What we know, a list of all sciences we have knowledge of in the same order as given by the ctp2-science manager screen:
toolmaking, agriculture, stoneworking, religion, writing, bronze working, jurisprudence, ballistics, slave labour, drama (why do i have to think of ken loach, if i see slave labour and drama mentioned together?

), trade, horse riding, philosophy, monarchy.
Current output/turn of research points (will hopefully increase significantly soon as we will start building trading posts): 461
(sum of the rp produced by each city according to the national manager, please notify me, if you have any more accurate knowledge of how to calculate science output. the empire manager gives the same number.)
Currently Researching: Geometry
Total cost in rp: 3072,
Current spending: 358 (why is this number that different from 461?)
Turns to discovery: 13 (my calculator says 3072/461= ~6.7. how does this actually work?)
Theoretically (as we are only given 4 choices, i presume they are selected randomly from the following list) researchable Sciences after we understood the basics of geometry:
shipbuilding, masonry, iron working.
Well by checking the list, it seems there will only be 3 choices anyways due to the structure of the science tree.