April 1, 2003, 16:24
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April 1, 2003, 16:25
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Well, I have a feeling that he won't be teasing anyone in the near future.
April 1, 2003, 16:27
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Yeah but if HE was the one who pressed charges he's a vendictive little weazel too that don't know when he's had it
Of course Uber did the one thing he shouldn't... he reacted like a little spastic (is that the word, no offence  )
if it was a trap it worked too well
April 1, 2003, 16:27
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There aren't many people who will just go up and ask virtual strangers on a date.
Or grab them and ensure them that they are attracted to each other... Man, that has got to be one of the worse things that could happen to a homophobe... Apart from Deliverence...
April 1, 2003, 16:28
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that doesnt make it right to punch him
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April 1, 2003, 16:32
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if it was a tease, then by all means punch the hell out of him  although I'd think a sharp tongue (no innuendoes) would have done much more damage  and then there's the law.
if that gay guy was sincere, then yes it was a childish, stupid act. (from the part of Uber, for the other guy a gross miscalculation)
April 1, 2003, 16:37
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I think regardless of that guy Chad's intentions, they were both wrong, while Uber was of course much more in the wrong, because he used physical violence.
April 1, 2003, 16:37
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You shouldn't have hit him but he shouldn't have grabbed you nor been so insistent. I'm not a legal expert but could his grabbing you and holding your arm be a form of assualt? That wouldn't excuse but it may justify your reaction.
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April 1, 2003, 16:39
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Azazel, agreed.
BTW I only had one gay guy hit on me (in the army of all places  ) and it wasn't done like this at all. Just a very timid and shy invitation for a cup of coffee during our day out.
April 1, 2003, 16:42
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maybe he was just trying to be friendly? How do you know he was gay?
April 1, 2003, 16:43
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He said so.
April 1, 2003, 16:44
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Well, I had different experiences in the field. Nuff Said.
April 1, 2003, 16:45
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He also impersonated a famous Greek actress in front of us  it was hilarious
April 1, 2003, 16:47
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Originally posted by Azazel
Well, I had different experiences in the field. Nuff Said.
I'm sure we can let our imagination fill in the gaps
April 1, 2003, 16:54
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as I said. 'Nuff said.
April 1, 2003, 17:17
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was it right? no. is assault ever justified? no. do i regret what i did? no. I know i'm wrong, I know i'm not the victim, but i feel NO remorse for this. he can go to hell for all i care.
Then your apology will be meaningless...
Uber, if you really believe that assault is never justified, then you should feel remorse. That's the way it works. Otherwise, what you are really saying is that assault is justified in some cases, such as this one.
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April 1, 2003, 17:20
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no, i know i'm wrong, but i'm not ashamed i did it. i know i am on the wrong side of the law here, and i know i should be punished, but i'm saying i feel no remorse at all.
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April 1, 2003, 18:17
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Well I listened about a girl that kicked a boy to his balls, becose she was currious how he would act. I'm unsure if it was even reported to teacher.
Where are you living? Land of the sued? Next time try the balls. No lasting injuries  you know. Just some danger talk after...
Have you listened? He hit him to his balls.
Becouse he offered him date.
He is homosexual too??? I never knew.
April 1, 2003, 18:27
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Originally posted by PLATO1003
A lot will have to do with what you felt his intent was when he grabbed your hand.
Taking his hand after the advance was reject is the same crime, battery (often labeled assault in criminal statutes), as hitting someone (but of lesser injury), it may be exacerbated becasue of the sexual context.
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April 1, 2003, 18:45
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Bah, I don't have the time or patience to read through 4 pages of posts to see what's been said.
Find the school's Legal aid if they have it and use it. He shouldn't have grabbed your hand after your refusal (sexual harasment?) and you shouldn't have slugged him (assault resulting in further injury above and beyond original action?).
Me = gay. If it was me and I likewise wasn't interested in this individual and he grabbed my hand after my refusal, I too would probably have slugged him if he persisted (or b*tch-slapped him  ) because I don't appreciate people touching me without clear prior permission (platonic gestures). And no, I wasn't held much as a child; physical contact takes time for me to be comfortable with on an individual basis.
I hope things turn out survivable for you Uber. You're not an *sshole in my eyes, you just over-racted to the situation and he got physically hurt more than you had intended.
