June 2, 2003, 17:24
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Madeira should be part of NATO (belongs to Portugal)
Johannesburg should be south of Harrare, which should be nearly to where Johannesburg currently is.
June 2, 2003, 17:30
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Woo hoo! I became a Prince today! On another note, Padang should be the same nationality as the rest of Indonesia.
June 2, 2003, 17:31
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Why does the US have an air base in the Middle of the Sahara?
June 2, 2003, 17:33
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And also, Mecca and Riyadh belong together, not split, and especially not the way they are in the game.
June 2, 2003, 17:55
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I don't believe Brasilia was built until the 1960's.
The correct spelling of Adis Abeba is Addis Ababa, in English at least.
NATO Infantry are pointless, because Landwehr are better and cost no more.
The Ruhr Valley wonder is in Nuremberg, yet I thought it was agreed earlier on that Cologne was the best place for it?
The Arab Infantry unit should be replaced with some a bit more generic; it looks daft to have them running around South America and Ireland.
Submarines don't have the submarine flag.
Islamabad is too far north; IMHO, it should be where New Delhi is. New Delhi should replace Agra.
Bangalore should be renamed Bombay, and Bombay should be renamed Ahmadabad.
The tundra graphic looks slightly odd; decidious trees wouldn't grow in those areas.
June 2, 2003, 18:04
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Superb feedback, from all!
I have it all copied into a PFE file and I will work through all these fixes!
Many city changes are easy to fix with civ-city.
Some are just little rules-tweak oversights on my part...
I can change the cost and movement of certain units to fix the bugs mentioned.
Keep the bug lists coming, and I will get these glitches ironed out!
June 2, 2003, 18:05
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I will have a new scn and rules file ready by tomorrow...
June 2, 2003, 18:09
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Originally posted by Paul Hanson
I don't believe Brasilia was built until the 1960's.
IIRC they built it in 1952 and it became the capital of Brazil in 1960..
June 2, 2003, 18:10
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Originally posted by fairline
How do you do those title screens? Is it some fancy font or do you painstakingly draw the lettering by hand? Either way, this one, and those for the other dictator scenarios, are excellent. Good work, fella
Cheers, old chap!
It's all Photoshop trickery, using many layers and text effects...
June 2, 2003, 18:39
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****ing awesome  The scen is very impressive curt, both graphically and design wise. I cant wait for the pbem. However, a this stage some of the units roles are a bit redundant.
Sea Kings TOT
Sors salutis/ et virtutis/ michi nunc contraria,/ est affectus/ et defectus/ semper in angaria./
Hac in hora/ sine mora/ corde pulsem tangite;/ quod per sortem/ sternit fortem,/ mecum omnes plangite!
June 2, 2003, 19:05
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Some fixer-uppers for you, Curt:
Why is the prerequisite for the Tu-95 the "USAF Bomber Campaign?"
Also, I happened to have noticed that the science rate is reduced by 90 percent in the dictatorship government? 90 percent?
Alma-Ata and Tashkent were part of the Soviet Union.
Baghdad looks too far to the north, even further so than Damascus. Perhaps Damascus could be brought down to the southeast by one tile and Baghdad straight down by two tiles.
Johannesburg is supposed to be in South Africa where Harare is (and vice-versa) and Harare up until 1980 was named Salisbury (then part of Southern Rhodesia.) Walvis Bay was also part of the Union of South Africa.
Stanley was also British (remember the Falklands War?)
There's a few other historical inaccuracies, I don't know if you intended them or not.
June 2, 2003, 19:32
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Also, the Trans-Siberian Railroad needs a little expansion north, it currently runs through Mongolian cities.
June 2, 2003, 19:58
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Was it your intention Curt to only have the U.S. and NATO be able to build engineers?
June 3, 2003, 05:20
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Working my way through the bug-fixes now... 
New scn and rules file are being released today.
rmsharpe raises a valid point, do we ned engineers?
Or would you prefer me to add a new military unit?
If so what unit?
I feel the engineers are not really a big factor in this scenario...
June 3, 2003, 05:28
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About China...
China has a weird mix of units to represent the funding and supply by various powers during the 1930s-40s.
I will however fix it's build orders to make them proper...
An event to bestow east or west weapons to China may be in order...
Or perhaps making a chinese tank with the engineer slot...
June 3, 2003, 05:36
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IMHO, units that are currently redundant are:
Royal Commandos
Rifle Brigade
NATO Infantry/Landwehr
Rocket Artillery should be buildable by the US, because the Europeans get both that and the V3.
My suggestion would be to get rid of the above units, and do with them what you will, apart from one suggestion: the Europeans should get a bomber of some sort, perhaps later in the game.
June 3, 2003, 06:37
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Last edited by Cifer Almasy; June 3, 2003 at 07:00.
June 3, 2003, 07:27
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More suggestions/corrections:
Instanbul = Istanbul
Units like Green Berets/Scots Regiments should be given via events only; they are too powerful and when you have an army of them you're unstoppable.
Cleveland should be moved to 67,39 and renamed Detroit.
Tanks are too cheap; for the cost of NATO Infantry/Landwehr, I can build a Panther or Centurion Tank.
