[00:19] <Tamerlin> RB the Theater in Graz
[00:20] <CoT> i just posted in Pedrunn's thread where he was concerned about all the large stack around. Has it been decided how to deal or not deal with that before we try to attack Wein?
[00:20] <CoT> slap me if i'm putting my big foot in the flow here
[00:21] <Locutus> saved game, going to upload it now. CoT, are you gonna play along or do you need screens?
[00:22] <CoT> No CTP2 within 3mile of my location! Nah i'll wing it so don't worry about screens
[00:23] <CoT> I'm working

[00:24] <Tamerlin> Locutus, do you post the saved game in the Chat Thread?
[00:24] <Locutus> save uploading. yes
[00:24] <Locutus> should be there in a few secs
[00:24] <Tamerlin> OK
[00:25] <Locutus> will post 1 screen which shows everything but a german settler near mapfipolis
[00:25] <Locutus> save posted
[00:27] <Zaphod> and loaded
[00:27] <ImmortalWombat> I have to go.
[00:28] <Locutus> appoint a delegate...
[00:28] <ImmortalWombat> happy hunting, fellow Lemurians
[00:28] <ImmortalWombat> Zaphod
[00:28] <ImmortalWombat> ?
[00:28] <Locutus>

[00:28] <Locutus> if he agrees...
[00:28] <Locutus> zahp?
[00:28] <Zaphod> yep?
[00:28] <Zaphod> yep
[00:28] <Zaphod> !
[00:29] <Locutus> good. in that case, sleep well, Ben

[00:29] <ImmortalWombat> ok
[00:29] <ImmortalWombat> thx
[00:29] <ImmortalWombat> g'night
[00:29] <Tamerlin> Game loaded, thanks Locutus... bye IW
[00:29] <Zaphod> one question
[00:29] <Locutus> sure
[00:29] <Zaphod> shall we go for more roads, or begin other infrastructure?
[00:29] <ImmortalWombat> I think we have all the roads we need
[00:29] <Locutus> agree
[00:29] <ImmortalWombat> unless we need diversions around cities, go for other infrastructure
[00:29] <Zaphod> ok
[00:29] <ImmortalWombat> Pedrunnia needs farms, HTown wants Trading Posts ASAP
[00:30] <Locutus> dammit, why won't the screenie load... it's prolly to big...
[00:30] * ImmortalWombat has quit IRC (Quit: The Zephyr has left the building)
[00:31] <Locutus> yup, it was. trying a smaller file now, lower quality
[00:32] <Locutus> dammit, too wide
[00:32] <Tamerlin>

[00:32] <Locutus> okay, last try.
[00:33] <Locutus> we'll continue now. everyone ready? pedrunn, you still here?
[00:33] <Locutus> pic posted
[00:33] <Tamerlin> Reday
[00:33] <Tamerlin> uuuh! ready...

[00:33] <Locutus> I hope it's readable on smaller screens...
[00:35] <Locutus> Ballista Towerw built in mapfipolis and Theater in Graz
[00:35] <Locutus> two cities unhappy: CL and press. add entertainers?
[00:36] <Tamerlin> Yes, I was checking the towns, here are my orders:
[00:36] <Tamerlin> Add 1 Entertainer in Colonia Locuta and Pressburg...
[00:36] <Locutus> zaphod, in the meantime, are we spending any of the 287 PW?
[00:36] <Tamerlin> Remove 1 Entertainer in Mpfipolis and Graz...
[00:37] <Zaphod> id say a farm on the grassland near ped
[00:37] <Tamerlin> Is this an order?
[00:38] <Locutus> okay, entertainer orders executed
[00:38] <Zaphod> i think so, it was what iw said as first target
[00:38] <Tamerlin> On which tile...
[00:38] <Locutus> any objections?
[00:38] <Locutus> there is only 1 grass
[00:38] <Tamerlin> Yes, sorry...
[00:38] <Zaphod> though i personally would prefer to start with a farm near mapfipolis, since that is a weak grower bend to be a great producer
[00:39] <Zaphod> but it can go next as well
[00:39] <Locutus> I'd say do it city-by-city and start with the capital: in the long run it will always have be one of the best production cities (more happiness, less corruption)
[00:40] <Locutus> so, building a farm now...
[00:40] <Locutus> any other orders for PW or cities?
[00:40] <Zaphod> nope
[00:40] <Tamerlin> No
[00:41] <Tamerlin> Units?
[00:41] <Locutus> yeah, units.
[00:41] <Zaphod> brb
[00:42] <Pedrunn> I have to go now but i compiled all the orders for this turn
[00:42] <Locutus> pedrunn, you here?
[00:42] <Pedrunn> So can i just post here
[00:42] <Pedrunn> all of them
[00:42] <Locutus> okay, appoint a delegate just in case...
[00:42] <Pedrunn> CoT is the next in my list
[00:42] <Tamerlin> Choose the one to be blamed...

