April 2, 2003, 20:27
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The Education situation in AMerica..and why it pisses me off
i didn't get into a grad school. Not due to low grades (i've got high ones). Not due to lw GRE scores (mine are also high). I'm graduation with honors. I'm a decent writer. But i'm graduating in a year where our counry has apparently developed quite the deficit and slid into a recession. My fate has been screwed because politics. So NOW i might be a little pissed about us having a war since we have to pay for it and our education suffers. Let me rant.
Because of the deficit something has to be cut. We can't cut fundings in the health program...can't cut on social security....so the government cuts funding on education. My brother and sisters' middle school can't afford to provide them with books even though the school district is middle class..not poor or rich.
And universities, both public and private, have had their budgets mutilated. this means that professors are getting fired because universities can't afford to keep them on, grad student TA positions are being recinded and no new ones granted, fellowships and scholarships have taken a nose dive, and enrollment for both undergrad and grad students has been hacked into.
The University of TExas has 7000 applicants to their writing department. They usually take 10 to 12. This year they took three and those who do go must pay for it by themselves because there is no money to give them.
THe Graduate English department at Baylor accepted three applicants this year and cut all TA positions, even for returning graduate students. In the english/writing undergraduate department at Baylor, none of the graduating seniors got into a school for graduate study.
San Diego State University (where is REALLY wanted to go) dropped their acceptance from 30 students down to 10. Aid is unavailable.
This situation is expected to last for years. Which means I'm ****ed for years and terrified that i'm not going to find a job. Perhaps i should feel lucky since unlike the English, history, classics etc people, i have a skill: i can writer. they prolly can to, however, i'll have a degree that makes me qualified and not them. Apparently magazines and corporations always need techical writers...but now i must scramble to try and find a place to work in san diego (anyone know a place in SD that needs technical writers??)...and this also means that in 6 months (after may) i begin paying back my loans..years before i was supposed to...
i don't blame Bush. He's one guy. I'll go ahead and blame our whole bloody government. Those old middle aged and elderly shits who have decent jobs and a good income...it's because of them that the next ruling generation has gotten anally ****ed and then some. I just hope the next administration that comes along can fish us out of this mess so i can get an education.
"Speaking on the subject of conformity: This rotting concept of the unfathomable nostril mystifies the fuming crotch of my being!!! Stop with the mooing you damned chihuahua!!! Ganglia!! Rats eat babies!" ~ happy noodle boy
April 2, 2003, 20:31
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Next elections vote on a leftish party. Oh wait,  you don't have one.
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April 2, 2003, 20:38
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hrrm in our state they are only screwing the middle class.
they are increasing the # of scholarships and increasing the tuition. which by logic leads to a screwed middle class.
and since u claim to be in the upper echelon academically I dont know why u can't get a scholarship somewhere.
April 2, 2003, 20:38
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Maniac: so the Communist Party, the Socialist Workers Party, the Green Party are all right wing?
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April 2, 2003, 20:40
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Well, ican sympathize about the not getting a job after graduating bit....
Because of the deficit something has to be cut. We can't cut fundings in the health program...can't cut on social security....so the government cuts funding on education. My brother and sisters' middle school can't afford to provide them with books even though the school district is middle class..not poor or rich.
Yeah, lovely how every candidate states education is thier main goal, and then gut the school budgets?
I do think though that many schools would do better to change how they spend the money they have. I consider myself liberal,. but I do not support the notion of teacher unions having total control over who gets hired or fired. Education is a vital public good, in which performance should be the sole criteria.
As for private universities, they just got hammered by the stock market and lost lots of investments. Also, any time the economy tanks people decide to rush back to school.
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April 2, 2003, 20:41
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Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui
Maniac: so the Communist Party, the Socialist Workers Party, the Green Party are all right wing?
I think he means major US parties
April 2, 2003, 20:44
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Imran S: Only Democrats and Republicans have any real power, and due to the nature of your election system, there isn't much chance there will ever be a multi-party coalitions in the near or far future. New parties don't have a realistic chance.
By European standards the most left of two, the Democrats, could at most be considered centrist, not leftish.
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April 2, 2003, 20:44
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I think he means major US parties
The only thing preventing them from being 'major' is a lack of support.
He said we don't have leftish parties to vote for. We undoubtably do. By saying it isn't worth to vote for them because they don't have power is self-defeating circular reasoning.
“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
- John 13:34-35 (NRSV)
April 2, 2003, 20:45
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yavoon: getting a scholarship is irrelvant in my case since i can't get IN anywhere.
and i can't get in because of all the crap above.....they arn't accepting people....so well qualified people are getting sodomized
even my rejection letters said i'm qualified but because of this crap, they can't accept me.
"Speaking on the subject of conformity: This rotting concept of the unfathomable nostril mystifies the fuming crotch of my being!!! Stop with the mooing you damned chihuahua!!! Ganglia!! Rats eat babies!" ~ happy noodle boy
April 2, 2003, 20:45
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On the loans issue: it is rather easy to deffer your loans. The thing is not to ask for a defferment based on unemployment, since they ask you for records from your states unemployment office, but to claim it on the basis of economic hardship, like not having and income. If you take that route, getting a 12 month defferment is relatively simple.
