Originally posted by Kloreep
I don't have any hard data, but I assumed you get those messages because of trade, research, and/or NA treaties like in MOO2.
MoO3 was designed from scratch by a different company and design team than MoO2. Given all the comments I have read on various sites (I have not played MoO2), I'd say it was very risky to assume anything in MoO3 was similar to the way it was in MoO2.
I know signing trade agreements and treaties generally causes another race to have a better view of you, but I have not observed a correlation between signing agreements and getting these messages. Sometimes you get one from an AI soon after you sign a TA and sometimes you have to wait until getting one of these messages before an AI will agree to a TA. Well that is my current observation anyway. Hence my question. What is the CAUSE and/or EFFECT of these messages?