April 3, 2003, 13:50
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Took a cab, driver started talking about "reborn christians"
I said what the hell with an angry sparkle in my eye, do you plan on doing a catechisism? (this has actually be tried before by an old testament taxi driver - and its illegal)
so he laughed and said no no nothing of that sort, wanna show you a sign
so in the road ahead, there was a sign in a shadey part of town , that said new born christians shermons at 8 hour blhablha entrance free (  )
so i said what the **** is that?
he siad its the mormons.
oh is that right
yeah you know they can marry 5 women?
well thats an appeal
they also forbit to marry outside of your "Race"
i said **** that's pretty damn racist sounding to me
so blacks cant become mormons
he said nope
i said ****ing racist, its the 21 century for christ sake.
he said some other things about someone coming to utah and preaching the word of the lord or something, dont rememebr
i said, how do you know all this
he said i was brought up in chicago, there's loads of mormons there
etc etc
so is that true are mormons that much racist?
: pukes:
April 3, 2003, 13:57
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Not mormon myself, but have a few close friends that are. Blacks can (and have) become Mormon, although I do not know why they would want to. Once you start delving deep into the religion, it says that black people are the singed and burned descendants of sinners that escaped from Hell. That is why their skin is black and their hair curly. So they are indeed racist.
They also beleive that after you die you will get to be the God of your own planet.
If I am wrong, please correct me, but I have read passages from their book, attended a few sermons and Mormon Bible Studies out of curiosity and these are some of the things I walked away with.
April 3, 2003, 14:00
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and what about that about someone coming to utah and "teaching the word of the lord"?
April 3, 2003, 14:06
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Never mind that. The ****ers gave us the Osmonds. They must pay.
April 3, 2003, 14:15
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Mormonism has a past of undeniably racist tenets, but all the Mormons I have met so far acknowledge them and repudiate them. Then again, the Mormons I have met haven't exactly been the most devout...
Tutto nel mondo è burla
April 3, 2003, 14:32
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Kinky mormons?
Periodista : A proposito del escudo de la fe, Elisa, a mí me sorprendía Reutemann diciendo que estaba dispuesto a enfrentarse con el mismísimo demonio (Menem) y después terminó bajándose de la candidatura. Ahí parece que fuera ganando el demonio.
Elisa Carrio: No, porque si usted lee bien el Génesis dice que la mujer pisará la serpiente.
April 3, 2003, 14:33
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BTW who's the clown that marks my and everyone else's that speaks agains the US war threads with one star?
Thanks for the honour, joke
April 3, 2003, 14:36
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I didn't have the pressumed unfortune of ever hearing about the osmonds.
SO the today mormons repudiate their racist past?
or just the not so devout do?
April 3, 2003, 14:37
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They should institute a system of tracking the IPs of thread-raters, shouldn't they, Paiktis?
"I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll die defending your right to say it." — Voltaire
"Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart." — Confucius
April 3, 2003, 14:38
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Considering the propable source, it's a compliment gatekeeper  (besides dont u have a single doubt that they already know  )
so mormons, your view?
April 3, 2003, 14:45
Local Time: 17:04
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Mormons are ... different, and that's where I'll leave off, per requirements of polite conversation regardings faiths whose members aren't present to defend it.
"I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll die defending your right to say it." — Voltaire
"Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart." — Confucius
April 3, 2003, 14:47
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how diplomatic
yoooohooo mormons, we're getting your dirty laundrery on the air, care to comment
bunch of racist, from what I gather.
I rememebr some commencts by some americans about salt lake city olympics, which I didn't understand, they become a bit more clear to me now
April 3, 2003, 14:47
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Born and raised in Utah as a Mormon, got kicked out later, but know a bit about it.
u start delving deep into the religion, it says that black people are the singed and burned descendants of sinners that escaped from Hell. That is why their skin is black and their hair curly. So they are indeed racist.
Never mentioned blacks by name, the doctrine they teach is about the peoples in the Americas, IE the Indians. It was a curse place on them similar to the one from the tower of babel in the bible, only changing skin instead of languages. The book also has some of these cursed guys become workers of god later.
