If i remenber well my planet are size 6 i play with human with no biohaverst bonus, the planet is a sweet spot with 100 % human population, i placed a mil dea, a recrea dea, two industi dea, and 9 bio dea, the fertility are green on nearly all regions and lot of they are plains soo i an now on the turn 390 and a plain produces 150 and a montain 100 of food, i don't remenber the begin of game value, but they are higher too, the inky thing that i remenber is that sometime i produce a total of 1000 food ( turn 50 to 70 if i remenber well ) from this 768 food come from my triving planet...cool dont you think?

About the silicoids and cibernetics, is cool they eat mineral and thinking about we could trade resources, would be cool, they give food and i give mineral, nobody starve
