The poll will timeout in
A repoll, as the
earlier poll was invalid - it was won by Centauri Psi, but it wasn't even mentioned in the poll that we'd need to research Centauri Genetics first.
I am going to
use you as guineapigs try out
a new system, so read
the explanation carefully.
There will be two kinds of technologies polled. Level 1 techs and Level 2 techs. The idea behind this split is, that level 2 techs are technologies that require one of the level 1 techs. In other words, to research a Level 2 tech, we must research a Level 1 technology first. Note that I won't include Level 2 techs that require two Level 1 techs, as that would make things a bit too complicated.
Now, how will this be implemented in the poll?
Out of the choices, vote for
three options. Three is the number of the voting, and the number of the voting shall be three.
You can vote for three Level 1 techs, three Level 2 techs, or any combination of the two; just vote three options.
Now, how do we interpret the results? This is where it gets tricky.
When I compile the orders, I will look at what option came first. If it is a Level 1 tech, no problem. We will research that first. If it is a Level 2 tech, I will order to research the needed Level 1 tech first and then the Level 2 tech right after.
Now, the votes of a Level 1 tech will not be added to the votes of the Level 2 option that requires the same Level 1 tech. If the poll is won by a Level 1 tech, and the runner-up is a Level 2 tech, I will order to research the Level 1 tech first, then the Level 1 tech needed for the preferred Level 2 tech, and then the Level 2 tech.
That way, if someone wants us to just research a Level 1 tech and then another Level 1 tech, his vote will not be used to research something he didn't necessarily want to research.
By all means, do ask, please, if you want to know something; I might have omitted something crucial. And do so preferrably before you vote, to avoid any confusion.
The purpose of the Tech Level system is to allow for the people to opt for beelining into a Level 2 tech if they find it necessary. I deviced this system so that the people could have influence on the course of research.
Edit - for further reference, techs we already have will be called Level 0 techs.
Now, onto the tech descriptions, for those who have lost their copy of the Standard Issue Tech Tree (and thank you for reading all that blather

Level 1 technologies:
Digital Sentience
Secret Projects: The Network Backbone
Social model: Cyberethics
Leads to: Applied Gravitonics, Self-Aware Machines, Sentient Econometrics
Centauri Genetics
Units: Locusts of Chiron
Secret Projects: The Pholus Mutagen
Leads to: Centauri Psi
Frictionless Surfaces
Equipment: Cloaking Device
Leads to: Quantum Power
Probability Mechanics
Equipment: Probability Sheath (Def 6)
Facilities: Tachyon Field
Leads to: Nanometallurgy
Level 2 technologies:
Self-Aware Machines
SPs: Nessus Mining Station, The Self-Aware Colony
Facilities: Orbital Defence Pod
Digital Sentience
Sentient Econometrics
Facilities: Paradise Garden
Digital Sentience
Quantum Power
Equipment: Quantum Chamber (Rx3)
Facilities: Quantum Lab
Frictionless Surfaces
Centauri Psi
Equipment: Psi Attack
Various Fungus Restrictions Eased
Centauri Genetics
Equipment: Deep Pressure Hull, Carrier Deck, Repair Bay
Probability Mechanics
We are currently researching Homo Superior (which leads to The Will to Power). As we can not research The Will to Power without Centauri Psi, TWTP was not included in this poll.
As a final note, here are the percentages of how we have completed the tech branches:
Explore - 52%
Discover - 63%
Build - 71%
Conquer - 86%
There. There never was a perfect tech poll, and I suspect this will follow the tradition... This concludes this public service announcement. Go forth and vote, dear citizens. This is The Basement, signing out.