If I am wrong, please correct me, but I have read passages from their book, attended a few sermons and Mormon Bible Studies out of curiosity and these are some of the things I walked away with.
Basically, but a bit more complicated than that, too complicated to go into right now.
you know they can marry 5 women?
they also forbit to marry outside of your "Race"
No and no. Multiple marriages were there at the beginning of the church but they are now forbidden for quite some time. Inter Racial marriages were never forbidden AFAIK, but people with different skin were not allowed to hold positions in the church until fairly recently: late 60's, early 70's. This includes 'temple marriages' which are a whole different subject.
and what about that about someone coming to utah and "teaching the word of the lord"?
Whole story, cliff notes version:
Joseph Smith, a young boy, prays for guidance. Is told by god that all churches are false. Gives him a new book written in strange language, Joseph Translates this book and founds the church.
Becomes a Prophet, sets up 12 desciples ala the old testiment. Multiple marriages cause problems with locals, so everyone leaves town. Joseph is shot in a prison, Brigham Young takes over as Prophet, problems follow them to the new town, BY gets vision of a place for the mormons to be free of persecution, heads west to Utah.
Finds Utah, declares point to build temple, live happy ever after.
BTW, here in Utah, most frown upon being called 'Mormons'. The official name of the Church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Way too long to expect people to call you that, so most go by LDS here.
They teach the King James version of the Bible as well as the 'Book of Mormon' which Joseph supposedly translated. It tells of a family of Jews fleeing Egypt to america and later being taught by Jesus during the 3 days between his death and resurrection (sp).
The church's focus is on their temples where they do secret blessings and such that most people cannot see. You have to be a good little boy to get in there. Go to church, don't drink, smoke, pay you tithing (10% of your earnings), and no fooling around before marriage, or on your wife.
Blessings include Temple Marriages, endowments (this is way too wierd to explain here), and baptisms and weddings for the dead.
So, don't worry, they'll baptize you after you die if you don't join now. You're only safe after you've been kicked out. Like me.
April 3, 2003, 14:50
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thanks for your contribution unorthodox
April 3, 2003, 14:54
PolyCast Thread Necromancer
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 Your learning what I already know....
April 3, 2003, 14:57
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Yeah but you live in the US Ruskie
I live in the other half of the world.
April 3, 2003, 14:58
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Tass is living in the very heart of LDS country right now.
Come on Tass, move up here to Ogden with the rest of us sinners. At least Ogden didn't protest the nude bar ala Logan...poor Tass
April 3, 2003, 15:36
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Hey Unorthodox, I've always been fascinated by the polytheistic teachings of LDS. Like how you can become a god if you are really really good. Cool!
Also, there's shades of Islam in there too. I believe if you are good little Mormon man and get married in the temple and such, don't you get a whole bunch of wives in the afterlife? It's a men only deal IIRC.
For women, the hook is that you can make your family some sort of "eternal family" or something but I'm not so clear how that works.
April 3, 2003, 15:53
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True, this is something that has changed in recent years as well.
Used to be, the man could re-marry in the Temple, ie eternally, more than one wife if his first died, or they got a civil divource, but not a temple divource. This is becomming more and more not practiced, though, and obtaining a temple divource is about as likely as winning a lottery. Took my sister well over 5 years to get that done even though her husband was in jail for child abuse...
Also, My Aunt (devout LDS) also was just re-married in the Temple after her husband died, so it works both ways now. Women can marry more than one man...Supposedly the 'choose' who to be with in the afterlife...
What is interesting is the book of Mormon is supposed to have been the doctrine of the Native Americans. the Temple Blessings bear great resemblance to a number of Sioux rituals. (My Great Grandmother is Lakota, I spent a summer with a Sioux Medicine man learning their religion, this also is what lead to my expulsion from the LDS church, who called such things Witchcraft.)
Last edited by UnOrthOdOx; April 3, 2003 at 16:05.
April 3, 2003, 16:03
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What's the only thing more boring than war?....Religion!