[00:42] <Locutus> he seems busy, but we'll see how it goes...
[00:43] <Pedrunn> Anyway you all can decide for me
[00:43] <Locutus> he can always appoint another delegate himself

[00:43] <Locutus> okay, good night, pedrunn.
[00:43] <Pedrunn> So dont tell anything in the next minutes

[00:43] <Tamerlin> Bye Pedrunn...
[00:43] <Pedrunn> BAIT - South (going straigh to Austria Territory)
[00:43] <Zaphod> goodnight, cu
[00:43] <Pedrunn> wait i am going to post the orders
[00:43] <Locutus> okay:
[00:43] <Locutus> BAIT - South (going straigh to Austria Territory)
[00:43] <Locutus> GOODSIGHT - NW (explore a unknown territory)
[00:43] <Locutus> OSIBUSTER - North (explore a unknown territory)OSIBUSTER - North (explore a unknown territory)
[00:43] <Locutus> SAMURAI - NW (To Linz)
[00:44] <Locutus> any objections?
[00:44] <Locutus> I'll take that as a no...
[00:44] <Zaphod> right
[00:45] <Pedrunn> Bah i am postin in th chat thread since the java chat doesnt allow multiple 'enter' keys
[00:45] <Tamerlin> Samurai NE?
[00:45] <CoT> so what do i do now?
[00:46] <Locutus> tam: already did so, ped already said that was a typo...
[00:46] <Pedrunn> check out here:
[00:46] <Tamerlin> OK
[00:47] <CoT> Pedrunn was MOD right? I got to image 50 pc's in 10 mins and be MOD!!!!!!!!!
[00:47] <Locutus> oesibuster revealed a goody hut N
[00:47] <Pedrunn> K, them seeya
[00:47] <Locutus> okay, appoint someone else as delegate then, CoT...
[00:47] <Locutus> I figured you were busy...
[00:47] <Pedrunn> CoT can you see the orders
[00:48] <Pedrunn> Feel free to cange those orders
[00:48] <Pedrunn> Now it is a goodbye
[00:48] <Zaphod> shouldn't wieners fortify, just in case the scots get bad ideas?
[00:48] <Pedrunn> So Locutus can you be the MoD
[00:49] <Pedrunn> yes of course
[00:49] <Locutus> okay, I'm MoD when needed
[00:49] <Locutus> bye, ped
[00:49] <Zaphod> cu
[00:49] <Tamerlin> Bye Pedrunn
[00:49] <Pedrunn> bye
[00:49] * Pedrunn has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[00:49] <CoT> sorry yeah i appoint Locutus