*Sigh* Good luck, Uber. Hope the best for ya' in this...
EDIT: "...and you should have slugged him..."? That should be "...should n't have..."
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April 1, 2003, 18:56
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Uber : Did the guy already begin anything before the law ? Did his group react vividly to the situation ?
If yes, you should go to an association of sexual harasment's male victims in your area (or something like that). The legal advice from your uni sure is good, but it won't be enough if an influent gay organization decides to attack you as an example.
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April 1, 2003, 19:44
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What you could argue is that he instigated the altercation between you two by sexually harassing you. The fact that he grabbed your hand and implied sexual orientation could swing in your favor that he was sexually harassing you. You could argue that you reacted the only way you felt you could at that time.
Unfortunately, you DID hit him and this is unavoidable. Depending whether or not this other guy decides to make a big hoopla over this, your school's administration could be pressured to side with him. As far as I can see, you probably will be charged with assault (maybe aggravated). But, if you can somehow argue that you were sexually harassed, you might be able to avoid harsher penalties.
I hope you beat this.
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April 1, 2003, 19:46
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As far as I can see, you probably will be charged with assault (maybe aggravated).
You could argue it as a crime of passion... If you don't mind bending the truth...
April 2, 2003, 01:36
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Originally posted by Japher
Or grab them and ensure them that they are attracted to each other... Man, that has got to be one of the worse things that could happen to a homophobe... Apart from Deliverence...
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Only feebs vote.
April 2, 2003, 01:39
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You know, people shouldn't be too hard on UK - at least he isn't Fred Phelps.
Only feebs vote.
April 2, 2003, 01:55
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Re: Well, it finally happened...
Originally posted by UberKruX
... I was involved in what will be construed as a hate crime.
Here's the scenario:
I was comming out of my Methods of Reasoning class, where we just did some group work. This kid, Chad, who I've known to a limited degree, was in my group and seemed geniunely interested in my opinions about the evolution of Artificial Intelligence. Anyway, the class ended, and everyone got up to leave, and Chad goes up to me and asks me out. I say, as politely as possible, "oh, dude, i'm not gay".
then he takes my left hand and says "are you sure?" with this innuendo filled look on his face.
so i punched him in the face with my free right hand. the kid fell down hit a radiator, has a nice gash on the side of his face. The professor called Public Saftey and detained me until they arrived. I have an appointment this Friday to go in front of the school's judicial board, and theres always the chance that he could press criminal charges.
ugh. anyone knowlegable in the law have anything i can use in my defense, especially if they make this out to be a hate crime? apparently the kid is a big player in the schools "Pride Alliance", the gay club on campus. double ugh.
Im sry, i tried sooo hard to keep a straight face, but the image of Uber just slugging a guy in this situation was quite comical to me... for some reason...
oh my... uber, what shall you do... Id go the way of if he presses charges, threaten to accuse him of sexual harassment.
April 2, 2003, 01:57
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Originally posted by UberKruX
no, i know i'm wrong, but i'm not ashamed i did it. i know i am on the wrong side of the law here, and i know i should be punished, but i'm saying i feel no remorse at all.
I wouldnt either. If i made it clear to anyone to get away, gay or not, and they pressed on, I wouldnt hesitate to do what you did  ... maybe thats why i have no friends...
April 2, 2003, 06:39
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Originally posted by nationalist
Standard gay claim. I highly doubt that that is true. I bet that most straight men are "homophobes" (terrible term) to some extent. Just because you have a prejudice, it doesn't mean that you are fighting against that prejudice inside yourself.
That's the same as claiming that most white racists are actually black deep down inside.
I'm not kidding - I didn't believe it myself but I've seen a few examples myself IRL.
The most recent was the guy who used to be in my sociology class - he was the noly one in the class debating homosexuality was wrong.
A couple of months later, after we'd finished college he was in a club. And he came onto me and my gay friend James.
People who are repressed want to distance themselves with gay people in order to 'prove' to others and themselves they are not gay. And to them the best way to do that is to act homophobic.
I'm not aying all homophobes are closet cases- but many of them are.
April 4, 2003, 14:56
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It's university judicial board day for Uber.
We want all the details, Uber!!
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April 4, 2003, 15:05
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Perhaps this will show the thread starter that in life, sometimes a witty put-down is better than a violent reaction.
Oh well, a bit late now, eh?
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