April 3, 2003, 11:30
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How to hold Ithkul contamination?
I an playing and exterminating the ithkul planets and created colonies in their place but the other civ's apear to takign the ithkul planets with gound troops, if a take one of that civs planets with ithkul population they could spread for my whole empire...what can i do to hold a contamination if that happens?And what can i do to prevent a contamination to happen? i already kill every ithkul planet that i see and only colonise when the sistem is fully clean, that includes outpost, i don't take risks. they are a plague...help please
April 3, 2003, 12:13
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Races migrate 'naturally' so the Ithkul WILL start infesting your worlds. Then you'll have nasty parasites all over the place.
Exterminate them. If you get infected give the planet RIGHT NOW to someone you don't like.
April 4, 2003, 15:27
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and the other races? they create outpost at ithkul outpost , that create a contamination, if i take one of the planets of that civs i take the risk of contamination, if i terraform myworlds and have races incompatible the ithkul wont migrate ( i think ), they will leave a world searching for a better place and their enviroment is lot of incompatible, i will not contaminate all my worlds but i will get lot of problens if iget infected
April 12, 2003, 00:20
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Can't say I'm a fan of genocide but in the case of Ithkul I might make an exception.
April 12, 2003, 06:34
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With patch Ithkuil wil migrate just to feed no matter how the world is
April 12, 2003, 07:03
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BTW. Do Ithkul eat silicoids?
April 12, 2003, 08:08
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No. Non-corporals are also immune.
April 12, 2003, 08:48
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What is a non-corporal? Is there any list of species Ithkul don't eat?
April 12, 2003, 11:06
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Originally posted by statusperfect
What is a non-corporal?
The Brye-ehts (a magnate race) are non-corpor eal. They only consume 1 food for 5 pop points.
"As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW
April 12, 2003, 17:53
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and about the cibernetics?
the eat meklar or cinoids?i don't think that the ithkul like iron and circuits, i prefer a klacon not to burned
April 13, 2003, 00:00
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IIRC, races that the Ithkul can't eat as food are instead converted into minerals.
April 13, 2003, 00:27
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Originally posted by statusperfect
BTW. Do Ithkul eat silicoids?
No, but they can put them in a salt shaker.
Seriously though, some minerals ARE edible (ie salt) but I don't believe silicoids are on the list.
Ithkul are pretty much the Tasmanian Devils of MOO3.
April 13, 2003, 15:54
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Which way do the Ithkul eat other population?
Do they produce food (by Bioharvesting), do they need others to grow at all? Do they use up less food if they eat population?
April 15, 2003, 06:17
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Ithkul "eat" population by systematically replacing the old population by Ithkul. Ithkul have some nice abilities: high G loving and tough. Actually I don't see the problem.
April 16, 2003, 01:51
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Originally posted by gloob
Ithkul "eat" population by systematically replacing the old population by Ithkul. Ithkul have some nice abilities: high G loving and tough. Actually I don't see the problem.
I'd have a problem with it if I were part of the population being eaten. The total loss of free will and a greatly reduced lifespan is a big downer.
April 16, 2003, 03:28
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Originally posted by Vince278
I'd have a problem with it if I were part of the population being eaten. The total loss of free will and a greatly reduced lifespan is a big downer.
Oh c'mon, we're not that bad . We bring to you Hive government and we don't kill you. Just a parasite will attach itself to the natives to enhance capabilities to actually make you live longer. "eating" does not make population drop, the balance only shifts towards harvesters.
April 17, 2003, 00:44
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The Ithkul would be a little more palatable if they didn't victimize other pops. How about if they kept an ample supply of ready made clones? (Kind of like "Space Above and Beyond").
Star Trek had a parasitic race (the Trill). I found them repugnant too but at least their contributions to their host are positive.
Overall, I believe what makes the Ithkul so bad is not necessarily their being parasitic, its their general attitude (they see other races as cattle).
April 17, 2003, 03:27
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Originally posted by Vince278
Overall, I believe what makes the Ithkul so bad is not necessarily their being parasitic, its their general attitude (they see other races as cattle).
Like german people?
April 17, 2003, 11:28
Apolyton Grand Executioner
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Re: How to hold Ithkul contamination?
Originally posted by Brazuca
I an playing and exterminating the ithkul planets and created colonies in their place but the other civ's apear to takign the ithkul planets with gound troops, if a take one of that civs planets with ithkul population they could spread for my whole empire...what can i do to hold a contamination if that happens?And what can i do to prevent a contamination to happen? i already kill every ithkul planet that i see and only colonise when the sistem is fully clean, that includes outpost, i don't take risks. they are a plague...help please
Kill 'em all, let God sort 'em out.