[00:49] <Locutus> I followed pedrunn's old orders BTW, which means goodsight went NW, not N.
[00:49] <Locutus> for those playing along...
[00:49] <Locutus> (pedrunn was too late)
[00:50] <Zaphod> damn, already moved it north
[00:51] <Locutus> okay, takers S, addforce NW, wienners fortify - objections?
[00:51] <Zaphod> nope
[00:51] <Locutus> zaph: oh well, minor issue, won't change much probably...
[00:51] <Tamerlin> Fortify yes, moved it NW, btw who is "backup"
[00:51] <Tamerlin> it=goodsight
[00:51] <Locutus> the stack from wombatoon. we'll get to them in a minute...
[00:52] <Tamerlin> So I don't move backup and hebbeaters?
[00:53] <Locutus> unless someone objects, those two stacks meet NE-NE of backup's current location...
[00:53] <Tamerlin> OK
[00:53] <Zaphod> ok
[00:53] <Locutus> rename tripolis defendis?
[00:54] <Locutus> (and merge of course)
[00:54] <Locutus> or does someone have a better name or possibly a correction on my horrible latin grammar

[00:54] <Zaphod> si effendi
[00:54] <Zaphod> damn, the savegame doesnt carry the names for stacks
[00:55] <Tamerlin> Isn't the correct location NW-NW of Back up?
[00:55] <Locutus> it should...
[00:55] <Zaphod> Q(uick)R(esponse)F(orce) #1 "Central" ?
[00:55] <Locutus> no, NE-NE, same as N-N-N of wombatoon
[00:56] <Tamerlin> Sorry I misplaced the location, no problem...
[00:56] <Locutus> defendii tripoli?
[00:56] <Zaphod> QRF-1-Cntrl you know the military is always keen on abbrevs.
[00:56] <Locutus> sorry, defendi tripoli?
[00:56] <Locutus> that's too much of a pain to use in the chat

let's shorten it to tripoli

[00:57] <Tamerlin> OK
[00:58] <Locutus> next up is the 3-stack from wels. Pedrunns wants to add it to H Town. I disagree: H Town isn't threatened. I say either add it to Graz or to Tripoli...
[00:58] <Locutus> thoughts?
[00:59] <Tamerlin> Graz is close to the front so I would prefer this city...
[00:59] <Zaphod> well, if we sent the units further, we should sort them, letting 2 or 4 pairs in htwon. and the rest go on
[00:59] <Zaphod> i like xH/xA stacks
[01:00] <Zaphod> makes them easy to split or combine if neccessary
[01:01] <Tamerlin> So?
[01:02] <Locutus> agreed, but Tripoli is unbalanced as well, I'd prefer to balance that out first. send 2H to tripoli and 1A to graz?
[01:02] <Zaphod> having a look at triplo
[01:02] <Locutus> sorry, graz=h town
[01:02] <Locutus> it has 2 archers too many
[01:03] <Zaphod> i see
[01:03] <Tamerlin> I agree
[01:03] <Locutus> btw, Graz is building an archer but already has 2 (and 1 hoplite). should we switch to hoplite, tam?
[01:03] <Locutus> zaphod, do you agree as well?
[01:03] <Zaphod> just a question, why do we always produce a/h/a/h... in our unitproducing cities if we have a lack of hoplites?
[01:04] <Zaphod> i agree
[01:04] <Locutus> we don't lack hoplites AFAIK... not many anyway...
[01:04] <Locutus> not right now...
[01:04] <Zaphod> so there must be a stack full of hoplites with few archers somewhere
[01:04] <Locutus> we have 47H 48A - perfect (well, almost