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April 3, 2003, 16:06
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Originally posted by paiktis22
I didn't have the pressumed unfortune of ever hearing about the osmonds.
SO the today mormons repudiate their racist past?
or just the not so devout do?
Well, I relegate my observation only to the Mormons I have met. And given the circumstances of why I was with those particular Mormons, it goes without saying that they weren't particularly devout.
Tutto nel mondo è burla
April 3, 2003, 16:37
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Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx
What is interesting is the book of Mormon is supposed to have been the doctrine of the Native Americans. the Temple Blessings bear great resemblance to a number of Sioux rituals.
Hmm. Thought I heard somewhere that temple rituals were very similar to the rituals of Free Masonry. I believe Joseph Smith was a Free Mason at one time.
April 3, 2003, 16:45
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If anyone fancies doing a "Historical Filth"-type article of their own, just research the life of Joseph Smith. It's a riot.
"God says you must become my latest wife and the marriage must be consummated instantly. Please don't tell your parents."
April 3, 2003, 16:50
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Yes he was, there is a book somewhere on that. There is also evidence he used various forms of witchcraft including scrying and other forms of contacting the spirit realm.
I don't know much on Masonry, though, perhaps they are all similar in nature. They are all basically attempting to get you in tuned with spirits, so why not?
Personally, the Sioux rituals sure felt less staged, and more comfortable.
April 3, 2003, 18:16
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I posted a comment earlier on Mormonism..
I'll see if I can't find it.
Scouse Git (2) LaFayette and Adam Smith you will be missed
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April 3, 2003, 18:29
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Found my post- in response to tolls in the season of God's coming thread.
Let's look at the myth. All Joseph Smith claims to be is a prophet from God, and not God himself. Christ not only claims to be God, but also provides evidence of his claims through his death and resurrection.
Many prophets come and go, but none have risen from the dead. So the mythology surrounding Joseph Smith only can bear witness to a prophet.
Also, unlike Christ, historic evidence exists to disprove many of the claims attributed to Joseph Smith and Brigham Young.
Here's one example.
"In LDS Sunday School many Mormons will only hear a sanitized version of Joseph Smith's history. Most Mormons will not learn that Jospeh drank beer and wine on numerous occassions, or that he obtained a liquor license from the City of Nauvoo. Nor, will most Mormons be taught about his polyandrous relationships with married women, or his violation of Illinois State law and the Doctrine and Covenants in his practice of polygamy. What's surprising is that during Joseph Smith's lifetime, he never publicly taught polygamy. Joseph Smith and the other LDS Church leaders maintained a public denial of polygamy while practicing it privately.
In LDS Sunday School most will hear about the persecution of the Mormons in great detail. Yet, one will likely not learn that Joseph Smith planned agression against the state of Missouri and the United States government. In fact, Joseph Smith was charged with and indicted on the charge of treason in Missouri. However, he escaped from jail prior to his conviction on these charges. Joseph Smith also ordered the desctruction of a town newspaper, Nauvoo Expositor, which exposed his private doctrine and practice of polygamy. "
Scouse Git (2) LaFayette and Adam Smith you will be missed
"All my own perception of beauty both in majesty and simplicity is founded upon Our Lady." - JRR Tolkein
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April 4, 2003, 00:12
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Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx Personally, the Sioux rituals sure felt less staged, and more comfortable.
Did he dance the Sun dance?
April 4, 2003, 00:28
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Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx
What is interesting is the book of Mormon is supposed to have been the doctrine of the Native Americans. the Temple Blessings bear great resemblance to a number of Sioux rituals. (My Great Grandmother is Lakota, I spent a summer with a Sioux Medicine man learning their religion, this also is what lead to my expulsion from the LDS church, who called such things Witchcraft.)
I thought that the basic doctrine of the LDS was that an Israeli tribe settled in the New World, received the ministry of Jesus, then were wiped out by the native amercans on Satan's order, only to have their history saved by the angel Moroni, who presented the text to Smith? The book of Mormon would then not be the doctrine of the native americans, but of the lost tribe.
Am I wrong?
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