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April 17, 2003, 19:03
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Vince278, you hit the nail on the head. Regardless of the 'benefits' of the Ithkul, they are morally repulsive by any definition. They are, therefore, evil and great antagonists.
gloob, I'm not sure if you're being ironic or not. As I understand it, the Ithkul were created to permanently subjugate all the free races mentally and physically, and the method the Antarans chose was extreme. Did you watch the intro movie? I challenge you to convince me that the poor human was at all sanguine about what was happening to him.
April 17, 2003, 19:17
Apolyton Grand Executioner
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Originally posted by Hydro
Vince278, you hit the nail on the head. Regardless of the 'benefits' of the Ithkul, they are morally repulsive by any definition.
And conquering enemy planets, bombarding their populations, and putting the remnants into service of your "empire" in your drive to dominate the galaxy isn't?
gloob, I'm not sure if you're being ironic or not. As I understand it, the Ithkul were created to permanently subjugate all the free races mentally and physically, and the method the Antarans chose was extreme. Did you watch the intro movie? I challenge you to convince me that the poor human was at all sanguine about what was happening to him.
No more or less so than some lowly industrial worker or miner being bombed to smithereens or enslaved by some insectoid race (or humanoid race if the poor-sod-in-question happened to be an insectoid.)
Just like Civ 1, SMAC, Stars! and just about every other game of the civ-building/conquest/4 X genre, genocide and mass warfare are options designed into the game, if not nearly essential means of winning.
Bush-Cheney 2008. What's another amendment between friends?
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April 17, 2003, 19:34
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Morallity not withstanding
As nice as it is to try to justify the Harvesters' existence or modes of subsistence I'd like to try to pose some pertinent questions.
A) How do you get the ikthul off a given planet without eliminating the indiginous/colonial/non-ikthul populace?
B) Is there an easier way to check the ethnic/species makeup on a given planet other than cycling through 200+ worlds and checking the demographics on each?
C) Are your bonuses and hindrances species-specific or are they empire-specific? Or- in other words- if the Ikthul eat and replace all of my population, do I retain the customized bonuses that I created when I began the game?
D) On the flipside of C, do I pick up other racial bonuses if I have those races within my empire (by trade or other means)?
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April 17, 2003, 20:10
Apolyton Grand Executioner
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Re: Morality not withstanding
Originally posted by benstandby
A) How do you get the ikthul off a given planet without eliminating the indiginous/colonial/non-ikthul populace?
You don't. It would be "nice" to have the capability of "cleansing" your population, by extermination, or exile, etc., with appropriate penalties - uppity Orion Senate sanctioning you, races related to your victims declaring jihad, unrest in your own population, even loss of buildings if you have to actively hunt down a minority group.
None of that's in the game, I'd assume because of PCesque reasons, although total extermination is OK. When I want "pure" planets, I just wipe the slate and start over, but except for harvesters, it's not an issue - the only thing that matters is who's the majority race.
B) Is there an easier way to check the ethnic/species makeup on a given planet other than cycling through 200+ worlds and checking the demographics on each?
You can use the planet display to see ownership, dominant species and percentage of total population, so you know at least which systems you don't have to check, because they're 100% yours.
Changing the "view by" tab only affects environmental display - in other words, max pop, and the green-yellow-red habitibility display. It doesn't show you something like a human dominated world with 7% harvesters.
C) Are your bonuses and hindrances species-specific or are they empire-specific? Or- in other words- if the Ikthul eat and replace all of my population, do I retain the customized bonuses that I created when I began the game?
It depends on the nature of the interaction - for example, diplomacy and trade agreements are interacted at the empire level, military units are created and DEA production occurs at the planet level.
D) On the flipside of C, do I pick up other racial bonuses if I have those races within my empire (by trade or other means)?
Yes, on the planet level. If you want a bunch of manufacturing droids, Cynoids or Meklar are great. You can get High-G, Extreme-G or Low-G specialists as well. I've got one game going as humans where I have a bunch of Darlok magnates populating Red-2 supergiant worlds, and giving me Low-G fighters as well.
The other races are a bit ill behaved and problematic, though. For example, you conquer a planet of Imsaeis, and they auto-outpost another red giant. If you set migration on, then you'll get migration more or less from all over your empire, and you will almost certainly lose the majority Imsaeis benefit before you go from outpost to colony. You can do that as a matter of policy if you want the planet to have the benefits from your species, or you have to keep hands off, and let if populate up naturally. Later on, you can play with migration to get a planet more productive, as long as you control turning migration off soon enough to prevent changing the majority composition.
Bush-Cheney 2008. What's another amendment between friends?
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Last edited by MichaeltheGreat; April 17, 2003 at 22:19.