[01:05] <Zaphod> its addforce
[01:05] <Zaphod> 5h1a
[01:05] <Locutus> yup. with reason
[01:05] <Zaphod> yes, makes sense, now when i think about it
[01:06] <Locutus> units from wells moved. no more moves left. any other orders or end turn?
[01:06] <Locutus> tamerlin, how about that graz production? switch to hoplite?
[01:06] <Tamerlin> Checking...
[01:06] <Tamerlin> Add a Hoplite at the front of the Build Queue
[01:07] <Locutus> done. anything else for this turn?
[01:07] <Tamerlin> Do we move the 3 units to H Town or elsewhere?
[01:07] <Zaphod> the 3 units have been moved sss?
[01:07] <Zaphod> to htown, and the htowners south
[01:07] <Zaphod> will give us more speed
[01:08] <Tamerlin> OK
[01:08] <Locutus> I moved 1A to H Town and 2H to Tripoli
[01:09] <Locutus> the 2H will arrive next turn
[01:09] <Locutus> not much is gained by moving units from H Town
[01:09] <Zaphod> well, my archer is still with them, but i gues that can be cured easily next turn
[01:10] <Locutus> indeed
[01:10] <Zaphod> not much is lost
[01:10] <Locutus> so, end turn?
[01:10] <Zaphod> but i think we should move on
[01:10] <Zaphod> yes
[01:10] <Tamerlin> Yes
[01:10] <Locutus> okay, ending turn...
[01:11] <Zaphod> scots moved south, german settler between cl and mpf
[01:11] <Locutus> and pilsen grows to size 7
[01:11] <Zaphod> and some funny messages, should have reloaded slic
[01:12] <Locutus> Hoplites built in Pedrunnia and Linz
[01:12] <Locutus> btw, India built a city in the mountains between CL/mapfipolis and maquidad a turn or 2 ago, in case you haddn't noticed...
[01:13] <Locutus> any orders for the cities? entertainers/build queues?
[01:13] <Tamerlin> Checking
[01:13] <Zaphod> you mean surat?
[01:14] <Zaphod> add another farm to ped?
[01:14] <Tamerlin> All is OK
[01:14] <Locutus> agree, zaphod.
[01:14] <Tamerlin> Yes
[01:14] <Locutus> on the river?
[01:14] <Tamerlin> Would be fine
[01:15] <Zaphod> yep
[01:15] <Locutus> okay, farm built. rush-buy the caravan BTW?
[01:15] <Zaphod> on which rivertile?
[01:15] <Tamerlin> NW
[01:16] <Locutus> immediately next to the city
[01:16] <Zaphod> to expensive
[01:16] <Zaphod> o
[01:16] <Locutus> why? no more expensive than any other tile...
[01:16] <Zaphod> i meant rushbying the caravan
[01:16] <Tamerlin> Why not rush buying it and build another one, it would allow us to open our first trade route...

[01:17] <Locutus> ah, ok.
[01:17] <Locutus> that's what I was thinking, tam
[01:17] <Locutus> so it's 2-1, zaph looses

[01:17] <Zaphod> there we go
[01:17] <Tamerlin>

[01:17] <Locutus> RBing caravan
[01:18] <Tamerlin> done
[01:18] <Locutus> build another caravan next turn?
[01:18] <Zaphod> though i still think, we should rushbuy several things from time to time and set the pw rate very high that turn, gives us the things and a lot of pw in the same turn
[01:18] <Locutus> in CL?
[01:18] <Tamerlin> Yes
[01:18] <Zaphod> yes
[01:18] <Locutus> we almost have Trade posts, can we increase PW now or shall we wait?
[01:19] <Tamerlin> No, all seems OK
[01:19] <Tamerlin> Sorry, wrong line before....
[01:19] <Zaphod> as we aren't produncing anything of much urgency it can be set very high in my opinion
[01:20] <Tamerlin> I consider the units very important as they will allow us to end this war as soon as possible...
[01:20] <Locutus> we can set it at 80% max. I say we do this and RB any units which now take 1 turn to finish but take more than 3 turns with PW at 80%...
[01:20] <Zaphod> daccord
[01:21] <Tamerlin> OK
[01:21] <Locutus> that would cost us ~1200 gold. no objections?
[01:21] <Tamerlin> No
[01:21] <Locutus> okay, doing so
[01:22] <Zaphod> so where exactly do we rb?
[01:23] <Locutus> RB everything except Pedrunnia, Wombatoon, Linz and Wels
[01:23] <Locutus> and PW at 80% of course...
[01:23] <Zaphod> done
[01:24] <Locutus> time for the units, unless you have something else but I'll hear from you if so
[01:24] <Zaphod> so, lets go for wien
[01:25] <Tamerlin> done
[01:25] <Locutus> get the goody hut with oesibuster?
[01:25] <Zaphod> yep
[01:25] <Tamerlin> Barbs! And lots of...
[01:26] <Tamerlin> Sure, we will have barbs, the game is well advanced...
[01:26] <Zaphod> great library - consumer electronics
[01:26] <Zaphod> should have reloaded slic