I think you should untoggle the 100% vs. air flag on elite infantry, because it makes AA Rocket Tanks redundant.
June 3, 2003, 08:09
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Originally posted by Paul Hanson Engineers
Originally posted by Paul Hanson Royal Commandos
Get rid of the SAS guy?
The Brit posters would lynch me. 
I have made him the only Euro troop that can paradrop.
The Scots regiments can ambhib attack, making both these lads useful...
Originally posted by Paul Hanson Rifle Brigade
But they have been bestowed increased movement.
Making them more relevant, but if anyone can think of something that is lacking...
I could easily fill the slot with sumthin' else...
Originally posted by Paul Hanson NATO Infantry/Landwehr
UK, France and Italy building German units would be unproper.
This is what NATO generic guy is for...
I have made him a cheap and wimpy version of Landwehr.
Originally posted by Paul Hanson Rocket Artillery should be buildable by the US, because the Europeans get both that and the V3.
Sounds like a good idea...I'll make it a shared US/Euro unit, via the weapon treay tech that gives shermans...
Meaning the US starts off with this rocket weapon...
Originally posted by Paul Hanson My suggestion would be to get rid of the above units, and do with them what you will, apart from one suggestion: the Europeans should get a bomber of some sort, perhaps later in the game.
I wanted to make the USA the masters of strategic bombing in this one...
I'm open to suggestions on replacing the Engineers...
Perhaps the Rifle regiment too...
June 3, 2003, 08:13
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Originally posted by Paul Hanson
More suggestions/corrections:
They are welcome!
Originally posted by Paul Hanson Instanbul = Istanbul
Originally posted by Paul Hanson Units like Green Berets/Scots Regiments should be given via events only; they are too powerful and when you have an army of them you're unstoppable.
How about making them rather expensive?
Originally posted by Paul Hanson Cleveland should be moved to 67,39 and renamed Detroit.
I'll do it.
Originally posted by Paul Hanson Tanks are too cheap; for the cost of NATO Infantry/Landwehr, I can build a Panther or Centurion Tank.
I'll make them more expensive.
Originally posted by Paul Hanson I think you should untoggle the 100% vs. air flag on elite infantry, because it makes AA Rocket Tanks redundant.
Good point, I'll check it out...
June 3, 2003, 08:18
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Originally posted by Paul Hanson
the Europeans should get a bomber of some sort, perhaps later in the game.
How about the Canberra for the Europeans Curt? It was the World's first post-War jet bomber, and the B-57 which the American's have was just a modification of the Canberra.
June 3, 2003, 08:39
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Curt, I am a Brit poster. You didn't really think I was Iraqi, di you?
Seeing as you've made some good points, I'll say this:
You should increase the cost of Landwehr, because they're currently the same as NATO Infantry.
There is currently no difference between Scots Regiments and Royal Commandos, so how about this: Scots Regiments can paradrop, but Royal Commandos can make ampibious assaults? That way you can keep both, which is good because I love the Royal Commando sound effect. Also, make them more expensive.
Increase the movement of Motor Infantry and Rifle Brigades to 2, so that they're a cheap way to quickly reinforce front line cities.
If you want to make the US the strategic bomber masters, then I would recommend that you replace the engineers with a B-52 Stratofortress or perhaps something else, to give the US a decisive edge slightly later in the game.
Another thing I noticed: the NATO.wav sound effect isn't in the correct Civ2 format, so it produces and error message and won't play in-game.
June 3, 2003, 08:42
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Curt, Rommel wasn't an aristocrat, so it's just Erwin Rommel (w/o the 'von')
I think Belgrade is located too far northern.. (what about 123, 45 instead?  )
And it's 'Nuremberg' instead of 'Nuremburg', isn't it?
June 3, 2003, 08:45
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I have the new files updated and almost ready to go, I want to get as much ready as possible before I send out the new 170KB zip.
It has a new:
Fixing all the points raised since yesterday...
Including all the commando problems!
I am going with Paul's idea!
I will perfect it when I come back from the ear clinin which I am off to now.
I am seriously considering giving fairline's canberra to Euro NATO and giving Paul's Strato to the USAAF.
A good idea!
June 3, 2003, 08:46
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I'll fix that NATO wav too!
June 3, 2003, 10:18
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Curt, one more thing. This is going to sound so pedantic but the 'Royal Commandos' should be 'Royal Marines' or 'Royal Marine Commandos'. I think the SAS were deactivated in the immediate post-War era, but they were re-formed for the Malayan emergency in the 50s, so 'SAS' would be an alternative, or 'SBS' for amphibious assault commandos. The Army Commandos were disbanded after the war.
June 3, 2003, 11:40
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I'll fix that NATO wav too!
June 3, 2003, 12:34
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Christ, a double post with a 3-hour gap between each post? That's impressive.
June 3, 2003, 13:45
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That double post is a first!
This is first time I have came near the PC since this afternoon!
On fairline's advice, I will make the UK elite troops 'Royal Marines'...
Is there any way to delete stuff from the server, or overwrite current info?
As I want to repost some zip files....
June 3, 2003, 15:06
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All current fixes achieved!
Check 1st post for update download link!
Still have engineers under consideration...
Right now they are available to all, but darn expensive...
Looking for a good B52 unit too.
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