lol.... just because the expansionist trait hasnt been 100% efficient, it doesnt mean that game is over for them since u have 2 traits.... traits although important have what effect: cheaper temple and no anarchy? admittadely thats a good bonus that id like to have but if i dont im far from OVER!..... i just capture 1-2 of your cities and not only am i not at a disadvantage but i have turned the tables... on the other hand if expansionist give me a few free techs and starts me off with 2-3 cities.... i have double to triple your starting capacity and my growth will be exponentially better (3 settlers simultaniously anyone?).... believe me all traits are great a good player(general/conqueror) just needs to know how to exploit their traits to max. efficiency while minimizing the enemies effects.
oh by the way my fav. arE:
Militaristic + Religous
those cheap temples allow my small cities to xpand their borders at start and stop unhapiness(oh this is so badly needed on emperor/deity lvl) and no anarchy is like statue of liberty on civ2!!!
militaristic is a good solid all era bonus... the veteran units u can build at start because ur barraks cost only 20 shield added to the fact that ur mor elikely to get elite units after are good enough already... but then u get ur first hero and decide against a rush job on wonder because ur playing emperor and every1 has built most good ones, you build your 3-unit army and start conqueriing your ass off, capturing more wonders than u ever dreamed and forcing those darn english who you had to pay . to be at peace with you (yes unlike my arrogant friend i am prepared to pay tribute etc. when i am weaker albeit english shoulda been prepared cuz i wanted revenge) to pay you 4 tech to now make peace not even considering you have 3 more towns tha nu started..
(my strat was to trade world maps and give em a little gold to accept the deal... i then look carefuly and found their weakspot: no iron... 1 horse near london, simple strat: pilage their horse roads... declaring war, then wait for em to use up some of teir horsemen etc. while defending with you 10-12 veteran horsemen backed by 2 spearmen vet. behind walls on "both" front line cities and 1 elite spearmen to push forward with the horses defending them vs enemies retaliation by horse/archers(this was a very early attack... an early attack is always neeed on emperor/deity to get somewhat closer to the othe enemies in terms of tech and cities.. BELIEVE ME!)...
wow that was fun... and wait you damn english till i get my samurai!! ooh im gonna kick ass with their well rounded 4 attack 4 defence and 2 move(i origionally wantede to play french... but loooooooool france have 3 attack 4 def. 1 movement and thats waiting till gunpowder to get the darn musketeers.... but japa gets 4/4/2 which chivalry..... game needs to boost france and english..... the 2 most powerful real life empires ade worst by infrogames...
theres my 200 cents