In my Freedom Force thread, I mentioned that I bought a 4-pack of games for $20 (the other two games were NFS 3: Hot Pursuit and C&C: Renegade). I already have NFS3:HP, and the other I'll throw in, maybe, 5-6 months from now.
The other game in the pack that sounded intriguing was the online "Earth and Beyond." I was wondering if anybody here had experience with it, and if possible, could answer the following questions?
Is it hard for newbies to get in to, or do the more experienced players thrash and pummel the new accounts?
Is it a RPG, 4X, clickfest, or other?
Is it HTML based ala Planetarion?
Would I (a-hem!) be able to play at work without worrying about whatever progress I made at home?
I'd say "thanks", but I'd sound like Speer.