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Old March 27, 2003, 11:41   #1
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To buy or not to buy (a game in Europe)
One of my main reasons to buy PTW was that Firaxis seemed to take care of their customers. They developed many patches for Civ 3 and it then become more enjoyable than before.

But ... the wait for an patch for UK version of PTW has angered me. First, I didn´t buy Spanish version because it release was later, and the delay in patching Civ3 was annoying (and translation, but this is another point). And now that I have buy a game in English, I have also to wait countless days.

Well, perhaps next time I will decide to download a US game from P2P networks. I´m sure I will get a crack for a new US patch before I'll get a European patch...

[At last, I have to say the last game I have bought is MOO3 at amazon uk. Another reason to not buy a game if you have not seen the demo .]
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Old March 28, 2003, 19:47   #2
Spanish Civers
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Hola Pep!!

Pasate por es el foro hispano.

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- Eleanor Roosevelt
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Old March 29, 2003, 03:09   #3
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Re: To buy or not to buy (a game in Europe)
Originally posted by Pep
One of my main reasons to buy PTW was that Firaxis seemed to take care of their customers. They developed many patches for Civ 3 and it then become more enjoyable than before.

But ... the wait for an patch for UK version of PTW has angered me. First, I didn´t buy Spanish version because it release was later, and the delay in patching Civ3 was annoying (and translation, but this is another point). And now that I have buy a game in English, I have also to wait countless days.

Well, perhaps next time I will decide to download a US game from P2P networks. I´m sure I will get a crack for a new US patch before I'll get a European patch...

[At last, I have to say the last game I have bought is MOO3 at amazon uk. Another reason to not buy a game if you have not seen the demo .]
A mi em va passar el mateix amb l'Europa Universalis II, però en un cas diferent, la versió dels estats units era diferent de les altres i hi havien certes incompatibilitats (ja em diràs tu com pot ser això de dos jocs en anglès!)

Si vols comprar jocs a Europa, compra'n d'empreses europees. Jocs com Tzar (un pél vell aquest ja), the Settlers o el recent Praetorians són d'empreses europees que se'n preocupen més.


PS: Et recomano que visitis el "The Spanish Civilization Site Forum", és un "ghetto" curiós de la gent que no li dóna la gana de parlar anglès en un forum anglès quan la web en questió està en... anglès (no se si et sona de res aquesta situació). Alguns són un tros simpàtics .
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Old March 29, 2003, 04:28   #4
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¡Hola! Me he pasado por el foro y parece bastante divertido . Sobre todo, cierta sátira sobre la guerra ...

Xarxo, quería decirte que a pesar de mi mote no hablo catalán. Eso sí, he descubierto que lo entiendo bastante bien . Lo de los juegos en inglés es por no enfadarme por las traducciones penosas y porque el soporte que dan suele ser mejor (a excepción del PTW comprado en amazon uk, claro ). Aunque también es cierto que así sigo contribuyendo a una industría que pasa no sólo de los no angloparlantes, sino de todos aquellos que no vivamos en America del Norte. Ya veremos lo que hago a partir de ahora...

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Old March 29, 2003, 05:35   #5
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Old April 1, 2003, 17:46   #6
Chemical Ollie
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I just wasted 40 € only to find this in the readme file:

NOTE: TBS Santa Cruz sound cards can cause some compatibility problems with Play the World.
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