are the americans supose to land at D-day or they only bomb german cities??
Sorry, but I have no idea of what happens in the scenario after July 1942. Haven't gotten that far yet. Let me try to explain.
Downladed Red Front as well as the 3 articles from The Art of War about a month ago. Read the articles, started scenario using every described trick and tactic as well as scorched earth. Within 2 turns realized that I knew nothing about playing a scenario where the Stalin Line is a unit but a minefield is a terrain type, industry is a terrain improvement while a suburb is a terrain type, Stukas appear out of thin air, and the enemy gets stronger when you kill one of its units!! Clearly had to get better organized.
Made half page synopsis of Events for first year so I'd have some idea of how many units sprang up whenever a Wehrmacht or another was killed. Absolutely devastated at discovery that it didn' matter HOW it got killed. Obvious conclusion: don't even think of laying a finger on a Wehrmacht in the summer of 1941, just hope that not too many of them are suicidal.
Edited Pedia so effect of Wonders is at beginning of descriptive paragraph rather than at end where it cannot be seen. Very enlightening to see the important part.
Printed out summer and winter unit performance tables from Rules files.
Continued game, experimenting all the way. Fixed "Too many units" by deleting 100+ of the westernmost German units. Survived summer with no sweat, no big deal if fortified positions and batteries can be shipped around with gay abandon. Took out Finland. Discovered that some of the suggested strategies didn't work a damn, tested alternatives and tried out some old tactics. By July 1942 was holding absolutely impregnable line from Murmansk to Perekop with 100+ La-5's (no Luftwaffe), assembling invasion forces in Riga and Sevastopol and readying 100 Partisans for an offensive from Kiev. Quit game as too one-sided. Shouldn't have moved the bloody fortifications.
A week ago started new game. Using scorched earth, strategies described in "STAVKA orders" but no moving of fortifications
I think you can find the answer to your question by taking a look at the Events files, probably for 1944 or 1945. I really would prefer not to look at any more scenario files, it would take away too many of the surprises that this scenario appears to hold.