If you don't like reality, change it! me
"Oh no! I am bested!" Drake :(
"it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
"Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw
April 2, 2003, 20:49
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Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui
He said we don't have leftish parties to vote for. We undoubtably do. By saying it isn't worth to vote for them because they don't have power is self-defeating circular reasoning.
It is however how things work. Most voters like to have their votes accounted, so they won't vote for a sure defeat, especially when they have no runoff after.
I'm sure many Nader voters regret not having voted Gore, despite their deep disagreements with Gore. Simply because Gore is the lesser of two evils.
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April 2, 2003, 20:49
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what is deferrment?
and i'm still angry!
frustrated actually. i dislike setbacks...i dislike not being able to realize my dreams despite hard work and success in my undergrad stuff....it sucks. it's like life just won't let you get ahead. you'd think that it would make more sense to promote education since we're the up and coming generation that is gonna run things. it makes me wanna send all those politicians to lack luster abusive nursing homes when they're old
"Speaking on the subject of conformity: This rotting concept of the unfathomable nostril mystifies the fuming crotch of my being!!! Stop with the mooing you damned chihuahua!!! Ganglia!! Rats eat babies!" ~ happy noodle boy
April 2, 2003, 20:53
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Most voters like to have their votes accounted, so they won't vote for a sure defeat, especially when they have no runoff after.
They only have themselves to blame. 'Don't waste your view' is a motto to ensure a two party dominence.
“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
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April 2, 2003, 20:55
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Give Imran some credit; at the very least, unlike many other Republicans, he recognizes that the Democrats are not leftists.
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April 2, 2003, 20:55
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Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui The only thing preventing them from being 'major' is a lack of support.
There are also structural issues. I don't know much about the way senators & governors are elected in the US, and how the federal and state governments are formed, but isn't it often with the principle "The winner gets all." instead of representation according to your percentage of votes? Such a structure encourages the evolution towards a two-party system, which IMHO cannot decently represent all social groups and defend their interests.
Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
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April 2, 2003, 20:55
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i voted for nader. i wanted a new party...a new something....i felt that way then..and i sure as hell feel that way now..especially since i'm getting the shaft and it's damn near impossible these days to get yourself started in life without help...when you're alone...things suck.
"Speaking on the subject of conformity: This rotting concept of the unfathomable nostril mystifies the fuming crotch of my being!!! Stop with the mooing you damned chihuahua!!! Ganglia!! Rats eat babies!" ~ happy noodle boy
April 2, 2003, 20:56
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Originally posted by Maniac
Imran S: Only Democrats and Republicans have any real power, and due to the nature of your election system, there isn't much chance there will ever be a multi-party coalitions in the near or far future. New parties don't have a realistic chance.
By European standards the most left of two, the Democrats, could at most be considered centrist, not leftish.
Electing two or three 3rd party Senators or a block of 20-30 3rd party Congressmen would certainly have an effect in the Congress or Senate. Jim Jeffords anybody?
R.I.P George Alexandru 9/8/07
April 2, 2003, 20:56
Immortal Factotum
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Originally posted by GePap
On the loans issue: it is rather easy to deffer your loans. The thing is not to ask for a defferment based on unemployment, since they ask you for records from your states unemployment office, but to claim it on the basis of economic hardship, like not having and income. If you take that route, getting a 12 month defferment is relatively simple.
You dont reckon they checked out your spelling?
It may need some assistance for the field your trying to further your education in
Just a thought, maybe that had some bearing on it?
I am by far not an expert, for my spelling/grammar/composition absolutely sux.
I was just pointing out that maybe that had something to do with it?
Grandpa Troll
April 2, 2003, 20:58
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Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui They only have themselves to blame. 'Don't waste your view' is a motto to ensure a two party dominence.
Along with the "The winner gets all." structure...
i voted for nader.
  If only there were more people like you.
Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
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April 2, 2003, 20:58
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Originally posted by devilmunchkin
what is deferrment?
You contact whatever government or private organization that backed your student loans and ask them to send you the paperwork so you can put off that point at which you have to start paying your loans if you can show them that for some reason you lack the ability to pay them back without hardship, and being out of work and hacving no income is just such a situation.
and i'm still angry!
frustrated actually. i dislike setbacks...i dislike not being able to realize my dreams despite hard work and success in my undergrad stuff....it sucks. it's like life just won't let you get ahead. you'd think that it would make more sense to promote education since we're the up and coming generation that is gonna run things. it makes me wanna send all those politicians to lack luster abusive nursing homes when they're old
As soemone who also never suffered a real personal setback until I came out of college as well, you can;t let things bring you down that much. You are young, with plenty of time ahead. Going to grad school after a few years off is the normal thing to do. Just try for next year and look for something in between. Perhaps adding some work or life experience might be what tips the scales in your favor next round.
If you don't like reality, change it! me
"Oh no! I am bested!" Drake :(
"it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
"Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw
April 2, 2003, 21:01
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Originally posted by Troll
You dont reckon they checked out your spelling?
