003, 08:03
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I'd say I was a left wing Conservative. I have voted Conservative and Liberal Democrat in the past.
I would most likely vote Democrat if I were able to vote in the US.
"Everybody knows you never go full retard. You went full retard man. Never go full retard"
March 26, 2003, 08:04
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Originally posted by Ned
It's funny, but I find you and Che to be very sensible people. I am surprised that you and he, on one hand, and I could come to polar opposites in our beliefs as to which polictical system is best.
But, at least you are honest in stating that you are communists. There are a lot of Democrats here in the US who seem to be communists or socialists, but cannot even admit that they are liberals because "liberal" has largely become a dirty word here in the US.
I was listening to talk radio on the way home tonight. The host, a guy named Savage, actually said that liberalism was a form of mental disorder. According to Savage, liberals cannot think rationally, i.e., they cannot draw proper conclusions from an agreed set of facts. What they do instead, he said, was cancel out reason and substitute emotion and belief.
But, as I said before, I find you to be a reasonable person.
Complement and put-down all rolled into one.
"Everybody knows you never go full retard. You went full retard man. Never go full retard"
March 26, 2003, 08:50
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basically somewhere between a conservative and a lib-dem. lower taxes, pro-war, real reform of public services (not just chucking good money after bad), stricter controls on immigration, but i have socially liberal views as well.
will most likely vote lib-dem in the welsh assembly elections, if only to keep the ****ing welsh nationalists out.
edit: oooh nearly forgot, if i was american i'd probably vote based on the individual running, as none of the parties would really represent my views.
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March 26, 2003, 09:59
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I always thought a desire to listen to talk radio
hosts was a mental disorder.
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March 26, 2003, 10:15
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Originally posted by Ned
It's funny, but I find you and Che to be very sensible people. I am surprised that you and he, on one hand, and I could come to polar opposites in our beliefs as to which polictical system is best.
When I'm debating with people I don't agree with, I try to be polite as much as possible, because a high politeness is the only way to avoid a controversial political discussion to turn ugly. Also, I've met here intelligent and curious right-winged people (and I think you are one of those when you don't get emotional), and an orderly debate with them is very interesting, even if it doesn't change each other's ideas.
However, there are some occurences when I get emotional, like abortion or war pictures. Once I understand it is pointless to participate in that kind of threads, I try to stay clear of them.
But, at least you are honest in stating that you are communists. There are a lot of Democrats here in the US who seem to be communists or socialists, but cannot even admit that they are liberals because "liberal" has largely become a dirty word here in the US.
Funny, it has become a dirty word in Europe too  Here, it means "free-marketer" (nothing to do with being pro-gay rights, pro-abortion, or anti-war : heck, the French "liberals" are almost the only ones for the war). Of course, I radically disagree with the free-marketers.
I belong to the communist party, so I haven't any shame in saying so. It is partly a cultural thing : the French CP has been heavily involved in the Resistance to nazism, and has never threatened Democracy since WW2, so it isn't loathed here like it is in the US.
I was listening to talk radio on the way home tonight. The host, a guy named Savage, actually said that liberalism was a form of mental disorder. According to Savage, liberals cannot think rationally, i.e., they cannot draw proper conclusions from an agreed set of facts. What they do instead, he said, was cancel out reason and substitute emotion and belief.
Belief underlies any political opinion. I radically disagree with Libertarians and other free-marketers because I strongly believe no coherent society can exist without rules and collective effort, for example.
In your case, IIRC, you believe your army is defending your freedom (which can be argued with a "your army defends your countries interests above all" argument, which is also a belief).
A good debate takes place between people who had developed a coherent reasoning from their beliefs, not between beliefless people IMHO.
But, as I said before, I find you to be a reasonable person.
Thanks  I think you are too, when you aren't carried away.
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March 26, 2003, 10:22
Local Time: 17:31
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As a Republican Conservative-Libertartian, I must say that the desire to listen to Mike Savage is indicative of a mental disorder.
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March 26, 2003, 10:40
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I was a Republican, but I quit the party because I felt that they had betrayed me. They have consistantly put their economic goals ahead of their social ones vis a vis abortion on demand. They almost always succeed in getting their economic legislature passed, but simply don't put sufficient effort behind their social bills. Frankly I believe that they're simply using social conservatives.
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March 26, 2003, 11:31
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Republican for fiscal and defense policies. Usually democratic for domestic issues (with some notable exceptions.). With the liberal bias in our court system usually keeping the domestic issues under control, my vote is mostly Republican.
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March 26, 2003, 11:53
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When I'm debating with people I don't agree with, I try to be polite as much as possible
Spiffor: I have always found this to be true of you and have appreciated it greatly. You are one of the few on the "left" that really make me think.
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