April 17, 2003, 21:53
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The parasites
The parasites races in Star Trek are "the borgs"ok? THE BORGS, i love to order a full bombard in a ithkul planet i imagine the bombs falling and the parasites burning having no place to run or hide
April 17, 2003, 22:21
Apolyton Grand Executioner
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ST:DS9 also had trill, which implanted in humanoid hosts, although they were technically symbiotic, not parasitic.
Bush-Cheney 2008. What's another amendment between friends?
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April 18, 2003, 00:09
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Originally posted by statusperfect
Like german people?
If you're referring to the Nazis, they believed their Aryan ideal was racially superior to others and therefore deserved to rule over everyone else but I'm sure they didn't think of others as cattle to feed upon.
April 18, 2003, 06:26
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Oh come on. This is a game about galactic dominance. As everybody can blockade a red 2 to have its population starve off, harvesting scentient beings is just another method of survival. And remember we don't eat Silicoids and robots, so pick your species with care .
April 18, 2003, 06:47
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Originally posted by Vince278
If you're referring to the Nazis, they believed their Aryan ideal was racially superior to others and therefore deserved to rule over everyone else but I'm sure they didn't think of others as cattle to feed upon.
I'm not referring to anything. I'm just being a major *******/spammer in the Moo3 forums cause there is nothing to write about the game until the patch is out.
April 18, 2003, 15:10
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That Sucks
Damn!! There's got to be a way to stop the little buggers from invading your empire!!
I have more questions.
1) Do you get bonuses and hindrances off each species on multi-species planets, or just the dominant species?
2) Don't people migrate from other empires also- regardless of your settings? Won't that mean that the longer you play, the more Ikthul will have infested your worlds? I haven't noticed it quite, and I can't check it because I'm at work right now wasting YOUR tax dollars.
Let that be a lesson to you Democrats, your social programs employ schmucks like me who surf the threads while at work.
3) Is there a way to bombard the living hell out of your own planet in an attempt to clean it of Ikthul? "Oopsie, My finger slipped"
4) When you build a colony pod, how does the game determine what species fills it?
You guys are true nerds- solid to the core
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April 18, 2003, 17:08
Apolyton Grand Executioner
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Re: That Sucks
Originally posted by benstandby
Damn!! There's got to be a way to stop the little buggers from invading your empire!!
There is. When in doubt, wipe 'em out. When I'm not playing the ticks, I go out of my way to kill them on sight. You can get a lot of bang for the buck with missile ships that have lots of launchers, and no reloads - you get more launchers that way, and MoO magically reloads every turn, AND in between space combat and bombardment phases in the same turn.
The ticks are kind of boring, because they're tooooo powerful - It takes me less than 50 turns at hard level to outpoint all but the New Orions, and by 100 turns, it's slurp and burp time at one ex-neighbors after another, so I've lost interest in my games where I'm playing them.
I have more questions.
1) Do you get bonuses and hindrances off each species on multi-species planets, or just the dominant species?
Dominant only.
2) Don't people migrate from other empires also- regardless of your settings? Won't that mean that the longer you play, the more Ikthul will have infested your worlds?
Not unless you somehow inherit them initially. If you win the race to planetize an outpost, or if there's a planet you take over that has multiple races in it, then they start gradually moving around. The only solution is to know who's currently occupying your new planet, and deciding whether you want to take them over, or wipe the slate clean and colonize.
I haven't noticed it quite, and I can't check it because I'm at work right now wasting YOUR tax dollars.
Let that be a lesson to you Democrats, your social programs employ schmucks like me who surf the threads while at work.
(a) If you worked in the private sector, like me, you'd be able to take your MoO 3 CD's to work and play there, too.
(b) I'm an expat, so I don't have to pay much in taxes to the Democratic People's Republic of California, although I do get stuck with the Feds.
(c) The more you guys screw off, the less harm you can do.
3) Is there a way to bombard the living hell out of your own planet in an attempt to clean it of Ikthul? "Oopsie, My finger slipped"
Indirectly, yes, although you end up wiping the slate clean and starting over. You give it to someone you don't like, flambé it, then take it back with a colony ship.
4) When you build a colony pod, how does the game determine what species fills it?
Any ship or ground unit built on a planet has the characteristics of the dominant species on the planet that builds it. Someone else mentioned that you can do identical designs with different names, like Rhea colony, Darlok colony, and Human colony, and then make sure you only build the appropriately named ship at the planets dominated by that species. That way, you can track what's actually aboard your ships. You can also use that to help you remember to change the "View by" listbox on the planet display, so you see the environmental parameters for the species you want to use to colonize.
Bush-Cheney 2008. What's another amendment between friends?
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