It may need some assistance for the field your trying to further your education in
Just a thought, maybe that had some bearing on it?
I am by far not an expert, for my spelling/grammar/composition absolutely sux.
I was just pointing out that maybe that had something to do with it?
Grandpa Troll
Nice troll.
Poly is nott he sort of place were spelling matters. given how i graduated, I am sure as hell that my spelling had nothing to do with anything, also given that my spelling while typing is much worse than that while writting by hand.
If you don't like reality, change it! me
"Oh no! I am bested!" Drake :(
"it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
"Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw
April 2, 2003, 21:02
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isn't it often with the principle "The winner gets all." instead of representation according to your percentage of votes? Such a structure encourages the evolution towards a two-party system, which IMHO cannot decently represent all social groups and defend their interests.
But what if a leftist got a majority of the votes? Then.... he'd be in office.
And have you ever SEEN the huge variances within the two parties? To even consider that they are exactly the same internally is silly.
“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
- John 13:34-35 (NRSV)
April 2, 2003, 21:13
Immortal Factotum
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Originally posted by GePap
Nice troll.
Poly is nott he sort of place were spelling matters. given how i graduated, I am sure as hell that my spelling had nothing to do with anything, also given that my spelling while typing is much worse than that while writting by hand.
Ok and for the record, my daughter is fortunate. She graduated UNC-Chapel Hill, took a year off to teach middle school, then finally got accepted to Wake Forest Medical School where she is completing her P.A. training.
It is tough and I feel for you, keep trying have patience and maybe some person whom has some place they know of some funding will post here. It took our family a long time and a multitude of applications to assist in my daighters financing!
Best of fortunes
Grandpa Troll
April 2, 2003, 21:14
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But what if a leftist got a majority of the votes? Then.... he'd be in office.
I think you can know my response on that from my previous posts... Your election structure assures the current people in power stay in power. Sure it's theoretically possible, but the odds are extremely against them.
I assume this is another example of the typical right-wing thought: "As long as they have enough support, they can get in office, no matter the odds.", similar to "As long as you want work, you can find work; if not, you're lazy" and "You can achieve what you want in life, if you just work hard enough, even if you start right at the bottom of society, with little opportunities to improve your situation."
Right-wingers don't seem to grasp society isn't entirely meritocratic and that there are many factors which keep the small small and the big big.
And have you ever SEEN the huge variances within the two parties?
IMHO not enough to ensure a healthy democratic process. The Communist Party in the USSR probably also had variances between the top members...
Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
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April 2, 2003, 21:22
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I think you can know my response on that from my previous posts... Your election structure assures the current people in power stay in power. Sure it's theoretically possible, but the odds are extremely against them.
Self-defeatest talk. Look at the history of the United States and political parties, especially in the 1800s.
It's the only fair system, IMO. The person with the most votes wins the spot.
Right-wingers don't seem to grasp society isn't entirely meritocratic and that there are many factors which keep the small small and the big big.
Because elections are a mertiocratic exercise?
Left-wingers don't seem to grasp that society isn't ALL about class consciousness and 'evil' capitalists.
IMHO not enough to ensure a healthy democratic process.
It is plenty healthy. Simply because the people YOU like don't get elected doesn't make is sick  . Maybe you should admit to yourself that people like voting for centrists.
“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
- John 13:34-35 (NRSV)
April 2, 2003, 21:23
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well qualified always has been relativistic. I mean I feel for ya bud. it does suck. maybe u will have to get job hten goto grad school later.
April 2, 2003, 21:27
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Originally posted by Troll
Ok and for the record, my daughter is fortunate. She graduated UNC-Chapel Hill, took a year off to teach middle school, then finally got accepted to Wake Forest Medical School where she is completing her P.A. training.
It is tough and I feel for you, keep trying have patience and maybe some person whom has some place they know of some funding will post here. It took our family a long time and a multitude of applications to assist in my daighters financing!
Best of fortunes
Grandpa Troll
May I add that devilmunchkin is the one greatly frustrated by the outcome of her search for a grad school. I myself decided to take a few years off. my difficulty has been in gaining employment.
If you don't like reality, change it! me
"Oh no! I am bested!" Drake :(
"it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
"Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw
April 2, 2003, 21:27
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its true that america wont have a third party anytime soon. but the democrats/republicans actually move around along the political scale quite a bit according to whichever side is winning.
the other side will co opt some ideas and thus some votes and boom we are back at middle again.
also I think to arbitrarily use europe as what left means is a lil silly. its no worse than arbitrarily using america, but europe is pretty damn socialist=D
April 2, 2003, 21:29
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Troll sounds like he's rich. Let's rob him.
Mother ****ing goddamn ass chewing, **** sucking son of a *****
April 2, 2003, 21:34
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how much infuence do you think war has/had on this econmic crisis?
"Speaking on the subject of conformity: This rotting concept of the unfathomable nostril mystifies the fuming crotch of my being!!! Stop with the mooing you damned chihuahua!!! Ganglia!! Rats eat babies!" ~ happy noodle boy
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