[01:26] <Tamerlin>

[01:26] <Locutus> 2 barb horse archers...
[01:27] <Zaphod> i got 2 hoplites besides of that notice
[01:27] <Locutus> samurai NE, bait S?
[01:27] <Zaphod> y
[01:27] <Locutus> goodsight N?
[01:27] <Zaphod> y
[01:28] <Locutus> (W for zaphod I think

[01:28] <Locutus> moving remaining explorers as stated aboved...
[01:28] <Zaphod> nw i thought
[01:30] <Locutus> goodsight? I moved north, I'm now NE-NE of the cotton
[01:30] <Tamerlin> right
[01:30] <Locutus> you both up to date?
[01:30] <Zaphod> me too
[01:30] <Zaphod> yep
[01:30] <Tamerlin> yes I am
[01:31] <Locutus> okay then, move takers south, addforce west, wienners W-NW?
[01:31] <Zaphod> yep
[01:32] <Locutus> okay, doing so. fortify the units we just built in pedrunnia and linz?
[01:32] <Zaphod> yes
[01:32] <Zaphod> and we should send that warrior in linz scouting
[01:33] <Locutus> Wien is heavily mined - good thing these mines don't hurt as much as some others do

[01:33] <Zaphod> lol
[01:33] <Tamerlin> Scouting towards Pilsen would be a good idea...
[01:34] <Zaphod> along the river?
[01:35] <Tamerlin> Yes
[01:35] <Locutus> I would prefer to scout near the Indian border, and perhaps pick up that Goody hut...
[01:35] <Locutus> (ruin near Guntur)
[01:35] <Zaphod> dont see a ruin
[01:35] <Tamerlin> Far to the south
[01:36] <Zaphod> ok. now i see it
[01:36] <Locutus> bottom of the map, in Indian borders. I say move the warrior from Linz S-SE.
[01:36] <Zaphod> very far south
[01:36] <Locutus> good long-term goal, the Indians don't seem interested...
[01:37] <Tamerlin> OK
[01:37] <Locutus> so, what do you guys think? to Pilsen or to Guntur?
[01:37] <Zaphod> we would have to violate the nontrespasstreaty to get it
[01:37] <Locutus> they won't see us
[01:38] <Tamerlin> I would prefer Pilsen as we are campaigning against them... and we don't know if this hut still exists
[01:38] <Zaphod> id go for pilsen as well
[01:38] <Locutus> it still exists: if a hut is taken it disappears of the mapp instantly
[01:38] <Locutus> okay, then I'm outvoted

[01:39] <Tamerlin> OK... didn't knew
[01:39] <Tamerlin> Pilsen...
[01:39] <Tamerlin> Yes, sorry, S-SW
[01:39] <Locutus> we do risk being chased by the barb then....
[01:40] <Zaphod> you are outvoted, but since you are the mod-delegate that doesn't count

[01:40] <Locutus> it's still a democracy, zaph

[01:40] <Zaphod> and if that proves to be a bad decision in the future, we have to blame pedrunn :P
[01:41] <Locutus> indeed

I'll first move the 2 hoplites from wels to Tripoli and then if I don't hear you changed your mind on the Warrior I'll send it S-SW (towards the barb)
[01:41] <Tamerlin> S-SW and then step back if you spot a barb
[01:41] <Locutus> btw, tripoli fortified.
[01:42] <Locutus> warrior moved, end turn?